Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 158 This is a trial!

"God? Although He is indeed related to this title, He is still in the category of an apostle."

Roland pursed his lips and looked at the creature that exuded divine power.

Now he can be sure.

Dungeons are definitely inseparable from the gods.

Moreover, the so-called gods cannot be viewed as superficial creatures with divine power.

As the messenger of God, the apostle actually produced such a wonderful chemical reaction after possessing the underground city.

Whether it was the intensity that far exceeded Roland's impression, the true red AT stance, or the power that was more powerful than Apollo after unblocking, it all showed how terrifying the opponent was.

From this point of view, the death cry of the idiot who was exploited from beginning to end is not wrong. Even the gods of this world are not as majestic as the white giant in front of Roland.

Roland did not continue to attack. Since AT's position is known as an absolutely inviolable field, although it cannot be said to be invincible, its own power is still considerable. For Roland now, he probably has to use all his divine power as firewood. Only by burning it all can we barely get a glimpse of the small chance of victory.

Although he is unwilling to admit it, Roland knows that with his current strength alone, he can only remain undefeated at most.

What happened in front of Roland was too abnormal. It was obviously the final boss of the dungeon, and the ancient monsters produced had records such as single-killing Artemis, the moon goddess who is famous for her force among the gods, not to mention... What about itself?

Even if it is sealed, its essence should not be so easily taken away from a full level of organization and so many permissions, even if the bonded spirit is an apostle from EVA.

But if you know the identity of the white giant in front of you, you will be relieved.

"The second apostle, Lilith."

Roland said the other person's name expressionlessly, and after hearing the name, Ying Manzhen beside him also instinctively frowned, reached out and pulled out a dark purple ferocious void sword from the River of Sighs. .

Although the attack has not yet been launched, the blue spiral light is enough to prove that the power of this sword is definitely not inferior to the Esther in Roland's hand.

This is the void of Yingman's true name, and it is one of the symbols of the highest authority of the Apocalypse virus. Although Roland is curious whether the weapon made with the light of the soul can shake the absolute domain of the apostle, Lilith obviously does not intend to give Yingman Opportunity to attack with real name.

She just raised her hand quietly.

This familiar posture made Roland's pupils shrink and he subconsciously looked at his feet.

In this river of sighs constructed by the apocalypse virus, purple crystals spread rapidly from the feet of the two of them, so fast that even Yingman's real name had no time to avoid it, and was swallowed up instantly.

In Lilith's doubtful eyes, Roland's figure suddenly appeared at the other end.

Lilith can actually control the Apocalypse virus?

Roland was stunned when he saw the crystallized Yingman's real name. In terms of the authority of the Apocalypse virus, Yingman's real name should be absolutely supreme.

What's more, this is her home court, but the irrefutable fact happened in front of Roland.

But Yingman's real name, who was sealed in the crystal, quickly fought back. The shape of the entire River of Sighs was directly distorted, turned into a spear, and quickly pierced Lilith's heart.

But what is incredible is that in the face of such an attack, Lilith did not activate the AT stance to resist, but allowed this brutal blow to pierce her heart and nail her to the dungeon.

At this time, cracks began to appear on the periphery of the crystal that sealed Yingman's real name, but every time a crack appeared, a new crystal would fill it, which made the rupture process that should have been completed in an instant seem very slow. , as if she was fighting against herself.

And the color of pain actually appeared in those indifferent true red pupils.

"I see."

Roland understood everything.

"From the very beginning, part of Yingman's real name's wall of defense has been taken away by you. No wonder you can also use the Apocalypse virus. You are using it with her own authority."

The time when Lilith possessed the dungeon may have been many years before Yingman's true name came to this world, but unlike the original world, the lack of necessary conditions prevented Lilith, who was alone, from immediately completing the restoration of all mankind. It was over, so she just slept quietly, gathering strength while quietly waiting for the opportunity.

It wasn't until the fallen fairy turned into a monster that Yingman's real name came, and she was quickly chosen as the material for his body. Yingman's real name, who had the same mission and similar power properties, became the best tool. people.

Roland didn't know how to complain. Although the Virus Queen was very good in her perfect form, she just couldn't escape the fate of being used, and those who wanted to use her had to queue up, from the dungeon, to those weirdos, to Lily. Silk, and even Roland, who had already planted the evil in this world and was ready to harvest it.

