This was the second time that Shinobu Kocho and Goetia met, so they were already very familiar with each other. There was no sense of unfamiliarity after not seeing each other for a long time!

When Goetia came to this world, she felt that the environment was very different from the Type-Moon world.

Here, the degree of mana depletion was even more serious than that of the Type-Moon world.

In Type-Moon, the mana in the environment has been in a state of consumption since the Age of Gods. The life force in the human body is generally called the small source, and the life force in the outside world is called the large source. It is obvious that the amount of the large source is far greater than the small source. And mana is converted from these life forces.

Before the Age of Gods, it was in a cycle stage, and at that time, Gaia was not in any crisis. When the large source on the earth changed from circulation to consumption, there was the ending of FE and the Great Steel.

And this world is obviously in a similar situation and is about to go in another direction.

The end of the law is coming, and it can be said that the breathing methods of the Demon Slayer world will eventually decline.

This is indeed the case. After solving the problem of Muzan, this world also took the path of technological development and entered the modern era. Although it is not known whether these powerful forces will still exist at that time, Goetia estimates that the possibility is very small.

Because the current environment is not very good for Goetia, it will only get worse in the future.

Now, the magic power Goetia can obtain from the surroundings is not too little, it is almost gone. In other words, if Goetia uses magic and exhausts the magic power in her body, then Goetia will either use her life force to convert it into magic power, or switch to close combat.

Therefore, even if Goetia is very powerful, she has to use magic sparingly when she comes to this world.

Fortunately, strengthening magic is still very efficient. This kind of strengthening magic refers to magic that strengthens one's physical strength, which is still very suitable for Goetia. After all, like Solomon, Goetia is also a boxing king. In addition, the magic consumption of the fifth magic is also not high.

Aozaki Aoko's magic circuit is at the level of an ordinary magician, but her rotation speed, durable structure, magic quality and utilization rate are all beyond the norm. Simply activating the magic circuit will generate sound waves. The speed of generating magic power is even faster than the speed of blood flow.

Of course, Goetia is not much worse now.

In short, at this moment, the cost-effectiveness of using the fifth magic is higher than that of using ordinary magic. This makes Goetia feel good, just right, to deepen her control of the fifth magic.

After coming here, Kocho Shinobu is ready to leave for the Infinite Train

"Don't be so anxious, there is still time to reach what I saw."

After hearing what Goetia said, Kocho Shinobu also breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, she suddenly thought of something.

"Lord Goetia is here, how about Lord Goetia help us get rid of Muzan?"

Goetia shook his head and responded,"If we meet him, it's no problem for me to help you solve it. But even I don't know where he is, so I have no idea where to start. Didn't you, the Demon Slayer Corps, just get some news about Muzan through a child?"

"But doesn’t Lord Goetia have clairvoyance?"

"The clairvoyance is indeed correct, but what I can see is either the past or the future. I can tell you that he will attack the Ubuyashiki residence in the future. However, that will take a long time, and I should not be able to stay in this world for so long."

Gaetia's words surprised me even more. Muzan will attack the lord? He must tell the lord.

However, the time is uncertain, so in the end he just asked others to be prepared. If it was Merlin, it would be more appropriate. With present vision, he can observe the entire world, and it is not difficult to find Muzan. Unfortunately, Gaia has future vision and past vision. Moreover, the current Muzan has not gone to the Infinite City, otherwise, he could just kill him in the Infinite City.

Since there is no way to get rid of Muzan at once, Shinobu Kocho gave up. However, she kept in mind what Gaetia just said, that Muzan would attack the Ubuyashiki residence. After that, she must communicate with other members of the Demon Slayer Corps.

""Lord Goetia, if that's the case, then let's set off tomorrow. It's better to deal with that Upper 3 as soon as possible!"

Although Goetia said that the time was not up yet, Shinobu Kocho couldn't bear it anymore.

Goetia didn't refuse, but made a request.

"What? Lord Goetia wants a Nichirin Sword? So Lord Goetia is also a good swordsman?"

When Goetia asked for a Nichirin Sword, Shinobu Kocho was a little surprised. Although Goetia had shown his skills as a melee magician before, it always felt like swords and Goetia didn't go well together.

"No, I can't use a knife. But I have a feeling that I will need it this time."

Goetia really can't use it, and she didn't lie to Shinobu Kocho.

Since Goetia asked, Shinobu Kocho agreed. Originally, Shinobu Kocho was going to make a special one, but Goetia said that just any one would do. This is very simple, but the departure time is set for the day after tomorrow.

During the period, Shinobu Kocho took Goetia to visit the Demon Slayer Corps base.

