There is no sign of unsealing, and the body is surrounded by extremely solid crystals. Roland is only knowing the past scene through the memory in Reeves' soul, and the girl in that crystal still seems to be aware of this. So, slowly opened his eyes.

The bright red, crystal-like pupils contained an indifference that was definitely not human, as if they were aloof gods.

She is more like a real god than any god Roland has ever seen in this world, because Roland can't see any intellectual existence from those cold eyes.

The next moment, Roland's field of vision changed to the present world again. Reeves in his hand couldn't even wail, but was covered in muddy purple stones, and finally shattered completely.

Ruiweisi's soul was actively annihilated by that special contract spirit, causing Roland to disconnect.

Subconsciously clasping his empty palms, Roland touched his chin, looking thoughtful.

By now, Qi Ling's true face has become obvious.

"The Apocalypse virus from Guilty Crown, and the Virus Queen as its true controller?"

Apocalypse Virus, Apocalypse Virus, or Apocalypse Virus, these are all its names. Although it is a product of technology in name, this power has a deep connection with occultism and religion.

People infected with this virus will crystallize, but this sign is essentially just an external manifestation of the materialization of the soul, and Void is the master of this manifestation, turning the soul into a weapon like a treasure.

In fact, except for the Virus Queen who is the will of this virus and the people chosen by her, the Apocalypse Virus is a downright poison to everyone else. Life in the old world will be destroyed, and all human will will be destroyed. Preserved and imprisoned in the crystal, live in this eternal utopia.

Although it sounds similar to the third method of materializing the soul, in fact the two are completely different in nature. The third method is to turn the soul into a perpetual motion machine to achieve a certain sense of immortality, but the Apocalypse virus does not Likewise, she crystallizes the souls of other humans and absorbs them, turning them into her own energy and nourishment.

Except for the immortal consciousness of the Virus Queen, all other humans have only had their souls changed.

And before the seal is completely unblocked, the protagonist of the original work can use the strength of his mind to use the void to cut down Gundams in cities and go up to space to cut down satellites.

In the later stages of unsealing, it was possible to destroy a modern fleet with one blow, or it was able to destroy a city even though it was sealed and went on a rampage, which were all intuitive manifestations of its destructive power.

By the time the Virus Queen is completely unblocked, with the souls of all mankind as the foundation, and the nearly endless void, she will be a natural disaster in the true sense.

Regardless of whether it can destroy the world, there is not much controversy about it being a mobile natural disaster that can destroy humans at any time.

The perfect virus queen can control the apocalypse virus to infect all humans around the world in a short period of time, and then, in a crystallized world, complete the doomsday and the destruction of the old world.

"Well..." Roland thought for a while and came to a conclusion. "I always feel like she has a similar personality to me, but she is more fashionable than me."

As one of the evils of mankind, Roland, the Beast of the Apocalypse, also has the ability to achieve similar results to the Virus Queen, but they are going in different directions.

But when it comes to destroying humans in the old world and bringing about the end of the world, there is no difference between the two.

"It seems like this bonded spirit might be able to complement me..."

As a larva of the beast, Roland is far from a complete body, and the expansion of his powers has not reached the limit. After all, just as the world is divided into yin and yang, human evil may also be multi-faceted.

The Apocalypse virus with such a homologous setting may allow itself to become a real human evil in advance, an evil beast that can call out the Apocalypse.

Roland closed his eyes slightly and began to think about everything that had happened in the past few days.

The Apocalypse Virus is indeed a rare treasure on the spiritual side, and it fits Roland's request to fill his spiritual weaknesses, but for some reason, he always feels like he still has something to say.

Is it because it combined with the host body in the dungeon to produce a stronger mutation? Roland couldn't give a definite answer.

"The fifty-ninth floor..."

Roland looked towards his feet, as if his eyes were trying to penetrate the long distance.

No matter what, everything will be revealed once you get there.

By the time other members of Loki's family arrived to support them, Roland had already led Ais out of the burning ruins.

"You are back, where is the attacker?"

Seeing that both of them were unharmed, Finn breathed a sigh of relief and took the initiative to greet them.

"It self-destructed. That purple crystal is not just a mutation in the dungeon, but more of a man-made result. It seems that there are special monsters causing trouble in the deep layers."

Roland briefly explained the situation. After listening to his story, Finn first breathed a sigh of relief, and then his expression became worse.

"Although it is reassuring that there is a mastermind in this incident and not a problem in the dungeon, we found it too late. Someone was infected so many days ago. With Orario's mobility, I am afraid that now …”

"It's spread all over the world, right?"

Roland said the answer that made Finn pause, but he didn't show any panic, but the old god said calmly.

"Things have reached this point, and there is nothing we can do. We can only try our best to save things before a bigger disaster occurs."

Finn bit his thumb, the worry on his face deepening.

"That's right, in this terrible situation, we can only do our best. Roland, you plan to go back first, can you please report this matter to the guild? Our plan remains unchanged for the time being. If there is a possible disaster, the floor owner must clear it up in advance.”

"Okay, I just need to confirm my affairs."


"You did it."

When Hestia got off Roland's waist, she also took off the roll of parchment that had just been printed.

"Jun Luo Lan, you have successfully upgraded!"

"I feel it. The upper limit of this body has grown a little bit more... No, should it be said that I can control more power?"

"Hey, shouldn't this be wondering why there is no such thing as power emerging? I heard from other gods that even if they explained in advance, the children of their families will still secretly test their own power after leveling up."

Not seeing the desired expression on Roland's face, Hestia hugged Roland unwillingly.

"It would be strange if there were significant changes. The upgrade only increases the power of the device and is not a strengthening magic. If you insist on my thoughts..."

