Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 132 A hero driven by interest

Rui Weisi's expression suddenly changed.

Void is not the name of the weapon in her hand, but the collective name for this type of spiritual weaponry.

This name was a revelation that Rui Weisi received from {her} after receiving the gift, but why did the guy in front of her know it?

"Who are you?"

Ruiweisi's face became more and more gloomy, her eyes were full of vigilance, and the original leisurely mood in her eyes was suddenly replaced by a biting chill.

"Just a hero out of interest."

Roland had a smile on his face, as if he had been relieved of some mental illness. Looking at Rui Weisi's appearance and the purple crystals on her face, the curiosity on his face became more intense.

"Even the physical quality brought about by the combination of humans and monsters shouldn't be so easy to resist this contagion. Someone helped you restrain it... And, you just called her... "

"Shut up!"

The annoyance in Rui Weisi's eyes deepened, and she felt as if the secret she wanted to protect at all costs was completely seen through by Roland in front of her.

She didn't dare to let the hero in front of her continue talking, but quickly took out a few strange magic stones that looked like burning gray-green flames from her bosom, and ruthlessly clasped them on the hilt of the sword in her hand.

What is incredible is that the void in Rui Weisi's hand seems to be alive. After swallowing the magic stone, even its shape has undergone drastic changes.

Crystals like vines gushed out from the hilt, covered the entire body of the sword and protruded out like tentacles, surging like blood vessels, and in these intertwined crystal vines, magic stones reappeared one after another, matching the The vines are connected and constantly flashing with light, like ominous eyes.

A trace of determination flashed in Rui Weisi's eyes.

She is a hybrid life born from human intelligence and monster body, and is a heretic that cannot be tolerated in this world.

At the moment when she was reborn, Revis decided to repay that kindness. Therefore, facing the sleepy will that had not yet fully recovered, she took the initiative to become its most pious guardian.

Her efforts were not in vain, and while she was constantly planning, she also received a new gift, this body whose infection was suppressed, and the martial arts from the soul, which is stronger than any weapon, is the best proof.

"Hero, although I don't know how you learned these inside stories, I absolutely cannot tolerate the existence of variables like you!"

Ruiweisi's indifferent face suddenly showed a hint of fanaticism.

"After all, you are just a mortal, how can you understand her greatness! She will bring changes to this old world! Just wait and see, even if you want to do something now, it is too late, the coming of the apocalypse has become It's a foregone conclusion!"

While talking nonsense, Rui Weisi threw out the orb fetus in her arms very suddenly.

As an executor who is always on the front line, Rui Weisi can always reduce losses with the most decisive actions.

Since the plan to take back the original body and replenish her strength has failed, it is better to use the waste. The two people in front of me, whether it is the hero with the fairy or Arya's body, are precious existences, no matter which one , she will not lose money.

"Wake up! Although it is only the Primarch, it is enough for you and other mortals to understand the tip of the iceberg of her power. Soon, this damned city and the hateful Tower of Babel will collapse under her power and become a new world. A harbinger of coming!"

And when the orb fetus that was thrown out landed on the piranha that got out of the ground at unknown time, a sudden change occurred.

The seemingly unformed fetus moved its body violently and opened its eyes. The deformed limbs continued to swell, and soon replaced the colorful main body of the piranha. Just keep stretching the long body.

Countless vine-like tentacles continued to penetrate deep into the ground, and after a while, they fused together with more piranhas, forming a giant monster.

The place that was originally the main body of the flower has also become a faceless female body. She has brightly colored skin and a feminine upper body, but the strange thing is that, apart from the shark-like sharp teeth, her face There are no superfluous organs.

Judging from the size of the Baozhu fetus at this moment, it is not inferior to the Goliath that Roland met before, and it is even more powerful in terms of power.

This monster has just been born, as if it has already realized who is the enemy, it stretches out countless tentacles like octopus arms and feet from its roots, and moves towards Roland and Ai at an astonishing speed with a tremor like the earth shaking. silk strikes.

She didn't have to worry about the obstacles in front of her, and charged along the ground. Whether it was crystals or scattered buildings, in front of her huge body and strength, they were easily smashed, and the shock wave was blown away like a hurricane, rolling up countless people. of rubble.

Just entering her prey range, the female monster raised its tentacles that poured down like a torrential rain.

The tentacles swung out seem slow, but the speed at which the tip pierces easily exceeds the speed of sound. At this level, it is no longer possible to use a whip to describe her strength, and the rain of spears on the battlefield is more appropriate. .

And the piercing tentacles did not stop searching for the enemy, but subconsciously sucked and swept everything around them, and in the blink of an eye, twisted pits and shredded debris were drawn on the ground. It is conceivable that if If you get caught accidentally, you may be swallowed up without even a chance to resist.

Aisi avoided the wrist attack of the female monster with a flash, while Roland wanted to be more decisive. He looked at the female monster coldly, as if his interest was disturbed, raised Esther in his hand and suddenly With a wave, the tentacles that hit the surrounding area will be shattered inch by inch, turning into fly ash, mixed with the strong wind to wreak havoc.


In the atmosphere, the cold silver sword light flashed past, and continued to fly towards the female monster that roared like singing.

