Looking in the direction pointed by Black Rose, he saw a large number of people in military uniforms appear in the town at some point, led by one riding a tall horse, looking at everything around him with staring eyes, as if everyone here had fallen under his control.

"Hiss~ Could it be that Gantian Town will not escape the fate of warlord rule?" Black Rose gasped, as a thief in the rivers and lakes, Black Rose's footprints are all over most of the country, and he naturally knows what those places ruled by warlords are like.

The reason why she settled in Gantian Town was because there was no warlord here, Ansheng, but now this Ansheng is also going to be broken.

Xiao Xiami seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but shudder, and said, "Sister Rose, should we go? These warlords are inhuman." "

"Let's go?" Black Rose rolled her eyes into deep thought.

At the same time, on the streets.

Lin Ye and Ren Tingting also hid behind the stalls on the side of the road because they avoided the warlords, Ren Tingting looked at the soldiers curiously, and whispered: "These people seem to be not bad, they are much stronger than those in the provincial capital, at least they don't harass the people." "

"......" Lin Ye looked at Ren Tingting with a smile and a smile, isn't this a harassment of the people?

But obviously Lin Ye's mind was not on this, he was just a little curious if this warlord came a little too fast, and now he was not ready to face Cixi, if so......

Just let him go to confront a warlord, he also has no certainty, especially the warlord in front of him is obviously not a small warlord like Lou Dalong, there are only one or two thousand people in his hands, this is not less than three thousand people just after entering the town, there must be more than three thousand people outside.

Once he makes a move, let's not say whether he can win, but in the end, he will definitely not be good, after all, although he is a heavenly master, but to put it bluntly, he is still a person, and people are afraid of hot weapons.

After a moment of silence, Lin Ye grabbed Ren Tingting's hand and said in a low voice, "Go!"


"Back to Fuxi Hall, I'm going to call Master over now!" In order to prevent accidents, Lin Ye was still going to call Uncle Nine over, so that even if there was really an accident at that time, there would be a foil, Ah Chu Ah Hai...... It's still a little weaker.

Ren Tingting was shocked, and looked at Lin Ye dumbfounded: "What happened?"

Lin Ye shook his head and didn't explain, and there was no way to explain this, he couldn't tell her that these warlords were here to dig up graves, and then they would dig up a zombie nest, right? If he really said that, there would be a lot of questions waiting for him later.

Seeing that Lin Ye didn't want to say, Ren Tingting didn't continue to ask.

Ten minutes later, the two of them entered Fuxi Hall, and after glancing at the temporary absence of anyone around, Lin Ye slammed the door and said loudly: "Ah Chu Ahai, prepare guys!"

"Yes, senior brother!"

"Senior brother, what's wrong?"

Lin Ye glared at Ah Chu angrily, and then walked to the center of the courtyard.

Soon, Ah Hai ran over with Mao Xiaofang's backpack, Lin Ye took out a gossip mirror from it, drew a golden talisman on it, and then slapped it suddenly, and the gossip mirror soared into the sky with a bang, emitting thousands of golden lights, and then disappeared with a bang.

After doing this, Lin Ye returned the things to Ah Hai, and said in a deep voice: "Ready, Gantian Town will not be peaceful next." "

Ah Chu Ah Hai looked at each other, and then they all came down, they wouldn't ask why, because they were very sure that Lin Ye wouldn't joke about this kind of thing.

At this moment, at the door, Song Zilong ran over in a panic, glanced around, and quickly rushed to Lin Ye, and said, "Master, there is a team of warlords coming outside, they have occupied my house as the headquarters of the world, I listened to it, they seem to be digging some explosives planted before, Master, do you know what they want to do?"

"Warlord?" Ah Chu was dumbfounded.

"There are even warlords in Gantian Town?" Ah Hai was also stupid.

Lin Ye squinted, looked at the mountain outside Gantian Town, and said coldly: "Dig up explosives? "

As soon as the dragon vein came out, everyone in the courtyard was stunned, even Song Zilong, who didn't know Taoism, knew what the dragon vein represented, but there was a dragon vein in Gantian Town?

But looking at Lin Ye's solemn expression, several people didn't dare to doubt it at all, since Lin Ye said it, there must be a dragon vein, but they didn't find it before.

In particular, this seems to explain why other places are starving, but only Gantian Town has good weather every year, and the people are prosperous and healthy.

It's just that Song Zilong looked at Lin Ye suspiciously: "Master, if the dragon vein is broken, those warlords don't seem to get any benefits, right?"

Others, including Ren Tingting, also looked at Lin Ye, indeed, the dragon vein can protect the safety of one party, if the dragon vein is destroyed, wouldn't those warlords also have to suffer?

