"What's the situation? I don't have such a big reputation here, do I?"

Uncle Nine looked at Lin Ye with a little apprehension, as if at this moment, all those smiling townspeople had become fanatics with bad intentions.

Lin Ye couldn't help but laugh and lay in Uncle Jiu's ear to roughly explain the matter, and Uncle Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he patted Lin Ye's shoulder a little gloomily: "You kid, everyone used to say that you were Lin Jiu's disciple, but now it's good, I'm also stained with your light, it seems that when I introduce it to people in the future, I'm going to say that I, Lin Jiu, is Lin Ye's master." "

Lin Ye laughed and took Uncle Nine to the box on the second floor.

The box was personally selected by Ah Wei, and it was the largest private room in the entire inn, and when Lin Ye and Uncle Jiu entered, there were already several of the most famous people in Xujia Town, and Boss Tan was naturally among them.

But they don't have much chance to sit at the same table with Uncle Nine today, after all, in the movie, Uncle Nine only has one disciple named Ah Qiang, but now, Ah Qiang is gone, but there are more Lin Yeshi brothers and sisters plus Ren Tingting and Qingqing, and there is another Aunt Cane, this is already eight people, and even Ah Wei has been driven to other positions, let alone them?

As the dishes came up, everyone began to congratulate Uncle Jiu on his birthday, and everyone also sang a birthday song of 'I wish you a long life and Tianqi'.

But when the banquet was opened, Ah Wei was the first to come over and give the gift, this time because it was Lin Ye's money, so the gift Ah Wei chose was quite weighty, and Uncle Nine was smiling when he saw it.

It's just that Ah Wei didn't continue to return to his place after giving the gift, but walked out of the private room directly.

"Why did he leave?" asked Uncle Nine suspiciously, looking at Ah Wei's back.

Lin Ye chuckled lightly and said to the group of celebrities: "No, looking at the hypocrisy on those people's faces, Ah Wei probably can't stand these people, why don't we make room for him?"

Uncle Nine frowned slightly: "Forget it, if you make a place for him, he won't have to stand in this Xujia Town in the future, those people have to squeeze him to death, forget it, don't talk about this, come, eat!"

Ren Tingting groaned: "They dare, no, I'd better go and call my cousin over, otherwise he will definitely think that we look down on him." "

Lin Ye patted Ren Tingting's hand, and then stood up: "I'll go!"

Uncle Nine sighed slightly, but didn't say anything more, after all, Xujiazhen and Renjiazhen are still a little worse than each other, if Ren Fa really wants to do something, these people have to give Ren Fa a face no matter what, with Ren Tingting opening his mouth, those people will not do anything to Ah Wei.

And Ah Wei did perform very well during this time, so Uncle Nine was also happy to be a favor.


After Lin Ye came out, he glanced at the second floor, and went to the first floor after not finding Ah Wei's figure, but when he walked to the corner of the stairs, he was stunned to find that Ah Wei was actually on the opposite side of Mao Shan Ming, and it seemed that Dabao and Xiaobao had already appeared, and Ah Wei at this time was like playing acrobatics there to 'perform' flower work.

The eyes narrowed, and as soon as they opened, sure enough, the figures of the two ghosts of Dabao and Xiaobao appeared in Lin Ye's sight, and at this time, the two of them were also wearing the clothes that Maoshan Ming had burned to them, and I didn't know if it was the matter of those two sets of clothes, these two ghosts were just tossing around in broad daylight, and they didn't mean to be afraid of the sun at all.

Rubbing his chin, Lin Ye fell into thought, well, thinking about whether to ask Maoshan Ming how this suit is made, after all, it is something that is not even recorded in Maoshan, there must be something special.

At this moment, Ah Wei was pressed by Dabao to swallow chopsticks, and after finally breaking free of Dabao, he hurriedly ran towards the stairs, and shouted at the same time: "Uncle Jiu, help, Brother Ye, help me, ah!"

Looking at Ah Wei, who was dragged back again, the corners of Lin Ye's mouth twitched, then he flew up, kicked Dabao out, and then grabbed Xiaobao casually, and kneaded Xiaobao into a ball with three strokes and five divisions.

After doing this, he picked up a wine jar next to him, drew a talisman under the wine jar, and slapped it suddenly, and the wine jar was instantly golden, and Dabao and Xiaobao were sucked in without even having a chance to react.

It was only at this time that Mao Shan Ming suddenly came back to his senses and said, "Fellow Daoist?"

Lin Ye squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist, the so-called forgiving and forgiving people, this time these two little ghosts of yours have made some trouble, I will watch it for you for a few days for the time being, if they sincerely repent, I will consider how to arrange them." "

After finishing speaking, Lin Ye left the place with the wine jar, Mao Shanming opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, after all, he also knew that Dabao Xiaobao had indeed gone too far this time.

By the time he came back to his senses, Lin Ye and Ah Wei had already returned to the second floor.

