Facing Cui Feng's inquiry, Lin Ye nodded decisively: "I really don't understand, that's how I cultivated." "

What the hell am I ......

Cui Feng almost didn't go up to the ground, and after a long time, he raised his hand angrily and knocked on Lin Ye's head: "You bastard boy, are you mocking the ancestor?"

Lin Ye shook his head decisively, you are a dignified ghost immortal-level existence, I dare to mock you when my brain is convulsed, right?

(Ghosts, resentful spirits, ghosts, ghost generals, ghost kings, ghost emperors, ghost immortals, ghost emperors, ghosts and resentful spirits correspond to the cultivation monks, ghosts correspond to human teachers, ghost generals correspond to earth masters, ghost kings correspond to heavenly masters, ghost emperors correspond to real people, ghost immortals correspond to human immortals, and ghost emperors are yin heavenly sons.) )

Cui Feng felt a little better, but he was still glaring at Lin Ye with resentment, but what made Cui Feng helpless was that this kid was simply iron-headed, and he looked at him like this, as if he was sure that he wouldn't do anything with him.

Joke, is the ancestor that kind of person?

Okay, the ancestor is, in the past few hundred years, in addition to the three old guys back then, there hasn't even been a real human realm, although all the major sects are the same, but who doesn't want their own sect to send a proud son of the sky?

Lin Ye is only eighteen years old, he is already a five-fold Heavenly Master, and it is also the realm of the Heavenly Soul, in the future, a real human realm is proper, and it is even possible to impact the rules of the world, achieve human immortals, and reproduce the feat of ascension, this is the glory of the entire Maoshan faction, as the ancestor of Maoshan, how could he attack Lin Ye because of this little thing?

To put it mildly, as long as Lin Ye didn't dismantle the Yin Division, he would have to protect Lin Ye, just so hungry and arrogant.

After pondering for a moment, Cui Feng still said the cultivation knowledge of the soul and Lin Ye, and then returned directly to his position, and then threw out a nameplate: "No, this is for you, take it." "

Lin Ye hurriedly took the nameplate in his hand, but when he saw the identity on the nameplate, he was stunned: "Reward the good and punish the evil?"

"Go back and ask your master, hurry up and get out, otherwise Ancestor I will really beat you believe it or not?" After Cui Feng finished speaking, he waved his hand directly and swept Lin Ye out of the inspection hall.

When Lin Ye came back to his senses, he found that he was directly swept into the body of the yang world by Cui Feng.

The sudden change in painting style made Lin Ye silent, is this a human-level cultivator? He couldn't even catch any mana fluctuations?

Looking at Lin Ye who opened his eyes, Uncle Nine and the others hurriedly came around, and asked in a chattering voice:

"Xiao Ye, why did you come back so quickly?

"Xiao Ye, tell me quickly, what is the matter with the underworld letting you go over?

"Ah Ye ......"

Ahem~ Lin Ye coughed twice, got up and said, "Okay, come one by one, I can't answer you like this." "

Everyone fell silent directly, and then Uncle Nine squinted his eyes and said, "Tell me, what identity did you give?"

Lin Ye was puzzled and offered the identity nameplate stored in the soul body, and said, "Master, what is the position of rewarding the good and punishing the evil? Why have I never heard of such a position in the underworld?"


As soon as these words came out, Uncle Nine and Aunt Sue stumbled and fell to the ground at the same time, and their expressions were all shocked, no, it is most appropriate to describe it as shock.

And their expressions made Ren Tingting and the others dumbfounded, but they were more puzzled and curious, after all, they didn't understand the priesthood, and they might scare Uncle Jiu and Aunt Sue like this, it must be a great position, right?

Lin Ye was also confused by the two: "Master?"

Uncle Nine came back to his senses at this time, stood up with a complicated expression, and said: "The so-called reward for good and punishment of evil is literal, rewarding good and punishing evil, is the highest spokesperson of the underworld in the yang world, and it is also the highest priesthood that can be given, you can determine good and evil, reward good and punish evil, as long as you say that the other party is evil, then you can directly send the other party into the eighteen layers of hell, you say that the other party is good, and you can even directly cross the judge hall and the reincarnation division, and directly let people be reincarnated.

" "

Speaking of this, Aunt Sue continued: "You can even review and pronounce judgments on other spokespersons of the underworld in the yang world, such as your master and your mother and me, which means that in the future, we will basically be under your control." "

Uncle Nine nodded in agreement: "Yes, but this nameplate of rewarding the good and punishing the evil has not appeared for three hundred years, and the last one is still the old man from Longhu Mountain, but the old man has gone to the underworld three hundred years ago, and now he should be in the reincarnation department, so you kid really made a lot of money this time, do you know?"

"Wow~ Is Senior Brother so powerful?" Qiusheng was the first to react and exclaimed.

Ah Xing was also taken aback: "Senior brother, you won't judge us in the future, right?"