Roland sighed helplessly, and said: "Probably it feels like something in the body has been untied, and the balance of yin and yang has converged again. According to this speed, the essence of me and that power is the same. They will truly merge together, and we can only complete it at this time..."

The current Roland has undergone quite obvious changes in the growth of his realm. Whether it is the more subtle control of energy, or the incomparably smooth and artistic instinct of using every ounce of power to the limit during the battle, it is his best. Direct change.

"Mr. Luo Lan occasionally said something that I couldn't understand, but this is still something to be happy about. Moreover, he also gained a development ability that I have never seen before."

Development ability is a kind of grace-added ability, and it is also part of the adventurer's ability value. It can only be learned when upgrading.

The nature of this ability is also different from the basic ability value, and it will strengthen the owner in a certain specialized aspect, just like when a follower receives a continuous command spell, as long as they perform actions that comply with the order, they will Get the corresponding corrections.

The acquisition condition is to perform specific actions, and certain abilities will only be awakened in a certain period of time. The awakening conditions for the development ability [Hunter] are [upgrade to lv2] and [defeat a large number of monsters in a short time]

Because of this, blacksmiths can often get the development ability called forging, which can produce better equipment, and even make magic swords, and pharmacists can also get the development ability called harmony, which can make excellent and even miraculous elixir .

What kind of development ability can be obtained is generally caused by past actions.

But compared to these regular development abilities, those special development abilities have effects that are no less effective than magic.

For example, the mysterious development ability can not only create many props with magical effects, but if it is practiced to the extreme, it can even create a sage's stone that makes people immortal.

For Roland, who had a lot of experience, the number of development abilities he could choose from made even Hestia dumbfounded.

In addition to regular hunters and swordsmen, there are no more than five people in Orario with mysteries, and there is even luck, a development ability that can be said to be an explosion of character. However, none of them have become Roland's final choice.

Taking the parchment handed over by Hestia, Roland imprinted the ability values ​​​​in his mind in a more intuitive way.



Strength: i(0)

Durability: i(0)

Dexterity: i(0)


Magic: i(0)







A Thousand Wisdoms

personification of possibility

favored one

{World}, this is Roland's ability to develop.

Based on Roland's long-standing skills, Hestia also guessed a lot about the options he could have. With the favored one and the incarnation of possibility, mystery and luck are rare, but they are definitely worthy of Roland. experience.

But the world is different. Even in Hestia's life, she has never seen such a wonderful ability, and this unknown deeply aroused her interest.

"This rare ability may be unique to you. It would be a shame to miss it."

Adhering to this attitude, Hestia gave suggestions, and Roland naturally had no reason to refuse.

Hestia asked curiously as she watched Roland unconsciously loosen his hand and then tighten it again, repeating the same action.

"How do you feel about this ability?"

"Apart from some mysterious and mysterious feelings, I don't know what it can do specifically."

Roland shook his head, making Hestia a little discouraged.

"Is that so? Did you choose the wrong one? If you don't know the specific effect, subsequent improvements will be a bit troublesome."

Development ability and basic ability value are divided into ten levels from I to S. Its upgrade belongs to an independent system, that is, it will not be reset with the upgrade, nor will it be automatically upgraded with the upgrade, but by making similar changes in this regard. Escalate through action.

Therefore, it is normal for lv2 adventurers to have higher-level development ability values ​​than upper-level adventurers.

"No, I can be sure of the fact that I didn't make the wrong choice."

Roland did not feel frustrated because of the unknown development ability, but patted Hestia's head as if to reassure her.

"Next, it's time for me to go to the guild to register for the upgrade."

Hestia frowned slightly when she heard this.

"I have reached level 2 in just six days. Even many gods will definitely have doubts about this fact. It is so arrogant..."

"This is exactly the result I want. After all, there is an unknown disaster lurking under Orario's feet now. If I don't become a living legend quickly, what happens next will be very troublesome..."

Roland smiled slightly and walked towards the door. Until this moment, he still didn't stop holding something in his hand.

Even if Hestia doesn't recommend it, he will choose the development ability of {World}, because it is the only one.

As Roland thought, the sacred text panel behind him began to change quietly.

Luck, magic, and developmental abilities are quietly emerging. For Roland, who can fill in the panel by himself, these developmental abilities have long been engraved in his body, but they have been actively hidden by him in order to avoid shocking the world. The display and Whether it's all in his mind.

But the world is different.

Its appearance was completely beyond Roland's expectation. The moment he touched it, Roland had a clear understanding in his heart.

If the ability to develop is a professional summary and further extension of past experiences, then the ability of the world is a unique blessing of this world, a reward for Roland's infinite extension possibilities.

It does not belong to the Holy Lord, nor does it belong to the God's throne, but a reward that belongs exclusively to Roland's possibilities today.

It's not so much an ability as it is a special sense.

Even without updating his ability values, Roland can know that his experience in developing abilities is constantly growing.

The flow of magic power, the underground veins, the movement of the planet, everything was so clear in Roland's eyes at this moment. He could even feel when the surrounding brick walls would collapse, and when the branches falling in the soil would collapse. decay.

This vision makes thousands of wisdom from the Holy Lord admire. Even as a child of the world, you may not be able to have this vision. You must stand on a more equal position in order to jump out of the situation and look like a god. Overlook everything in this world.

This is the change that the development ability of the world has brought to Roland. He even has the illusion that he can touch it by stretching out his hand.

But in the end, Roland still didn't do anything, just watched the beautiful scene in this new vision quietly, and sent out the first greeting that should have been done long ago.

"Hello World."

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