The next birthday banquet went smoothly, and when Uncle Nine sent the last guest away, he looked at the jar in Lin Ye's hand and handed over an inquiring look.

Lin Ye shook his head with a chuckle, and said in a low voice: "Let's go back to Yizhuang first, and then talk about it after we get to Yizhuang." "


Lin Ye then arranged Ren Tingting, Qingqing, and Ah Yue, and followed Uncle Jiu back to Yizhuang, but when Lin Ye walked into the room where the ghost was placed, he was stunned, and saw that the room was densely packed with wine jars with talismans, and there were at least fifty or sixty of them.

I thought that without Ah Qiang, Uncle Jiu was not in Renjia Town, this wine jar house should not appear, but I didn't expect it to appear, what is this?

As if he saw the doubts in Lin Ye's heart, Uncle Nine smiled and said, "These are all ghosts that Qiusheng and Ah Xing collected during this time, how about it?

As soon as these words came out, Ah Xing and Qiusheng suddenly raised their heads and looked at Lin Ye proudly, but their eyes were full of longing, as if they were waiting for Lin Ye to praise them?

The corners of Lin Ye's mouth twitched: "It's really good, Ah Xing, go and put the jar away!"

"Hehe!" Although it was only said that it was good, this was the first time that Lin Ye praised them, whether it was Ah Xing or Qiusheng, they all seemed very excited, and it seemed that they were even happier than Uncle Nine praising them.

After setting up the jar, the group of four left the house.

Sure enough, the moment he walked out of the house, Lin Ye sensed the breath outside, shook his head with a smile, and said, "Master, let's go in first." "

"Huh?" Uncle Nine glanced at Lin Ye suspiciously, but finally nodded in response, and then the four of them walked into the main hall and slammed the door.

Almost at the moment when they closed the door, Mao Shanming jumped in, carefully touched the main hall, and then walked into the house where the wine jar was placed, like Lin Ye, after seeing the wine jar full of houses, Mao Shanming was also stupid: ", how can there be so many?"

Cautiously walked to a wine jar, knocked lightly, and said in a low voice: "Dabao?"

"Get out!"

Mao Shanming was taken aback, and then knocked the second one: "Xiaobao?"

"I'm not Xiaobao, but I'm yours, can you let me out?"

Mao Shan Ming snorted: "Why don't you die?

And then the third: "Big Treasure Little Treasure?"

Without any response, Mao Shanming was slightly stunned and muttered in a low voice: "Could it be that he was stunned?"

As he spoke, he was about to get started, but when his hand was about to touch the talisman on the altar, he took it back again, and said in a low voice: "What if I put it wrong? Forget it, gamble!"

When the words landed, he suddenly raised his hand and lifted the lid on the wine jar, and the next moment the wine jar burst out of a cloud of white smoke, followed by a figure that captivated the country and the city appeared in his sight.

Dressed in a black robe, with black hair, and a peerless face, Mao Shan was stunned and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Thank you Xianggong for letting me out, I will be Xianggong your person in the future!" The ethereal voice resounded in Mao Shanming's ears.

Mao Shanming's eyes flashed: "Really, then let's go quickly!"

The female ghost pursed her lips and looked at Mao Shanming: "Aren't you looking for someone?"

Mao Shanming blinked: "Yes, find someone, hehe, I've found it!"

"Yes, the person you are looking for is really accurate!" As soon as Maoshan Ming finished speaking, Lin Ye directly opened the curtain and walked in, when he saw the female ghost, Rao was used to seeing beautiful women, but at this time he was still amazed by the female ghost in front of him, but then he raised his hand suddenly, and a thunderbolt rushed out instantly, and before the female ghost could react, he grabbed her and sealed her back into the wine jar.

A terrible scream saw Mao Shanming pull back from the shock, and when he saw Lin Ye, Uncle Jiu and Qiusheng Ah Xing, he suddenly wilted, and looked at the four of them with a grin: "Daoyou, I ......"

Lin Ye exhaled turbidity, raised his hand and grabbed the void next to him, and a wine jar instantly flew into his hand, and then he handed the wine jar to Mao Shan Ming: "Fellow Daoist, people and ghosts have different paths, let me remind you again, if you continue to take them, it will not do you any good!"

Mao Shan Ming responded weakly, walked out of the house with his head down while holding the altar, and then rushed out of Yizhuang without looking back.

"Who is this person?" Uncle Nine looked at Mao Shanming suspiciously.

Lin Ye shook his head: "A half-hung Taoist priest who may be self-taught, he raised two ghosts by chance, he is not bad, but he is a little unlucky, okay, don't talk about him, Master, it's not too early, then I'll leave first." "

Uncle Nine was stunned, and then nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go back to Renjia Town tomorrow, what about you?"

Lin Ye pondered for a moment: "Okay, then let's go back together, Master, what a dream!"

After saying that, he walked outside, but at this moment, a wine jar suddenly flew out and slammed into the wall in front of Lin Ye......

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