Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 234 Qingzi, I want to come in

Kuonji Yuju is sitting on the sofa, with an ancient classic open on her lap, but from her fingers casually brushing the pages and the completely cold black tea on the table next to her, it can be seen that Miss Witch's Countless thoughts are rolling through my mind.

It wasn't very bright, with some dim light shining from above, casting a shadow on her body.

Is it because she has been with Qingzi for too long and she has been infected by his weakness?

The witch, who was as beautiful as a doll, couldn't help but doubt herself in her heart.

She always gives people the impression of being cold and alienated, as if she is completely out of touch with the current era. Even the witch herself admits that this view is not a prejudice, but a simple fact.

It is indeed difficult for Kuonji Yuju to empathize with ordinary people. She lives like a princess in a fairy tale, avoiding everything in the world, and she plans to continue doing so.

But after all, people will always change. After experiencing so many daily hardships together, this point is still open to discussion.

Kuonji Yuju stared absently at the pages in front of her, with a trace of anxiety in her eyes.

Although at first they thought it was just Roland's alarmism, when they were alone with Aoko today, both of them were already aware of the subtle sense of distance.

Thinking about it carefully, recently because of the inexplicable emotions, she has indeed been deliberately reducing contact with Aoko. This will not make her misunderstand that she is resentful because she clearly has magic but does not continue to work hard to save herself. ?

Perhaps out of shyness, perhaps because of a deep-seated arrogance and not being close to others, or simply a timidity about deepening interpersonal relationships, Kuonji Yuju has always been awkward and not frank in expressing her emotions.

From Aoko's previous performance of fighting to the end of the universe despite the desperate power of time acceleration, she can imagine how much effort the magicians have put in and what difficulties they have encountered in order to save everyone including herself. Even putting themselves in life-threatening situations.

In this situation, Miss Witch would not blame Aoko for trying her best, but instead felt guilty for not being able to stand by her side.

Isn't Aoko disappointed because of the cold attitude she showed... No, it should be said that if such an atmosphere continues, it would be normal for them to part ways after doing something like that.

Even if he knew that he couldn't even reveal it, the act of reconciliation now might just be wishful thinking, and it would be impossible to make up for what happened later. Kuonji Yuju didn't want to wait until the worst situation developed before regretting it.

Kuonji Yuju glanced at the clock on the wall... At this point, Aoko was probably still asleep.


The witch closed the book in her hand, stood up, and made a decision.

You have to make peace with her.



With shame and anger that never faded, Aozaki Aoko whispered directly into Roland's arms.

In response, Roland also stretched out his arms calmly and embraced the magic user's warm and delicate body.

"so comfortable……"

Aozaki Aoko, who finally fulfilled her previous wish, hugged Roland's back tightly, rubbed her little head against his chest, sighed with contentment, and muttered something inarticulate at the same time.

Roland could feel that the girl was exerting force with her hands holding him. Although such a proactive attitude was rare, at this level, it was not like a girl with the temperament of Aozaki Aoko could initiate a request.

...Let’s give it a try.

Roland stretched his other hand into the gap at the hem of Aoko's top, directly touched the girl's smooth and soft skin, and began to move somewhat beyond her reach.


Aozaki Aoko's body stiffened, but she still endured it obediently. However, the voice coming out of her throat was a bit coquettish, and she took the initiative to wrap her jade arms around Roland's neck.

"It's not like you can't bear it anymore. If it continues like this, won't it be no different from usual?"

"Guys like you don't understand the beauty of eating your favorite food after enduring it!"

Aozaki Aoko leaned her face on Roland's shoulder and said viciously, but her pretty face was already red.

"That's why you have to eat it little by little, step by step, so that the taste of each bite can be maximized."

"I always feel like this is just an excuse you made for yourself because you gave up on yourself. You must have stayed at the first bite for too long..."

However, before Roland had finished speaking, Aozaki Aoko had already expressed his attitude and choice with practical actions.

The girl stood on tiptoes, and with a slight exertion of her hands, she got even closer.

She didn't know how long it took before she slowly let go of her hand. The blushing magician breathed in the fresh air. After a while, she calmed down her breathing again.

Then, she glared at Roland fiercely.

