
A corpse roar pulled Lin Ye and Mao Xiaofang out of the room.

When they saw Xuan Kui, an obviously different expression appeared on their faces, Mao Xiaofang was full of solemnity and his breath was churning, while Lin Ye was full of weirdness and more doubts.

Lin Ye knew that Xuan Kui was going to come over to find Mao Xiaofang, after all, Mao Xiaofang had chased him and had no way to retreat, although he was flying stiff, but he could only fly for a short time, but further south was the vast sea, to put it bluntly, he had no place to go now.

What's more, even if there is, Xuan Kui has had enough, from the beginning to the present, Mao Xiaofang has been chasing him for more than a month and nearly two months, not only does he have to suppress the desire to suck human blood. hope, but also to resist Mao Xiaofang's pursuit, this pain is only known to him.

So Xuan Kui finally had only two choices, either come over to find Mao Xiaofang, kill Mao Xiaofang and get free, or start to release the wildness of zombies, kill people and suck blood, and finally completely become a devil.

Xuan Kui was kind-hearted, and it was impossible for him to choose the path behind, so he could only sacrifice Mao Xiaofang to get a short respite.

It's just that Lin Ye didn't expect that Xuan Kui would come so quickly, and because he didn't suck blood for a long time, Xuan Kui's breath became very sluggish.

Although the half-step flying zombie and the flying zombie seem to be only half a step apart, but the gap between heaven and earth, to use a relatively simple analogy, it is like the gap between the quasi-saints and saints in the flood novels that Lin Ye read in the previous life, of course, this is just an analogy, but it is enough to explain the gap between the two.

And since Xuan Kui is flying stiff, his intelligence is absolutely fine, so it is impossible for him not to know what the result of coming to Mao Xiaofang at this time is, let alone that he is still there.


In a short period of time, Lin Ye guessed Xuan Kui's thoughts, this thing was not here to kill Mao Xiaofang at all, but to send him to death, he wanted to die!

At this moment, Mao Xiaofang had already sacrificed the peachwood sword, wielding the sword trick and attacking Xuan Kui.

Lin Ye was shocked, and hurriedly said: "Uncle Shi, Xuan Kui is begging for death, don't kill him!"



Although Mao Xiaofang stopped at the last moment, Xuan Kui hit his head and was directly stabbed by the peachwood sword.

Seeing this scene, Mao Xiaofang also reacted, quickly pulled out the peachwood sword, retreated more than ten meters, and said in a deep voice: "Xuan Kui, why?"

Xuan Kui shook his head and kept roaring, his eyes became more and more blurred, and gradually, he began to become scarlet, and the corpse qi on his body began to churn constantly.

Lin Ye glanced at Mao Xiaofang, who was completely in shock, sighed helplessly, and then flew up, grabbed Xuan Kui's body violently, and disappeared into the courtyard with a few of them.

Half an hour later, in a dense forest, Lin Ye threw more than a dozen hares that he killed in front of Xuan Kui, and said: "You don't deserve to die, you shouldn't die in the hands of my uncle, don't worry, as long as you don't kill people, I will definitely not let my uncle find trouble with you again." "

"Roar~" Xuan Kui shook his head desperately, kept roaring, and even grabbed all the hares that were oozing blood and tore them to pieces, and then kept pointing at his head and roaring.

Lin Ye frowned: "Are you saying that you have been hunted down by my uncle for a long time, and you are about to lose control?"

Xuan Kui kept nodding: "Woo...... Roar ......"

This time it's Lin Ye's turn to catch the hemp, although Xuan Kui is a zombie and is not tolerated by the six realms of heaven and earth, but he really hasn't killed anyone, but has done a lot of good things, especially Lin Ye is not sure if he really slashes this guy with a sword, whether he will suffer karma.

After a while, Lin Ye's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said, "Can you completely fall into a deep sleep?"

A hint of confusion flashed in Xuan Kui's eyes, but he still nodded.

The corners of Lin Ye's mouth twitched: "Then it's no problem, I'll put you in one place now, anyway, you are a zombie, you shouldn't need to breathe, adjust yourself when you get to the underworld, I will regularly collect some animals to replenish your energy, when do you think it's okay, I'll let you out again, how about it?"

Xuan Kui looked at Lin Ye in surprise, then tilted his head and thought about it, then shook his head, and nodded, it could be seen that he was still not at ease with himself.

Looking at such a mysterious kui, Lin Yezhen suspected that he was a person, and Yang Feiyun was a devil.

"Then I'll start sending you over, remember, don't resist!"

When the words landed, Lin Ye stretched out his hand suddenly, and said the word 'receive', Xuan Kui suddenly disappeared in place, and the next moment, Lin Ye clearly felt that Xuan Kui had entered his Nine Dragon Ring.

