Lin Ye remembered that there was a so-called lamp god in this Ninety-Five Supreme Bureau, and the entire Ninety-Five Supreme Bureau was also made by this lamp god.

After sending the little shrimp to the front hall, Lin Ye patted the top of his head and said with a smile: "Hurry up and get out, I'll go inside and get rid of the last evil and go out." "

Although Xiao Xiami didn't understand what the final evil was, he still nodded and blinked, "Don't forget to give me my money." "

"Got it, little clever ghost!" Lin Ye was in a very good mood at this time, especially Xiao Xiami's performance greatly exceeded his expectations, and he didn't know how much better his impression of Xiao Xiami, if he wasn't worried about Ren Tingting's overreaction, he would have planned to accept Xiao Xiami as an apprentice.

Well, that's just thinking about it.

Watching the little shrimp run into the tomb, Lin Ye quickly turned around, re-entered the hall, glanced left and right, and then fixed his gaze on the back of the dragon chair.

When I walked over, sure enough, a strangely shaped lampstand came into view.

Looking at this lamp, Lin Ye said coldly: "Are you going to ask me to invite you out, or are you going to get out obediently by yourself?"


A cold wind blew, and then an illusory figure ran out of the lamp, which was the so-called lamp god.

However, this lamp god was a little undisciplined, and as soon as he came out, he knelt directly in front of Lin Ye and said loudly: "Dao Chief, spare my life, I have never done anything bad!"

Lin Ye sneered: "You haven't done anything bad, so what's the matter with the karma on your body? Hmph, you are bold and powerful, you dare to pretend to be a lamp god, and you dare to build this Ninety-Five Supreme Bureau, if you want to destroy this last dragon vein, your heart can be punished, and it will be light for your soul to fly away." "

"No, it's none of my business, Cixi forced me to do this, you can't ...... Ah......h

The lamp god didn't even have a chance to refute and was directly slapped into scum by Lin Ye, Lin Ye didn't learn from Mao Xiaofang, and finally left himself in a big trouble, in the original trajectory, Mao Xiaofang didn't care too much about this lamp god who only had a ghost level, and was finally pitted by the lamp god and Lei Gang together, and almost lost his life.

"Ding~ The host kills the ghost and gains 1500 merit points. "

Uh-huh, Lin Ye was stunned suddenly, if he remembered correctly, powerful ghosts generally only have about thirty points of merit, right? Where did this lamp god come from...... Forehead......

Lin Ye seemed to understand something, building the Ninety-Five Supreme Bureau and the Dragon Slaying Bureau, these are all existences that are not allowed by the Heavenly Dao, and now that Lin Ye kills him, he will naturally get a rich reward.

In other words, the calculation method of the system is not only based on the strength of the evil spirit, but also takes into account the karma and cause and effect of the other party.

Lin Yemo, who thought clearly, rubbed his chin: "It seems that in the future, we can't just stare at these known evil things, but also inquire about those places that have not appeared in film and television dramas, but are very fierce!"

Thinking of this, Lin Ye clapped his hands and made a decision, then glanced at the tomb again, and quickly rushed out of the mausoleum.

Outside, after seeing Lin Ye come out, everyone was really relieved, even if Xiao Xiami had already said that Lin Ye was not in danger, but until the last moment, who dared to relax?

Ren Tingting threw herself directly into Lin Ye's arms and hugged him tightly: "Don't do such a dangerous thing next time, okay?"

"Okay!" Lin Ye agreed very happily, no matter what, stabilize Ren Tingting first.

Ren Tingting knew that Lin Ye was coaxing her, but she couldn't help but burst into laughter, gently hammered Lin Ye, and then turned around and left with a flushed face: "I'll go and prepare food for you!"

Uncle Nine looked at Lin Ye with satisfaction: "Xiao Ye, do you still need the Burning Sky Array?"

"Of course you have to use it!" Lin Ye looked at Uncle Nine in astonishment: "Although the zombies inside are gone, the Ninety-Five Supreme Bureau and the Dragon Slaying Bureau are still there, and today I will use this Burning Sky Array to break these two bureaus and completely release the dragon veins!"

Uncle Nine squinted his eyes and stared at him with a rare solemnity: "Are you really ready to decide?"

Lin Ye couldn't help but laugh and said, "Master, when have I ever made a joke?

Gently patted Lin Ye's shoulder: "Since you have decided, then the teacher will accompany you crazy once, go!"


As the two left, the others immediately looked at each other, Ah Chu and Ah Hai were better, and the others, including Song Zilong, were all confused.


Boom! After a while, the entire tomb instantly turned extremely red, and a scorching temperature swept out, quickly spreading outward.

Ah Chu Ah Hai hurriedly beckoned everyone to evacuate this place, the Burning Heaven Great Array, which is claimed to be able to burn even the sky, although now this is only a version that has been weakened by I don't know how many times, but it is not something that ordinary people like them can bear.

Ang~ With the 'burning' of the Burning Sky Array, the Ninety-Five Supreme Bureau and the Dragon Slaying Bureau were frantically shattered, and at the same time, a vague sound of dragon groans resounded throughout the valley.

