Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 111 Parting with Kotomine Shirou

Roland was lying on a pew outside the church, his pupils reflecting the blue sky as if it had been washed.

The sunlight that penetrated through the gaps in the surrounding leaves sprinkled on his face in a fragmented state, but it only made him feel a mild taste.

"Fuyuki City, what a beautiful city."

Just like before, he sighed, and suddenly, another deep voice took over his words.

"It doesn't matter if you want to rest a little longer."

Kotomine Kirei was still wearing that serious-looking priest's robe, but he walked to Roland's side naturally.

"The ceremony is just an outline. There is still a lot of time before the official conclusion is reached and even implemented. You don't have to leave in such a hurry."

"The ceremony has already been determined to be this world."

Roland stretched out his hand to cover the sunlight covering his eyes, and said in a tepid manner.

"Yes, in this world, your resurrection and the evolution of your substitute are all entangled with it. When you come to heaven in the future, it will also be here."

Kotomine Kirei said sternly: "If it's just to supplement the secret language, there are many places in this world that are worth leaving to experience."

"Well, that's right."

Roland grumbled and agreed with this.

"However, my intention to leave is not to supplement the secret language, at least the main purpose is not this, but to solve... some problems that exist in me."


Kotomine Kirei was a little puzzled, Roland's power had completely surpassed the limits of his imagination, if the man in front of him wanted to destroy the world, the world would turn into purgatory in a very short time, but such a great him, would think that Have a problem with yourself?

"Kirei, do you think that most of the time, the body obeys the consciousness, or does the body control the consciousness?"

Roland frowned slightly and sighed.

"Before the innate essence has not awakened, the physical instinct, those electrical signals, hormones, combined with the acquired environment, have shaped us now. After the soul is awakened, we must treat this balance carefully."

Even though he got rid of the influence of the Holy Lord, that body completely disrupted the balance that could barely be maintained, so that Roland had to use the flesh created by human evil to strengthen the negative side and maintain the balance at non-essential moments.

A long time ago, he realized that wisdom and soul are two different things.

A creature as strong as the Holy Lord, facing the endless years of hell, will change from a wise demon wizard to a monster that is only slightly better than a beast.

But Roland's situation is more subtle. His soul has been sublimated, and his body has also changed. If he hadn't used human evil to offset each other, his situation would be much more troublesome now. How could he have the time to relax here? Enjoy the scenery.

Although Roland didn't want to complain about it, the world complained about the original cost without getting the benefits. In fact, he has always been quite open-minded about this.

No matter what changes Qi Ling brings to him, even if the current self is vastly different from the day he first traveled, as long as the root is still evolved from the beginning, he will not have any grudges.

As long as it doesn't really turn into a murderer hiding in a small town, or a big devil who just wants to rule the world.

However, for the eternal road to heaven, he still cannot stop moving forward.

Maybe there will still be new spirits in the future. The changes they bring may not be many, but the influence still exists. With a guy like Matou Zouken, Roland does not want to become like that in the future. twister.

In order to avoid this situation, and to prevent being sealed up like the Holy Master from killing wisdom and patience, spiritual evolution must be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

"Before the full picture of your ceremony comes out, I have to leave for a while to complete my state as much as possible."

Roland calmly concluded that compared with the peak of the Fire Demon, the Soul of the Holy Lord lacked a lot of things. Leaving aside the most critical wisdom of a thousand, even the divine power of the spell was only unsealed. The ones under it are still under the confinement of the outer shell, and can only rely on the current dragon charm to slowly restore their status.

It is also imminent to break their seal and let these divine powers be released and restored.

Moreover, it wasn't until recently that he recovered his body and was given the evil power of human beings by the mother of black energy, that Roland discovered one thing in surprise. growing.

This only means one thing. Roland's anger, which is the source of the fire demon, is also in a state of depression, but it is not so obvious compared with the spell.