That's right, this is Lin Ye's idea, after all, Xuan Kui himself is not evil, he has no reason to kill him, but it is always a time bomb to keep it, and it is undoubtedly the best way to collect the Nine Dragon Ring, after all, with the defensive power of the Nine Dragon Ring, not to mention that Xuan Kui is just a flying zombie, even if he does not turn into bones, he has to kneel.

'Looking' at Xuan Kui, who was directly suppressed by the Nine Dragon Ring, Lin Ye breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that Xuan Kui would not be able to wake up, unless he raised the level of the Nine Dragon Ring, but that was still a little far away, so he shook his head and didn't think about these unrealistic thoughts.

When I returned to Fuxi Hall, it was already midnight, close to the early hours of the morning.

But even so, when he came in, he still saw Mao Xiaofang sitting there waiting for him.


Mao Xiaofang raised his head: "What about Xuan Kui? kill or ...... Put?"

At this time, Mao Xiaofang was very entangled, he didn't want Xuan Kui to live, after all, Xuan Kui was a zombie and his temperament was unstable, and after solving Xuan Kui, he could return to Gantian Town.

But I don't want Lin Ye to kill Xuan Kui, after all, Xuan Kui really hasn't done anything wrong, killing them is killing them in vain, especially Lin Ye, who is still so young now, and it is safe to break through the real person in the future, in case this breeds demons, the gains outweigh the losses.

Lin Ye walked over to Mao Xiaofang with a smile and sat down, and poured himself a cup of tea: "I didn't kill or let go, I sealed him!"


Mao Xiaofang exhaled a long breath: "It's sealed, it's sealed!"

Lin Yele looked at Mao Xiaofang, who breathed a sigh of relief: "Uncle Shi, Xuankui's matter is solved, can we go back to the inland?"

Compared to Mao Xiaofang, Lin Ye wanted to leave quickly, although he took Yang Feiyun's Seven Star Sword, but who knows if he would be frenzied to find something else instead?

Only by letting Mao Xiaofang leave quickly can Yang Feiyun's thoughts be completely broken, of course, Lin Ye wants Mao Xiaofang to go back first, and he will stay and kill Yang Feiyun first.

"???" Mao Xiaofang was slightly stunned, and then he remembered the question of whether he could go back, from the bottom of his heart, he wanted to go back, but when this thing came, he was silent again.

After a long time, he got up and said: "When we earn the money from this courtyard, we will leave, feelings are feelings, and Uncle Shi doesn't want to owe you anything!"

Lin Ye: "emmmm"

It's too much, what do you mean you don't want to owe me something? Won't this yard return to its original cost if it is sold? Do you need this broken reason?

It's just that Lin Ye still couldn't figure out why Mao Xiaofang didn't leave, obviously judging from his expression just now, Mao Xiaofang was eager to go back.

But Mao Xiaofang didn't say it, he could only endure it.

But what Lin Ye didn't know was that after Mao Xiaofang returned to the room, he showed a relaxed smile: "Wait until I accept Abang before leaving, this nephew, usually so smart, how did he become stupid now?"

If Lin Ye knew that Mao Xiaofang's reason for staying was so simple, I don't know if he would go straight away?

At the same time, Yang Feiyun also woke up faintly, but thinking that the Seven Star Sword was gone, he couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood again, struggled to get up, and muttered angrily: "Bastard, since you don't want me to change my life against the sky, then I will kill you all, hahaha, I don't believe I can't find the Seven Star Sword!"

After saying that, he ran out of the house quickly, all the way into a dense forest, and walked to a clearing in the dense forest.

Strangely enough, the clearing was very large, but in the middle of the clearing stood a lone tomb, and in front of the tomb stood a tombstone carved out of wood, with the words 'Count of Western Europe to Tell Lus'.

Yang Feiyun walked to the front of the grave with a hideous face, and kicked the tombstone in front of him: "I found you a long time ago, Glous, you died very aggrieved, then you must have become a zombie now, right? Then go out, suck the blood to your heart's content, there is a lot of blood outside to suck, hahaha!"

Rampant laughter resounded throughout the dense forest, and the grave under his feet began to tremble violently, and a thick evil aura could emerge from the pit of the tombstone just now.

Sensing the movement below, Yang Feiyun slowly retreated more than ten meters, and then quietly disappeared into the jungle.

Although he is only an arithmetic, he knows that zombies are inhuman, and he has no ability to fight zombies, so he can only quit first, anyway, he just wants to make this place messy, as for whether it will go according to his ideas, does it really matter? He just wants to vent.


Squeak squeak......

Yang Feiyun left with his front feet, and the tomb exploded with a bang, and then tens of thousands of bats suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the entire dense forest, flying towards the clearing......

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