
Shi Mei's overly arrogant remarks shocked the members of the 'Night Raid' present. However, I tried to open my mouth to refute it, but I couldn't find a reasonable reason.

Is he wrong?

That's right!

Not wrong at all!

No one knows how terrifying the strength displayed by Shi Ming is that no one has experienced it more than them.

It's bottomless!

Without much effort, they pressed their 'night raids' to the ground and rubbed them fiercely.

And they don't say that they pose a threat, and they don't even let Shi Mei breathe more, it's a world of difference.

Even if you increase the number of people, I don't think anything can be changed.

It's a crushing and desperate gap!

At that time, Shi Mei will suppress all forces that resist him with absolute strength.

Instead of tyranny, he canceled the deformed repressive policies of the empire and gave wealth and hope to the common people. Needless to say, there will be a large number of popular support.

Then, it is certainly not difficult for him to sit firmly in the position of emperor.

Thinking of this, Najeshitan couldn't help but show a bitter expression on her face.

The revolutionary army is difficult to do now!

The revolutionary army may be able to deal with the corrupt empire, but in the face of the powerful new emperor of Shi Mei, I am afraid that the result will be a complete defeat.

It can only be said that the birth is not timely.

"Boss, the situation is not good." Leonai rubbed his chest, which was still aching, and turned to Naje Shitan and sighed, "Brother Shimei is too foul." "

"There is no hope of winning at all!"

Najeshtan didn't know how to respond to Leonay.

Boost morale?

How could it be done, at least without losing the last glimmer of hope.

The opponents are hopeless.


"Hey! Brother Shimei, you are too heavy, can't you take it lightly on me for the sake of acquaintances? "

Leonay, who had recovered his mentality and was too lazy to continue thinking about this, turned his head to look up at Shi Feng, and complained in his mouth.

"Don't directly ask for your life, shouldn't you be grateful to Dade?" Shi Mei said with a shrug.

"Don't! Who has been severely repaired and has to thank the other party? Leonay said angrily, "That's just sick." "

"So what do you think of the 'night raid'?" Shimei teased. "Is it bad to survive?"


Immediately stopped Leonay.


Very good.

Compared to being solved by yourself and your companions, it is better to survive after only being beaten once.

A strong sense of 'gratitude' arose.


It turns out that it is me who is sick!

Leonai had nothing to say, and his pretty face turned red all of a sudden.

"Speaking of which, do you 'NightRaid' want to serve me?"

At this moment, Shi Mei suddenly said a surprising question.

It has to be said that 'Night Raid' is a good group of thugs.

He can't do everything himself, right?!

Although in fact, he is tired of being energetic, but he may be interested in things for a while, but he will dislike it after a long time.

"What..., what do you mean...?!"

Suddenly, everyone present in the 'night attack' was stunned, and when they came back to their senses, they looked at each other, and Najeshitan stood up and wondered, "You want to incorporate our 'night attack'?" But don't forget that our 'night raid' is a secret force formed by the revolutionary army..."

Didn't they invite Shimei to join on behalf of the revolutionaries? The result is not satisfactory, how can it be dug into the wall by the other party in turn?!

"Then you think the revolutionary army still has the possibility of winning?" Shimei sneered.

Najeshitan was speechless for a while.

She can't always open her eyes and say nonsense in front of Shi Fate.

Otherwise, it will not only be to hit yourself in the face, but also to be ridiculed by the other party.

"Although you are pitifully weak, at least you are useful." Shi Mei said lightly.

"Hey! So to speak..."

It's too much to look down on.

I just wanted to refute, but as soon as I saw Shi Feng's condescending attitude, I immediately obediently took the words back.

In the face of such monsters, anyone is weak.

Although they are imperial envoys, they are no exception.

Najeshitan just wanted a righteous refusal, but she thought about why she dragged her companion to death for that hopeless thing.

This time, the killer was not killed, just because he did not regard their 'night attack' as an enemy.

So what about next time?

"I will never join the Empire again!" Brand said in an unquestioning tone.

He was originally a soldier of the empire, but because his superior, General Liva, did not bribe the minister, he was arrested and sent back to the imperial capital for trial, and he was angry and went to stop it, but was persuaded by the general to return. After that, he was put on trumped-up charges.

He could not bear the corrupt defection of the empire, and he had long been disappointed with the empire to the extreme.

"If you join the old empire or not, what is the matter with my accession to the throne as the new emperor's new empire?" Shimei looked at Brand with a foolish expression.

Brand was stunned.

He had a point.

The usurper who was destined to establish a new empire was not the corrupt old empire.

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