And Goetia also met the four little ones. The main thing is that it is difficult not to notice this group of little ghosts. There are Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma and Inosuke Hashibira, plus Shinobu Kocho's stepson Kanao Kurikaruri. The four of them are training here, so Goetia easily found them. Of course, they also found Goetia.

There was Shinobu Kocho around, and several people just thought Goetia was Shinobu Kocho's friend.

But at this moment, Inosuke's strong intuition realized that Goetia was not simple���even...That beast-like instinct sensed danger.


""Pig rushes!"

Inosuke actually rushed directly towards Gaetia. They were training, so they didn't have swords. Even so, Inosuke rushed directly towards Gaetia with a wild boar headgear. Tanjiro and Zenitsu were shocked.

""Inosuke, stop!"

Tanjiro wanted to call out to Inosuke, but unfortunately, Inosuke wouldn't listen at this moment.

Only Kanao Kurika had a calm face, or more accurately, a paralyzed face.

On Gaetia's side, Shinobu Kocho also had a headache. These three guys, especially Inosuke, are really troublesome. Of course, the other two are not much better. Thinking about it this way, her stepson is still the best.

Just as Shinobu Kocho was about to make a move to stop Inosuke, Gaetia waved her hand, indicating that she would play with the little guy.

Shinobu Kocho was still very surprised by Gaetia's reaction.

No However, Shinobu Kocho had no intention of stopping him.

Inosuke rushed over directly, trying to attack Gaetia with his head. But Gaetia dodged it easily. Gaetia even grabbed Inosuke's waistband with one hand, then turned the power and threw Inosuke to the remaining three children.

Tanjiro was about to catch Inosuke, but he soon felt something was wrong. The other person actually followed Inosuke who flew back and kicked him.

This won't work, Inosuke will definitely be kicked.

So, in order to protect Inosuke, Tanjiro hugged... Inosuke fell to the ground and dodged the kick.

But Agatsuma Zenitsu behind him was hit hard, and was kicked away by Goetia.

Fortunately, Goetia did not intend to seriously injure them, so he held back. Tanjiro was obviously a little embarrassed, and dodged with Inosuke, but he did not expect that Agatsuma Zenitsu behind him would be hit. However, Tanjiro then saw that the opponent was grabbing towards him again.

This would not work, Tanjiro wanted to dodge, and had already taken action.

Unfortunately, Goetia was faster, and grabbed Tanjiro directly, and then threw another kick at Inosuke. The two of them went over and collided directly with each other.

The force of the attack was not strong, but at this moment, the three kids were obviously aroused. They stood up and attacked Gaetia. This time, the three of them besieged Gaetia, and Gaetia himself just dodged.

No matter how the three attacked, they could not hit Gaetia.

This scene, in the eyes of Shinobu Kocho, was simply a joke.

However, at this moment, Shinobu Kocho had a sudden thought and started the live broadcast. So, the scene of Gaetia teasing the three children was directly broadcast live to the group.

【Ichinose Honoki]: Huh? Fighting?

This was the second live broadcast she saw, and she saw Goetia bullying a child.

【[Water Goddess Aqua]: Bah, Goetia is such a scoundrel, bullying even a child. Come on, let's condemn him together!

【Kato Megumi: These kids seem really amazing.

【Sindra: I feel like Lord Goetia is not bullying the children, but teaching them.

【[Water Goddess Aqua]: Sindra, you are lying, aren't you? Are you really a disciple of Gaetia?

Seeing these comments, Shinobu Kocho, who was broadcasting live, also explained with a smile:"After Lord Gaetia came here, he was harassed by these little ghosts. Now, it is indeed a guide." After explaining to the group, Shinobu Kocho turned to Kanao Kurihana and said

""Kanaho, you come along too. You are allowed to use the Nichirin Sword!"

With Shinobu Kocho's words, Kanao Kurikaraku also took action directly. Her speed was much faster and sharper.

After all, it was different with a sword.

After Kanao Kurikaraku joined, the other three kids who were taught by Gaetia in turn were obviously much more relaxed. At this point in time, Kanao Kurikaraku was still a little stronger. However, something that shocked the three iron-headed kids soon happened.

Kanao Kurikaraku's sword was actually caught by the opponent with bare hands.

Vacuum catching a blade.

Although it was not the posture of a beast of mercy, Gaetia was still impeccable in terms of melee awareness. Moreover, the strength of the four little ones was not strong enough. However, compared to before the injury, it was also very good. At least now they have learned to concentrate and hit.

In the process of being beaten just now, Gaetia still felt that they had entered this state.

It's a pity that in the face of absolute strength, the gap is still too big.

"Tsk tsk, you are too weak to be as good as this girl!"

Gaitia finally spoke, but he was talking to the three iron-headed kids. As for Kanao Kurika, Gaitia let go of the knife and said again:"This girl is not bad."

