Like Sherlock Holmes, he just has misunderstandings about his identity because of some intelligence he found in the past.

As an alien apostle, he has sealed all his memories.

But as more and more information came out, he began to doubt himself. You know, this detective really helped Chaldea wholeheartedly during the period when his memory was sealed. He suddenly doubted his identity, which made him entangled.

He wanted to ask Goetia, after all, Goetia has clairvoyance, and can see much more truth than the information he found.

But he didn't expect that Goetia didn't want to tell him even if he saw it clearly. He is so familiar with Ritsuka and Mashu, and even helped to cut the lossbelt. Holmes really didn't expect Goetia to refuse. But in fact...From Goetia's refusal alone, Holmes was able to determine the answer in his heart.

Holmes couldn't help but sigh.

But then, he cheered up again. No matter what the result was, the current information was still too little. More arguments were needed to support the guess in his heart.

Goetia returned to the banquet, but did not take back the bracelet immediately. It was not good to take it back after giving it away.

The banquet had entered the final stage. Most people were almost done, and many of those who drank were drunk.

Goetia walked to Tiamat and asked,"What are you going to do next? Stay here or follow me?"

Tiamat, after contacting Chaldea, could actually stay in Chaldea.

However, Goetia spoke again,"The next place Chaldea is going to is Britain!"

Goetia said Chaldea's next goal, which made Tiamat, who was originally planning to stay in Chaldea, hesitate. For her, she actually wanted to stay in Chaldea, and only Chaldea could let her stay. Because there is absolutely no time and space on Goetia's side.

After all, Goetia has to travel to other worlds from time to time.

But now Goetia said that Ritsuka's next goal is Britain, which makes Tiamat feel a little sad.

In fact, she and Morgan get along very well. The next goal is in Britain, which makes her feel sad for Morgan. This is inevitable. Ritsuka has always been on the path he insists on, and it is impossible for him to change because of someone.

It cannot be changed.

In addition, there is sadness for Goetia, because Goetia's choice at that time will be a very cruel thing.

After thinking for a long time, Tiamat finally spoke:"Mom, I'm going to Britain to wait for Ritsuka and the others!"

After hearing this answer, Goetia laughed.

"Okay, but there is no need to be so anxious. They still have a long time to go to Britain. They also need to rest."

The Atlantic Lostbelt is too strong. Although the addition of Goetia and Tiamat has made Ritsuka's difficulty plummet, it still puts them under great pressure. Moreover, some technologies in the Atlantic Lostbelt still need to be digested.

So, in terms of time, it is still very early.

After that, Tiamat joined the party again. In fact, he just stayed beside Ritsuka and Mashu, watching the two of them. Even...From time to time, he would come to Gaetia.

The next day, when Gaetia woke up from Chaldea, it was already noon.

Yesterday's banquet still made everyone play too much, but it felt good. Even for Gaetia, it has been a long time since he felt such a lively scene. The last time was when the group members had a big party.

After walking out of his room, he unexpectedly met Musashi first.

Then, Musashi handed the bracelet to Gaetia.

"Lord Goetia, thank you for helping me. However, I don't need this thing now, that existence has already found me!"

Musashi's words still surprised Goetia. Was the white-haired loli so quick?

"Did she come to see you in your dream?"

Musashi was surprised:"Lord Gaetia, how did you know?"

Gaetia twitched his lips.

"Don't be so polite, call me Gaetia or doctor. Well, I feel that I am becoming more and more proficient in using the title of doctor. However, since she has protected you, you should treat this world as your home, although this home is also very dangerous now!"

Gaetia took the bracelet and said so.

Musashi also laughed:"Well, I will, I will help Ritsuka to repair this home. However, I didn't expect that the existence that appeared looked so small!"

"It's normal. The Earth has existed for a long time, but it was born very early. Although it is long compared to the human race, it is still very short compared to the age of the entire Earth. Therefore, it is relatively normal to maintain that appearance!"

"Oh, that's right. But, doctor, it seems that you have a very good relationship with that girl. She asked me to return the bracelet she gave you!"

Musashi couldn't help his gossiping soul after all.

