Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 257 The Coming Kingdom of Shadows

When he felt the throbbing of his heart, Roland instinctively understood the power of reversing cause and effect, and the surrounding space seemed to be frozen as cold as ice.

First use the first magic gun to lock the space and cut off transfer means such as command spells, and then use the second magic gun to reverse the cause and effect and deny his life.

Using only technology, the magic gun was able to exert an effect far beyond its quality. In this world, the only one who could do this was the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows.

"Penetrating the Deathly Flying Spear!"

This was a more complete attack than Karna's, and even the true name of the Noble Phantasm began to be released. Only through the will on the tip of the spear, Roland could feel the strong killing intent of the user.


Roland sighed, but before he could say anything, Shatiao Aige's slender eyebrows were already slightly frowned.

She had no intention of interfering with the actions that would take place tonight. She just wanted to be immersed in the peaceful atmosphere of being with her lover. She didn't expect that annoying woman to be so ignorant.

Not killing her before Roland saw her and had the idea of ​​contacting her was definitely one of his worst decisions.

Although this guy will indeed be helpful to Lord Roland's plan in the future, Ai Ge can also do it, just slower, so there is no need to worry about it, right?

"Ah ah ah that's enough!"

The gentle and demure side of a traditional woman that had been shown in front of Roland before disappeared without a trace from the girl. She irritably smoothed her light blond hair with her hand, and raised her other hand slightly. He easily caught the magic spear that was faster than a meteor.

However, from the perspective of Roland, who was a bystander, it was more appropriate to describe it as using the magic gun to rush into Shajo Aige's hand rather than grabbing it.

"Obviously the atmosphere just now was very good, you have to interrupt me... No, Ai Ge, Master Roland is right next to you, calm down, don't lose your composure."

The girl took a deep breath, murmured to herself, and tried to calm down. However, despite this, Sajou Aige's originally smooth and jade-like face still inevitably revealed the suppressed gloomy murderous intention. .

"Scathach...do you want to die so much?"

Shajo Aige whispered the attacker's name and asked in a condescending tone. The hand holding the magic gun was slightly harder without using any magic. The space-stasis and cause-reversal effects on the liberated treasure were All the laws disappeared, as if they had turned into a handful of ordinary mortal objects, and were casually thrown in front of the attacking figure, like a warning.

However, such a question made the delicate body that walked out of the shadows tremble slightly, as if it had heard some big joke.

"Prince Princess Root should be very clear about this, right? And from the moment I arrive, shouldn't we be prepared to have a relationship that pierces each other's hearts?"

"What's more, I should be the one who should be angry, right? Yesterday he took the initiative to invite me, but when he came today, I found that he was having sex with another woman, as if he had completely forgotten me, and I was a little bit I’m anxious…”

Sandjo Aige interrupted Scathach's words with a cold tone filled with murderous intent.

"Don't compare Ai Ge with a slutty guy like you! You are just Bi Chi who is constantly pursuing that illusory goal and using the long years to cast a wide net! Ai Ge is a dedicated and pure girl!"

"That's really an exaggeration," Scathach tilted his head amusingly at Ai Ge's accusation, "Even now, I am a pure body. It only belongs to the person who can fulfill my wish." Prize, as long as I find him, what I pay will definitely not be inferior to this little girl who doesn't even understand what true love is."

Scathach's words made the corners of Ai Ge's mouth twitch. She couldn't find much room to refute this irrefutable fact.

"She's just an old purple woman!"

Shatiao Aige curled her lips and said disdainfully.

However, that being said, as a girl in love, Sajo Aika is a little envious of Scathach who can clearly implement her own will. Although she also believes that true happiness must be created by herself. I am a believer, but because I have never had any experience in this area, I am afraid that my unnecessary behavior will arouse the disgust of the other person, so I have always been quite reserved.

Even her proactive behavior today was calculated. She is essentially the kind of humble girl who will take the initiative to give her all.

"However, Shajo Aige, there is no need for you to be so angry. I have given up my intention to kill you."

"That's not what Ai Ge sees in the future."

"Well...after all, I haven't met him yet," Scathach admitted this readily, "But now, it doesn't matter about the goddess of beasts. In the face of the hope of saving me, even the world itself is nothing. Something that can be discarded.”

"If it were you, you should be able to understand that feeling of a dry soul suddenly getting a source of water, and a lonely life suddenly being given meaning."

"Tsk... you really should go die." Shatiao Aige was silent for a moment, his expression became even colder, and he subconsciously hugged Roland next to him who was watching the show with gusto. "Lord Roland, as expected, you should let Aige Send her off, this woman is too troublesome!"

"Please don't worry, Ai Ge will only take away her life, and her body will be kept well..."

"No, Ai Ge."

While Roland lamented how dark his image in Shajo Aige's heart was, he reached out his hand and gently stroked the girl's hair.

"You know, I set aside time today just for this matter. I can't be willful."

