Goetia's live broadcast continued, and everyone in the group was witnessing the destruction of this world.

The ground shaking did not stop because the Tower of the End was completely detached. On the contrary, it became more intense.

Where the Tower of the End was before, there is now only a huge hole. A large amount of magic power leaked out from the inside of the world. For magicians, it is good news, but this situation cannot last. Soon, the wall on the inside of the world was restored to block this thing, but the outer layer became precarious.

Moreover, in this situation, it is not the time to entangle magic power.

The entire human society was severely destroyed at this moment.

As for the three major magic associations, except for the Wandering Sea that has not appeared for a long time, the other two, the Clock Tower and the Atlas Academy, were all affected. Among them, the Clock Tower was particularly affected.

Because it is near Great Britain, not too far from the Holy Lance Rungomyniad. The impact it received is of course the greatest.

In the east, the largest spiral tube also suffered huge losses, but there was no movement in the Mountain Court.

Goetia, who was in the sky, watched this scene quietly, without stopping it, nor could he stop it.

As the beginning of the blank paper, on the replica of the earth, Chaldeas Sphere, humans were killed by trees piercing their hearts directly. The humans on the earth are much better now. At least, they were not completely wiped out at the first time. There is still room for struggle. Look, Goetia, who has been watching for so long, finally sensed a little difference.

A strong breath appeared on the earth.

Although at this time, a large number of the magic association's trump cards appeared at this moment. But in Goetia's eyes, there is no way to call it strong.

There is someone else who really makes Goetia feel that his strength is quite strong.

In Type-Moon, there is a kind of blood-sucking species, just like the vampires in Western legends. Among them, those who become blood-sucking species after birth are called dead apostles! And the blood-sucking species born from birth are called true ancestors.

What is born from birth? It is a creature that sucks blood directly born naturally from the earth and other ways. These people are called true ancestors, such as Elquet.

However, in this world view in the game, true ancestors do not exist, or this title does not exist.

However, there are also similar beings. That is, they are blood-sucking species that survive by absorbing energy. They are not magical beasts or fantasy beasts, but terminals that occur in the inner sea of the earth to manage the surface... elves. For example, mustard seed, also known as poppy. (The world of Tsukihime is called the True Ancestor, and the world of FGO cannot be called the True Ancestor, but as long as the two worlds overlap, there is not much difference between the two.)

It is these elves that appear at this moment, and what these elves are doing is to collect Texture.

This ability is called event collection.

Event collection is the ability of the planet's touch. Collect things that grow on the surface of the planet in the form of concepts or physics. Confiscate all creations produced on the surface of the planet-Texture. It is a power-level ability according to the standards of gods, but this is a function possessed by the planet, so it should be called a system rather than a skill.

So, these elves are actually related to Gaia?

Of course, if it is Elquit who collects, it may be possible to collect all the Textures on the surface of the earth, but Goetia has not seen the strongest True Ancestor. These elves are dividing the texture of the entire surface of the earth and then collecting them all.

Now, the things that Goetia sees are things that have never appeared in the game. This truth still surprised Goetia. As for the clairvoyance, due to the editing of human principles, the future has already been extremely chaotic. Therefore, you can't see anything with the clairvoyance. To be more precise, this period of history edited by human principles has been completely blocked. As for the ending, at least it is still developing in the direction of the Land of Steel.

And at this moment, Goetia's clairvoyance saw a figure. Just now I said that I was affected, but I can still see it. This should be that the other party deliberately let you see it.

Then Goetia turned off the live broadcast.

This made the people in the group unable to see the picture all of a sudden.

【[Water Goddess Aqua]: Ah, it’s not over yet, how can you turn off the live broadcast?

【Yakumo Yukari]: Perhaps, Goetia has something inconvenient.

【Kato Megumi: So, is Lord Goetia's world going to be destroyed?

No one in the group could answer this question. They were all seeing this kind of scene for the first time, and they were all still a little shocked. In the face of such a world-destroying disaster, no matter what technology there was, it seemed to be useless.

Yes, in the live broadcast just now, the appearance of the Type-Moon world was clearly seen by everyone. It was a modern world with relatively advanced technology. But even so, it was nothing in the face of such a disaster.

Because of this disaster, everyone in the group gathered together to discuss it.

Outside, the person Goetia saw finally arrived in front of Goetia.