Although she wanted to dominate as much as possible, compared to Roland, who had lost his integrity, Aozaki Aoko naturally had no ability to fight back or resist, and was bullied miserably.

"It's just that at this level, we still need to work harder."

Unlike Aoko, Roland, who had just relaxed a bit in the afternoon, seemed to be quite comfortable in this situation. He shrugged and waited with a smile for the next move of the unhappy magician.


Then, in his confused voice, Roland was directly pressed to the ground by the magician.

Or to use a more accurate description, Aoko was riding on his chest.

To be honest, Roland now really understands why Aozaki Aoko has become the prototype of many heroines.

After identifying with a person, the magician will not change his attitude because of the other person's abnormalities. He will still go his own way and shine as a perfect high school girl and as a human being.

This half-hearted way of living is consistent with her previous point of standing in front of the gate of magic but refusing to abandon human ethics, but this is also the unique charm of the other party.

No matter how abnormal it is, she will bring it back to daily life, like a mirror, radiating the truest self and preventing others from going astray.

From this point of view, she really deserves the description of "sunshine, air, and water".

Seeing that Qingzi was planning to carry out her previous attitude, Roland did not interrupt her action.

Although at first he let her move more out of a desire to tease the girl, now Roland really feels a kind of happiness.

Although I have had an experience similar to a knee pillow before, for men, it is indeed a very strange feeling to be ridden by a beautiful girl.

In such a narrow distance, the atmosphere between people will become completely different.

The thin clothing could not prevent the transfer of temperature between the bodies, and the touch of the girl's slender thighs was even better than before.

Through the stockings, you can feel the softness and warmth of your skin, and the hazy fragrance can easily make your nerves relax.

When Roland was a little shaken, Qingzi, who had been complacent just now, suddenly stiffened for a moment, and spoke in a voice that suppressed his shyness.

"It hasn't started yet, I just got touched by my foot and that's all...are you an idiot!"

After all, even though she has crossed the boundary of magic and gained a lot of experience, the future Aoko is also very pure, so even if she becomes an attractive mature woman, she still doesn't understand as much in this regard as she does now.

Aozaki Aoko carefully averted her eyes and moved her body. Because she was pressed against Roland's chest, she was very aware of the changes in his lower body.

Because the rhythm of the battle was completely different from that of normal battles, the girl who was taking command for the first time lost her sense of proportion due to the unexpected scene.

"This is all your fault."

"what is this……"

She turned her face slightly and murmured vaguely.

"Because Qingzi is very beautiful...it is normal for a healthy adult male to be treated like this."

"This kind of praise is too heartless..."

Although she was complaining, the girl still lowered her head in embarrassment, her eyes became shy, and she secretly observed Roland's body.

Although I don't want to admit it, when I look at it from a close distance, I can see that the opponent is indeed in his strike zone. Not only does he have a straight face, but his chest is also different from Youzhu. It is very hard and strong, and I feel very comfortable leaning on it. No wonder that when we got along before, , even though she knew about his husband disguised as Cheng Zi, he was still a little moved.

Qingzi swallowed unconsciously, looked at Roland who was waiting for his next move, and stretched out his hands that were a little ready to move.

"Then, I'm going to start..."

However, almost at the same time she spoke, there was a sudden sound in the quiet room.


As a testament to the age of the mansion, once the door is pushed open without the proper strength, it will make this harsh sound.

"Qingzi, are you there?"

Aozaki Aoko, who had been shy just now, turned pale and realized her mistake. Because she was too obsessed with ghosts before, she completely forgot Roland's warning. Even when she pulled the other party in, in order to create an atmosphere of a sneak attack, she He didn't bother to lock the door, but just closed it. He was so immersed in it that he forgot to observe the movement outside the door.

Looking at the door that was gradually opened due to knocking, Aozaki Aoko suddenly raised her head and said.

"Wait a moment!"

She shuddered, and quickly used her magic power without causing any disturbance. She lifted up Roland and began to scan around the room, looking for a place to hide.

The witch, who had temporarily stopped because of her obstruction, seemed to have heard the movement and made a confused sound.

"What happened? Hey, the door seems to be unlocked... So,

——Qingzi, I want to come in. "

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