After hearing Roland's words, Shajo Aige nodded obediently, still smiling charmingly, but the cold light in his eyes still glanced at Scathach from time to time, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Also, although I am a little helpless that this matter was interrupted today, the bond between us will not be affected by the barrier of time and space. We are destined to be together until eternity. No one can stop this, you It should be clearer than anything.”

"Then I want to make amends."

Shajo Aige raised her beautiful light blue eyes, her face filled with a fairy-like look and a smile as bright as a flower.

But beings like fairies and flowers would not approach beings like Roland so casually.

When he came back to his senses, the girl's pretty face was already in front of him.

"Lord Roland, until we met today, I have done a good job in love songs. I neither indulged my unnecessary jealousy nor caused any disaster that displeased you. Even if I was unwilling to do so, I would be obedient. Such a love song should be Only good children can be rewarded."

"If this is to be regarded as a willful request, even I will be angry, and the consequences will be serious! I will ignore you for at least half an hour... no, I will ignore you for an hour!"

The girl with clear eyes and a pleasant voice looked directly at Roland, showing a cute and innocent smile full of expectation.

The enthusiasm and nervousness in her eyes made Roland smile bitterly.

Even though he knew that this might be the atmosphere deliberately created by Shajo Aige, the beautiful girl who always placed herself in such a humble position and released her love to him was completely right in Roland's sight.

"It's so, so shameless... Wouldn't it make it impossible to be angry at all?"

In an instant, Shatiao Aige's fair face was stained with bright red clouds, and she murmured softly.

Although she didn't know whether the reward of such a gentle kiss was in line with her wishes, she did show a bit of genuine shyness.

"In that case, I won't disturb your banquet."

She tilted her head slightly, lifted up her skirt gracefully and saluted Roland, stepped back a few steps, and then her figure disappeared into the darkness, leaving only the melodious voice still echoing in the void.

"If you plan to change your mind later, then please call Ai Ge's name. No matter what Ai Ge is doing, he will come over to help you deal with this woman. Please also seriously consider Ai Ge's proposal."

Still thinking about this matter, how much you hate her...

Roland shook his head helplessly and looked at Scathach, who was standing quietly next to him.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"It doesn't matter. To be able to see the Queen of Roots acting coquettishly like a young girl in love is a sight that even the wisdom of climbing into the abyss has never heard of. Compared with this harvest, all this waiting is really nothing."

Scathach's beautiful burgundy eyes stared at Roland, and there seemed to be stars shining in them.

"That would be the best," Roland paused and added: "By the way, because that child is a little willful and may cause you unnecessary misunderstandings, please ignore those jokes..."

"It doesn't matter if you do this to me, I don't care anyway."


Even Roland was stunned for a moment by Scathach's speech, and even wondered if he was delusional.

Scathach tilted his head, looked into Roland's eyes, and repeated his words.

"I don't care, as long as you can fulfill my wish."

She is a God-slayer who has transcended life and death as a mortal. She is a figure who has officially graduated from the inside of the world across the abyss. She is a strong person who controls the kingdom of death and has lost the right to die as she continues to advance.

After the disciple she had great hopes for became a dead man unable to resist the will of the planet, her last hope was shattered. She could only continue to wait for long years to die with the outside of the world, or for a turning point to come. .

And now, she finally waited.

The miracle that transcended the world came, as if the primordial vortex that understood everything really responded to her prayers.

The gravity and strength possessed by Roland in front of him were enough to prove that he was a being similar to himself and had also crossed the abyss. He had reached this level from the other party without any hindrance and could stay on this planet safely. It can be seen from the above that the other party has gone further than her.

Only such a strong person can become the target of her fight, and can she fight with him with all her strength, giving her the defeat and even death she seeks.

The aloof queen showed an excited and eager smile.

"you mean……"

Looking at Scathach who suddenly burst out with great enthusiasm, Roland asked tentatively.

"As you think, if you can fulfill my wish, then I will be yours. I will not ask for any so-called identity like that little girl. No matter what kind of treatment, I will happily accept it. "

Looking at Roland's expression, Scathach smiled, diluting the sharp feeling before.

"Between us, there is only the relationship between the dominant and the dominated. You can use words and actions to trample and vent as you like until you are satisfied."

As if to prove his sincerity, Scathach pulled off his veil and took the initiative to reveal his beautiful face to Roland.

Wrapped in purple clothing, she exudes a full sense of femininity, with a enchanting and charming figure. Her dark purple hair is spread over her shoulders like silk, with a few strands of hair playfully sticking to her temples, with a hint of charisma. A girlish sense of innocence.

The lazy and ambiguous expression on the delicate face makes people can't help but have the desire to conquer, and the slender and powerful thighs are even more gentle and watery.

Although he knew that the other party was an ancient existence that had lived for thousands of years, Roland was still a little moved in front of this tender and charming beauty.

