【[Le Yueang]: I always feel like Lady Goetia, Sindra, and Miss Kocho Shinobu are all in a dungeon.

【Kato Megumi: Oh, now that you mention it, they really do look alike.

【[Water Goddess Aqua]: Instances, are they the ones in your world games?

As a goddess, Aqua knew about Earth before Kazuma traveled through time, and even brought many travelers to the other world, so she knew the name of Earth.

【[Lai Yueang]: That’s right, Lord Gaetia and the others have been fighting monsters, so I miss them very much. And there is no one in this place. In the chat group, a group of people looked at the three people who were killing monsters and talked.

The fact is just as they talked about. At this moment, Solomon (Gaetia), Sindra and Kocho Shinobu have been walking for a long time, but along the way, they have encountered either monkeys or wolves, spiders and lizards.

It’s just like fighting monsters in the game.

Even Sindra couldn’t help but say,"When will this end, Lord Gaetia, why don’t you just shuttle through the gap and take us away from here. There is nothing here except these monsters...."

Goetia also responded to Sindra's complaint.

"Don't worry, I seem to sense someone coming. Besides, it was Kocho Shinobu who attacked later, and you didn't attack much, so you're not tired!"

Kocho Shinobu: Is it possible? I want to go out too?

However, after hearing Goetia say that someone was coming, both of them became interested.

As Goetia said, they soon saw traces of people. But...It was a group of people.

They were chasing something. When they got closer, the three of them could see clearly what they were chasing.

In front of the group of people, there was a small spider. Spiders were already very weak in this underground cave, but this little spider managed to dodge the attacks of these humans at a very high speed. However, when it saw the front, the little spider became obviously anxious.

In front of it were Solomon (Goetia), Sindra and Kocho Ninja.

Seeing the little spider, Solomon (Goetia) inexplicably saw a trace of emotion from the other party. This was incredible. How could some complex emotions appear in a spider? Moreover, the clairvoyance was activated.

Looking at the little spider, Solomon (Goetia) couldn't hold it back.

Because, he really saw something. Did this spider evolve so fast? In the scenery he saw, this little spider evolved many times in a very short period of time. However, even after evolving many times, it still looked like a spider. Solomon (Goetia) still didn't understand why he felt familiar.

While Solomon (Goetia) was lost in thought, Kocho Shinobu was ready to take action.

In Kocho Shinobu's cognition, since someone came out, of course, it was to help humans. So Kocho Shinobu was ready to take action on this little spider, at least to help these people stop this spider monster, so as to talk to these people.

However, when Kocho Shinobu was about to take action, Solomon (Goetia) stopped him.

It was at this time that Kocho Shinobu's action may have scared the spider, and it changed direction directly. It actually rushed to a huge crack and fell down. This time, even Kocho Shinobu didn't expect it. Kocho Shinobu hurried to the crack and found that it was very deep.

This also means that this underground cave must have more than one layer.

Kocho Shinobu felt a little sorry for not being able to stop this spider, and was also a little confused about the behavior of Lord Goetia who stopped her before. However, since Lord Goetia did this, there must be a reason.

And now, the most important thing is to talk to this group of people.

However, when they first started to interact, Sindra, Kocho Shinobu, and Solomon (Goetia) were immediately embarrassed. I couldn't understand what these people were saying....

Fortunately, the chat group solved this bug in time, and a free universal language file was added to the chat group's file area.

【Kato Megumi: Lord Goetia, Sindra and Shinobu Kocho, please download the new files in the file area. You should be able to understand now....

Kato Hui, who was watching the live broadcast, reminded everyone.

The three of them also hurriedly downloaded the so-called language file. After that, they could hear what the group said, and even what they said, the other party could understand. The chat group once again demonstrated its strength that amazed all group members.

After the communication was no problem, the two sides began to contact.

However, Solomon (Goetia) was still thinking about the spider just now, and Clairvoyance was still continuing to explore the future of the little spider, so they fell into silence. And Sindra, who had been sealed for so long, had no ability to socialize with others. In the end, only Kocho Shinobu came to communicate.

Kocho Shinobu communicated with the other party and expressed her request to go out with them.

It was just that it seemed to have aroused the other party's vigilance.

The other party rejected Kocho Shinobu's request very seriously, but they still gave Kocho Shinobu the route and map to go out. Then, the leader avoided contact with the three people and left directly.

This behavior still surprised Kocho Shinobu, and even Sindra looked unhappy at the moment. If Kocho Shinobu hadn't stopped her, it felt like Sindra would have gone to trouble these people.

Solomon (Goetia) slowly spoke

"They should have their own purpose in coming here, and now, it is clear that the purpose has been achieved. It's just that this purpose cannot be known to others. In fact, I just saw that they wrapped up something that looked like a monster egg. It must be very rare, so they don't want us to go the same way!"

Some precious things must be known by as few people as possible.

After hearing Solomon (Goetia)'s words, Sindra and Kocho Shinobu also reacted.

"Humph, how precious it is, and yet so carefully treated!"

"Maybe it's a dragon's egg!"

""Ah??? Dragon???"

Solomon (Goetia) smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it is indeed a dragon's egg, but there are only earth dragon eggs here. However, this is also very precious."

Solomon (Goetia) is sure, because he already knows where this world is. He has just used his clairvoyance to look for so long, and finally found someone he is familiar with after more than ten years.

Please give me some data, some free flowers and evaluation tickets.

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