Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 121: Roland's Favor

Hestia stared blankly at Roland with an expression of disbelief, but the other party's sincere words were absolutely true.

Although the body was already nodding honestly, reason still restrained her.

"But my family has only one person, so I can't help you..."

Hestia lowered her eyes nervously, and said with some anxiety.

On the way to find the family members in the past, every time she reached this step, she would encounter failure, so she looked into Roland's eyes with great anxiety.

"As a hero's starting point, it is perfect. A hero who is alone and a god who has nothing. I believe this will be a wonderful legend."

Looking at the dizzy Hestia, Roland smiled helplessly.

"So, what is your answer?"

"I...I...Of course I agree, it's better to say, please, please be my family!"

The flushed Hestia nodded like a rattle, her two ponytails dangling back and forth.

Because she was too excited, she blurted out what was in her heart.

It's over, it's the first time they meet, but they say words like showing love, isn't this the same as those romantic gods? I am a well-known virgin goddess in the heavens, how can I fall in love with my family members... No, this seems to be very common in the lower realms.

"Then, the contract is hereby established. From now on, the Hestia Familia will lead the entire Orario!"

Under the witness of the gods, the Hestia family and the legendary hero took the first step together.


After a while, under the leadership of Hestia, Roland came to a dilapidated bookstore. According to her own words, she had decided a long time ago to choose this place when giving favors for the first time.

She thinks that for herself who likes books, this place is perfect for welcoming the beginning.

The beginning of the legend should be chosen in such a place surrounded by many books.

After simply saying hello to the white-haired old man on the first floor, Roland and Esther followed into a room exuding the aroma of aged wood.

Overcrowded bookcases occupy the four walls of the room, and books are piled up in front of the bookcases.

Hestia, who doesn't even have the money to buy books, often spends time in this library thanks to the kindness of the shopkeeper.

"Then, it's still too late for you to regret it now. Once you have the favor, it won't be so easy to get out even if you want to convert."

Hestia said seriously, "If you want to refuse, I won't blame you."

After leading Esther to the chair next to him and sitting down, Roland also looked at Hestia.

"Don't worry about it, just give me a favor, Hestia."

After confirming the contractual relationship, Roland changed the name of Hestia, and Hestia didn't even notice this move that was enough to make other family gods frown.

She just patted the chair next to her excitedly.

"Then let's get started, Roland, take off the clothes on your upper body, and I will use the blood of the gods as a medium to engrave sacred words on your body. After that, it will be your favor."

Roland took off his shirt skillfully, and just as he sat down on the chair, Hestia took out a box from nowhere, took out a needle, and pricked her fingertip.

The dark red blood dripped lightly on Roland's back, making the power that belongs to the gods begin to appear.

Although it looks very similar to the common content in online games such as ability value and upgrade, grace is fundamentally different from it.

Favor is more of an introduction, leading out the past history and possibility of the person who holds the favor, and turning it into a catalyst called experience value to speed up the speed of becoming stronger.

It's not that having favor will definitely become a strong person, but that favor shortens the process that those who would have become strong would have to go through.

After Hestia's blood dripped on Roland's back, the light blue light caused ripples in the air, and obscure and mysterious words slowly emerged from the light, and they were constantly combined.

"Okay, next, just wait for the sacred text to appear, and your ability value and potential will appear on it."

The sacred text will guide out all the possibilities of the owner's body, just like a blank book. In the following time, Roland's path, accumulated experience and possibilities will be recorded there.

Seeing this scene, Hestia nodded in satisfaction, and looked at the text behind Roland expectantly. After all, he is the rumored hero of the sword. What kind of potential will he have?

But because of this, Hestia failed to notice the strange look on Roland's face at the moment.

In Roland's mind, a blank panel flashed before the sacred text.

Apart from the most basic ability value, there is nothing else, and whenever his consciousness touches those blanks, it will easily leave traces.

Did you fill in the original Enhui panel by yourself?

Although at the moment Hestia's divine blood merged into his body, the wisdom of a thousand from the Holy Lord began to analyze this unknown power and use it for himself, but in the end such a result would still be beyond Roland. expected.

And it seemed that because he hadn't made a decision yet, Hestia, who was giving favors to others for the first time, also felt a little puzzled.

"Eh? Why hasn't the manifestation been completed... Is there something wrong with me?"

Just fill it in, anyway, the panels are all paper.

Roland didn't hesitate any longer, and randomly checked a few of the most common abilities in the blank options.

Accompanied by his thoughts, those mysterious sacred words finally formed rows and rows of template-like sequences, which were presented to Hestia.

And when he saw the ability value emerging behind Roland, Hestia blinked and showed a very subtle expression.



strength: i(0)

durable: i(0)

dexterity: i(0)


Magic: i(0)






A Thousand Wisdoms-

Any magic below this intelligence level, no matter what the prerequisites are, can be learned.

possibility personified -

Super-speed growth, every time you can reach the upper limit, you will get a stronger breakthrough.



All options related to luck will always lead to the most desirable results.

Hestia carefully glanced at the text behind Roland. Needless to say, the basic ability and level, magic is the same. In this world, this ability was originally the privilege of elves and goblins, and other races can only be discovered through grace. out of this possibility.

The number of magics excavated by En Hui is at most three, and most people can only obtain one kind of magic. This number fits Roland's title of hero.

With such a generous magic bar, even if he didn't get magic, there would still be family members scrambling to accept this good seedling.

But in the words described in the three columns of skills, Hestia was completely stunned. Skills will reflect a person's essence and desires, and they are also the easiest to be guided, and there is a possibility of change. Roland has more than one Hestia had already expected the skills, but what these skills represented made Hestia unable to keep calm.