And when the dragon chant sounded, Lin Ye and Uncle Jiu, who were standing in the center of the large array, instantly felt that the surrounding aura was growing at an extremely fast speed.

"It's done!" Uncle Jiu's eyes lit up, and he turned to look at Lin Ye: "Xiao Ye, it's successful, and then it's up to you to see how far these spiritual qi can grow." "

Lin Ye chuckled: "This is just a sudden outbreak, it should slow down after a while, but the dragon vein is finally released, the nine main dragon veins of my Yan Country, all of them are connected, as long as this dragon vein is completely recovered, the others are about the same, but it is still the same sentence, if you want the aura to be completely recovered, it will take at least more than a hundred years." "

Uncle Nine didn't refute this, but walked to Lin Ye's side with emotion, sighed and said, "I, who is a master, have always been surpassed by your apprentice, you kid!"

The two looked at each other, then laughed at the same time.


After solving Cixi and the Ninety-Five Supreme Bureau, Uncle Nine left the next day, after all, there are still a lot of things waiting for him to command in Renjiazhen, well, that's right, it's the command, because of Lin Ye, now Uncle Jiu's expectations for Wencai Qiusheng, Ah Xing and Ah Yue are getting higher and higher, and they are constantly tempering their ability to take charge of themselves.

Chen Dashuai moved out all the gold, silver and jewelry in Cixi's tomb, and then gave Lin Ye ninety percent, and took one percent himself, in Chen Dashuai's words, if there was no Lin Ye, he wouldn't even be able to get this Chengdu, and it was estimated that he would have to take his life in.

But even if it's only one percent, it's millions of oceans, enough for Chen Dashuai to expand his army on a large scale, maybe one day, he can really become a big warlord in a certain province.

It's just that Lin Ye doesn't care about these, after all, the warlord ...... It's still a little far away from him, and he doesn't want to have any intersection with the warlord, and even if it weren't for the thousands of people under Chen Dashuai this time, he wouldn't even plan to help Chen Dashuai this time.

Two days later, Chen Dashuai led his men to leave Gantian Town, and the entire Gantian Town once again entered a period of calm.

It is worth mentioning that the black rose is still the same as the original trajectory, using the thousand oceans given by the forest leaves to open a rice shop in the town, and live a day of sending it every day.

Xiao Xiami is familiar with Lin Ye a lot after passing through the affairs of the tomb, and he runs to Lin Ye when he has nothing to do all day long, well, if he doesn't have to find Lin Ye every time he comes to take away a piece of the ocean, Lin Ye still welcomes him very much.

Song Zilong also gradually handed over the affairs in the patrol team to Zhou Sanyuan to deal with, and he himself would live in Fuxi Hall almost every day, cultivating with all his might, it was obviously this incident that stimulated Song Zilong, making him desperate to become a strong man, for himself, but also to be able to help Lin Ye.

At night.

After Lin Ye sent Song Zilong back, he went back to the room, looked at Ren Tingting, who was already asleep, Lin Ye laughed happily, walked to the front of the bed, helped Ren Tingting cover the quilt, and then kissed her on the forehead, and then returned to the table and sat down.

"Host: Leaf of the Forest"

"Realm: Fivefold Heavenly Master"

"Daoxing: Forty-seven years (immortals)"

"Exercises: Shangqing Dadong True Sutra (Second Layer Perfection)"

"Skills: Five Thunder Mantra (Perfection), Lightning Running Thunder Fist (Perfection), Five Elements Bagua Palm (Perfection), Nine Character Mantra (Perfection), Feng Shui Kanyu (Perfection). Kunlun Imperial Sword Technique (Perfection), Dragon Silk Grappler (Perfection), Iron Cloth Shirt (Perfection), Thunder Mantra (Perfection), Please Divine Technique (Perfection), Meditation Mantra (Perfection), Alchemy (Beginner), Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts (Xiaocheng)"

"Talisman: Talisman of the Corpse, Talisman of Evil Talisman ......"

"Magic weapons: Hundred Years of Thunder Strike Peach Wood Sword, Five Emperors Money Sword, Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword, Xuantian Compass, Nine Dragons Ring ......"

"Merit: 6670"

Looking at the attribute panel in front of him, the merit value was raised to nearly seven thousand again, and after pondering for a moment, Lin Ye gave up the lottery and said, "Raise the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts to Dacheng!"

"Ascension begins!"


With a majestic influx of information, Lin Ye slowly closed his eyes, and half an hour later, the aura on his body suddenly exploded, but disappeared in an instant, and at the same time, an extremely strange force began to shuttle through his limbs, as if his mind moved, this power would come out of his body.

Feeling the power in his body again, Lin Ye clenched his fists and chuckled: "Now mine is basically invincible in the Heavenly Master Realm, right? I have to say, this feeling is ...... It's really good. "

Glancing at the remaining more than 600 merits, Lin Ye showed a satisfied chuckle.

But just as he was about to go back to rest, Ah Hai's voice suddenly came from outside: "Senior brother, the girl who raised snakes last time fainted at the door......"

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