"Tell me, do you have a big opinion of Master?"

In the main hall of Yizhuang, Uncle Nine sat on a chair, and the little zombie was serving tea and water next to him, so he looked like a dog.

Qiusheng Wencai and Ah Yue lowered their heads and were silent, but the eyes of the three of them looking at the little zombie became more and more dangerous.

Uncle Nine took a sip of tea, then rubbed the little zombie's head with satisfaction, then stood up and walked in front of the three of them: "I don't like the little money I give, you can say it, I'm not an unreasonable person, come, let's talk about it." "

Wen Cai's eyes lit up: "Master, can you really say it? Then can you give us the money that was deducted?"

When Qiusheng and Ah Yue heard Wen Cai's words, they slapped their foreheads directly, with desperate expressions on their faces.

Uncle Nine looked at the three of them with a smile: "Yes, it's not impossible to give you money, but after I give it to you, you can almost get out, hmph, one by one, I don't want to think about business in my head all day long, just thinking about these messy things." "

Speaking of this, Uncle Nine slapped Qiusheng on the back of the head: "Do you want it too?" Okay, anyway, you are also a master now, you can go out of the school, go find a dojo by yourself, and the amount of money you make will be yours, okay!"

Qiusheng hurriedly shook his head, joking, although he is a local master, he doesn't understand too many things, and now that he is a teacher, I'm afraid he will be laughed to death?

Looking at Uncle Jiu's eyes, Ah Yue hurriedly waved her hand: "Master, what I don't have, it was the two of them who picked me up!"

"Damn, such a righteous person? Little junior sister, you can't do this...... Qiusheng was silent as he spoke, there was no way, Uncle Nine's eyes were too terrible.

Uncle Nine snorted coldly, and then knocked on Wencai's head again: "You three, all go back to sleep for me, next month's salary is gone." "

The three of them suddenly felt pardoned, turned around and fled, anyway, they didn't really have to live on those salaries, if they didn't have it, they would be gone, it was much better than Uncle Nine beating them.

It's just that what made the three of them desperate was that Uncle Nine suddenly thought of something and said, "By the way, I will tell Tingting that your subsidy for next month is gone!"

At this time, the three of them were in a hurry, turned around and knelt down, crying: "Master, spare your life, if you don't have money, we will die!"


The door of Yizhuang was pushed open, and then Lin Ye, Ren Tingting and Qingqing walked in together, when they saw the three people kneeling there, and the little zombie standing behind Uncle Jiu who kept grimacing, Lin Ye knew what was happening, shook his head with a smile, and prepared to go back to the room to rest.

But as soon as he was about to leave, Uncle Nine called out to him: "Xiao Ye, you come with me, and, Tingting, you don't have to give the subsidy for these three people next month, hmph, if you don't study well all day long, you actually learn to let the little zombie steal money, there are really them." "

The three of them suddenly turned around and looked at Ren Tingting with pleading eyes.

Ren Tingting has long been accustomed to these people's tricks, pursed her lips and chuckled: "Okay master, I will control it." "

Only then did Uncle Nine nod, beckoned to Lin Ye, turned around and returned to the main hall, and Lin Ye followed.

After the two of them all went in, Ren Tingting laughed, and then said in a low voice: "I will give you double shares next month, and I will save money." "

The eyes of the three of them lit up, and they kept thanking Ren Tingting, and it was only a month, and the patience was over.

In the main hall, Lin Ye and Uncle Nine sat opposite each other, the little zombie poured a cup of tea for Lin Ye with great eyesight, and then turned around and fled, looking at the behavior of the little zombie, Lin Ye frowned helplessly, he really couldn't think of what offended this little guy.

Suddenly, Lin Ye's mind flashed with a flash of inspiration, and he realized something, after all, the little zombie would not be afraid of him for no reason, but he was not afraid of him, and there might be only one Xuan Kui in him who could make the little zombie afraid.

But what Lin Ye didn't expect was that Xuan Kui had been suppressed by him, and his aura was not even perceptible to Uncle Jiu, and the little zombie could actually feel it, could it be that this little guy was born different?

Uncle Nine drank a cup of tea, and then said: "Someone from Xujia Village in Xujiaji next door came to me today, let me go over tomorrow to help them take a look at feng shui, if you are okay, come with me." "

Lin Ye was slightly stunned, according to the original trajectory, shouldn't a female ghost come out now, and then Qiu Shengwen and the two of them went to help the female ghost avenge their grievances?

Why did you suddenly jump to the area of Feng Shui?

But his doubts didn't last long, after all, now Qiusheng and Wencai are completely different from the original trajectory, first of all, Qiusheng has Xiaoyu, naturally he won't go to the land of fireworks, Wencai now has cultivation, knows the benefits of cultivation, and completely puts an end to the habit of laziness, and begins to practice every day, and his mind is gradually corrected.

