"Fellow Daoist, they are not evil ghosts, and I also see them pitiful, so I ...... Fellow Daoist, you don't have to worry so much about such a trivial matter, right?"

Lin Ye nodded noncommittally: "That's what you said, but I want to ask Daoyou, how did you do before you adopted these two ghosts?"

Mao Shanming was slightly stunned, then thought about it, shook his head and said, "It's not good!"

"And what about after adopting them?"

At this time, Mao Shanming's face became even more bitter: "It's not so good." "

Lin Ye chuckled and patted him on the shoulder, and said: "Daoyou, what about ghosts, it is a combination of poverty, hardship, sorrow and other negative existence, not to mention the different paths of people and ghosts, if you don't have enough ability, you raise ghosts, and in the end it will only harm the three of you, so, if Daoyou can trust me, give me those two ghosts, what if you can't believe it?

Mao Shanming was silent, even the big treasure and the little treasure in his oil-paper umbrella were silent.

After more than ten minutes, Mao Shan Ming raised his head suddenly, but just as he wanted to speak, he found that Lin Ye didn't know when he left.

After not perceiving the breath of Lin Ye, Maoshan Mingyi PG sat on the ground, leaned against the corner of the wall and released Dabao Xiaobao, and said with a wry smile: "You also heard the words of that master?"

Dabao and Xiaobao nodded again and again, how could they not hear it? Even what Lin Ye said just now may not have been specifically said to the two of them.

Mao Shanming breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Now, now, that master gave me a choice, but I don't know how to choose, after all, you have been with me for so long, let me let you go, I am really reluctant, in this case, then I will give you this question now, are you willing to follow me? or do you want to leave and be reincarnated? Of course, if you follow me, I will definitely not let you starve, on the contrary...... On the contrary......"

"Uncle Ming, don't say it, we will definitely follow you!"

"That's right, Uncle Ming, we've all lived together for so many years, and we've long missed the opportunity to be reincarnated, so Uncle Ming, even if you let us go, we don't know where to go." "

Mao Shanming looked at the big treasure and Xiaobao who were full of apprehension, tangled for a moment, and stood up with a slap on the ground: "Okay, since that's the case, then the three of us will share the blessings in the future, and we will share the difficulties, let's go!"

"Eh?" Looking at Maoshan Ming's back, Dabao and Xiaobao were stunned, and immediately chased after each other: "Uncle Ming, where are we going now?"

Bang, bang!

Mao Shanming knocked on the door of the two ghosts' heads angrily, and said: "Of course, we will change places and continue to make money, otherwise we will drink the northwest wind?"

Seeing the two ghosts drifting apart, Lin Ye walked out of a corner, revealing a vague smile.

To tell the truth, if Mao Shanming directly drives Dabao and Xiaobao away now, he will definitely look down on Mao Shanming, but the current Maoshan Ming, let him take a look at it, no matter what he does, at least this is a person who values love and righteousness, as long as there is this premise, then he will not be bad.

After Mao Shanming and the three of them completely disappeared into the night, Lin Ye chuckled and turned to leave, directly blessed with a divine talisman on his body, and his speed soared to the extreme.

In more than half an hour, he walked into Xujia Town, and after this side is Xujia Village, but Lin Ye doesn't plan to pass it today, after all, it's all over now, Qiusheng and Ah Xing are estimated to be asleep, instead of knocking on the door now, it is better to go and see it tomorrow.

It's just that when he walked into Xujia Town, his eyebrows couldn't help frowning, the huge Xujia Town was empty, there was no one, not even a husband, all the houses were all black, like a ghost town.

Suddenly, Lin Ye's eyes lit up, and then he walked to an inn not far away, looked up at the signboard on it, and knocked lightly on the door.

The next moment, the door was suddenly opened, and then an arm came out of it, dragging Lin Ye and intending to pull him in.

Lin Ye chuckled indifferently, and pulled the other party out of the inn with force, and then walked into the inn with his legs.

Unexpectedly, the moment he entered the inn, dozens of people surrounded him with machetes, and at the same time, a man with a lewd face walked over.

It's just that the man froze in place before he could speak, rubbed his eyes in shock, and then looked at Lin Ye with wide eyes again, and repeated this three times before he suddenly burst out with a scream: "Brother Ye, is it you? When did you come?" Why don't you say anything so that I can pick you up?"

The person in front of him was none other than Ah Wei, the security captain of Renjia Town.

