"I won't accept you as my teacher!"

The seven-year-old hero Julius firmly opposed, but Potimas Parfenas didn't care at all.

"Don't worry, you won't refuse. I will modify your memory, and after today, your father will know that the teacher you hired colluded with the demons. And I protected you, and you will think that I am your mentor! Hahahaha"

The guard looked solemn at the same time as Julius.

Kocho Shinobu was trying to find a way to leave, but unfortunately, she encountered a barrier.

"It's useless. You can't escape from the magic barrier. I can't let you who know the truth escape." Potimas Pafenas attacked again. Julius was too young, and his guards were all dead. The only one left was also seriously injured.

So Potimas Pafenas attacked these selected brave teachers first.

Shinobu Kocho avoided Potimas Pafenas' attack, but the others were not so lucky. Originally, she was seriously injured by Potimas Pafenas' sneak attack before, and now she was completely killed by Potimas Pafenas.

""Huh? Interesting!"

Potimas Parvenus attacked Kocho Shinobu again, with a large amount of magic attacking Kocho Shinobu, but Kocho Shinobu's agile body was able to dodge it. She even launched a counterattack against Potimas Parvenus.

Since there was no way to leave now, Kocho Shinobu could only fight. It would be enough to defeat Potimas Parvenus, so Kocho Shinobu used the breathing method and fought with Potimas Parvenus at the same time.

Potimas Parvenus was the king of the elves and was very powerful. He could be regarded as the top strong man in the world. Of course

, this excludes the Demon King and the Dragon God's clones beside the Demon King. In the future, when Spider Girl evolves into Spider Girl, she will be able to fight with his clones. It is enough to see that Potimas Parvenus is quite strong.

So, although Shinobu Kocho is also very strong. But after all, it is still in the human realm, and there is still a gap between her and Potimas Parvenus. Moreover, as a swordsman, she is very unfavorable to the magician when she cannot close the combat distance, so she quickly fell into a disadvantage.

"Why hasn't the boss come yet?..."

This was what Shinobu Kocho was thinking. There were only four people left. The brave Julius, the seriously injured guard, plus her and the elf. So, the situation is still very critical.

As for Goetia and Sindra at the moment

, they are actually already in action. Sindra directly used magic to kill several demons and tested the level of the demons. She found that they were not as good as her at all, and then she lost interest. Sindra's strength is the peak of humanity, and it is also top-notch in this world.

Not as good as those gods, but under the gods, there is definitely no one stronger than her. Goetia speculated that Sindra's level should also be the level of the Demon King. It's just that the means of attack mastered by Sindra are a bit single.

At this moment, the two of them were also ready to move directly. After sensing the breath of Shinobu Kocho not far away, the space rift opened and the two walked in....

Seeing Shinobu Kocho being defeated again by Potimas Parfenas, the guards around Julius were a little desperate. Now the only one they could count on was the brave teacher named Shinobu Kocho. But obviously, the other party was no match for the elf.

However, just when he was in despair, Julius beside him pulled his arm.

"Look, what is that?"

As the guard stared in shock, a crack suddenly appeared next to him, and two figures walked out of the crack.

Feeling the aura of Goetia and Sindra, Kochi Shinobu was also overjoyed.

""Lord Goetia, you are finally here."

Potimas Parfenas also stopped attacking Kocho Shinobu, turned around and saw Goetia and Sindra, his pupils shrank. However, it was not Goetia that made his pupils shrank. Goetia in the disguised state actually had a very normal aura. What really shocked Potimas Parfenas was that he actually felt a huge pressure from this woman.

"Space magic? Who are you?"

In all the intelligence networks of Potimas Parfenas over the years, he had never thought of the information about Goetia and Sindra. So, at this moment, he was a little solemn.

"Haha, Shinobu Kocho, it's a little late, sorry, but I'm here anyway, so let's deal with the business first...."

Goetia was about to take action, but was interrupted by Sindra

"Wait, Lord Goetia!"


"Wait until I start the live broadcast, then we can do it. I forgot to broadcast live last time, so I can't forget it this time!"

Sindra's answer made Goetia and Kocho Shinobu a little speechless, but there are enemies here now. Julius also felt a little strange, and the guards around him didn't know what to say at this moment. Although he didn't know what live broadcast was, it was too dangerous to be so careless with the enemy beside him!

In the chat group, the live broadcast was turned on again at this moment.

The idle Kato Megumi and Leyue Ang took their positions first and started eating melons, while the other two administrators seemed to be away.

【[Lei Yueang]: Are we going to fight again? I feel so passionate.

【Kocho Shinobu]: I'm not passionate, this is a battle, people will die.

The two's words floated across Kocho Shinobu and Sindra's eyes in the form of barrage. Sindra also explained again.

"I forgot to broadcast Lord Goetia's live broadcast last time, so I can't miss it this time. Okay, Lord Goetia can start now!"


Potimas Parvenus was also extremely angry.���The woman under pressure was not prepared to attack, but this ordinary man. Coupled with Sindra's neglect, Potimas Parfenas was very dissatisfied. He took the lead in launching a magic attack, but was blocked by Goetia's magic shield.

Goetia also directly changed the venue, and the Temple of Time was opened again, causing everyone to be surprised.

""Huh? Changed location?"

On the battlefield, Shinobu Kocho came to Sindra and was amazed at the changing scenery around her. Sindra was not much better, and the other seriously injured guard was shocked.

Have you ever heard of a magic barrier like this? Judging from the surrounding environment, this is already a real special little world. As for the brave Julius, he was just curious.

Of course, Potimas Parfenas, who was the target of this time, changed his face at this moment. He could not feel the MA energy....

I need data for my new book, and I want the free flowers and evaluation votes from all the readers.

Thanks 138*****283 This reader gave me a reward, so I added one more chapter on top of the explosive chapter on the day of the release.

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