If they don't go, they won't be able to provoke the female ghost.

(Anyway, someone in the comment area wants to accept this female ghost, what about the opinions of the big guy?)

In this way, it makes sense that the female ghost does not appear, just looking at feng shui......

Although Lin Ye's feng shui is at the consummation level, he really hasn't seen feng shui once, and this time itself may lead to the Western zombies behind, so Lin Ye muttered: "Okay, when will we leave tomorrow?"

"Leave after dinner and try to get back before the evening. "


The next day, at ten o'clock in the morning, Lin Ye and Uncle Nine came to Xujia Village, but what Lin Ye didn't expect was that after Ah Wei saw him yesterday, he shouted to help, and today he directly followed with a large group of people from the security team.

If that's the case, that's it, what makes Lin Ye's scalp tingle is that his magical cousin also came over, which is very painful.

But Ah Wei is also kind-hearted, Lin Ye naturally won't refute his intentions, and it's not bad to have an errand runner, so it's just up to him, anyway, it's not him who bothers that magical cousin, so what's the matter.

On a mountain road, the village chief personally led the way, and Uncle Nine walked beside him and looked at the surrounding terrain and said: "Village chief, this village is surrounded by mountains, the left side of the golden basin is Xianrui, the right side of the water shoots into the hall, the foresight of the Huating Heyu, the back pillow Jingshan jade, just in line with the image of the wind and water, it should be prosperous and prosperous." "

The village chief frowned and said, "But recently, for some reason in the village, the chickens and dogs are restless and the population is not working, could it be that there is a problem with feng shui?"

"The wind refers to the air flow, and the air must not be blocked, but now the wind is strong and the air flow is smooth, and the wind should be fine. "

"Could it be that the water is wrong?"

Uncle Nine fell into deep thought, and at this time, Lin Ye, who was following beside him, chuckled and said: "For no reason, the six animals are uneasy, the population is not working, there must be a problem with Feng Shui, now the wind is no problem, there must be a problem with the water, Master, I will go over and see the water source." "

"Okay!" Uncle Nine replied with a smile.

The village chief looked at Uncle Nine suspiciously: "Uncle Nine, who is this?"

Uncle Nine happily looked at Lin Ye's back: "He is my eldest disciple Lin Ye." "

The village chief suddenly realized: "It turned out to be Master Xiao Ye, Master Xiao Ye's name has long been like thunder, I didn't expect to be lucky enough to see it today, it is really a talent, heroic, Uncle Nine has accepted a good apprentice." "

Uncle Nine blushed a little when he was praised by others, and immediately changed the topic: "Village Chief, let's go over and have a look." "

Only then did the village chief react: "It should be, it should be!"

Not far away, Lin Ye took Ah Wei straight to the water source, and after arriving, Lin Ye visually inspected the past and found that the water here had begun to turn red, and a faint fishy smell came to his face.

Ah Wei covered his nose and fanned, and said angrily: "Brother Ye, why is it so stinky here?"

"There's a problem with the water source, you go and pick up the stone over there and look at the water droplets below!" Lin Ye said, pointing to a stone stuck in the middle of the stream.

Ah Wei blinked, and then ran over quickly, he was originally here to have a relationship with Lin Yela today, of course he would not refuse Lin Ye's order because of a little smell.

After a while, Ah Wei said: "Wow, Brother Ye, the water droplets are cracked!"

Lin Ye said secretly Sure enough, he looked at the Ninth Uncle and the others who followed behind him, squinted his eyes and said, "Master, the water droplets are cracked, I'll go to the front to take a look, there should be a big problem here." "

The village chief's face turned pale instantly: "How can this be?"

Uncle Nine put his hands behind his back and frowned: "Don't worry, village chief, even if there is a problem, we will help you solve it completely." "

After speaking, Uncle Nine glanced up at the sky, and then followed Lin Ye's footsteps again.

After Lin Ye glanced at the broken water droplets, he took Ah Wei straight to the shady place by the stream, and after entering a dense forest, Lin Ye suddenly stopped, thought of the movie clip he had seen in his previous life, and pointed to a willow tree that fell into the water and said, "Ah Wei, call a few people over and pull this tree up!"

Although Ah Wei was puzzled, he still turned around quickly and shouted to the security team who was grinding behind him: "You guys, hurry up, come and pull this tree up!"

The people of the security team originally thought that they were just coming over for a walk-through today, even if it was related to Lin Yepan, it was also the matter of Ah Wei, the captain, and they had no chance.

didn't expect the opportunity to come so quickly, several people suddenly rushed over as if they were excited, and two of them jumped directly into the water, and said loudly: "Come, work together, one, two, three, go you!"

With a bang, the willow tree was pulled up, but then another scream spread throughout the valley......

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