As Lin Ye expected, after he and Mao Xiaofang left Gantian Town, they chased and stopped along the way, and finally chased to Hong Kong Island, and at this time, it had been a month and a half since they left Gantian Town.

In fact, Gantian Town is only less than 800 miles away from Hong Kong Island, and at the speed of two people, it can be reached in seven days at most, but it is necessary to search for Xuankui's traces, which delays a lot of time.

It was noon, Yuen Long, Hong Kong Island.

Lin Ye and Mao Xiaofang walked on the crowded street, looking completely different from the inland customs, Mao Xiaofang sighed: "I didn't expect this place to look so peaceful, and I don't know what kind of bloody storm Xuan Kui will set off after arriving here." "

Lin Ye chuckled: "Uncle Shi, why do you have to think so badly of Xuan Kui? During this time, you have also seen that Xuan Kui not only did not hurt people, but helped many people, you and I are so desperate to chase, I always feel guilty of conscience." "

Mao Xiaofang smiled bitterly: "Do you think I want to?

"Okay, you are the uncle, you have the final say, I hope Xuan Kui can move you one day, anyway, I think Xuan Kui is not bad, killing it is a waste of murder!"

Speaking of this, in order to prevent Mao Xiaofang from continuing to preach, Lin Ye walked directly to a roadside stall and sat down, and said, "Uncle Shi, after so many days of traveling, don't say anything, let me fill my stomach first." "

Mao Xiaofang was choked, but he still sat down and groaned: "Maybe you're right, but no matter what, Xuan Kui must be within the scope of your and mine's surveillance, and once he finds out that something is wrong with him, he must be killed immediately." "

"Okay, okay, all listen to you!" Lin Ye beckoned to the boss, asked for two Yangchun noodles, and ate them in a big gulp.

Suddenly, an exclamation came from my ears: "Catch the thief!"

Immediately after, Lin Ye and Mao Xiaoyi saw a young man with agility running fast with a satchel, constantly pushing away passers-by one after another.

Just when Lin Ye was about to make a move, a man with a big back suddenly rushed out next to him, kicked out, and directly kicked the young man who grabbed things three or four meters away, and at the same time he grabbed the satchel with one hand and snorted coldly: "In broad daylight, it was actually robbed, what a beast." "

At this time, a slightly obese middle-aged man in the back ran over panting, and kept bowing to the man on his back: "Thank you, thank you, the things here are so important to me, thank you so much." "

The man on the back chuckled and returned the satchel: "It's okay, I'm just doing it, remember to look at things next time, the world is not peaceful now, be careful." "

"Yes, yes, I must remember, thank you!"

After sending the man away, the man with the back walked to the table next to Lin Ye and sat down, and said, "Boss, come to a bowl of noodles!"

Mao Xiaofang looked at the man with the back in his eyes full of appreciation, and said in a low voice: "This person is full of justice, I didn't expect that you and I could meet such a righteous person just after we arrived on Hong Kong Island, it seems that our luck is still very good." "

Lin Ye didn't look back, a trace of strangeness flashed in his eyes, and he chuckled: "Also, Uncle Shi, I've eaten well, what about you?"

Mao Xiaofang nodded: "I'm fine too!"

"Nacheng, let's go, let's find a place to live first, and then make plans after settling down. Lin Ye got up directly as he spoke, leaving a piece of ocean on the table, and then looked at Mao Xiaofang.

Mao Xiaofang was about to go to greet the man on the back, but after seeing Lin Ye's gaze, he still sighed and said, "You seem to be afraid that I know him?"

Lin Ye glanced at the man on his back with a smile: "That's not it, it's mainly because this person's heart is not right, let's stay away, by the way, what are the plans of Uncle Shi? Do you want to open another Fuxi Hall on this Hong Kong Island? After all, we don't know how long we want to stay here, we can't do nothing all day, right?"

"Bad mind?"

Mao Xiaofang looked at Lin Ye in surprise, then looked at the man again, and then shook his head, anyway, he was just a passerby, and he was not particularly concerned, so he continued: "It's not bad to reopen Fuxi Hall, but I came in a hurry this time and didn't bring so much money, so forget it." "

Lin Ye was noncommittal: "Uncle Shi doesn't, I have, let's go, choose the address first, and then the two of us should be busy." "

Lin Ye is indeed rich now, and very rich, the most important thing is that this money is not Ren Tingting's, but given to him by the four-eyed Taoist and the master of Yixiu last time in Tengteng Town.

The golden coffin was directly sold at a high price by Master Yixiu and the four-eyed Taoist master, exchanged for 30,000 oceans, and Lin Ye monopolized 20,000, not to mention opening a Fuxi Hall with so much money, in this era, it is more than enough to buy a district on Hong Kong Island.

The four-eyed Taoist didn't know much about Lin Ye's net worth, but he also knew that Lin Ye was the uncle of the Ren family, the richest businessman in Renjia Town, and the future heir of the Ren family's property, so he didn't doubt Lin Ye, nodded and said: "That's okay, this money is borrowed from your uncle, and you will be repaid when the time comes!"