"As a beast of mercy, what do you feel at this moment?"

The person who came was Gaia. As the will of the earth, she appeared in front of Gaetia again and asked Gaetia a question.

"I am a human being, what can I feel?"

Gaia just smiled at Gaetia's answer.

"However, I am very curious, why did you save humans? You should not care about the life and death of humans, right?"

Goetia asked back.

Those True Ancestors (elves) outside are like the touch of the earth. If it weren't for Gaia, Goetia didn't believe that they would appear together and collect Texture here. Even if it was Alaya, it would be difficult to persuade these elves.���, that is not easy, at least Gaia can't object.

Facing Goetia's doubts, Gaia still gave an answer

"I really don't care about the existence of humans, but Alaya convinced me"

"What's the meaning?"

"You should have some guesses, right? This compilation of human order has the shadows of both of us!"

Goetia said nothing, but nodded, indicating that she had indeed thought of this.

Seeing this, Gaia continued to smile and said,"The compilation of human order again was indeed initiated by that human from Chaldea, and it was planned a long time ago. If you had completely burned human history before, then this compilation of human order might not have happened."

"But unfortunately, you failed. I was optimistic about you, but now that you have failed, this re-editing of human order can no longer be organized. And we actually have no intention of stopping it. We think that we can take this opportunity to find new possibilities to cross that ending."

Gaia's explanation matched Goetia's guess.

Human history has developed to the present, and it has become a huge quantum belt. Including the future, and the re-editing of human order is actually to bleach all future records on the quantum belt of human history, and then re-edit a development path.

Find a more reasonable path to cross the ending of the Steel Land. From this point of view, Gaia and Alaya actually do not object.

But, Marisbilian Animusphia is for himself, not for the earth or for mankind. It is for himself to reach the root, and thus compile a possibility that makes the entire human race bear the stigma of the most despicable creature since the birth of the 13.8 billion light-year observable universe.

Therefore, although Gaia and Alaya do not oppose the re-editing of human order, they obviously have different purposes.

"But what does this have to do with you helping humans store Texture now?"

"It doesn't matter. I was just convinced by Alaya. If humans are destroyed and a new race is born, then without the restrictions of Alaya, it may not be good news for this planet. For example, when those mecha gods come, humans are also needed to resist them, right?"

Gaia explained so, and Goetia understood.

Why did the mecha gods and Zeus come to Earth? Whether it is the pan-human history or the upcoming Lostbelt, the original purpose of Zeus and other mecha gods was to plunder energy, but because of some influences, they had internal conflicts. Therefore, Zeus and others stayed on Earth.

Among them, the role played by humans is still very large. If there were no humans, these mecha gods might have collected all the energy of the earth and handed it over to Chaos.

Whether it is the pan-human history or the Lostbelt, these mecha gods betrayed Chaos (in the Lostbelt, Zeus rebelled again), which undoubtedly shows that humans have definitely played a huge role. Therefore, it is understandable that Gaia, under the persuasion of Alaya, reluctantly helped humans.

"Oh, yes, you are also responsible for this."

Gaia floated beside Goetia, turned around and continued,"You are the first one who said you wanted to save me....Humans. And they are indeed taking action, so I decided to help humans, which is not a bad idea." (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

What Gaia said was exactly what Goetia had brought back before.

This surprised Goetia a little.

But after understanding the general situation, Goetia was also ready to leave. Blank paper cannot be completed in a short time, at least two to three months.

During this time, Goetia might as well go to the water group or explore the new world.

"Forget it, I have nothing to do with humans now, so you can do whatever you want. I won’t bother you.

After saying that, Gaetia was about to leave.

However, when the space gap was opened, Gaia stopped Gaetia.

"I think you can help now!"


Gaia, as the will of the earth, is helping humans whom she barely dislikes, and even dragging herself, a human evil, to help. What kind of a joke is this?

"Hey, don’t you admit that you are a human being at this time?"

Gaia looked at Gaetia innocently, leaving Gaetia speechless.

"Tell me, what can I do?"

In fact, Goetia did not refuse to help humans. Neither the young Jiang Fan nor the Human King Goetia had any objection. Even in the game, the Human King went to various Lostbelts and helped humans. Not only the humans in the pan-human history, but also the humans in the Lostbelts were helped. It is enough to see that the Human King really regards humans as his own kind.

