
This time, Lin Ye finally reacted, and simply found a place out of the way and began to accept the inheritance.

After all, it was Yan Chixia's inheritance, and Lin Ye would refuse such a good thing unless his brain was kicked by a donkey!

"Ding! Inheritance begins to ......"

"Ding! It has been detected that Yan Chixia's inheritance and the host skill Kunlun Imperial Sword Technique overlap, has it begun to merge?"


Lin Ye was slightly stunned, although he had basically relied on the Kunlun Imperial Sword Technique all these years, but at this time, he only hesitated for two breaths and directly gritted his teeth and said, "Fusion!"

The reason why he chose this was because Lin Ye didn't believe that Yan Chixia's inheritance would be weaker than a Kunlun Imperial Sword Technique, after all, it was a dignified Xuanxin Authentic Sect Master, and he didn't know how many good things he had on him, so he could probably fight with the Kunlun Imperial Sword Technique if he took out any of them.

"Ding! Fusion begins...... Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Xuantian Imperial Sword Technique!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for comprehending the dragon roar for nine days, ten thousand swords flying together, Haotian righteousness, and ten thousand laws returning to the sect!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for comprehending the sword and returning to the infinite!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for comprehending the flight of Edgeworth!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for comprehending the nameless and formless, and the ten thousand swords have returned to the sect!"

Boom, the majestic information instantly poured into Lin Ye's sea of knowledge, and the infinite golden points of light turned into one small golden text after another in his sea of knowledge, and then dissipated and formed again...... And so on and so forth.

At the same time, the Kunlun Imperial Sword Technique on his system panel also became the Xuantian Imperial Sword Technique, because the Kunlun Imperial Sword Technique was at the level of perfection, so that the Xuantian Imperial Sword Technique after his fusion had directly reached the level of Dacheng, and even the skills he had just comprehended had also reached Dacheng.

Feeling the sword qi in his body, Lin Ye took a deep breath, and couldn't help but show a trace of shock on his face, Yan Chixia's skills were really enough, especially the 'Dragon Roar Nine Heavens, Ten Thousand Swords Flying Together, Haotian Righteousness, Ten Thousand Laws Returning to the Sect' was able to rebound all opponents' attacks, ignoring gods, demons and demons.

What's so special about adding a rebound buff to yourself?

In addition, Sword Gui Wuji is also an extremely powerful single attack spell, which is one of the authentic Zhenfang techniques of Xuanxin, which can be defended by countless opponents, as long as the opponent is not too much beyond himself, this move can basically be killed in seconds!

Nameless and phaseless, the skill of Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect is a fusion of Lin Ye's previous Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect, one sword out, the heavens and the earth are shocked, and the heavens and the earth are cracked, if Lin Ye cultivates a little higher and reaches the real human realm, he can really rely on this hand to directly break the mountains and seas.

However, what Lin Ye cares about the most is the sword flight among them, according to the inheritance received, the requirements for cultivation in the sword flight are actually not too high, as long as there is mana in the body, there is a magic sword that has been sacrificed around you can do it, as long as your physical strength can hold it.

With Lin Ye's current level of mana, it is absolutely no problem to fly hundreds or thousands of miles casually.


"Labor and management can fly?" Lin Ye said to himself, no wonder he was so shocked, after all, after he passed through, what he was most looking forward to was to be able to cultivate to the real human realm one day, and then fly in the sky, but the flight in the real human realm is also supported by mana, flying at an altitude and distance, and it is extremely mana-consuming.

But the flying of the sword is different, after having the magic sword, the consumption of mana is greatly reduced, and the most important thing is that it can allow Lin Ye to fly into the sky in the Heavenly Master Realm.

After a while, Lin Ye shook his head violently and jumped up from the ground, with an unconcealable excitement on his face, and with a flick of his hand, the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword appeared in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Ye casually took out a magic trick, and then pointed at the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword: "Pardon!"

Airplanes...... In an instant, the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword skyrocketed instantly, from the original three-foot Qingfeng to a golden giant sword with a width of more than two meters and a length of more than six meters.

"Sure enough!" Lin Ye's eyes flickered, and then he stomped on the ground and jumped up, and the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword only shook twice before stabilizing.

At the same time, Chu Renmei's voice echoed in Lin Ye's ears: "Master, you are so heavy!"

"......" Hearing this, Lin Ye suddenly had black lines on his head, gritted his teeth and said, "Shut up for me!"

"It's really heavy!" Chu Renmei's aggrieved voice continued to come, Lin Ye, who listened to it, almost didn't run away on the spot, and glanced at his figure, it was just right, there were a lot of muscles that should be there, and the whole person looked like a slender type, where did it come from?

But then Lin Ye seemed to think of something, coughed twice in a slightly embarrassed way, and pinched a trick again: "Imperial Sword rides the wind, travels thousands of miles, forgiveness!"


The Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword roared into the sky, and even Chu Renmei was taken aback: "Wow~ It's flying, huh, why can't you feel the weight of your master?"

Lin Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to control his balance with all his strength, after all, it was the first flight, even Lin Ye was a little at a loss, and it took him more than half an hour before he barely stabilized his figure, and tried to set up a wind shield around him, looking into the distance with his hands on his back, and manipulating the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword to go straight to Renjia Town with his mind turning.

But even though Lin Ye tried his best to hide the excitement on his face at this time, trying his best to make himself look more like a master, the excitement in his eyes and the constantly twitching skin on his face made people know that he couldn't help this thing at all.

Forehead...... In fact, don't say it's him, it is estimated that anyone can't help it, Lin Ye's performance is already quite good.

Edgeworth's flight was fast, hundreds of miles away, and it took less than half an hour to see it......

At the same time, in the Yoshisho.

Wen Cai and Ah Yue are practicing under the control of Uncle Jiu, but looking at the expressions of the two of them, they are obviously reluctant, I really don't know if the two of them are already at the peak of the Eight Heavens, why are they still so noisy.

Ren Tingting and Qingqing were sitting on the stone bench, talking and laughing and embroidering, looking at the blush on their faces, they didn't know what they were whispering, plus the two of them glanced at Uncle Jiu from time to time, probably talking about whispers between girls.

Suddenly, Uncle Nine looked up suddenly, Wen Cai and Ah Yue also followed, and then ......

"Wow~ Someone is flying in the sky!"

"Really, it's true, Master, someone can fly!"

Wen Cai and Ah Yue's voices instantly drew Ren Tingting and Qingqing's attention, and when they followed the gaze of the three of them, they were stunned.

"Is that Edgeworth's flight?" Qingqing asked with a shocked look on her face.

Ren Tingting nodded, then shook her head: "What is Edgeworth Flight?"


As soon as Ren Tingting finished speaking, the long sword in the sky fell on Yizhuang with a roar, and then, when the five of them saw the forest leaves on the long sword, they were all silent.

Or is it that they are a little affected at this time, so they can't accept it for a while?

Lin Ye seemed to be very satisfied with their performance, this was also the first time he took the initiative to pretend to be × in front of the Ninth Uncle, and now it seems that the effect is quite good.

A moment later, Lin Ye jumped down from the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword, and with a wave of his big hand, the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword instantly disappeared into his palm.

Only then did Uncle Nine shake his head violently, cough twice, and said, "The kid is good, he can fly, well, I have time to teach my master!"

After speaking, Uncle Nine seemed to be afraid of being ridiculed by his apprentices and sisters-in-law, and quickly ran into the room with his hands on his back.

After he left, Wen Cai and Ah Yuecai suddenly burst out with a scream, and quickly ran to Lin Ye's side, chattering and arguing:

"Senior brother, you can actually fly? It's amazing, can you teach me?"

"Senior brother, you're so handsome, really, you were really handsome just now, huh~ People also want to learn!"

"Huh?" As soon as Ah Yue finished speaking, a sound that seemed to come into her ears came to her ears, Ah Yue was suddenly shocked, and turned her head to look over, only to see Ren Tingting's smiling expression not far behind, her whole face suddenly collapsed, and she sneered: "Senior sister-in-law!"

Ren Tingting looked at her with a smile and a smile, and then turned her gaze to Lin Ye: "It's really handsome!"

Qingqing kept nodding, and the pride on her face couldn't be hidden, as if she could fly.

Lin Yele knocked on Wen Cai and Ah Yue's foreheads, and said: "The cultivation of the two of you is too low, and there is no magic sword for the time being, so it is useless to teach you, when you are out of the school, you can find your own magic sword, I will definitely teach you when the time comes, now, practice!"

The eyes of the two lit up, and they nodded excitedly: "Yes, senior brother!"

After speaking, without waiting for anyone to react, the two of them quickly ran to the place where they practiced and began to practice, obviously Lin Ye's words gave them a lot of stimulation again.

After that, Lin Ye walked up to Qingqing and Ren Tingting, and chuckled: "I'll discuss something with you later, I'll go to the master first!"


In the room, Uncle Nine had actually been listening to the movement outside, and after hearing what Lin Ye said to Wen Cai and Ah Yue, he raised his hand and rubbed his chin, and said in a low voice: "It turns out that you have to have enough mana, and you have to have a suitable magic sword, well, doesn't that mean that I can also fly with a sword now?"

Before the words fell, Lin Ye walked in and said with a smile: "Yes, does the master want to learn?"

Uncle Jiu's face turned red in an instant, and he glared at Lin Ye angrily: "Hmph, you think I'm envious?"

Lin Ye hurriedly shook his head: "No, how can the master be envious? Alas, I originally planned to teach it to the master, but now it seems that I don't need it, then I'll go find Tingting and Qingqing." "

Uncle Nine was shocked, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, you stinky boy, come back to me!"

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