After all, the independent nature of the Virus Queen means that she does not need the help of others and will spread the virus spontaneously, waiting for the moment of resurrection.

In this process, because her physical material came from the fallen fairy spirit combined with the dungeon, and she was also sleeping, using her authority and power as a dungeon, Lilith quickly captured Yingman. The defense line of the real name heart wall, and began the action of occupying the magpie's nest.

While waiting for the virus to spread, she also activated her own power. Those whose soul power was on the verge of being broken after the virus entered the middle stage, had their heart walls melted directly, and their way of thinking became similar to that of the monsters born in the dungeon. It's exactly the same, thus creating a zombie craze that swept the entire earthly world.

Taking advantage of this disaster, Lilith also arbitrarily extracted those parts of her own creation from the river of souls that should belong to Yingman's true name, and even completed a deeper integration with the other party, and completely broke away from the power of the dungeon. As an individual Birth.

But Lilith is obviously not satisfied with this, even if she has been sublimated far beyond before. As long as her essence is still Lilith, she needs to complete it.

For her now, the most suitable target is undoubtedly the resurrected Yingman's true name.

Lilith, whose heart was pierced by the spear transformed by the River of Sighs, didn't know what she did. The weapon that was transformed from the soul crystal of most of the world actually began to twist and shrink, and the layers were superimposed to form a crystal wall. After transforming into a flower-like shape, the white giant's wound opened on its own and transformed into a mouth-like shape, taking it into its body.

Then, in a transformation that almost polluted the mind, the whole body of the white giant seemed to have had its bones removed, turning into a sea of ​​flesh that was as filthy and sticky as tar, and trembled.

They spread like slimes, along the wall, covering the original location of the fifty-ninth floor, and stopped completely only when they turned into a shape like a white giant egg.

An overwhelming mass composed of endless souls, the prototype of a world born on the basis of countless lives.

This is the cocoon of the world where the second apostle Lilith and the Virus Queen were born.

——And Roland is the only guest in this small world.

Roland didn't know how to react for a moment. Suddenly, he smiled as if he looked away.

From everywhere in this pure white world, dark black mud suddenly flashed.

They were winding and circling like snakes, converging into Roland's shadow. Each black mud blending in made Roland more energetic.

"Have you even driven away the hidden hand of evil in this world?...But for some reason, it always feels like it was released on purpose."

Roland stared at everything around him and fell into thinking.

Fragmented clues continued to piece together in his mind.

From the moment she was given the king's power, Lilith seemed to be planning to get herself into such a situation.

It is obvious that the completion of all mankind has not been completed, even if it is really necessary to transform into such a cocoon of the world, then, what is the purpose of the other party?

Roland turned his head and stared at the figure slowly falling from the sky accompanied by the double helix of light.

She was wearing a pure white and purple dress, and her movements were gentle and beautiful, like flying ribbons.

But compared to these appearances, what attracted more attention were her pupils. One was as scarlet as an insoluble flame, and the other was as clear as a gem.

It was obviously the same eye-catching true red, but the color difference between the two pupils actually brought about a feeling as magnificent and dangerous as heterochromatic pupils.

The pink-haired girl stepped in the air and landed in front of Roland. She wrapped her slender arms around his neck and pressed her whole body against Roland's chest. At the same time, she rested her chin on his shoulder, looking very affectionate. .

It was hard to imagine that Lilith would do such a thing, and Roland called out the girl's name in surprise.

"Yingman's real name...or is it, Lilith?"

"It's all."

Yingman's eyes of different colors exuded a brilliance that did not belong to human beings, and even had different emotions. However, when looking at Roland, the passionate and tender emotions in both eyes were the same.

"In the final analysis, both Eve and Lilith have the same needs for you. While she wants to make up for me, I am also making up for her shortcomings. The right to think is equal."

Even if she has the advantage, it is not easy for Lilith to complete Yingman's real name. Completely dissolving the heart wall of the virus queen also means that the will of the apocalypse virus will infect the apostle. Lilith.

The most significant result of this completion process is that Lilith, who was originally supposed to have no personality symbol, coexisted with Sakuraman's real name and also gave birth to her own personality.

Although it is still very thin, like a blank piece of paper, it is indeed her own will.

But because of this, Lilith doesn't like to speak, so her body is still controlled by Yingman's real name.

But for Roland, this is definitely not good news.

The girl whispered softly.

"So, Lilith and I have reached a consensus that we both need to have you. Of course, before that, you must first complete the process and become the real [Adam]."

