The real body of Pantheon, the god of war, fell under the Goetia Light Wheel in the starry sky.

The entire world of Valoran has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The real bodies of the giant gods were slaughtered.

The first to be awakened were the surrounding giant gods. Under the terrifying shock of the Goetia Light Wheel, they hid their breath and retracted their gaze. The God of Twilight fled frantically. The giant gods were not originally in the same camp. Now that the god of war was killed, they were not willing to provoke this terrifying enemy.

The three people watching the battle in Valoran were also stunned.

Even Soraka did not expect that this existence actually killed a real giant god. Who is he?

Ryze is almost the same.

As for Syndra, she was thinking in her heart at this moment, he is indeed worthy of being the administrator, just a mere god. This administrator participated in the destruction of the world....

On the other side, at Mount Targon, although Pantheon's strength in Valoran was not as strong as that of Lieyang and Diana, he still existed.

These believers all sensed a special situation. Their god had fallen....

Among this group of believers, there is a special existence, the former war star Panson. At this moment, Panson's eyes gradually become clear. To be more precise, Atreus, as a mortal, has truly awakened from his body at this moment, because the Ares constellation Panson has fallen, so he was able to regain his body.

However, it is worth mentioning that this Ares constellation has fallen, but it has not completely disappeared. In the original work, Atreus also took back his own, but then he realized the true meaning of war, so he changed his name to Panson. It can be regarded as inheriting the power of the Ares constellation.

However, this time, the body is gone. If no one understands the true meaning of war in the future, then the Ares constellation will be completely dead.

Atreus took back his body in advance, and Goetia did not know about the changes in the plot. At the same time, it is unknown whether Atreus will understand the true meaning of war in the future, so as to rekindle the fire of the Ares constellation.

Because at this moment, Goetia has sensed the rejection of the world. After all, in this world, such a big riot has been caused. Even if this world can tolerate the strongest, it will reject this alien visitor at this moment. Therefore, Goetia had to hurry up and finish what she had done before.

Therefore, Goetia did not chase the Titan, but returned to Valoran.

And @Sindra in the group, because Goetia who came back did not know where Sindra went.

【Goetia】:@Sindra, the second-in-command of Gaimen's disciples, I have returned from the starry sky, where are you?

【[Sindra, the second disciple of Gaimen]: Ah, Lord Gaetia is back. I'll ask this bald guy to take me here right away. He's still in the same place as before, right?

【Goetia: Yeah

【[Gaimon Disciple Chief Kato Megumi]: Huh? Sindra can still go to the starry sky? Did something interesting happen?...

But neither Goetia nor Syndra responded to her, because time was running out.

After Ryze brought Syndra over, Goetia took Syndra away and brought her back to a small island, far away from Ionia. At the same time, he took out the Holy Grail he had prepared and told Syndra about its function.

After learning that this thing could store magic, Syndra was overjoyed.

Although this method was not a cure, it was enough.

Goetia also checked Syndra's magic, which was actually not much different from the magic in Type-Moon. In Type-Moon, most of the magic came from the earth veins and the air. The elf Yu Ji could draw a lot of magic from the air to self-destruct.

And Syndra's magic was the same, coming from the outside world.

So, there was no difference in essence, the only difference was its attributes.

According to this world, the attribute of Syndra's magic was dark. But in Type-Moon, it was a bit similar to the magic of imaginary attributes, so it was feasible to store it in the Holy Grail.

The only thing Syndra was worried about was filling up the Holy Grail?

But Goetia told her that this thing can store a huge amount of magic power. Sindra tried it and stored all her current magic power in it, but it was only about one-tenth of the Holy Grail. And what Sindra wanted to store was actually just the magic power that escaped.

So it was enough for a long time, and Goetia gave her three Holy Grails, which was enough for a long time.

After the end, Goetia was ready to leave.

The rejection of the world has made it impossible for him to stay in this world. I don’t know if I can enter this world next time.

After saying goodbye to Sindra, Goetia returned to the Type-Moon world.

At the same time, in the starry sky outside the Valoran continent, there was a special area. A huge figure sighed. This is a huge dragon. If Goetia was here, he would recognize the other party’s identity, the Star Forging Dragon King. The

Star Forging Dragon King was calculated by the giant gods.

The reason why the Star Forging Dragon King sighed was because it was a bit of a pity. If Goetia continued to attack the gods, then it would have a chance to escape.

However, for the Star Forging Dragon King, this has greatly reduced the constraints of these stinking giant gods on it. Although it will not break free directly, as long as it continues to endure, the time to break free will not be far away. At that time, it will let these giant gods see what horror is....

Goetia returned to the Temple of Time. After a great battle, Goetia felt much more relaxed, and her body had already returned to its original state.

Except for a few people in Type-Moon, no one knew that under this gentle face, there was an extremely powerful figure.

【[Sindra, the second disciple of Gaimen]: Thank you so much, Master Gaetia. I finally got out and solved the crisis of my body.���have...As expected of Lord Goetia.

Syndra spoke in the group. After Goetia left, Syndra wandered around Valoran alone for a while, but in the end, she only felt loneliness. After all, she had nothing. During the years of sleep, her relatives also died one after another.

She was the only one left, so what finally made Syndra feel a little warm was the chat group.

So, Syndra, who had escaped the seal, came back to the group.

After Syndra spoke, the group became lively. Of course, Kato Megumi's follow-up questioning was indispensable, because neither Goetia nor Syndra had replied to her before, and she felt a little curious.

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