Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 216 The loser eats the dust


Even though he was not present at the scene, when he witnessed the subtle expression of Cheng Zi who was confronting Aoko, Kuonji Yuju couldn't help but his expression suddenly changed. The indifference that had been on his face in order to confront Roland disappeared, and he was left filled with shock and anger.

The situation has become very clear. Although there have been back and forth between verbal exchanges and actual battles before, from the perspective of an outsider, the situation for Aozaki Aoko was very bad from the beginning.

In this battle, even though Orange was the first to activate her trump card and seemed to be at a disadvantage, she was clearly superior. Judging from Aoko's embarrassed state and the fact that Cheng Zi didn't even have a stain on her coat after being approached, she was like this This conclusion can be drawn from the obvious comparison.

Orange has been waiting for this moment for a long time. The reason why she has maintained a seemingly balanced level is to give Aozaki Aoko hope, so that Aoko can't escape.

At this time, let your real trump card make the final decision.

When Aozaki Aoko's magic cannon was ready to go off, in the misty moonlight, the ace who was willing to use herself as a stepping stone also walked out of the darkness.

Youzhu's lips were trembling slightly.

It was not because of fear, but because after seeing clearly what kind of creature it was, her lips trembled with excitement.

That is a golden beast that is too beautiful.

It is neither demonic nor illusory, but something truly divine. It is the life of the extinct gods, the mysterious and repeatedly accumulated mysterious inheritance of human wisdom, and the miraculous reappearance of the entire earth - it is the real natural enemy of the magician who can crush everything in one fell swoop.

No, if Aoko is fatally attacked by such a fantasy species in a sneak attack, she won't even have time to use the spiritual summoning spell, and she will be wiped out directly.

Please, don't die, Aoko, if you fall here, what will happen to your agreement to drink tea with me?

As long as you can withstand this blow, even if you only realize your situation before death, you can cross that boundary under the instinct of survival, so you can definitely defeat Orange...


But everything happened so fast that after she realized what happened, she couldn't even say anything to ask Roland for help.

The speed of the golden beast's attack was far faster than the propagation of sound, and a hint of gloomy despair quietly flashed in the girl's eyes.

Because everything is a foregone conclusion.

——Aozaki Aoko died here.

Roland sat on the sofa, holding the doll-like witch in his arms, tapping his fingers lightly on the table, not moving at all because of the scene in front of him.

"It's really bad luck. She has done very well, but the gap in experience and intelligence cannot be made up by hard work. I thought Cheng Zi would change, but in the end she just went to the other extreme."

"Fortunately, I made preparations in advance, otherwise it would have been a headache. Otherwise, where would I have found a suitable time for the new moon? However, this is the first time I have started it since the conditions of use were changed."

Hearing Roland's sighing voice, Youzhu quickly turned her head and glanced at him.

Resurrection from the dead is a miracle that even a witch cannot spy on, and it is true despair.

But Roland, who had fallen in love with her before, didn't pay attention to her little movements. Instead, he stared at the screen. At some point, his hand that was tapping the armrest of the sofa was clenched into a fist, with his thumb raised high. , and then press gently.

In his mouth, he spoke words that Kuonji Yuju couldn't understand.

“The loser eats the dust.”



Qingzi kept coughing in pain, and the blood that came up from his throat sprayed on the cold ground.

The injury of a broken heart is combined with the poison-like mystery of three thousand years of fantasy species. Any attempt to save anything will turn into a powerless illusion.

Aozaki Aoko's spirit and thoughts had been taken away with her life. In that precise and cruel attack, all that remained in the body was the echo of physical instinct.

In the face of too intense pain and too desperate means, her body began to become numb to the matter of survival.

Aozaki Aoko subconsciously lowered her head with dilated pupils and looked at her pierced chest.

It was a murderous weapon that matched the aura of the beast nearby. It was a golden wolf claw.

It has claw tips that reflect cold light like the tip of a knife, making people shudder. It has sacred hair that is softer and brighter than any animal in the world. Its front claws stained with blood are as aggressive as three prepared execution knives.

Still, it's anything but crude. In front of this golden wolf, humans will feel ashamed of their bestiality.


At the same time as Aozaki Aoko's reverberation went out, the beast's claw also retracted.

This action once again caused a splash of bright blood to fall on the snow.

"There was so much blood, but I didn't even scream."

An unexpected voice spoke. Undoubtedly, it was the wolf in front of him who spoke.

"Or, she doesn't care about the pain."

There is no malice in its tone. Like an innocent child.

The golden wolf's eyes showed an inappropriate smile, which completely destroyed the ferocious feeling it had given people before.

"No matter who it is, she is so patient. It's a pity to kill her like this. Let her use her magic at least. Doesn't this move further prove that you are just a bastard who is afraid of the powerful?"

Looking at Aozaki Aoko who was lying on the ground, her dilated pupils gradually turning into gray, Beo said with some dissatisfaction.

"That will only add unnecessary trouble. You are indeed an idiot."

Orange's scolding voice was not loud, but it sounded sharper than a wolf's fangs.

She walked up to Aoko, who was lying in the snow, and stared at his motionless body, and the blush that bloomed like plum blossoms from the big hole in his chest.

"But this time I won."

Orange said and laughed.

This smile is not the warm smile that a sister shows to her sister, but the cruel smile that a winner shows to a loser.

She is usually calm and can only be unable to suppress her emotions when faced with this kind of moment.

When you see her smile, you will know that the emotion is her accumulated hatred.

It was this hatred that made her declare to the unresponsive corpse.

"I won, Aoko."

If the ten years and that failure have taught Aozaki Orange any lessons, one of them must be a well-deserved number one.

