【Sindra: Why has no one spoken for so long? Are you scared?

【Sindra】:@Lai Yueang@Akusis Cultist Kato Megumi@Water Goddess Aqua Tsk tsk, are you all scared?

【[Sindra]: I'm not afraid, I'll just be a demon. If you can get me out of this hellhole, I can be a minion of the demon.

【[Ray Yueang]: In exchange for Lady Yakumo Yukari's ability, you really are not afraid of anything.

【[Sindra]: Nonsense, I still need half of the points. If I don't join the group, how can I get out? Lai Yueang is not afraid of death.jpg

【Axis Cultist Kato Megumi]: Stop wasting time in the group, the group files have been updated

【Axis Cultist Kato Megumi: Screenshot

The above is the new ability file.

File [Summoning Technique EX]: Magic that summons spirits from the past or the future, and can directly summon the"Seventy-two Demon Pillars". Single or multiple is determined by the strength of the summoner. Uploader Goetia Required Points 6500

【Lai Yueang]: Wow, it takes so many points, it's higher than the ability of Lady Yakumo Yukari

【Axis Cultist Kato Megumi]: The Demon Pillar, I feel like it's something from Cthulhu, so scary

【Sindra: It seems that Lady Yakumo Yukari's ability is more suitable for me. This ability is not suitable for me to escape from this hellhole. Besides, it's too expensive. Oh, I'd better continue to save points in the group.

【[Goetia]: Um, what about the points you mentioned?

After Goetia spoke, there was a one-minute silence in the group. This made Goetia think that he was about to fall into the most embarrassing situation. After all, when chatting in the group, the originally lively group became silent as soon as he sent a message.

This situation can be said to be extremely embarrassing.

Fortunately, Sindra responded.

【Sindra: Lord Goetia, it is very simple to get points. First, just be active in the group every day. The most active person will be awarded the title of Dragon King. There will also be rewards. Second, Lord Goetia can check his wallet. As long as you upload something, you can actually get the corresponding points. Both administrators know this.

【Lai Yueang: Yes, yes.

【Axis cultist Kato Megumi】:+1

【[Goetia]: I see, thank you. You're welcome. You're welcome*

3Goetia's thanks made several people respond in a hurry, but they were still surprised. So polite, is he really the villain boss?

After getting Sindra's reply, Goetia didn't know where to complain about the setting of the Dragon King title. But he immediately found the location of the wallet, and there were indeed 6,500 points in it. It's still good to have a chat group that doesn't make a profit from the difference in the middle.

It's enough to exchange for the ability from Yakumo Yukari. However, at present, Goetia only plans to exchange for teleportation. As for Aqua's blessing, wait and see for the time being.

Without thinking too much, Goetia directly chose to download the file [Space Rift Teleportation Basic Edition], and then a stream of information directly merged into his mind. Moreover, just like instinct, Goetia used this ability. As if he had studied it for a long time, he was very familiar with this ability.

Goetia used this ability very naturally.

Then, he immediately moved from the throne to the edge of the Crown Time Temple. Although the distance was not far, Goetia could sense that the distance he could move was definitely much farther than this....There is no boundary. Yes, there is no boundary. Goetia cannot sense the temporary boundary, at least in this world.

As for teleportation across worlds, it is not possible for the time being, unless the complete version of the ability is obtained. However, even so, Goetia is very satisfied, which means that she can move freely on the earth. This ability is somewhat similar to the ability of a person named Gao Yanskaya that she saw with her clairvoyance.

I just don't know if this ability can directly pass through the Storm Wall and reach the Lostbelt directly when the Lostbelt appears.

In short, Goetia is still very happy at this moment. Returning to the throne, he looked at the group again.

At this moment, the group has actually become active again. After all, if Goetia guessed correctly, Sindra should not have escaped from the seal. That's why she has so much time to chat in the group. Moreover, she talks a lot. Because she is a sealed person, no one talks to her. Therefore, she is extremely active in the group and becomes a chatterbox.

This is not just to save points in exchange for Yakumo Yukari's ability. It is also because this may be the only place where she can relieve her boredom.

As for the two administrators seen in the group before, Yakumo Yukari only occasionally replied to the words of Raiyue Ang, Kato Megumi and Sindra in the group. As for the other administrator Aqua, she didn't bubble up at all at this moment. I don't know if it's because she was banned before, so she feels a little guilty.

After watching for a while, Goetia ignored it for the time being.

There are only seven people in the group, and there is also a Kocho Shinobu, who has not spoken yet. So, in fact, there is not much chat.

PS: The strength of the Demon Pillar has always been a mystery. After all, there is a huge gap in performance before and after. But what is certain is that it is not at the level of the three gold targets, but it requires several first-class servants to solve it.

In addition, the gap between the individual 72 Demon Pillars is also very huge. For example, a demon pillar that was roasted by C-zi is ridiculously weak.

So it is speculated that the strength of the general Demon Pillar may be similar to the sea demon summoned by the marshal in the Fourth Holy Grail War. It was defeated by several first-class servants or even king-level servants. For ordinary humans, it is indeed a huge disaster.

New book, please ask for data, flowers, and evaluation votes

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