"The beast of the apocalypse, no one has called me by this name for a long time," Roland raised his eyebrows, "So, you are the ruler, and only people related to you will call me this name."

For most people, Roland's human evil attributes are ranked before his specific powers. The Six Beasts are his most appropriate name, and only those in the Church of the Holy Church are inseparable from him. , will he rank his antichrist attributes before human evil.

And seeing the face that was very similar to Saber's, and the simple and pure saintly temperament, it was not difficult to guess the girl's identity.

"Saint of France, Joan of Arc, you do have a heart-thrilling brilliance in your body."

"As you said, I am Joan of Arc Darhk who was summoned as a ruler for this war. I am here to find and solve the mutations that will threaten human history in this Holy Grail War!"

Without any consciousness of the Holy Grail War, Joan of Arc declared her identity generously with a heroic sonorous voice. Such an action was enough to demonstrate the girl's determination and full courage.

Roland nodded. Although it seemed that the other party was just a fool who was easy to deceive, it seemed that because of his identity, Joan of Arc was very serious at this moment, with a serious expression, a strong sense of vigilance, and a graceful back straight. With it, the sacred and inviolable awe-inspiring beauty is perfectly displayed.

But what attracted Roland's attention more than this was not the iris flag that looked more like a decoration than a weapon, nor was it the exquisite Joan of Arc that looked like a doll, but was a bit more saber-like. Angry soft face.

——But the dress of a girl.

"So...are you keeping pace with the times and recreating the legend of how you dressed up as a farmer's daughter and went to the battlefield in plain clothes?"

Roland held his chin up and pondered for a while, his expression a little subtle.

"However, isn't it a big step to evolve directly from linen clothes to such a revealing maid outfit?"

That's right, I don't know if it was because she rushed to the battlefield in a hurry, but Joan of Arc was wearing a quite Japanese maid outfit. The skirt on her lower body did not reach her knees, which highlighted her slender waist and tall figure.

With the blessing of black knee-high socks, coupled with the light blond hair tied into braids and the holy temperament, the temptation brought by this contrast made Roland unable to take his eyes away.


"Why are you the one who's surprised? You've been wearing this outfit for a while, so you should be used to it even if it's a cosplay."

Roland looked at Jeanne with a confused look on his face.

Joan blinked awkwardly, facing Roland's aggressive gaze, one hand subconsciously pressed on the hem of the skirt, pulling it down as much as possible, but because the original design of this dress was not Supporting this kind of unscrupulous behavior, it actually makes the girl seem a little reluctant to accept it.

"This is not cosplay! This is serious work!"

As if to prove her words, Joan of Arc moved the slender fingers on her chest slightly downward and took out a stack of church leaflets.

Although she regretted not covering herself with spiritual equipment that would affect her speed in order to get to the battlefield earlier, the nature of this matter was very serious!

"As long as you wear such clothes and hand out flyers, if everything goes well, you can earn all your food expenses for the day for most of the day! And the people who are attracted can also help the financially strapped church to do their part in relieving the victims. This kind of thing is not surprising at all.”

"Oh..." After hearing this statement, Roland looked at Jeanne with even more pity. "It's really hard on you to do such a job for such a low salary."

"This statement is so insulting! There is no distinction between high and low professions!"

"Hmm...just take it like that, your Master is really evil-minded."

Roland smiled even more happily when he looked at Jeanne who was standing there, blushing with shame, turning away her head and completely throwing away the mask of the saint.


Being pointed out this matter to the point, even Jeanne couldn't refute it. No matter how naive she was, she could still vaguely realize that the Master was there when she saw Kallen's happy smile when she put on that shameful costume. The bad taste.

It's just that the other party's reasons are too legitimate, and the girl who has never read books can't find a substitute for this job. After this battle is over, she must give her master a good lesson!

But now is no time to be shy about it!

Joan of Arc raised her head, grasped the holy spear next to her again, and looked straight in Roland's direction with her stubborn eyes.