Because of the contrast brought about by the ability of hell to weaken wisdom, many people have overlooked that what is weakened by hell is not only the wisdom of demons, but also their power.

The performance of the eight demons whose seals were lifted is not as good as the remnants of demon energy left when they were sealed, which is the best proof of this. In their heyday, their power performance level is far beyond this.

Thinking of this, Roland fell silent.

Having endured the benefits brought by one step to the sky, we must also face the distress that this class will face.

The Dragon Charm completed by the third method cannot quickly meet Roland's needs, even if it was connected to the outside of the world before, and the magic power is almost endless. After all, the power of spells and magic energy It's not that simple at all.

A large amount of magic power can add to the icing on the cake, but it can't help it in a timely manner. To complement them, what is needed is purer and gentler power.

"Where am I going to do something like this..."

Roland's eyes were a little more searching, but he still couldn't find the corresponding thoughts.

Although, he didn't have the right to choose.

"I think fate will give you the answer. Believe in gravity, everything in this world will surround you and ascend to heaven."

Kotomine Kirei's eyes remained unmoved. In various senses, his trust in Roland even surpassed Roland himself.

"If that's the case, then that's fine. However, being too greedy doesn't work. In the worst case, you can complete the supplement of the secret language. From this point of view, I have no right to complain here."

Seeing the natural look on Kotomine Kirei's face, Roland couldn't help laughing.

"Moreover, the process of supplementing the secret language is itself a kind of spiritual growth."

"Do you still need to grow?"

Since the beginning of this conversation, Kotomine Kirei made a rare sound of surprise.

But Roland was only silent for a moment, his voice as steady as ever.

"Of course I need it. The spiritual realm and power I possess now can be regarded as a compliment if I describe it as a child dancing a sledgehammer. Kirei, do you think that I have suppressed my physical fitness to the same level as yours?" , without using any extra strength, just simply comparing skills, who do you think will win?"


After thinking about it carefully, Kotomine Kirei began to speak hesitantly.

But Roland had no intention of hiding it, and gave the answer directly.

"You will win. You are an excellent agent and a strong killing machine. This experience and skills come from your accumulation and growth over the past few decades. Although I can kill you with a flick of a finger, but in the strength In terms of application, I still have some shortcomings."

Within the scope of ordinary life, a person who can use 80% of 10% of his strength is a rare master. Roland knows that he is very strong, and he has often gained the upper hand in battles with many ancient heroes, but this does not mean that He surpassed them in all directions.

Strong power does not mean everything, even the invincible fourth bomb and the power of the six beasts are not truly insurmountable.

The light cannon is the most efficient way to output the magic energy of fire, but this does not mean that the magic energy can only be used to fire the light cannon.

Yoshikage Kira and the Lord gave Roland the qualifications to step into the battle, but these two spirits have some serious flaws in battle.

Kira Yoshikage was appointed by the government because of his personality, and he is not good at fighting. Needless to say, the Holy Master, he is not as good at spells as Xiaoyu, and he was knocked down by Jackie Chan looking for opportunities to fight. Although there is a reason for the blessing of righteousness, but Considering that Jackie Chan took the Bull Charm and couldn't match the power gap of the original body of the Holy Lord, but was kicked over by Jackie Chan without the spell, this defeat seemed very funny.

Roland knew very well that in order to become a real strong man, he must first recognize his own weaknesses.

In order not to be like some guy who was dazzled by power, arrogant to the limit, and then thrown into the universe and stopped thinking, Roland wanted to move on. In addition to maintaining his own anchor point, he also began to recognize Own.

His starting point is definitely not high, but the magic key gave him a chance.

That being the case, there was only one way before him.

Complete yourself with others.

Those various spirits will only make Roland see the road ahead more clearly and move forward more firmly.

The more influence he accepts, the more sacred Roland will be, and this is the path he has chosen.

From a scumbag who just wants to seize the family property to a villain savior who transcends fate, it takes a period of unforgettable defeat and a period of reflection that lasts for a century.