"Isn't it too late for me to hire someone else?"


Ying Man's pretty face was filled with a chilling smile.

"Of course, you are our only and eternal choice. Rather than saying that Adam chose you, it is better to say that you chose Adam."

"Lilin, be Adam."

After Yingman finished saying her real name, another ethereal voice came out of her mouth, a voice full of hope and love.

"Only you have this qualification. You should have turned into countless people, but you actually have the possibility of countless wisdom at the same time. As an individual existence, you become one with us. After completely integrating life and wisdom, , you will become the god of the new world."

Roland understood where this love came from. It was the love of a mother.

When he met Lilith, he called her the second apostle based on his past memories, but that was not the case.

The second apostle is just the human definition of her in the original work.

In the Tree of Life, the first thing to be born was Adam, the Son of God, followed by Lilith. They represented the two poles of Yin and Yang respectively, thus giving rise to a race called the Apostles.

The first seventeen apostles, including them, all swallowed the fruit of life from the tree of life and gained great power, but only the eighteenth apostle gained the fruit of wisdom, because the weak power was not enough to maintain The general form was divided into weak existences, and finally was born from Lilith.

The eighteenth apostle is lilin, the human being itself.

If Adam, who gave birth to many apostles, is the source of life, then Lilith is the mother of all things.

When mankind and the seventeen apostles are reunited, new gods will be born in this world.

Around this divine power, the entire EVA story was born.

This is why Lilith clearly knew that other apostles did not exist, and even couldn't wait to complete the world, so she chose Roland and merged with him in advance.

Roland possesses everything Lilith needs. He is even better than the original Adam. He contains endless power. He is like a demon and an immortal and noble person like a god. He can turn all the scattered human malice and possibilities into One, sublimated lilin.

Coupled with the fusion of the power of the gods of this world, myself as Lilith, and Yingman's real name as Eve, after knowing this, Lilith could not resist her instinct.

She hugged Roland and expressed her love with hot breaths, as if she wanted to crush her whole body into the other person's arms.

"That's right... No wonder the fourth bomb didn't activate, and the black energy didn't react at all."

Neither Lilith nor Yingman's real name has any ill will towards Roland at this moment. In a sense, they are sacrificing themselves to help Roland complete his ascension.

In this case, the black energy is also happy to see the results, so it does not interfere in any way, and even adds fuel to the flames.

The Key of All Souls perfectly meets Roland's requirements. The combination of the Virus Queen and Lilith can definitely completely make up for Roland's spiritual flaws, and even help him complete the recovery of his divine power and the balance of yin and yang.

Even if the shape of the body and soul are already absolutely abnormal, after being completed, these powers and appearance will shape their original appearance according to the light of Roland's mind.

He doesn't need to worry about the unnecessary impact that signing the spirit contract will have on him in the future. Even if he is of equal status, it will be difficult to touch the wall of his heart.

But this kindness is by no means easy to accept. During the completion process, if Roland's own will fails to overcome this process, he will be the same as Yingman's real name. Although he still has the memory of the past, his personality will continue to change. Approaching divinity.

"Are you ready?"

The girl's lips were close to Roland's ear, and she asked in a teasing way.

Roland silently rubbed the ring in his hand. Its function was still very normal. As long as Roland made a thought, he could leave this small world where even gods could be trapped and return to Xingyue.

But at the same time, this also means that he voluntarily gave up the opportunity to complete himself. This escape may even become a new weakness in his mind in the future.

This choice was far more difficult than the first time when he signed a contract with Kira Yoshikage and let the influence distort his character, because Roland had no choice at the time, but now, he has a chance to escape.

After reaching the sky in one step, he seemed to have said goodbye to the helpless self who had just traveled through time. But now when faced with the choice, Roland realized that the other party was just blocked by his own light.

Only by admitting one's own weakness can one be truly strong?


Roland took a deep breath, stared into Yingman's real name's eyes, and answered in a calm voice.

"This is a trial, I think, this is a trial to overcome the past,

——Only by overcoming the childish past can people grow. Do you think so too? "

"Then, as you wish, Darling."

Yingman Zhenyi let go of her slender arms around Roland's neck, raised the corners of her skirt with her hands, bent her knees, and bowed respectfully in Roland's direction.

— as she straightened up.

From the inside of the cocoon of the world, overwhelming light orange liquid rushed towards the two of them, swallowing them completely.

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