There is no way she can defeat Aozaki Aoko, who is a magician.

No matter how hard we try, we can't do this. Although we still maintain the appearance of humans, the magicians are already alien-like creatures.

Even if Qingzi is immature now, this will not change. Last time, she was too immersed in the resentment of the past and failed to take this as a creed. In the end, she lost everything.

As long as the opponent is left with a little breathing space, the balance of victory and defeat will immediately tilt.

Therefore, if you want to win, Orange has two necessary conditions.

First of all, her stupid sister hasn't crossed that line yet and still carries a certain amount of crystal clear stupidity about her.

This is gained by exchanging time travel opportunities with Roland.

Secondly, she must have a decisive means that can cut off everything. It is not magic engraving, or things like completed dolls and runes. They can crush Aozaki Aoko, but they cannot defeat the magic user.

The power beyond the limit must be used to make Aoko die completely without even having time to react.

Although this is different from the plan, it is enough for Beo to play this role now.

After satisfying these two points, all that's left is to use your future prophet to slowly control the direction of the battle.

You can't be swayed by any emotions. You have to give Aoko hope, pressure, and flaws little by little according to his character. Finally, when he is all-out and focused on the magic bullet, without any distractions, let Beo kill him with one strike.

And although there were doubts at first, the facts have now proven everything.

There is nothing to be afraid of anymore.

"Beo, are you going to eat her later?"

"Eh? I don't want to. How can anyone eat such a weak prey taken in such a shameless way..."

Beo had transformed into a cute blond girl, but looking at the appearance of Orange and Aoko, she licked her fingers unconsciously, with a rather disgusted expression on her beautiful face like a fairy.

"I have already taken care of her according to your request, without exposing any flaws, and with one fatal blow. Since your goal has been achieved, there is no need to borrow me anymore. I will go back to the master first. "

With a light leap on the snow, the sacred and majestic golden wolf replaced the blond girl. It stepped on its front legs and sniffed the oranges in an elegant yet agile manner, without even looking at the oranges behind it, like the wind. left.

"This heartless bastard..."

Such a frivolous attitude made Chengzi clenched his fists and snorted, but did not express any objection.

After the plan was completed, Beo's importance was no longer that high. Even if something happened later, she couldn't be called a trump card.

Before meeting Roland, Beo could indeed fight 'magic', provided that the opponent still retained the original specificity.

Beo is indeed a perfect miracle, but once he is defeated, he is no longer perfect.

Just like the dragon before meeting the dragon-slaying warrior was invincible.

Although he is still a powerful fantasy species and the incarnation of miracles that sweeps away modern magicians, he has also lost the qualification to compete with those things that transcend mystery.

Chengzi no longer looked at Beo who was leaving, but turned his attention to Qingzi. Everything in front of her showed her final victory.

But apart from the initial ecstasy of getting what he wanted, what Cheng Zi felt was complete pain and disappointment, accompanied by a certain sense of emptiness and loss.

Driven by this emotion, she just stared at the face that was similar to her own, sighed for some reason, stretched out her hand, and prepared to remove the Aozaki family's magic seal.

——However, the hand she just stretched out stopped directly in mid-air.

Chengzi, who seemed to have seen something unexpected, suddenly lost the ability to think. His eyes that had always been calm and calm actually showed a bit of horror, as if a vampire who did not want to be named stopped and noticed that the face of the person opposite him was full of The invincible young man suddenly moved his fingers.

"How can it be?"

Aoko Aozaki's hot blood had penetrated the snow quilt, leaving deep holes in the white snow. But now, the melted snow has been restored out of thin air.

Aozaki Aoko, who originally fell to the ground, was already standing on the same spot, without even the process of standing up, as if he had been refreshed.

There was no trace of blood on Aoko's body, and even the stains and tears on her uniform caused by the previous battle had disappeared.

The only thing that can prove that these things are continuous is that for some unknown reason, it is still radiating light and burning, as if it has never been extinguished.

Aozaki Aoko looked at the glowing engraving on her wrist and patted her intact body in disbelief. Her heart was full of confusion. The feeling of facing death was still vivid in her mind. The burning heat caused by the engraving at that time seemed to be It was like burning her whole body.

There was no mistake, she did die once.

But why can she still stand here now?

Aozaki Aoko subconsciously touched her pupils, as if she recalled something.

At the moment before she died, what appeared in her eyes was not the revolving door in the story, but a strange figure with cat ears, and the feeling as if her whole body had been blown to pieces after the other person pressed his thumb.

And Aozaki Aoko had only seen such iconic movements from that man.

That is, the chance to reverse everything?

"How is it possible? What is this?"

Resurrection from the dead is indeed not a problem with the Aozaki family's magic, but Orange, who has already witnessed magic once, can be sure that this is definitely not the breath of the root vortex being opened.

That said, it's not magic.

Aozaki Orange questioned the incomprehensible unknown.

Qingzi hesitated when he spoke.

She took a small breath, but still read out the name that the cat-eared figure had carved in her heart.

"This is...the third bomb: The loser eats the dust."

Roland, who was far away, suddenly squeezed Kuuanji's beady and slender hand the moment Aoko said the name.

"It didn't cause the world to regress, but changed the effect along the way? To be able to do this, and to have the kind of vision that the Killer Queen saw just now..."

Although it was only a moment of vision, it was enough for him to be convinced of his choice.

Time is on Aozaki Aoko's body, and the third bomb planted on a whim is not accidental, but inevitable.

"Sure enough, they are the same type..."

Roland showed a ferocious and joyful smile. There was no need to have any doubts. The new moon was about to rise.

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