"Huh, isn't that one in front of Ah Chu?"

Just as Lin Ye was about to continue to say something to Zhuge Kongping, Ren Tingting suddenly opened her mouth and startled Lin Ye.

looked in the direction pointed by Ren Tingting, and found that a young figure not far away was running quickly, sensing the aura on the other party's body, Lin Ye's face instantly became strange, and then flew up directly, and landed in front of the young man after a few takedowns.

"Ah Chu, why are you here?

Yu Dachu was startled when he looked at Lin Ye who suddenly appeared, and when he saw Lin Ye clearly, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly said: "Senior brother, why are you here? "

Looking at Ah Chu's face, Lin Ye frowned slightly: "What happened?"

At this time, Lin Ye was also a little anxious, after all, when he left Hong Kong Island, Lin Ye was worried about Mao Xiaofang, especially Yang Feiyun, this guy is not dead, the most important thing is that Yang Feiyun's reputation among the people will definitely not fall, if Yang Feiyun uses some means, it is easy to trap Mao Xiaofang, who is full of justice.

Could it be that there is something wrong with Mao Xiaofang?

Fortunately, Ah Chu's answer made him breathe a sigh of relief: "That's the case, the feng shui tree in Feng Shui Village in Gantian Town suddenly withered a lot, and the whole village became restless, and the six animals were restless, senior brother, you also know that the strength of Ah Hai and I was strongly raised, and we basically didn't understand these, so we asked the master for help, but the master said that there are still some things to finish on Hong Kong Island, so let's come to you, time is running out, if the feng shui tree can't be cured before tomorrow, the feng shui tree will be completely finished.

" "

Lin Ye was stunned, and at the same time, his hanging heart was also put back, and said, "Don't worry, there is still time, let's talk while walking." "

Back in the car, Lin Ye told Zhuge Kongping about the matter, and said: "Fellow Daoist, I can't be a guest at your house this time, time is tight, so we need to rush overnight, after all, it is about a village, and we can't delay." "

Although Zhuge Kongping was very eager to have a good relationship with Lin Ye, a young heavenly master, and asked about the Golden Armor Corpse King by the way, he also knew the priorities, so he sighed helplessly and said: "It's okay, when the Taoist friends return, I have to sit in my Zhuge house no matter what, and let the old Taoist do my best as a landlord." "

"Okay!" Lin Ye responded, slapped the horse violently, and accelerated towards the front.

Half an hour later, Zhuge Kongping got out of the carriage, and suddenly the carriage was half lighter, and then the speed was even faster, and finally arrived at Fengshui Village at half past ten in the morning of the next day.

At this time, the villagers of the entire feng shui village were all gathered around the feng shui tree, Ah Hai sat under the feng shui tree, looking at the feng shui tree with a frown, the problem has been found, the feng shui bead does not know what was stolen, and now he has no clue at all, he is not even a beginner in the method of finding a thousand cranes, so he can only be at a loss, and keeps praying that Ah Chu can come back soon.

Everyone else also looked up at the sun in the sky from time to time, because of the feng shui tree in their hearts, so the sun, which usually feels very slow, seems to have turned on the accelerator today, as if it is almost noon in the blink of an eye.

After a while, a young man in a police uniform walked up to Ah Hai and sat down with anxiety, saying, "Ah Hai, can Ah Chu rush back? There is only half a day left." "

Ah Hai shook his head: "I don't know very well, this place is hundreds of miles away from Renjia Town, even if it ...... Now we can only pray. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent, and the villagers of Feng Shui Village all showed desperate expressions one by one.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind the crowd that everyone didn't expect: "Get out of the way, Ah Hai, senior brother is here, quick, everyone get out of the way, let senior brother go in and have a look." "


Ah Hai and the young man all stood up, and the others also turned around and looked over, and after a while, Ah Chu walked into the crowd with Lin Ye and Ren Tingting, but when everyone saw Lin Ye, they couldn't help frowning, too young, so small, is it reliable?

However, Ah Hai's eyes were very bright, and he quickly ran to Lin Ye and arched his hand: "Senior brother, I'm sorry for you this time." "

Lin Ye chuckled and waved his hand: "It's okay, I originally planned to come to Gantian Town, but I didn't expect to meet Ah Chu halfway, okay, I'll talk about it later, I'll see the situation first." "

"Okay!" Ah Hai hurriedly let go of his body, and then hugged his fist at Ren Tingting and said, "Ah Hai has seen my sister-in-law." "

Ren Tingting nodded slightly, and followed Lin Ye to the front of the feng shui tree.

The young man in the police uniform frowned, but he still chose to believe Lin Ye, after all, Lin Ye was now their only hope, and he had to believe it if he didn't believe it.

"Dao Chief, I'm Song Zilong, the police captain of Gantian Town, and I'm in trouble with Dao Chang this time. "

Lin Ye glanced at Song Zilong in a little surprise, and then nodded as a greeting, he had a good impression of Song Zilong, he dared to love and hate, and he was responsible, in the original trajectory, if it weren't for his insistence, Ah Chu might have been killed by Lei Gang, although he was a policeman, but his trust in Daomen and Maoshan had gone deep into his bones.