In this slash that made even the atmosphere tremble and the space tremble, the female monster instinctively sensed the strong danger of death. She subconsciously gathered all the tentacles around her to form a green wall of flesh, trying to block it. Take the hit.

But these pointless resistances were in vain. The shocking sword light left deep ink-like scratches in the night, and the edges were filled with twisted chaos, as if everything was going to be carved into this sword mark. Same.


In this short span of time, Jian Guang cut off the body of the female monster and completely ended her life.

And at the last moment of his life, this monster seemed to have regained its sanity, weakly stretched out its hand in the direction of Ai Si, and yelled loudly.

The cry is sad and sharp, but it has a touching brightness and joy, just like the first cry of a newborn baby.

But to Aisi's ears, there was only pure greed and desire.

Her mind, which had just regained some consciousness, went blank again, and she sat on the ground in despair. Her face, which had always been emotionless, turned panicked.

What was even more surprising was that even though there was no incantation chanted, the blue breeze seemed to be alive, wrapping around her body spontaneously, like the clothes a mother puts on her child.

Memories from the past flashed through her mind one after another. She had obviously experienced a lot, had companions, and was growing in strength. But at this moment, Aisi seemed to be able to only watch the two figures leaving. Go and be left there, helpless and crying like a child.

But this time, her gaffe did not last long.

Because a warm hand was already on her head, the other person seemed to not understand her current situation at all, so she spoke in a teasing tone.

"That's why I said that the will of the soul is more important than strength. Ais, when you encounter this unsustainable situation, you should give up unnecessary distractions and focus your consciousness on the goal you long for. go."

Ais raised her head blankly and looked at Roland's back in front of her. Even though he had done nothing, she felt a sense of relief as her burden was lifted, as if as long as he was there, there would be no problems in the world.

Her lips pursed slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, Ais lowered her head, lowered her eyes, and fell into an eerie silence.

Although she was still confused before, now she seems to have found her goal.

The girl named Sword Princess longs for a hero that belongs only to her.

Although he sensed the strangeness of Aisi, Roland's mind was completely attracted by Rui Weisi in front of him at this moment. It was not that he was greedy for her body, but that this situation was really unexpected.

The bonded spirit is an existence with only instinct and does not even have consciousness. Naturally, it is impossible for it to engage in subjective actions such as collecting subordinates.

Even a soul as powerful as the Holy Lord only unconsciously brainwashed the possessed Einzbern. Other characters related to him worshiped not so much him himself as the talisman representing his divine power.

But the Rui Weisi in front of her was different. She showed obvious loyalty to the individual possessed by the spirit, and received an unimaginable reward from him.

Being able to suppress crystallization and obtain the void is the best proof. This unnecessary thing cannot be done by the contract spirit, unless the contract spirit's own personality and the personality of the host are very special, which is why it is caused. Such an unconscious special reaction.

"The potential ability is only about level 5. At most, it can be solved by matching two level 5s together. If such a guy is the tip of the iceberg of power in your mouth, it is really disappointing."


Revis smacked her lips with an ugly expression and whispered.

Obviously, her ability to kill the orb fetus with one blow has completely exceeded her expectations. Her normal combat power is only that of a strong person in lv6. Judging from Roland's leisurely look, the opponent is probably that much stronger than her. A little bit.

"Don't be complacent, hero, I still have a backup plan."

But fortunately, she is not the kind of idiot who only releases monsters to give experience.

"Her true power can only be truly revealed after the original body is combined with this gift!"

Ruiweisi looked like she was very familiar with it, and stretched out the sword blade in her hand. The vines wrapped around the sword danced out in an instant, stabbing into the fetal body of the orb that was gradually turning into ashes, and the obviously larger piece was Many magic stones were put into the void in his hand.

This magic stone was directly set on the hilt of the sword, squirming with its eyes like a living creature, and the void in Ruiweisi's hand seemed to have taken some tonic. The entire sword body expanded rapidly. At most, it was just a single piece. The style of the hand sword has now become a huge two-handed sword.

"This kind of change in form is really strange... Is this your void ability, absorbing magic stones to gain the power of monsters?"

Roland looked at Rui Weisi thoughtfully. In his impression, although the void will have a difference in power due to the strength of the mind, unless it is combined with other voids, the form should be relatively fixed.

"That's right!"

And after that mutation occurred, several vines protruded from the hilt of the Void sword in Rui Weisi's hand, pierced into her wrist, and continued to spread into her body, the pain and the continuous force attacked her. Come on, let a more cruel smile appear on her face.

"With the help of the magic stone power of the orb fetus, in terms of ability, I will not be afraid even if the strongest man in Orario, the fierce man of Freya's family comes! How about it, hero? Do you like this gift I gave you?"

There is a significant difference between fighting against humans and fighting against monsters. The two are completely different in terms of size and intelligence. As both level 5 monsters, the two monsters couldn't even avoid Roland's first sword light, but However, Aisi flashed several times, which is the best interpretation of the difference between the two.

But for some reason, seeing Roland's indifferent expression, she always had a very bad premonition in her heart.

"Well... I like it so much,"

Roland also casually drew a sword flower in the air, and the corner of his mouth curled up with an eagerness to try.

"At first, I was worried that I would beat you to death with too much force, but now it seems that I can have more fun playing."

The next moment, Roland's murderous dual voices sounded together.

"Then, Esther, go and kill!"

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