She quickly picked up the parchment that she had prepared long ago, and while rubbing the text on it, she recalled the content described in the sacred text just now.

Qian Zhizhi who directly ignores the essence of the magic bar, the incarnation of the possibility of ignoring the growth rate and the upper limit as the maximum limit in the favor, and the patron who seems to be destined to start a great career and is embraced by luck.

Compared with other people in the lower world, they cheated too much. If they cheated until this news was announced, compared with jealousy and unwillingness, there might be people who were desperate enough to commit suicide.

These skills that tell the essence are almost like saying that Roland is not a human being, but a god.

Putting on his clothes casually, Roland, who knew the result long ago, just casually took the parchment and glanced at it.

"Well enough."

He gave a rather flat assessment.

"This level can be described as something that cannot be used...I have lived for so long and have never heard of such a rare skill."

Hestia felt a little apprehensive, but then became serious.

"Do you want me to lock your ability value for you? To avoid being exposed later and causing a storm, even if you have this kind of skill as a hero, you will be targeted by many unnecessary people."

"No, people who can read this sacred text against my will probably don't exist in this world."

Roland stretched his body and said indifferently.

"Also, it doesn't matter if it's exposed."

Is it off or on?

Regardless of whether Roland reveals his ability or not, he who defeated Ais without any favor is destined to attract a lot of prying eyes.

Conspirator, careerist, as long as he is still active in Orario and wants to lead the era of heroes, this city full of fish and dragons will not stop tempting him.

"However, are the basic abilities all zero?"

Roland stared at the conspicuous number on the parchment and fell silent.

"This is a normal situation. Favor is just an accelerator, not a panacea."

As if worried that Roland would be dissatisfied with this, Hestia hurriedly explained.

"It is based on your current strength as the basic ability. Those numbers represent only proficiency. It seems that you have obtained the favor now, but you still don't feel like you have become stronger all at once, right?"

Hestia moved closer to Roland, and lightly traced the numbers on the parchment with her fingers.

"In fact, the so-called leveling up will become stronger is just the imagination of children who have not received favors. The causal relationship between the two is the opposite. You will level up when you become stronger. In the future, you will not have a clear sense of becoming stronger." This feeling of ascending to the sky in one step is because in the process of exercising, those accumulations and abilities have been invisibly integrated into your instincts, turning them into strength like your arms and fingers."

"Because your natural upper limit is higher than that of other adventurers, even if your proficiency has only increased slightly, you will feel that there is a huge gap with your previous self. This is because the power in your body is still not completely yours. The reason for being mastered."

Having said that, Hestia was a little proud.

"The role of our gods is to allow you to see where you are talented and guide you to make up for your shortcomings."

To improve which ability value, you have to do relevant exercises in this area, to attack, use magic power, and run. These experiences will be multiplied and returned to the owner under the promotion of grace.

The full value of each stage is 99, from i to s, there are ten stages in total, the closer to the upper limit, the slower the growth, but for most people, when they reach d, it basically means that their potential has reached The upper limit is reached, and the rest of the growth depends on the talents and talents in this area.

After the full attribute reaches d, the basic requirements for upgrading are met.

"How about it, Mr. Roland, are you disappointed with En Hui?"

Hestia subconsciously moved over, causing Roland's arms to sink into tenderness.

"No, on the contrary, I think Enhui is really a good thing."

For the current Roland, En Hui couldn't be more suitable. He already felt that the power in his body had changed and began to become more balanced.

Because of being held by Hestia, Roland couldn't move his hands and feet too much, but he still stood up as much as possible, handed the other arm to stand up, and hugged him silently. Esther.


Seeing Esther on Roland's body, Hestia suddenly became angry. On the one hand, it was because Esther's contract was concluded earlier than her, and on the other hand, it was because, as an emotional A very sensitive god, she could feel that Esther had very deep feelings for Roland.

This is no longer an ordinary fairy's attachment to its master, but something that requires more vigilance.

This is evil! How can fairies fall in love with humans, they can't even have children! Wait, the gods seem to be...

Just as Hestia was lost in thought, Roland suddenly raised his head.

"Speaking of which, grace is essentially a kind of divine art."

"Eh? Yes..."

Hestia was a little puzzled and said: "Although it is essentially a gift for the people of the lower world, it is actually a magic formula of the gods, so it is exactly the same. After the conversion, the blood of other gods can also perform abilities. renew."

"I see, the key to favor is not the user, but the essence of the spell and power?"

Roland nodded clearly, and with a move in his heart, the power from his essence flashed behind him.

The next moment, a new information panel appeared in front of his eyes.

magic i (6)

Sure enough, grace is essentially just a spell, which is almost incomprehensible to human beings, but it is still far from the upper limit of the wisdom of the Holy Lord. Although many spells have been forgotten, he, as a demon wizard representing the upper limit of the world Points are the real deal.

This technique has been integrated into the body, and even the panel, and even self-renewal can be completed by Roland without relying on Hestia, which is the best proof.

So, if you are a little more daring, is it possible to give your own favor to others as an option?

Although Roland does not have divine blood, he has substitutes that are absolutely not inferior to divine blood. The evil desires from human beings, and the demonic energy of fire are all similar in nature, and even better.

Even noble heroic spirits will be distorted and reversed by this power, so those adventurers must not be able to resist this malice.

The corners of Roland's mouth gradually opened, revealing a joyful smile.

If this is the case, the embryonic form of a new family is already around the corner.

Belongs to the family of the 【Holy Lord】.

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