Lin Ye looked at Ah Wei with a smile: "I said, why did you kid run here? Huh? Renjiazhen is uncomfortable over there? Or do you kid have stiff wings and want to fly solo?"

Ah Wei scratched his head in embarrassment: "No, isn't this Ah Xing and Qiu Sheng's teacher, my cousin-in-law left some relations, let me come over here as the captain of the security team, so that I can help Qiu Sheng and Ah Xing, hehe!"

Lin Ye suddenly, he couldn't help but feel better about Ren Fa, this is a person who really thinks about him everywhere, even if Ah Wei can't help Ah Xing and Qiu Sheng much here, but as long as he stands here, it represents Ren Fa, and the other people in the town have to give Qiu Sheng and Ah Xing more or less some face.

Lin Ye nodded with satisfaction, and then glanced at the people around him: "What are you doing here?"

Speaking of this, Ah Wei's courage rose, and said: "Brother Ye, we are preparing to deal with horse thieves, and today we received news that a group of horse thieves are preparing to ransack this town." "

Is it really going to happen?

At this moment, there was another knock on the door, and then a young man suddenly reached out and grabbed the other party, and the next moment more than a dozen knives were all on the man's neck, almost scaring the man to death.

The man glanced around in horror, and when he saw Lin Ye, he hurriedly asked for help: "Master, Dao Chief, help me, I'm not a bad person." "

Ah Wei glanced at Lin Ye suspiciously.

Lin Ye waved his hand: "Let it go, it's just an inconsequential person." "

"Release people!" With Lin Ye's words, Ah Wei naturally did everything, but he still walked in front of Mao Shanming and gritted his teeth and threatened: "Don't think that my Brother Ye said that you will be safe if you let you go, you better be honest with me, from now on, your scope of activities is limited to this inn, if you let me know that you are out, hmph, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

Mao Shanming trembled with fright, and then hid behind Lin Ye, carefully looking at this group of fierce and vicious people.

Everyone waited here for a while, and Lin Ye took this opportunity to find a room upstairs and prepare to sleep well after dealing with the horse thief later.

And when he found a room and came down, he found that there were two more people in the crowd, it was none other than Ah Xing and Qiu Sheng, it seems that Uncle Jiu really handed over everything to these two disciples to deal with, but the earth master is a heavy sky, and if he wants to solve this group of horse thieves, it is still too bad.

When Lin Ye went downstairs, Qiusheng and Ah Xing also saw him, their eyes lit up together, and they quickly ran to Lin Ye and hugged their fists and said, "Senior brother!"

After the ceremony, Ah Xingcai smiled and said, "Senior brother, Master wrote this morning that you were coming over, why haven't I seen you for a day? "


Qiusheng slapped his forehead, suppressed what he wanted to say, and turned around and said, "Senior brother, I don't know him!"

Lin Ye narrowed his eyes with a smile, then raised his foot and kicked Ah Xing's back tun suddenly, and said angrily: "You bastard stinky boy, don't you wish I had an accident?"

Ah Xing realized that he had said the wrong thing at this time, and instantly said with a sad face: "Senior brother, I didn't, I definitely didn't have a heart just now, and I'm worried about Senior Brother!"

"Drink...... Senior brother, you need to worry about it?" Qiusheng glared at Ah Xing angrily, and then walked to Lin Ye with a sneer: "Senior brother, don't be like him, this kid is like this, he can make his popularity half dead every day." "

"Yes, he can make people half dead every day, what about you?" Lin Ye glared at Qiusheng angrily, but didn't say anything.

And the others looked at Qiusheng Ah Xing, who was trained like something, and then looked at their own security captain's obedient look to Lin Ye, and they all let go of a space, well, this person can't afford to offend, it's better to be honest.

Lin Ye was naturally happy, found a more comfortable place to sit down, and closed his eyes to recuperate.

After a while, there was a sudden knock on the door, and then a figure rushed in quickly, and said with a serious face: "Captain, that gang of horse thieves has crossed the mountains outside the mountain, the river in the river, and is about to cross the big forest." "

Hearing this, Ah Wei hurriedly stood up and said, "Brother Ye?"

Lin Ye waved his hand: "You can arrange it yourself, I'll follow you later." "

Ah Wei suddenly came to his senses, waved his hand, and said: "All the old people, women and children are all left, and the other young people are all coming with me, today we will let those horse thieves come and go!"

"There's no return!" a group of people rushed out of the inn with machetes in their hands.

Lin Ye followed unhurriedly, and after walking out of the inn, he glanced at Mao Shanming: "Remember to close the door!"

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