Lin Ye chuckled: "Yes, they will naturally not end well if they destroy the dragon vein, but what if there is an imperial tomb under the dragon vein?

Hiss~ The four of Ren Tingting were really suppressed, after all, it was the Imperial Mausoleum, and what did the Imperial Mausoleum represent? Wealth, massive, enough wealth to make anyone lose their minds.

At this time, Ren Tingting suddenly understood why Lin Ye was so heavy just now, after all, the imperial tomb is the most prone to zombies and ghosts, once it is destroyed, the consequences are unimaginable.

After thinking of this, Ren Tingting suddenly pouted, obviously Lin Ye knew, but he didn't answer himself just now, it was too annoying.

But then she laughed herself, because she knew her character very well, if Lin Ye really answered her at that time, she would definitely have more than ten or twenty questions to ask later, but this is not Lin Ye's reason to perfunctory herself, hmph, a little punishment for you.

Hiss~ Feeling the pain in his arm, Lin Ye rubbed Ren Tingting's hair with a smile, and then said: "Ah Chu Ahai, don't go out in the past two days, Zilong, you go back and do your own work, and also, tell Mr. Song, don't tell me for the time being." "

Song Zilong blinked: "Master doesn't want to deal with those warlords?"

Lin Ye carried his hands noncommittally, turned around and walked towards the room, leaving a sentence that made Song Zilong and the others cold to the bone: "I'm afraid I can't help but split them all!"

Just when Lin Ye's side was on the verge of a great enemy, Renjia Town, Yizhuang.

The ninth uncle, who was being entangled by Aunt Cane's desire, immortal, desire, and death, suddenly shook his whole body, and then got rid of Aunt Cane directly, and said, "Don't make trouble, Xiaoye has a letter!"

Aunt Su was stunned for a moment, and then ran out full of worry: "What did Xiao Ye say? Is he in trouble? Oh, then what are you waiting for, hurry up and pack up your things to help him, get out, disappear from my sight in a quarter of an hour, otherwise something is wrong with Xiao Ye, I will make you unable to get out of bed for the rest of your life!"

Uncle Nine looked at Aunt Su dumbfounded, only to feel that his heart seemed to be pierced by ten thousand arrows, and it hurt to pierce it.

Ma Dan, in the end, the son is more important than Lao Tzu, hum!

However, although he was a little embarrassed in his heart, Uncle Nine still beckoned Wencai Qiusheng to pack up his things, since it was a message sent by Lin Ye, then his disciples, including Aunt Sue, could not help much, and he could arrive quickly by himself, so he simply left everyone behind, and rushed out of Yizhuang alone after half an hour, and went straight to Renfu.

That's right, it's Ren Fu, after all, no matter how fast the manpower is, there will always be times when he gets tired, so he must ask Ren Fa to help get a fast horse, so that he can reach Gantian Town by tomorrow morning at the latest.


Inside Fuxi Hall.

Ah Chu Ah Hai had just prepared dinner, and before he could call someone, there was a violent knock at the door, followed by the door being forcibly pushed open from the outside with a little roughness, and a large group of soldiers walked in with an officer.

"Who are you and what are you going to do?" Ah Chu asked, although he was afraid of the guns.

Before the officer could make any moves, an adjutant beside him suddenly raised the pistol in his hand and pointed it at Ah Chu: "My handsome family has something to do, if you don't want to die, get out!"

"You ......" Ah Chu was half angry, but considering that he couldn't dodge the bullet, he still gritted his teeth and took a few steps back.

The adjutant bowed down and said, "Dashuai, please!"

The officer nodded with satisfaction, walked to the stone bench in the middle of the courtyard and sat down, picked up the teapot on it and poured himself a cup of tea, and said: "I heard that there is a master Mao here who is very powerful, proficient in feng shui, and can catch ghosts and demons, I came here to see it today." "

Ah Chu Ah Hai was directly choked.

At this moment, Lin Ye's voice suddenly came from behind them: "Master Mao is not here, but Master Lin still has one, I don't know how the handsome man wants to see it?"

"Senior brother!" Ah Chu Ah Hai hurriedly stepped out of the way.

Lin Ye put his hands behind his back, with a chuckle on his face, and slowly walked to the front of the officer and sat down.

The officer was slightly stunned, and then laughed: "What do you say I want to see?"

Lin Ye chuckled and shook his head, his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, and he said coldly: "I don't want to deal with you, but you come to my place without knowing whether you are alive or dead, do you really think that those few broken guns in your hands can cover the sky with one hand?"

The words landed, and the atmosphere in the courtyard froze in an instant!

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