Except for a certain mentally retarded goddess, the other two administrators demonstrated their authority at this moment.

When both administrators were interested in the new world, the opinion of the remaining administrator was no longer important....The authority of the retarded goddess is the same as having no authority. Have you used the emoticons of the retarded goddess enough?

However, as the two administrators said, the emergence of this third daily task is indeed shocking.

After all, it was a chat in a group before, which was considered an online chat, and now, it seems that there is a chance to meet in person. Moreover, this kind of face-to-face meeting is across the world. At the same time, everyone understands that there is a chance to go to other worlds. At this point, even Kato Megumi, a kid in the daily animation, couldn't help but feel excited at this moment.

【Lai Yueang]: Explore the new world, what kind of new world will it be?

【Water Goddess Aqua]: Haha, don't we have a clairvoyant here? Goetia, take a look.

【Goetia: No, this new world does not intersect with us, at least not yet. It was only discovered by the chat group, so I cannot see the future without an intersecting new world.

In the chat group, influenced by the young Jiang Fan and a large number of modern people in the group, Goetia gradually adapted to it. At least in the group, there is no such habit as a king. This is very suitable for getting closer.

After hearing Goetia's answer, Aqua suddenly became arrogant.

【[Water Goddess Aqua]: Haha, you’re not that strong!

【Goetia: Aqua, you better be careful recently.

【[Water Goddess Aqua]:

Goetia said this before. So, for her own safety, Aqua decided to be a little bit scared.

【Water Goddess Aqua: What did you see? Please tell me?

【[Goetia]: A Demon King's Army officer is coming to see you. Upon hearing Goetia's statement, Aqua in the Adventurer's Guild jumped up in shock. Although she had just mocked Goetia's clairvoyance for not being able to see the new world, she still believed in Goetia's clairvoyance. So, at this moment, she didn't even participate in the discussion about the new world in the group, and actually went offline directly.

What the hell is there to discuss, the Demon King's Army is coming. With my current strength, ah, I'm going to die.

In the chat group, seeing that Aqua's avatar was gray, everyone else was also confused.

【Lai Yueang]: This goddess was scared away just like that? ? ?

【Syndra, the second-in-command of Gaimen’s disciples]: As expected, this goddess is totally unreliable!

【Yakumo Yukari]: Don’t worry about her, let’s continue discussing the new world

【[Goetia]: We must definitely accomplish this mission. The key is how to do it and who will do it!

【[Sindra, the second disciple of Gaimen]: I, I want to go

【Yakumo Yukari: It’s not easy for Goetia and I to go. After all, if we go, the rewards will be greatly reduced. And the chat group said so, which means that our power has already threatened that world, so this new world should not be too dangerous.

【Goetia: That's true, but there don't seem to be many suitable people in the group. It's too dangerous for an ordinary person like Kato Megumi to go to an unknown world. Lai Yueang, do you want to go?

【Lai Yueang]: No, I have only learned the breathing method not long ago. Although my strength has improved, I am still within the range of ordinary people!

【Goetia: That leaves only Sindra and Kocho Shinobu. Miss Kocho Shinobu, do you have time?

【[Shinobu Kocho]: I want to go too, but there are many demons eating people here. As a pillar, I have to go and wipe out the demons.

Shinobu Kocho really felt it was a pity. She finally had the chance to go to other worlds, so of course she was excited, not to mention that there was a chance to get a lot of points. However, the lord has already issued an order to go for support. I heard that three reserve members of the Demon Slayer Corps were attacked and had to be rescued.

Therefore, she had to miss this opportunity.

After getting Shinobu Kocho's answer, Goetia frowned. In this case, only Syndra would be left.

At this time, Yakumo Yukari also expressed her own opinion

【[Yakumo Yukari]: If I'm alone, it's a little unsafe.

Goetia agrees with Yakumo Yukari's opinion. In addition, Syndra hasn't been active for a long time, so she might be a little dull. If I don't find someone to accompany me, it's easy to get into trouble.

【[Katou Megumi, Chief of the Gaimon Disciples]: If Aqua is here, she should be able to go with us, but she is in danger now. Otherwise, we should explore this world later, and take action after Miss Kocho Shinobu has dealt with those evil spirits?

【Yakumo Yukari]: This is a good suggestion. We don't have to be so anxious.

【Goetia: Indeed. However, I have another method that will allow me to go there as well. Of course, it won't be my real body. I can lower my status and power to a very low level, and go to the new world as a clone. It shouldn't be a problem.

【[Le Yueang]: Really? Lord Goetia can go there with a clone?

Afterwards, Goetia informed everyone in the group about the destiny system created by Chaldea on his side. When they learned that human magicians could actually summon the heroic spirits who had died in the past, everyone was extremely surprised. This ability is too strong.

And according to Goetia's description, these summoned servants are very powerful and definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

The method Goetia mentioned is to let Syndra learn Type-Moon's summoning magic, so as to summon Goetia as a servant to explore this so-called new world. In the Type-Moon world, under normal circumstances, most of the summoned servants are summoned from those dead heroic spirits. However, there must be exceptions. Merlin is alive and well, so it is not difficult for Goetia to respond to the summons of the servants with his own clone.

【Goetia: However, if Syndra wants to explore the new world, she should go directly there, and not have the opportunity to come to my side to complete the summoning!

This plan still has some flaws, but they will no longer exist soon.

【[Yakumo Yukari]: This is easy to solve. I see in the task module that anyone can post tasks. You can also post a task to let Syndra go to your world, so that she can learn to summon.

Don't mention it, this is really a good method.

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