"But the problem is that my original purpose this time is really not for Scathach himself..."

Roland cursed secretly.

"During yesterday's battle, I have felt your frank desire, and from the dormant appearance of Saber, it is enough to judge that her master has been released by you, but my master has not. This straightforward invitation makes me very happy. Pleasant, therefore, I also decided to respond to you candidly."

Scathach smiled brightly at Roland and lifted his hair from his temples, as if he couldn't wait for the outcome of this battle.

"How about it? Even compared to that princess-like princess, I don't think I will be inferior in the slightest. I think I should be able to satisfy you."

This self-talking gesture made Roland, who wanted to open his mouth to deny it, nod slowly.

Although compared with the original idea, the current situation is a bit wrong, but there is nothing that cannot be admitted. Today's Roland has an astonishingly low limit in terms of moral integrity and shame.

"Now that you admit this, you must be ready to agree to my request?"

"Well, thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not much different from my original purpose...and I also want to move my body a little bit."

"Then, Roland, don't let me down."

Scathach smiled slightly, gradually stood up straight, and spoke a soft yet sharp voice from her cherry lips.

It only took a few words, without even changing her movements, but the tender temperament in her body was transformed into a brave warrior in an instant.

"No matter how you look at it, I should be the one who said it..."

Roland also shrugged and moved his fingers a little, but before he could finish his sentence, two scarlet magic spears traced mysterious trajectories in the air, moving toward him like thunder and lightning. He attacks.

The opening scene is the merciless liberation of the true name. Compared with the previous two methods of long-distance throwing, close combat is the real and unavoidable secret of this god-killing technique.

Although the red light was not as bright as Karna's sun flame, it blended into the heaven and earth with a deeper light.

But Roland only understood the trajectory of the magic gun pointed at his heart like a poisonous snake in an instant, easily grabbed the first handle, and then touched the second handle to his kidneys without any mercy, kicking Si Kahal's belly.


In the blink of an eye, the location where Scathach was just now spread cracks as dense as a spider web. The ground made of asphalt was as fragile as a thin layer of ice, and there was not even the slightest ability to hinder her retreating figure. , under the overflowing power, it let out a violent scream and raised dust all over the sky.

"After all, you are weak."

After Scathach smashed several walls one after another and flew out, and had to rely on the act of inserting the magic gun into the ground to plow a deep ravine to stop himself from being hit, Roland slowly to complete his words.

"Relying only on the spiritual power of the servant is too weak. For me, it is not even a dessert after a meal."

Looking at Scathach among the ruins, Roland chuckled.

"This has nothing to do with the gap between skill and will. My reaction speed is qualitatively different from yours now. No matter how many times you take action, the result will only be the same."

There is no doubt that Scathach is a top-notch servant. Her Noble Phantasm does not have the large-scale destructive power of beings like Karna and Gilgamesh. But in a one-on-one situation, Roland would think that she has a higher chance of winning.

That skill that has been honed over time has brought this spiritual foundation to an effect that far exceeds its upper limit, but that's all.

Just as Sajo Aige said, when Roland summoned Solomon, he had already won the Holy Grail War, not because of Solomon's strength that could crush other heroic spirits, but because of the opponent's strength. , this Holy Grail War does not have any unexpected factors that even Roland cannot react to before he can be eliminated.

That's right, rather than defeating Roland, the best solution is to eliminate his followers in advance, and then kill the other followers before he regains his identity as a master, ending the Holy Grail War in advance.

That's why Roland felt puzzled.

Although he did hold back, Scathach is not as durable or immortal as Karna. The blow just now has shattered her spiritual core. In the sense of a servant, the opponent has almost withdrawn. .

Has this queen played too many low-end games, and has she been misled by others at the same level?

"You're right," but Scathach, who clearly had daunting injuries on his body and blood pouring out of the corners of his mouth, didn't feel any sense of loss and even seemed full of fighting spirit.

"Because my long-cherished wish is right in front of me. As a warrior, I was indeed blinded by the excitement. If I hadn't used runes to maintain my immortality in the middle, your blow would not only shatter my spiritual core, but also make this body It’s all torn apart.”

She laughed somewhat self-deprecatingly, raised her dazzling face with a stern expression, and stared at Roland with inexplicable fanaticism in her eyes.

"However, while you and the princess were enjoying themselves, I was not unprepared for being left out. So, as an apology, let us officially start the second round!"

"Answer my call and open the door to the Kingdom of Shadows!"

Following Scathach's declaration, the sky suddenly tore apart.

A huge crack appeared above Roland's head like an upside-down abyss. The surface of the world began to shake uncontrollably, and it was being eaten away bit by bit by the power of the demonic realm.

"——The door to a demonic realm overflowing with death!"

Then, in Roland's thoughtful eyes, the demonic realm of death, the Kingdom of Shadows, came crashing down as if it were combined with the sky and the ground, crushing everything!

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