Tan family.

Hearing Boss Tan's shout, a man with crooked eyes quickly ran out with his pants and said, "Master, are you looking for me?"

Boss Tan took a deep breath and said, "I'll give you a task to give me Zhang Daring...... Now...... It's over!"

Looking at Boss Tan's action of wiping his neck with his hand, although the housekeeper didn't quite understand what it meant, he still nodded and said, "Okay, I'll let someone do him!"

Looking at the housekeeper who ran out, Boss Tan suddenly thought of something, gritted his teeth and said, "Come back to me!"


Boss Tan took a deep breath: "Now I'm going to run for mayor, it's not good for my reputation to get things out, so you can't use our people, it's best to find someone to do him quietly, the kind that doesn't leave any traces, if you can't do it......"

Boss Tan didn't say the rest of the words, but how could the old housekeeper who had been with him for decades not know what the boss meant?

Immediately patted his heart and said: "Don't worry, master, I know a friend who is a Maoshan Taoist priest, and I promise to let that Zhang Da die silently." "

Boss Tan nodded with satisfaction: "Go ahead!"

Watching the housekeeper leave, Boss Tan's heart came up again, and he glanced at the direction of Zhang Dadao's wife, revealing a hint of ......


Zhang Daring also figured it out, isn't it just a mother-in-law, if it's gone, it's gone, it's a big deal to find another one, he doesn't believe him Zhang Daring can't even find a woman.

However, his job is to drive the car for Boss Tan, so this means that he directly lost his job, if it weren't for the three oceans that Lin Ye gave him yesterday, he would probably have to drink the northwest wind today.

Thinking of Lin Ye, Zhang Daring's eyes lit up, and he quickly sorted out his clothes, and then rushed out of the house, at this time he had already regarded Lin Ye as his nobleman, as long as he served Lin Ye well, let alone a woman in the future, even if it was ten or eight, he could marry back.

At the same time, inside the inn.

Lin Ye and Ren Tingting also sorted out everything.

"Ah Ye, shall we continue our journey today?"

Lin Ye pushed open the window, looked at the scene of people coming and going below, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, let's stop here for two or three days before leaving." "

Ren Tingting's eyes lit up, and then nodded happily, after all, as long as they stopped, they were a two-person world, and she was sticking to Lin Ye almost every day these days, so she didn't believe that she couldn't give birth to a big fat boy.

Ren Tingting, who was in a good mood, put the things back again, hummed a little song and went down to order food, and because she had to stop for a few days, she also needed to instruct the shopkeeper of the inn to make some delicious food as much as possible to save the crime.

The other side.

After Zhang Daring left home, he went straight to the inn, but when he was halfway there, he collided with a white-faced man who came across him.

After the two staggered, Zhang Daring didn't care and continued to hurry.

But the white-faced man turned back and stared at Zhang Daring several times before saying, "You are the ...... Zhang Daring?"

Zhang boldly shrugged, he is a well-known person in the town, known as the first bold person in the town, it is normal for someone to know him, so he looked at the person in front of him with disdain: "Who are you?"

The white-faced man smiled: "I'm a leper dog, hehe!"

"Skinny dog, haven't heard of it!" Zhang Daring frowned, and then bypassed and prepared to leave.

It's just that the leper dog chased after him again, and said, "I don't care if you recognize me or not, I just don't believe that you really have that much courage, unless you dare to bet with me." "

Zhang Daring was anxious: "Don't fight, I have something urgent now, you get out of the way for me!"

The leper dog squinted and said, "Really don't fight?" My bet is ten taels of silver, are you sure you don't want it?"

Goo Dong ~ Zhang Daring swallowed his saliva violently, okay, he has to admit that he is moved, after all, it is ten taels of silver, enough for him to live a carefree life for three or four years, and the most important thing is that if he really has these ten taels of silver, he can marry another daughter-in-law.

Thinking of this, Zhang Daring stopped and said, "What do you want me to do?"

The leper dog pinched the only remaining beard on his chin, and said with a smile: "I want you to go to the Ma family ancestral hall to live for one night, if you can come out of it on time tomorrow, ten taels of silver, I will give it with both hands, if it is early or delayed, then I'm sorry, you can't get the silver, and you have to pay me five taels of silver, how about it?"

The corners of Zhang Dada's mouth twitched, revealing a disdainful smile: "Isn't it the Ma Family Ancestral Hall, what don't you dare, just prepare your money, I have something to do now, now you can get out!"

The leper dog didn't care: "Then you can go, see you tomorrow?"

Zhang Daring shook his head, ran quickly to the inn, inquired about the shopkeeper and went straight to the second floor, stood at the door of Lin Ye and his wife's room and raised his hand, wanting to knock on the door but afraid of disturbing others, he was stunned there for a while.

At this moment, Lin Ye opened the door from the inside and was about to go out, he was slightly stunned when he saw Zhang Daring, and then said with a smile: "Why are you here?"