Roland, who has more possibilities, naturally wants to stand in the footsteps of his predecessors, turn every strength of the past into food, thoroughly integrate into his own spirit, and achieve real growth.

"It seems that you have decided to go, no wonder you have arranged everything these few days."

"Rin, Sakura, Illya, and Karen are playing together. Irisviel and Aoi are reliable mothers, so there is nothing to worry about, and Fuyuki City also has a caster to help manage it."

Roland stretched, stood up from the chair, Kotomine Kirei followed closely behind, and said abruptly.

"Then what about caster? The reason why that witch stayed in this era is only because of you, whether it's the supply of magic power or..."

"That's okay, she already knows and accepts it."

Roland said firmly: "The parting is only a moment, and she will take care of everything about Fuyuki during this time."

He slowly raised his hand, looked at the silver ring that changed his destiny, and smiled slightly: "After all, I have already made a contract with her that is more eternal than the Holy Grail."

Seeing that the matter seemed to be a foregone conclusion, Kotomine Kirei looked at Roland's faint but dazzling smile without any impurities, his eyes lit up, and he nodded silently.

He seemed to gradually understand that the key to Roland's ceremony to go to heaven was, so he gave a guarantee.

"When you return next time, I will offer you the way to the gate of heaven."

"I believe in you, Kirei."

Roland suddenly said: "Let's not talk about this matter. Recently, you have completely left Karen on my side, and you have devoted yourself to the construction of the orphanage. It seems that the adopted child is indeed very suitable for you. You Father said you gave the child your last name."

"Because Shirou has this talent, although he is different from Kallen's released nothingness, his incompleteness is just like me back then, struggling with concepts and ego, so I want to give him guidance , Moreover, his incompleteness will attract more help for the road to heaven, if possible, I hope he can inherit my mantle in the future."

"Kotomine Shirou?"

Roland chewed on the name and felt a little emotional.

"Then I'll just look forward to it."


"Kotomine Shirou..."

Since waking up, Matou Shinji has not experienced any fun.

The memory of the past has disappeared, and he has no impression of those who claim to be his relatives. Even the obsession with the magic way has been diluted, and what remains on him is only the residue called talent.

Even the name Matou Shinji was just a title used by others to confirm himself.

According to his own tests, the abilities he has studied before have all been strengthened, and his vision of the world has also been greatly improved.

Everything around him was so boring and superficial, only the man who called himself Roland could make him feel intimidated.

Otherwise, even the magician whose combat power is far superior to this young child, in the eyes of Matou Shinji, is just an equal, and he will definitely surpass them in the future. This is not his self-confidence, but based on the existing The future inferred by the condition.

The magic circuits of this body have all become smooth, and its aptitude is excellent even if it is judged from a rather harsh perspective.

Judging from his daily progress in learning the magic way step by step out of boredom, he will probably be able to obtain the honorary title of three primary colors when he becomes an adult.

But what's the point?

Matou Shinji couldn't understand that this essential gap made it impossible for him to get along with his relatives and the guys in the daily school. Fortunately, according to Roland's suggestion, he came to this facility that is also a church school and an orphanage. Boarding.

To be honest, this is indeed much better. As long as you actively show an attitude of alienation, these children who have experienced difficulties will take the initiative to stay away. If there are really those who are not good-looking, just show strength.

The original Matou Shinji should live a boring life in his own way as planned, but all this was broken by the red-haired child in front of him.

He is obviously the adopted son of the priest who is in charge of managing the facilities, but he always acts like a bad guy, devotes himself to his ideals enthusiastically, and always faces everything with kindness, with an incomprehensible stubbornness.

It's like spending so much time on useless high jumps today.

Matou Shinji has been watching it all afternoon.

Watching Kotomine Shiro repeat the same mistakes again and again, keep failing, but keep trying.