"Get out!" Lin Ye frowned and said, "Master, the underworld gave me such a priesthood, do they think too highly of me?"

Poof~ Uncle Nine was choked, and shouted angrily: "You bastard boy, do you want to be angry with me?" I think you are mocking me, your master of Lin Ye, now you are just a money-printing envoy, you have become a reward for good and punishment of evil, boy, I have a reason to beat you now, you can't fight back, do you believe it or not?"

Lin Ye was so shouted by Uncle Jiu, and suddenly became transparent, yes, although rewarding the good and punishing the evil will definitely offend many people, but it is more of a benefit, after all, no one will be willing to offend an existence that dominates their future or even the next life for no reason.

What's more, now that the aura has collapsed and the real person is not out, his cultivation in the Heavenly Master Realm Five Heavens is already enough to be proud of the others, who else in the world is worthy of his fear?

There's no way, people with plug-ins are so arrogant, how to drop!

Lin Yele looked at Uncle Nine happily: "Then Master, there are ...... Nothing else?"

Speaking of this, Lin Ye's eyes were already wide, and then he suddenly burst out: ", where did the little zombie come from? Master, is this your illegitimate child?"

"Get out!" Uncle Nine jumped straight and kicked over, but Lin Ye dodged without pressure, and then he pounced on the little zombie.

In his previous life, he liked this cute little zombie very much, but he didn't expect to go on a trip to Hong Kong Island this time and see it when he came back, but doesn't this mean that the plot of Yimei Daoist is about to begin?

It's just that he was happy, but the little zombie was stunned.

Looking at the forest leaves getting closer and closer, the little zombie seemed to see some terrible demon, and hurriedly turned around, chirping and jumping backwards, wanting to escape from the upcoming 'claws'.

It's just that he is just a small green zombie, how can he escape the speed of the forest leaves?

In the blink of an eye, he felt that his body was out of control, and when he reacted, he realized that he was lifted up by Lin Ye.

Suddenly, the little zombie's face turned extremely pale...... Eh, although it was already very white, but now it is even whiter, he kept waving towards Lin Ye, bowing, and then gesturing, that look, that expression, that action, how cute and cute it is.

Lin Ye nodded the tip of the little zombie's nose with surprise, but just as he was about to play with the little zombie for a while, Ren Tingting snatched the little zombie away and gave him a blank look: "Okay, you have frightened Xiao Hong." "

"Xiao Hong?"

Ren Tingting calmed the little zombie, and then said, "Yes, the name taken by the master, Lin Zhenghong, what do you think?"

", is it really an illegitimate child?" Lin Ye looked at Uncle Nine in amazement, but it was Uncle Nine's merciless kick that greeted him.

At this time, Qiusheng said to Ah Xing on the side: "Yes, you see that the senior brother said that the little zombie is the illegitimate son of the master." "

Ah Xing nodded: "That's right, the two of us still have a good vision." "

But when they were about to continue talking, they suddenly felt a cold behind them, turned their heads to look, and found that Uncle Nine was standing behind them without knowing when, and was glaring at them with an angry face.

The two looked at each other, and then ran out at the same time:

"Master, it's none of our business, it's Senior Brother who said it. "

"That's it, Master, you can't be so eccentric,!"

Looking at the people who were making trouble, Lin Ye directly retreated from the fatigue of Hong Kong Island, sat on the stool with ease, and said with emotion: "It's better to have your own home!"

Ren Tingting blinked and asked funny: "Yes, it's still good at home, but Zhuzhu asked me to ask you, why did you smash the body of the second grandfather?"

Lin Ye was shocked, damn, forgot about this, he looked left and right, and found that there was indeed no Ren Zhuzhu, so he helplessly spread his hands: "Do you think I want to? Otherwise, I can't kill him at all, he was put into his body by those corpse thieves, he is not afraid of Taoism, he is not afraid of the sun, and he can fly, I can only make this decision!"

"You don't have to explain it to me, Zhuzhu said that he will come to you in a few days, you can ask for more blessings. After Ren Tingting finished speaking, she pulled Qingqing away, it was almost early in the morning, and they didn't want to stay up late.

As the two of them left, Wen Cai and Ah Yue also walked out of the main hall, and even Aunt Sue yawned and went back to the room, but before leaving, she winked at Lin Ye: "Boy, I want to hug my grandson, hurry up." "

The corners of Lin Ye's mouth twitched, and then he continued to sit on the chair and look at the three people chasing outside, completely emptying all his minds, and slowly closed his eyes.

Next to him, the little zombie looked left and right, and after finding that there was no one, he quietly turned around, and then slowed down his beating footsteps as much as possible, wanting to escape from this place, no way, for him, Lin Ye, the senior brother, was really too scared, although he didn't know what the reason for this fear came from.

The night was quiet, but in a plantain forest outside the town, a strange flower was quietly blooming......

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