【Lai Yueang]: Hey, why don’t the newbies talk?

【Axis Cultist Kato Megumi: Haha, I was like that when I first joined the group. After all, it takes time to accept a phone that suddenly appears and you can't get rid of it, and there are some weird people in the group.

【Lai Yueang]: This is just the beginning. Back then, I accepted the time travel very quickly, even...Even death was accepted quickly. Aqua crying.jpg

【Axis cultist Kato Megumi】:


【[Water Goddess Aqua]: Lay Yue, you are blaspheming. You are blaspheming the Water Goddess. Damn it, I will silence you!

"Lai Yueang was banned for three days

"Lai Yue Ang" was also unbanned by the administrator Yakumo Yukari!

【Administrator Yakumo Yukari]: Aqua secretly laughs.jpg

【Aqua, the goddess of water】:...

In another world, watching the administrator Yakumo Yukari lift his ban, Leyue felt relieved. On the contrary, it was Aqua in the Adventurer's Guild. Aqua was very angry at the moment, and Kazuma beside her was puzzled. He didn't seem to have offended this mentally retarded goddess recently?

However, at this time, Syndra in the group diverted Aqua's attention from the explosion.

【[Sindra]: Since the newcomer hasn't spoken yet, let's take a look at the newcomer's introduction first!

After seeing the message sent by Sindra, everyone shifted their attention.

First, Sindra chose to take a look at the introduction of Shinobu Kocho, who was also a woman. Well, there was no other news. Just when Sindra was confused, the message in the group was updated again.

【Lai Yueang]: Oh, my God....this...Aqua is terrified.jpg

【Axis Cultist Kato Megumi: What's wrong? I'm still reading the introduction of Kocho Shinobu. What happened?

【Lai Yueang]: Go and read Goetia's introduction...

With Lai Yueang's reminder, everyone turned to the introduction interface of Goetia. Then, everyone except Yakumo Yukari gasped.

"The ultimate boss whose plan to wipe out humanity just failed, with big eyeballs on his chest and antlers on his head, is a tentacle lover. I like tentacle monsters, but the one I raised recently died, and I feel a little sad!"

What kind of evil god introduction is this? And the plan to wipe out humanity? What kind of demon king is this?...

Oh no, a villain has come to the group, what should I do? Should I gather the group members to isolate him?

【Water Goddess Aqua]: Humph, don't worry, I can just silence this demon king.

"Goetia banned for a year

【[Ray Yueang]: Well done. Aqua is surprised.jpg

The other group members also breathed a sigh of relief. They almost forgot that there were two administrators. Even if the goddess of water is unreliable, there is still Lady Yakumo Yukari who is also an administrator. Now, everyone is much more relaxed.

However, before everyone can be happy for a while, a group message silences everyone.

""Goetia becomes the administrator of this group."

All of a sudden, the group became quiet, even Aqua put away her phone and started to play dead in the group. As for me, I dragged Kazuma to work. Ahem, as long as I don't speak, you can't see me.

Aqua, the goddess of water, withdrew a message.

In the group, everyone was speechless after seeing Aqua withdraw the previous message that banned Goetia.

Leyueang withdrew a message.

After seeing Aqua withdraw, Leyueang followed suit. What a joke, being targeted by this big devil, that's it.

Among the group members, only Yakumo Yukari was relatively relaxed at the moment.

【Administrator Yakumo Yukari]: Interesting. Aqua seemed to be thinking about something.jpg

Then, the entire group fell silent....

Goetia was speechless after reading his own introduction. What is this? The plan to wipe out humanity, I agree. There are big eyes on the chest and antlers on the head....I agree. After all, that's what a beast's body is like.

But what does tentacle control mean? Why do I like tentacle monsters?

Wait, then Goetia thought of something. This tentacle monster...Could it be the Demon Pillars? Judging from the appearance of the Demon Pillars, although they are called pillars, they seem to be similar to the tentacles of the octopus monster, or exactly the same.

Goetia never expected that because of these Demon Pillars, she would be given the title of tentacle control.

Moreover, the Demon Pillars did die because of the previous battle. Among them, a pair of brothers killed half of them. The rest were also killed by the many servants brought by Ritsuka. Even the best player beside him, the Grand Bomber, was killed. This still made Goetia sad, mainly because no one was using him.

Just when Goetia was speechless about the introduction to herself, a special message attracted Goetia's attention.

"It has been detected that the group members are strong, and the administrator is going to assess them!"

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