This kind of meaningless behavior is even more boring than myself, and what is even more incredible is that I actually watched it for several hours.

Finally, after Kotomine Shirou failed again, he spoke.

"Your actions are meaningless. If you don't change your power and posture, such an attempt is just luck."


A look of astonishment appeared on Kotomine Shirou's face, but it was quickly replaced by surprise.

"Shinji, this is the first time you've taken the initiative to talk to me."

"It's just that I can't watch it anymore," Matou Shinji raised his hand, causing the tingling sensation of the magic circuit to rise inside his body.


This basic magic that can only be used to manipulate small animals, with the secret transmission of the Matou family given by him in cooperation with Roland, can easily manipulate humans, which is difficult even for adult magicians.

Under his control, Kotomine Shirou's body began to adjust his breathing and strength, and he jumped down, jumping over the pole that he had fallen so many times.

"You are amazing! Shinji," his body was easily taken away by others, but Kotomine Shirou didn't feel offended, but rushed over excitedly, holding Matou Shinji's hand.

"Come and join me, with you here, the search for the road to heaven will be very smooth!"


"Well," Kotomine Shirou nodded, "Kirei said that he and I are the same handicapped people, and we cannot obtain the happiness of ordinary people through ordinary lives. What we can do is to have a good awareness and find heaven Finally, wait for the god-like man to ascend to heaven and bring eternal happiness to the whole world."

"Heaven... This kind of thing is logically unnecessary no matter how you think about it... The world is chaotic. Some people are suffering happiness, while others are suffering. It is natural for those born with disabilities to suffer more."

"You're right... But, isn't it a wonderful world where everyone can be happy? I also firmly believe in what Kirei believes."

Kotomine Shirou stared at Matou Shinji: "Just like you took the initiative to approach me today, can you explain it logically? Obviously, you would never contact other people before."

Just because you're so stupid...

As soon as Matou Shinji wanted to explain, he frowned, because to explain himself, he had deviated from his original intention, and he, who couldn't even understand family affection, was moved by a child of the same age in front of him, which was not like him at all.

Kotomine Shirou, what attracted him?

Matou Shinji thought hard and tried his best to use his brain, but he didn't give a corresponding answer. He just looked at Shirou's useless efforts and was driven by the resentful feelings in his heart.

"Even if you know that this ideal is slim, are you willing to devote yourself to it?"

He looked at Kotomine Shirou and asked a question.

Kotomine Shirou had a sunny smile on his face, "Only during this process, if we can make more people realize their consciousness, wouldn't we be one step closer to a happy world? Encounter itself, It's part of gravity."

He looked at everything around him happily: "What kind of person will you meet in the next moment, how many deviations will occur between your life and what you planned, whether you can reach the ending in heaven, these unknowns, these awakenings, every moment makes you feel happy. I'm excited, and only by committing myself to this thing can I get a smile."

Kotomine Shirou raised his chin and pondered for a while: "I'm afraid, this is what father means to be happy, Shinji, you are always so rigid, you have to pursue something that makes you happy, so you can become better. "


Matou Shinji repeated the word, and immediately understood the source of his heartfelt emotion.

There's nothing wrong with that, he got pleasure from observing Kotomine Shirou itself, so he made the change.

This unknown deeply washes Matou Shinji's heart. In the boring reality, he finally has a second object that can make him turbulent. And, unlike Roland who made him feel scared, Kotomine Shirou What he can find is excitement that he has never had before.

"I'll join."

Matou Shinji abandoned reason and looked at Kotomine Shirou seriously.

"I will go to witness the so-called heaven, and you who are chasing it, what kind of unknown will happen, but I can't guarantee that this dream will come to an end."

"Then what does it matter? The ending is already doomed, it's nothing more than whether it can be achieved in our generation."

Kotomine Shirou showed a chilling bright smile.

"After all—people, after all, are going to go to heaven."

The Four Wars are over, the next volume is on

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