Song Sanjiang hummed all the way, walking like a lunatic towards the boudoir of the eldest lady of Tianbao Silver House on the second floor.

How could the bunch of rotten potatoes downstairs stop him?

His soul-leaving technique is very mysterious. It activates his own soul. After the soul leaves the body, it can move freely. Not only can it pass through walls, but it can also ensure that the things it touches have the same feeling as the entity.

In other words, this is a disguised invisible wall-passing technique.

Ordinary people can't see him, and ordinary brick walls and wooden tiles can't stop him. He can also cast spells to stun people.

No wonder the police station didn't catch him after six arrangements.

If you can't even see his soul, how can you catch him!

""My little beauty, here I come!"

With a creak, the door was pushed open, and Song Sanjiang walked into the room with a smug smile on his face.

The lights in the room were still on, and the bed was covered with curtains, so he couldn't see who was lying inside.

But Song Sanjiang raised his nose and smelled, and he knew that it was a young girl lying inside.

He couldn't smell the fragrance of a woman wrong.

As soon as the curtains were lifted, Song Sanjiang's eyes lit up slightly.

The woman on the bed was sleeping soundly, and her delicate face made people drool.

Song Sanjiang rubbed his hands and wanted to pull open the woman's quilt.

However, at this moment, a golden talisman suddenly appeared and stuck directly to his body.

When the talisman hit him, a golden light flashed, and Song Sanjiang was directly knocked out. With a bang, the room was filled with a lot of noise. The door was kicked open, and a large group of people rushed in from outside.

Just in time, they saw the translucent Song Sanjiang falling from the wall.

Everyone gasped.

This Song Sanjiang can really become invisible!

Before, they speculated how Song Sanjiang got in to commit the crime. Some said that Song Sanjiang was a ghost, and some said that Song Sanjiang knew Laoshan magic and could pass through walls and become invisible.

There are many other theories, but none of them are correct!

This Song Sanjiang used the evil magic from Nanyang to drive the soul out of the body and kill people with strange magic!

There is a movie, Zombie Supreme, in which Jiu Shu’s senior brother Shi Jian appeared. His apprentice Shi Shaojian wanted to use this method to sleep with the daughter of the restaurant owner, but was caught by Qiu Sheng and Wencai, and died miserably in the end.

"Brother Lin, what on earth is this? Is he a ghost?"

Lin Xing saw the magic talisman on Song Sanjiang's body, which was shining with golden light. He was shocked and scared when he saw Song Sanjiang's appearance.

They had fought against Song Sanjiang so many times. Could it be that they had always been playing against ghosts?

Everyone looked at Lin Yi with admiration and respect.

He caught Song Sanjiang with one move, and only used a magic talisman!

"He is not a ghost, but an evil cultivator. He drove out his own soul and used it to harm people."

Song Sanjiang was controlled by the soul-suppressing talisman, and his soul could not move. He looked at Lin Yi with cold eyes, but his heart was full of fear.

Because when evil cultivators face righteous cultivators, their end is often very miserable. Righteous cultivators have many means to restrain evil cultivators.

For example, the talismans used by cultivators to exorcise evil spirits have a natural restraining ability against evil magic.

The evil cultivators spent a lot of time to make a big one, but a few exorcism talismans can suppress it! After wreaking havoc in Longyun Town for so long, Song Sanjiang never expected that he would suddenly appear. Such a powerful cultivator suppressed him so easily.

Looking at Song Sanjiang's indignant and aggrieved expression, Lin Yi sneered.

What I hate most is flower thieves. You are quite powerful, why don't you do something else and take the right path, damn it.

At this time, a few more people came outside the house. They were the boss of Tianbao Silver Shop and the director of the patrol room.

There were also a few strong men following behind them.

After entering the house, they saw Song Sanjiang being subdued and Song Sanjiang's strange physical condition, and all of them looked weird.

"What is this?"

Lin Xing walked over and explained to the director.

After listening, the director and the shopkeeper of Tianbao Silver Shop showed a scared expression.

If it weren't for Lin Yi today, it would be useless even if they came with more people.

Who can stop this thing?

It can't be touched or seen, and it can go through the wall!

The brothers on the first floor are still unconscious now.

"Thank you for your help! On behalf of all the people in Longyun Town, I thank you for arresting the evil thief Song Sanjiang!"

The chief of the police station spoke in a Tianjin accent and clasped his fists to thank Lin Yi. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He really thanked Lin Yi. If it weren't for Lin Yi, there would be a lot of trouble tonight.

Tianbao Silver House has a great influence in the local area, and many people in the official position have a say.

The police station mobilized collectively. If they still couldn't save the girl, then what's the point of this police station!

He finally got the job of chief, and within a few years after taking office, people died one after another in this peaceful town!

And they were causing trouble right under the nose of the police station.[]

This police station is so useless!

"It doesn't matter. Since this bastard is an evil cultivator, I have the obligation to help him if he makes trouble."

"Director, everything you say is just empty talk.

The owner of Tianbao Silver Shop came over and said to Lin Yi with a smile.

"Young master, this time thanks to you for saving my daughter, this is a small gift from me, I hope you will accept it."

The old man touched a red envelope with both hands, Lin Yi took it, opened it and saw that his brows were furrowed.

It turned out to be five hundred dollars!

Didn't you say two hundred before?

The director of the patrol room said with a smile,"Yes, yes, yes, you see I forgot it when I was so happy. The reward for arresting Song Sanjiang is a total of one thousand taels. After Song Sanjiang is escorted to the prison, the money will be given to you immediately!"

Lin Yi smiled.

"Song Sanjiang is only in a soul state now, and we still need to find his body. Also, let me say something off topic, Song Sanjiang should be a gang!"


The expressions of the people around were all stunned.

Song Sanjiang was not a traitor, but a gang of traitors?

"That's right, I found someone in the town today, his behavior is very suspicious, and he should know Song Sanjiang."

Hearing Lin Yi say this, the boss of Tianbao Silver Shop's face turned green.

The money was not given in vain!

If you don't kill the snake, you will suffer from it.

If Lin Yi doesn't tell the news, Song Sanjiang's accomplices will come to retaliate against them, and ordinary people like them will not be able to bear it!

"Young Master, please do your best to catch these traitors. Tianbao Silver Bank is willing to pay you another 500 dollars!"

Now is not the time to be stingy with money. The most important thing is to deal with the thieves (Wang Zhao)

"That’s right, little master, please!"

"Don't worry, I left a mark on him. The police will bring someone with me and we will make a mess of him."

"Okay, that's what I want you to say!"

"Captain Lin Xing, you must follow the young master tonight and catch all the thieves in one fell swoop no matter what!"


Lin Xing saluted, looking very excited.

"Brother Lin, what should we do with Song Sanjiang?"

Song Sanjiang was suppressed by the talisman and couldn't move, but he couldn't move, and no one could catch him.

Lin Yi smiled and a gourd appeared in his hand.

""The Supreme Command, collect the soul!"

A suction force surged out of the gourd, and immediately sucked Song Sanjiang's soul in.

Everyone stared with their eyes wide open.

Especially the director of the patrol room.

What is it like?

It's like a little god!


ps: Please give me flowers, votes, subscriptions, and rewards!.

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