"No need to change the subject! Evil beast, this kind of thing doesn't matter at all. I'm here to defeat you!"

"Crunt me? Miss Joan of Arc, but what you want to crusade should be the source of mutation in the Holy Grail War, right? I am just a passing human evil, and I have nothing to do with that goal, right? "

"Don't be ridiculous! As the beast of the apocalypse, it is your instinct to show the doomsday. Even if you don't participate in this Holy Grail War, I can't just let you go."

Jeanne frowned, her pupils filled with solemnity.

"And you have already appeared, but you still choose to lie dormant. If it were not for the guidance of revelation, I would not even be able to guess the possibility of your appearance. Beast of the Six, what are you planning?"

Jeanne d'Arc has an A-level revelation.

Although the performance is not significantly different from Saber's intuition, there is a fundamental difference between the two.

Intuition is the sixth sense that can make appropriate judgments on the current situation. It comes from instinct, while revelation is more mysterious.

After establishing a goal, the person with the revelation will be prompted with all the relevant conditions on how to achieve the goal.

For example, before killing the evil dragon, find the sword that can restrain it in advance, avoid the traps in the castle, and find its hidden lair, just like the official strategy.

This is also the reason why servants such as saints cannot be summoned in a normal state.

But Roland still looked calm and composed. He first corrected Jeanne's name.

"My name is Roland. Although I don't hate the name Beast of the Apocalypse, being too humble is not a virtue worth admiring."

Seeing the young man who said that he was greater than the beast in a matter-of-fact tone, the saint became even more confused.

Under the influence of her past experiences, she believed that she was not a lovable being. Coupled with her status as a judge, it stands to reason that it would be normal to start a fight if she disagreed.

However, Roland, who was even more twisted than the other servants in the Holy Grail War, always communicated with her calmly and seemed not unable to communicate. Therefore, Joan of Arc had no intention of launching a direct attack.

But the other person's next words made her completely lose her composure.

"Moreover, are you sure that your revelation is really specific enough to come against me?"

Roland looked straight at Joan of Arc, a trace of expectation flashing in his eyes.

As he expected, after he pointed this out, Jeanne closed her mouth speechlessly and cast a somewhat uneasy look at him.

"In the revelation...there is indeed no order to attack you. It just asked me to rush to this battlefield."

Miss Saint, who didn't like lying, tightened her grip on the spear in her hand, nodded awkwardly, and admitted Roland's statement.

Regarding this result, Roland shrugged unequivocally, not surprised.

When he heard Joan of Arc openly reveal her purpose, he realized that the other party's existence was not the result of some restraint to find trouble.

The source of the mutation that caused the Holy Grail War?

In this Holy Grail War, this matter has nothing to do with him at all. From the Holy Grail to the participants' shady stories, they all follow their own will and are linked together under the control of the coincidence of gravity and the song of Sajo.

This time, Roland was just a pure contestant. From summoning heroic spirits to participating in battles, he behaved in a well-behaved manner.

Although everything started because of him, he had no hand in this process. Moreover, if the revelation was really ill-intentioned towards him, King Solomon would not have appeared at all.

As the person closest to God in the orthodox sense, if he wants to avoid accidents, he should not be summoned as a servant at all.

After all, as long as you don't enter the market, you won't lose. Although this principle is simple, it is very useful.

And in this case, Joan of Arc still entered the scene and came straight towards her. This behavior is very subtle. This style is more like the work of restraint than the so-called god...

"If I am really related to this change, the content of the revelation cannot be so vague."

“…revelation cannot go wrong.”

Jeanne's eyes narrowed and she said calmly.

"I'm not saying that revelation is wrong. It always points out the right way to achieve the goal. So, is there a possibility that it is delivered to your door today because it is the most correct way? Just like in the past Just like what human beings do in order to survive, in order to appease the anger of the gods, they naturally have to "

Looking at Jeanne who did not dare to look directly at him, Roland showed a dangerous smile and continued.