The most important thing is that Lin Ye actually thinks that Song Zilong is more suitable to be a disciple than Zhong Bang, steady, capable, and the most important thing is peace of mind.

patted Song Zilong on the shoulder: "I'll talk about it later!"

Song Zilong blinked in confusion, but he still held back the curiosity in his heart, opened half of his body, and completely presented the feng shui tree in front of Lin Ye.

Lin Ye circled around the feng shui tree, then reached into the place where the feng shui beads were placed, and took out a little gray-brown from it.

"Evil!" Lin Ye muttered: "Ah Chu Ah Hai, you two go to Fuxi Hall to bring your master's guys, and then I will find the feng shui beads first." "

"Yes, Senior Brother!" Ah Chu Ah Hai hurriedly responded when he heard this, and quickly turned around and left.

Seeing that Ah Chu and Ah Hai trusted Lin Ye so much, the villagers of Feng Shui Village immediately breathed a sigh of relief, perhaps, there is really hope?

Song Zilong watched Ah Chu and Ah Hai leave, and then said, "Dao Chief, are you sure?"

Lin Ye chuckled: "Don't worry, it's just a small ground corpse, when Ah Chu Ah Hai comes back, within an hour, the feng shui beads can return to their places." "

Song Zilong's eyes lit up: "Thank you, Daoist!"

The other villagers also showed surprise on their faces, and the village chief of Feng Shui Village walked out excitedly, bowed heavily to Lin Ye, and said: "Dao Chief, thank you, Dao Chief, please rest assured, once the Feng Shui Beads return to their places, my Feng Shui Village will definitely repay them with a heavy reward!"

Lin Ye smiled noncommittally: "Don't talk about heavy remuneration or anything, how did my uncle collect it before, you can just give it, I am helping my uncle do things here now, and when my uncle comes back, I still have to go back." "

That's right, Lin Ye doesn't plan to return to Hong Kong Island now, at least he doesn't plan to go back in the short term, after all, the scene in front of him is too familiar, isn't this the plot of the second part of the zombie Taoist?

Now that this scene has happened, then the next ghost queen mother should also appear, and there will be a series of moth demon chaos in the follow-up, Lei Gang coming to the door, the big demon god, etc., what are these? These are all merits, and they are much more merits than those on Hong Kong Island, he is stupid to go to Hong Kong Island at this time?

Unless Mao Xiaofang's side really couldn't suppress Yang Feiyun, Lin Ye didn't plan to go back.

However, this may basically not appear, in the original play, Mao Xiaofang was framed by Yang Feiyun and accidentally killed a child named Xiaozun, which caused the conflict between him and Zhong Bang, but now that Xuan Kui is in his Nine Dragon Ring, Yang Feiyun's true face has also been recognized by Mao Xiaofang, and the contradiction between Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Bang is unlikely to appear again.

With their master and apprentice here, what Yang Feiyun wants to do is simply whimsical.

In this case, what kind of merit did he go to Hong Kong Island to brush up, brush the ghost queen mother, and moth demons, isn't he fragrant?

The most important thing is that Lin Ye wants to create more time for Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Jun to get along, and it is best that the two of them can directly achieve positive results on Hong Kong Island, well, he is really a little clever ghost.

Looking at the relieved people, Lin Ye suddenly looked at Song Zilong and said, "Captain Song, are you interested in learning the Tao?"

Song Zilong was almost frightened to death by Lin Ye's question, and then looked at Lin Ye with doubts: "What does Dao Chief, mean?"

Lin Ye chuckled: "It's literal, I don't have a successor yet, if Captain Song is interested, you can consider it, well, although I look young, my strength is still very good, at least my uncle can't compare to me for the time being." "

Song Zilong was shocked, and then fell silent.

Does he want to learn Taoism? Naturally, he did, but the situation at home didn't seem to allow him to do so, otherwise he would have already worshiped under Mao Xiaofang's door.

So after a short period of contemplation, he still hugged his fist at Lin Ye and said, "I'm sorry, my family won't agree to me learning the Tao, so ......"

Lin Ye waved his hand: "You don't have to reply to me in such a hurry, think about it carefully, anyway, I have a lot of time." "

When the words landed, Ah Chu and Ahai's figure had already entered the line of sight, and the two quickly walked through the crowd, put a backpack on the ground, and said, "Senior brother, the guys are all here." "

Lin Ye bowed his head slightly, and then with a casual move, a tracking talisman flew directly into his hand, and then he shook his wrist violently, and the talisman in his hand burned with a bang, the firelight dissipated, and the paper crane that had been emitting golden light appeared on the tips of his fingers.

Then he sprinkled the things he had taken out of the feng shui tree on the paper crane and blew softly: "Go!"

The paper crane suddenly burst out with a cry and flapped its wings and flew high......

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