In Chapter 2.1, he called himself"a man from Chaldea" and saved Yago from a village. In Chapter 2.2, he strengthened the barrier of Gerda's village. In Chapter 2.3, he talked to the little boy. In Chapter 2.4, he cured everyone in the plague village. These are all things the Human King has done in the game.

0 Ask for flowers 0

So, facing Gaia's request at this moment, Goetia did not refuse.

Seeing Goetia say this, the white-haired girl smiled and then explained.

"Compared to those elves, you can actually store the most textures. Because you can create singularities, and using singularities to store textures is better than those elves storing textures in the inner sea of the star!"

"Wait, you mean Textures will be stored inside the world?"

"Of course, the texture of this world will be replaced soon, so the original texture can only be put away. There is no place to put the texture outside, so there is only enough space inside the world."

"What about those humans?"

"Haha, what can we do? If we can adapt, we can survive. Otherwise, we will die."

Avalon is the inner side of the world. The concentration of magic in it can drown an ordinary person, and the same is true for magicians. So, if we really want to go in, how much will humans have to pay to adapt? And what Gaia said is to use singularities to store Texture

���The method is undoubtedly very simple. The singularity is an abnormal world separated from the normal timeline.

It is already a separate world. Although it is an abnormal world, the current situation itself is abnormal.

""Okay, I've told you what I need to say. The next thing depends on your choice. I'm leaving now." Gaia said, and then thought about it again, showing a strange smile:"By the way, I haven't given you any reward for the energy you brought back last time, so I'll leave this thing here with you."

A strange thing was thrown by Gaia, and Goetia instinctively caught it.

Gaia left, and Goetia looked at the thing thrown by Gaia, and was suddenly speechless.

"Ah this..."

The Holy Spear Longomyniad was held by Goetia like a small model.

Goetia was completely shocked. Gaia put this thing here. Is this a reward? Uh, if the Holy Spear is not a reward, then what else is it? But this matter scared Goetia. Do you really think that your title of the Beast of Mercy is a bluff? Aren't you afraid of poking the earth yourself?

However, poking the earth is just to open the inside of the world. On the contrary, it can cause great harm to humans, which is good news for Gaia who doesn't care much about humans.

In the original game, the Human King didn't hold this Holy Spear.

Either there is no record in the game, or Gaia's favorability towards him has increased, so he gave it to him. In any case, it is a big win for Goetia. The Holy Spear is in Gaia's hands, which also confirms from the side that Gaia and Alaya are definitely involved in the compilation of human reason.

The Tower of the End is not so easy to pick up.

What Goetia has to do now is to create a singularity.

The Great Light Wheel appeared again, this time not to burn away the human principle, but to connect to the fifth magic and escape from the timeline. Then, Goetia suddenly remembered something.

【Goetia: Sindra, did I fill that cup of yours with magic power?

【Syndra: Not yet...It's only less than half of what's stored. This cup can store too much magic power.

【Goetia: Okay....

Originally, Goetia wanted to use Syndra's stored magic power, since she had plenty of it. However, the time she was given was too short, and not even one cup was full. So, in the end, she had to make it herself. But Goetia was in a dilemma at the moment.

Her own magic power was not enough. Without burning human principles, Goetia's own magic power was not enough to support the creation of multiple holy grails that could maintain the stability of the singularity. The one she gave to Spider-Girl was made when the void was burned, and the one for Syndra was just a useless empty cup.

After all, her own magic attribute was only A+, not EX level. And she would definitely have to make more than one holy grail.

And then...Gaetia saw the holy spear in her hand.

Gaia must have done it on purpose.

The holy spear, Longomyniad, is the device that connects the two worlds.���The magic power in the inner world is very sufficient. The little bit that leaked out after putting away the Holy Lance made the magic power around much thicker.

Now that I am almost out of magic power, I will poke the earth with the Holy Lance to release a little bit of magic power. Gaia should not mind, after all, the Holy Lance was given to me by her. And Alaya should not say anything.

Anyway, I am helping her, and then Alaya will owe me a favor. Well, it is not impossible to give a crown spiritual base when I go to another world.

PS: The collection of events comes from the new setting of Tsukihime R. In the game, it is not explained where the humans in the pan-human history went, so we can only speculate, and I will just give some milk here. It is not wrong and it does not affect the main storyline. Please give flowers and three votes for comments.

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