Lin Ye pouted: "What are you borrowing?" I'm a partner of Fuxitang, hehe, let's divide the money equally, Uncle Shi has no opinion, right?"

Mao Xiaofang showed a wry smile, although he had been with Lin Ye for more than a month, he still couldn't accept Lin Ye's casual temperament, if it weren't for Lin Ye's kindness, and he was also very good at dealing with people, plus his cultivation talents were all top-notch, he said that he had to train Uncle Nine well.

Temper...... Let him be.

After the two left, the man on the back raised his head, squinted at the backs of the two, and said in a low voice: "Good luck, Fu Shou Cai is far beyond ordinary people, interesting, Fuxi Hall? Maybe you can go and see it." "

This person is none other than Yang Feiyun, the biggest hypocrite among the zombie Daoists, a scum who did not hesitate to cooperate with the vampire Sulus in order to change his life against the sky, and almost killed Mao Xiaofang.

And this person is very well disguised, and his reputation in this generation is very high, coupled with his single-handed fortune telling, he has really attracted many loyal fans who belong to him.

Now his change of life has been carried out to the last moment, but there is still one most critical thing missing, and the appearance of Mao Xiaofang and Lin Ye has sent this most critical thing to him.

Thinking that he would be able to change his life against the sky immediately, completely get rid of his poor livelihood, and have hundreds of millions of wealth, Yang Feiyun looked at the backs of Lin Ye and Mao Xiaofang and became more and more hot.

But at this moment, Lin Ye suddenly turned his head and showed a meaningful smile at him.

Yang Feiyun sighed in his heart and hurriedly lowered his head, but his face became extremely black in an instant, and he muttered coldly: "What does that look mean? Or has he seen me?"

Then he shook his head again: "No, he hasn't seen me, and he doesn't know me, maybe it's just an accident, but you still need to be careful, it's that kid's uncle, he looks more upright, no matter what, I'm going to try!"

After chattering, Yang Feiyun exhaled turbidity, regained his gentle expression again, got up and said, "Boss, collect the money." "

"Ouch, Master Yang, how can I ask for your money, take it back, take it back!"

Yang Feiyun smiled and nodded: "Then thank you boss!"

As he was leaving, Yang Feiyun glanced at the direction where Mao Xiaofang and Lin Ye had left again, and then took a step towards home.


Lin Ye has always paid attention to efficiency, and on the same day, he pulled Mao Xiaofang to find a transferred house and bought it, and the two cleaned up all the useless things in the house, and then Mao Xiaofang personally wrote the three big characters of 'Fuxi Hall', and took it out to find a framing shop.

Lin Ye took advantage of this time to walk around the streets, although he didn't plan to accept any apprentices, but Fuxi Hall would definitely not be able to run errands when it opened, not to mention, it was a pity that such a cultivation wizard as the Fifth World Wizard was wasted, and it was a big deal to throw it to Mao Xiaofang to teach, anyway, they were all their own people.

Towards the end of the evening, Hong Kong Island seems to be more lively, countless workers have gone out of their homes, wandering the streets, or looking for friends to meet, or eating and drinking alone, as Mao Xiaofang said, this place is really peaceful.

Suddenly, a strangely decorated shop appeared in Lin Ye's sight, and when he looked up, the four big characters of 'Seven Sisters Hall' suddenly came into view.

Seeing the name, Lin Ye suddenly suddenly, the corners of his mouth hooked up a chuckle, and then walked in with his hands behind his back.

"Ah, sisters, guests are coming, come out to pick them up!"

Lin Ye had just entered the hall, and suddenly a shout almost didn't let him fall down, looking at the woman who was shouting there with black lines, people knew that this was a fortune-telling and exorcism hall, and those who didn't know thought they had entered the kiln.

With the woman's shout, five women of different shapes poured out from behind, everyone looked at Lin Ye curiously, but then they realized that it was wrong to do so, so they hurriedly coughed, lined up on both sides, and said in unison: "There are guests arriving, please hall master!"

Poof~ Lin Ye really can't help it now, Nima, what about this singing?

But he didn't poke it either, and just watched them perform there with a smile.

When the words landed, the curtain of the back hall was lifted, and then a woman dressed in a gossip robe, wearing a Taoist crown, and holding a dusty whisk walked out with figure-eight steps, walked directly to the main seat in the middle and sat down, and said, "The guests are here, but I don't know what the guests need?"

Lin Ye chuckled: "I'm looking for someone!"

Zhong Jun on the main seat was directly stupid, he thought that business would come to the door, but what the hell is looking for someone?

Suddenly, all seven people, including Zhong Jun, were deflated:

"Cut, looking for someone, say it early!"

"It's just, it's interesting to make us work so hard?"

"Let's go, let's go and discuss what to eat tonight, bring gold, watch him well, don't let him steal." "

"Okay, I'm sure I'm going to kill him!"

Lin Ye: "......"

PS: Eight more is over.,Let's order and customize.,Thank you!!

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