In this regard, Goetia raised his eyebrows slightly, and then said:"That's the matter, as a human evil, I have a good relationship with Alaya."

Well, this is what Goetia thinks.

Hearing Goetia's words, Musashi didn't know what to say.

In short, Musashi's problem was completely solved.

After staying in Chaldea for a few days, Goetia took Tiamat and Jack back to Britain. At the same time, after Goetia left, Da Vinci 1ily suddenly discovered that the game seemed to have been updated.

"That Goetia guy sent me information as soon as he left. He is really reliable! Is it Britain this time?" Da Vinci couldn't help but sigh after seeing the updated game....

When Da Vinci 1ily read the following content, he was shocked


At this moment, Da Vinci and Sherlock Holmes, the two people in charge of the overall planning, were all in deep concentration.

"If we face Goetia, we have no chance of winning."

Holmes was silent for a long time, then he slowly spoke.

At this moment, Da Vinci was silent. Just now, she met a real big boss in the plot, Goetia. She never expected that Goetia would be her opponent this time....

That's why Da Vinci was so solemn.

To be honest, it's not the time for the great war. Although Goetia didn't burn the Great Wheel of Human History, Goetia is undoubtedly the strongest from the previous battle.

They have seen the strength of Chaos, and Goetia, who defeated Chaos, will only be stronger. Moreover, because of the existence of anti-summoning, any servant is invalid to Goetia.

"Let's wait and see what happens next!"

When Da Vinci 1ily was more solemn, Holmes spoke again.

The two continued to attack, and then Da Vinci 1ily was relieved. Well, although Goetia was standing on the opposite side, it seemed that the sea was seriously released.

This made them temporarily relieved, but they did not tell Ritsuka about this.

When the time comes, when Ritsuka and Mashu meet the enemy Goetia, it will be equally exciting.

With the update of the game, the group at this moment is also very lively.

A group of people started to show off their cards.

Only...Aqua, Senku and Saitama are offline

【Goetia: Eh? Why aren't Aqua, Senku, and Saitama online?

【Kato Megumi: What other reason could there be? It was just a shipwreck....

【[Lai Yueang]: Hahaha, I am dying of laughter. Now, I have put myself in the right position.

It turns out that after the game update, everyone in the group started to draw cards, but...Apparently, the luck of these three people seemed to be constant, and they could not draw out the lottery without help. Faced with the crowd showing off their cards, they decisively chose to log off and hide.

【Misaka Mikoto]: I didn’t get it this time either.

【Ichinose Honami]: Me too, Megumi, when will the guaranteed bonus feature be implemented?...

【Goetia: Eh? You didn't get it either?

I didn't expect that the two of us who usually have good luck would both sink this time....

【Ichinose Honoha]: Yeah, so when will the guaranteed bonus feature be implemented?...(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

When discussing the minimum guarantee function, Aqua came online and expressed support for this function. In response, Kato Megumi also gave a response

【Kato Megumi]: Since everyone wants the guaranteed update, I'll prepare it and update it together with Lord Goetia's pool next time!

【Ichinose Honoki: Really? That’s great.

【[Water Goddess Aqua]: Great!

【Saitama: Yeah!

【Ishigami Senku]: Great!

Other members:...

No, didn’t these three people just go offline? Why did they come online when we talked about the guaranteed bottom line?

【Saitama]: Ahem, I don't have this old card Goetia yet. Taking advantage of this guarantee, I finally have a chance


The group was very lively, but Goetia was more concerned about the world of Attack on Titan. The mission to explore this world has been going on for so long, and it takes longer than the previous worlds, so the progress must be accelerated.

After a while of understanding, Goetia was still very satisfied.

Because the plot has reached the moment Goetia expected, the Armored Titan and the Colossal Titan have been exposed one after another, and under the leadership of the Beast Titan, they have started a tug-of-war with the Survey Corps inside the wall.

In other words, as long as Eren and Zeke meet, it is possible to open the coordinates.

This is exactly what Goetia expected.[]

While Goetia was busy saving the world, it was obvious that everyone in the group would still enter the world of Attack on Titan whenever they had a break. Now, Leyue, Kocho and Tifa have completely joined the Survey Corps.

Although they were outsiders, they did join in.