0If you want to read the exciting novels, please go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The three iron-headed kids were very ashamed and angry. At present, they were still not as good as Kanao Kurika, and they were also helpless. Especially Inosuke, when he heard others say that he was not as good as someone, he almost broke free from Tanjiro's restraints and attacked again.

However, he was finally held back.

After that, Gaitia didn't say much. These guys were very talented, and what they had to do was to put some pressure on them.

Gaitia then returned to Shinobu Kocho and found that Shinobu Kocho was a little strange

"You are..."

"It's live!"


Gaetia also took out the chat group, and sure enough, the screen showed himself and Kocho Shinobu, and even saw the messages sent by some people before.

"Humph, Aqua, next time you face the Demon King, don’t come to me for help. I’ll come over and beat you up first!"

【Water Goddess Aqua]: Eh? What's wrong with me? That was definitely not what I sent. Also, what did you see?...Could you tell me, especially what you said before about being careful?...

Aqua was really frightened by Gaetia.

The main reason was that Gaetia was not wrong at the moment, and she was worried that he would say something right again. Recently, she had been staying in the Adventurer's Guild and not going out to level up.

But unfortunately, Gaetia did not answer.

And Kocho Shinobu also turned off the live broadcast, and then walked in front of the three little ones.

"You four, stay here for the next few days. I will leave tomorrow."

Kohiko Shinobu didn't want to take them with her, but Goetia spoke again.

"Take them with you the day after tomorrow. I'm here, so don't worry about their safety!"

In Goetia's memory, the three iron-headed kids seemed to have also gone to the Infinite Train. Moreover, if the others died, these iron-headed kids would not die either.

"Eh? Are we going on a mission the day after tomorrow? Great, I'm getting rusty!" Inosuke no longer had the previous anger, only excitement. Tanjiro was also okay, as for Agatsuma Zenitsu, he seemed a little reluctant, but had to accept it.

Regarding Goetia's proposal, Shinobu Kocho thought about it and agreed, but Kanao Kurikara stayed and did not go with them. In fact, Goetia didn't need to say anything, because on the second day, a crow came to deliver instructions.

It was the order for the three Iron Head Kids to go to the Infinite Train, so this time they happened to be with Goetia and Shinobu Kocho.

"So, is it okay for you to leave here? You don't have any transfer orders, right? Otherwise, I can take these three little guys with me." Goetia asked. Butterfly

Shinobu finally shook her head.

"It's okay, I don't have any mission for the time being!"

The key is that Gaetia is worried about these three iron-headed kids. Of course, she is not referring to their safety. With Gaetia around, the safety of the three will be no problem. But, when there is no safety, they are the hidden dangers. It will be bad if they accidentally provoke Gaetia.

So, someone still has to watch them.

In this way, the time to set off soon arrived. Gaetia also got a good-looking Sun Wheel Sword and played with it casually. Then Kocho Shinobu discovered that Gaetia was really not very good at using a sword, and Gaetia really didn't lie to her.

Gaetia's swordsmanship even caused Inosuke to laugh at her.

Then, Kocho Shinobu directly hit her on the head with a bump.

"I really can't do it now, but I will be able to do it soon."

Goetia didn't care. Just because I can't do it now doesn't mean I won't do it in the future. Goetia felt that the future was not far away, and it might even happen during this battle. Goetia's riddle man attribute broke out again, leaving the people around him confused.

But it didn't matter. They set off.

"Eh? Is that your sister on your back?"Gaetia saw the box behind Tanjiro.

"Yes, yes. Her name is Nezuko Kamado!"

Gaetia nodded, and then said,"Can I take a look?"

Several people found a cool place, Nezuko climbed out of the box, looked around, and found that someone she didn't know was looking at her. Instinctively, Nezuko crawled behind Tanjiro.

""Lord Goetia, are you sure?"

Goetia finally shook her head. She didn't know much about creatures like ghosts, so she didn't want to do anything more. It would be bad if it caused a bad reaction.

Seeing Goetia shaking her head, Tanjiro was still a little disappointed.

In this regard, Goetia said comfortingly:"Although there is no way, don't worry too much. I saw that within a few months, this little ghost girl should not be afraid of the sun, and even her language ability will be restored."

Goetia's words immediately caused great shock.

"real...Really? Lord Goetia. She regained her ability to speak and is no longer afraid of the sun. Does that mean Nezuko has turned back into a human? How did she turn back?"Shinobu Kocho asked.

"No, it's not that you've returned to being human, it's just that as a ghost, you're no longer afraid of the sun. This should be related to a flower you ate when you were a child!" I

'm asking for data at the beginning of the month, some free flowers and comments.

: ᛖᛗᛈᛏᛁ: ᛟᚾᛖ

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