"——Sacrifice is offered."

These ironic words made the good-tempered Saintess frown.

Roland seemed not to notice this and was still talking.

"After all, even for me, the fall of the Holy Lady is a very interesting thing. So, are you going to run away now? Since the fun you bring is quite good, I will let you go tonight. It doesn’t matter, the days ahead are longer and more interesting.”

As if he was reluctant to eat his cherished snacks, Roland gave quite generous conditions.

But Joan just closed her eyes.

When she opened her blue pupils again, she returned to the persevering saint she had been before.

Thinking about it carefully, it is true that as Roland said, although he is also the guardian of restraint, but he came with the rank of ruler this time, he does not have the same privileges as usual. This fact itself has a strange flavor.

The same is true for Roland's existence. Even if a single beast is a larvae, the possibility of her conquering it alone is too slim.

Coupled with the fact that Roland still exists in this world and human principles still exist well, although Joan doesn't want to admit it, Roland's statement may indeed be close to the truth.

But even so, her decision would not change at all.

As a saint who shoulders the responsibility of clearing out abnormal points, this matter was never asked of her by anyone, but was a spontaneous act of Joan following her own good nature.

Just like when she faced her own fate and the betrayal of those she saved in her homeland, she still didn't resent anyone.

She just did what she had to do and never asked for any extra reward.

Even if the enemy she faces has changed from a British army to a hero pursuing her wishes, from a hero to a beast that can burn away human reason.

Silver armor and simple clothes covered Joan of Arc's body, and the flag she held did not move automatically.


Jeanne took a deep breath, recalling the displaced people she had seen along the way, the wiped out Shinjuku, and the torment of the disaster that would befall her at some point in this city. The frightened people once again made a declaration towards Roland.

"Fallen evil beast, no... Roland, I will attack you."

From a realistic point of view, his behavior is tantamount to a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

But if she really exists as a sacrifice, then she should have greater value.

The noble saint's other hand unconsciously dropped to hold the sword that was still safely in its sheath.

The next moment, the earth suddenly cracked, and spiderweb-like cracks spread densely. In the smoke and dust that filled the sky, Joan waved the holy flag in her hand and smashed it straight at Roland's body, showing her determination with her actions!


"Use the gun as a tool to hit people. If the guy I beat before saw it, I'm afraid he would be very angry... No, she might say that this is also a fighting method, and then give you some tips that are more convenient. Skill?"

Roland gently held the tip of the gun, raised his iron-like arm slightly, as if he didn't feel the power exerted by Joan of Arc at all, lifted the flag in his hand vertically, and let the girl's body fly directly into the air. , hit it hard again!


In the huge pit, Roland nodded with satisfaction looking at Joan of Arc who was unharmed.

Although this blow was merciful, because the Shadow Kingdom was behind him, he was quite relaxed now. Even Saber, without activating his Noble Phantasm to evade, could take this blow with physical strength alone. It will also break your muscles and bones.

Joan of Arc was able to withstand this blow because of the power of her Noble Phantasm.

Just like her method of use, the original purpose of this flag was not to kill the enemy, but to encourage and defend.

As a permanent Noble Phantasm, the flag can convert Joan of Arc's extraordinary EX against magic power into the most solid defense.

"Very good... If you are too fragile, I will be a little distressed. Nothing pleases me more than the struggle before falling into despair."

Roland raised his hand and let the red fire condense in it. The huge True Ethereum around him was like streams and rivers merging into the sea, stirring up a fierce storm in the void. The heavy air pressure swept around like a hurricane, turning into Under the unspeakable pressure, Joan of Arc, who had just stood up, was oppressed as if she had fallen into the deep sea, and could only devote herself to the release of the Noble Phantasm.

Then, he gently swung it down, letting the brilliant and dazzling fireworks turn into a torrent and wash away everything around him.

"——Next, it's time to surrender."

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