It's time to complete this task.

However, there is no need to rush before entering the world of Attack on Titan. Goetia instead started to explore the Avenue of Life with Morgan, and at the same time, called Syndra over.

Goetia still let Syndra and Morgan meet.

Although it was very unexpected for Syndra, it was not unacceptable. For Syndra, influenced by some customs on the Valoran continent, she didn't mind Goetia having other women. However, she was very curious, did Goetia find love with Morgan?

And Morgan actually had the same idea as her.

Morgan had always known that Goetia had another woman, and even proposed to fund her. Now this is considered a formal meeting, and the two decisively excluded Goetia.

Unexpectedly, both of them have a great interest in magic or spells.

Unlike Goetia, after the limiter was opened, he gave up the discussion of magic. With brute force, magic has almost stagnated. At most, the control of the fifth magic is still growing. Therefore, Goetia has rarely discussed magic with Morgan.

Now Sindra has come and replaced Goetia's position.

Because she now needs to touch the divine realm, and Morgan has already reached the divine realm.

So for Sindra, Morgan can learn from her.

"Goetia, don't worry, your mother is with you!"

Looking at Goetia being driven out, Tiamat came to Goetia with a smile on her face. This made Goetia's mouth twitch. It was too much. She actually drove herself out....As expected, we can't give up magic.

Otherwise, we can discuss it together....

Fortunately, in the next few days, Gatia���The discussion of magic.

Then Goetia made up her mind that magic was still promising and she couldn't give it up. Although she was physically strong now, magic was a skill of this world, and she was born from Solomon, the ancestor of magic, so she couldn't give it up.

It was definitely not because magic could be included in the discussion between Morgan and Sindra.

Ahem, they often discussed until late at night, and then went to bed together, too lazy to leave.

After that, Goetia felt that she couldn't continue like this, so she put magic aside for a while and prepared to solve the problems of the new world. This task lasted too long, and it was time to complete it. As long as this task is completed, the chat group will usher in a big explosion.

There will be two new members after the task is completed, and then the activity will meet the standard, and two members will join.

So it's time to enter that world.

Goetia still entered in her body. Although it looked like the end of the law world, the world of giants and the demon world were still not connected. Because there is the power of giants here, it cannot be called the end of the law world. On the contrary, Sindra can even be fully exerted in this world.

The camp that everyone built before has already reached a certain scale.

After all, as long as they rest, everyone will come here except for Goetia, the group leader. Just like an online game, he runs this camp. So now it looks like a city.

Although this city is not big, it has everything it should have. It is small but complete.

I can only say that Senku is really a genius in this situation.

Senku really likes this place because he can climb the technology tree at will. Moreover, it is not the kind of environment in his own world. Here, there is support from another world, and he has everything he wants. Even after Goetia uploaded the wreckage of the machine god, he often studied the wreckage of the machine god here.

Then he armed this small city by the way, and even created artificial intelligence to control various weapons on the city wall.

Goetia, who came to the capital, was also amazed.

It seems that only a period of time has passed. How can technology reach the stage of artificial intelligence? It's a bit outrageous. However, think about it, although Goetia feels that only a period of time has passed, in fact, a long time has passed in the world of Attack on Titan.

It has already entered the stage of a great battle with the Marleyan Titans, and a long time has passed.

This long time is enough for Senku to display his abilities.

"Are you surprised? Haha, I am Senku. As for artificial intelligence, well, it was copied from the mecha god called Demeter. Although it only has a simple fire control system, it is enough here."

Looking at the extremely surprised Goetia, Senku explained proudly at this moment.

Don't say Goetia was surprised. When Shinobu Kocho saw the changes in this city, she wanted to call Senku to her world to climb the technology tree. However, Senku refused. He really didn't have time.


Even Goetia had to admire Senku.

"Come, let me show you my results."

Under the leadership of Senku, Goetia also came to the city wall. At this moment, there were actually quite a few scattered pure giants outside. There was no need for Goetia to take action. Senku was far away and just shouted loudly:"Xiao De, open fire and clear the giants in the southeast direction."

As Senku gave the order, the defensive firepower on the city wall was instantly activated.

The giants in that area were covered with firepower.

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