Zhang Daring had completely convinced Lin Ye after yesterday's incident, and when he heard Lin Ye's question, he hurriedly said, "I...... Master, I'm here to take refuge in the master, I don't have any skills, but it's no problem to catch a car, and I can endure hardships very well, I see that the master lacks an errand runner, I ......"

Lin Ye was even more stunned at this time, turned his body sideways and said, "Let's talk about it first." "

In the room, Ren Tingting looked at Zhang Daring who walked in, her face also showed a puzzled expression, and when she listened to Lin Ye's explanation, she became even more confused than Lin Ye.

Suddenly, Ren Tingting thought of something and wondered: "You won't really have an accident when you go back yesterday, right?"

"I ......" Zhang boldly opened his mouth and wanted to say, but the so-called family ugliness should not be publicized, and he swallowed back what he was about to say.

But at this moment, Lin Ye suddenly stared at his eyes, frowned, and said, "It's strange, you're dying!"

"Poof'~" Zhang Daring sprayed directly, and looked at Lin Ye in shock and inexplicably: "No, nobleman, I didn't offend you, you can't talk nonsense." "

Lin Ye shook his head with a smile: "I said that you are dying, because you are now blackened in Yintang, and the dead air is about to become substance, let's talk about it, are you betting with others again?"

Zhang Daring was directly stunned, then scratched his head in embarrassment, and said with a dry smile: "Huh...... It's a bet with someone, but it shouldn't matter if I'm going to die, right?"

Although he said so, Zhang Daring became more and more unconfident, after all, the incident of the mass grave last night is still vivid, if he comes again, maybe he really has GG, don't say anything about ten taels of silver at that time, marry a beautiful daughter-in-law, it is estimated that there is no one around him who is crying.

No, there is no such thing as a corpse.

Lin Ye knew it as soon as he saw the expression of this product, although he had almost forgotten about the movie about the strong ghost fighting ghosts, but he still knew some general context, looking at Zhang Daring, who did not change his dead nature, he sighed slightly sympathetically: "What are you gambling on this time?"

Zhang Daring has now pressed everything on Lin Ye's body, immediately knelt down, and said: "When I came over today, there was a man named Leper Dog who wanted to bet ten taels of silver with me, which was my income for three or four years, so I didn't hold back for a while, so I agreed, oh, he didn't let me do anything, just let me go to the Ma family ancestral hall to sleep for one night." "


Lin Ye pondered secretly, but it seemed that he had missed a little?

But thinking about it, he let Zhang Daring know about his wife's messing with others in advance, with that Boss Tan's mind, he would definitely be eager to kill Zhang Daring, so that everything could be explained.

As for the mirror ghost who was killed by Zhang Daring, Lin Ye didn't bother to pay attention to it, and he couldn't set off any wind and waves at all.

But the Qian Zhenren here who saw the money and didn't choose to break it for the sake of money, Lin Ye planned to abolish him, after all, that guy was in the name of a disciple of Maoshan, if he didn't kill him, would he continue to ruin Maoshan's reputation?

For Lin Ye in this life, Maoshan is his home, and now someone wants to ruin the reputation that his family has saved for thousands of years, and it is strange that he did not say it.

After a moment of silence, Lin Ye shouted Zhang boldly and said: "Since this is the case, then I won't say anything, wait a while and you go to the Ma family ancestral hall by yourself, if nothing else, you will meet a Taoist priest on the way, no matter what means you use, let him follow you to the ancestral hall, you can't die with him, otherwise, your body will stink tomorrow." "

Zhang Daring's eyes lit up, and he nodded again and again, as for why Lin Ye would know that he would meet a Taoist priest, does this matter? After all, he is a god who can shine all over his body, and it is nothing to be able to pinch him, right?

Zhang Daring, who had regained his vitality, immediately said goodbye to Lin Ye and Ren Tingting, and hurried towards the Ma family ancestral hall, now that he has no wife, he doesn't have to catch a car, he has a lot of time to do anything.

After he left, Ren Tingting looked at Lin Ye suspiciously: "You really don't plan to care, what if he can't touch the Taoist priest?"

Lin Ye chuckled and shook his head: "I will definitely meet it, I will go and clean up a mess for Maoshan in the next two days!"

"Hmm???" Ren Tingting was suddenly full of question marks, but Lin Ye didn't say it, she wouldn't ask, anyway, she would know everything at night.

Half an hour later, Zhang Daring rushed into a forest, lowered his head and rushed towards the ancestral hall of the Ma family, and then with a muffled bang, Zhang Daring took several steps back directly, and looked at the man with a peachwood sword in front of him in a daze, Zhang Daring's eyes suddenly widened, and his face was full of surprise: "There are really Taoist priests, and the master is really a master!"

Xu Zhenren: "......"

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