"If you ask me, after catching Song Sanjiang, we should lock him up in Xitianmen and oppress him for the rest of his life."

"Bah, this kind of shit doesn't deserve to live, it's best if he dies"

"That's right, Guanxi Tianmen is a bargain for him."

The crowd was excited.

Qin Wanru blinked her eyes, a little curious.

"My husband, where is Xitianmen?"

"It should be a prison."

Lin Yi and Qin Wanru left the crowd and found a restaurant in Longyun Town.

The waiter in the restaurant warmly welcomed Lin Yi and Qin Wanru in.

"What would you like to order, my friends?"

"Are there any private rooms upstairs?"

The waiter said embarrassedly,"I'm sorry, sir, the private rooms upstairs are just booked."

"Then find us a corner, a quiet place"

"All right, both of you please follow me."

The waiter took Lin Yi and Qin Wanru to an empty table in the corner.

After sitting down, Lin Yi said calmly,"Bring all your signature dishes, and a pot of good wine.""

"Okay, please wait a moment, sir."

The last thing a restaurant owner fears is a big eater. Just sell as much as you want. Anyway, there is no clean plate activity at this time.

Even if there is leftovers, the waiters in the store will not think that the customers are unclean. They will share some of the food, which is good stuff.

Salaries are low these days. Working in a restaurant may not make much money, but you will never go hungry.

Most chefs and waiters can get some leftovers.

The boss doesn't care, of course, as long as he doesn't steal leftovers, he has made money.

Lin Yi's clothes have changed. They are ordinary men's clothes, short jackets and long pants, but!

The waiter's eyesight is very sharp. He can tell at a glance that the fabric of Lin Yi's clothes is not ordinary.

Especially the clothes on Qin Wanru, which must cost three dollars.

He can't even make one dollar a month.

This set of clothes is enough for him to work for several months.

How can such a customer be poor?

So the waiter didn't even ask or remind him, and hurried to serve the dishes.

Not long after, the waiter in the store brought a few small platters and a pot of wine

""Guest, the dishes will be served soon. This is the snack our shopkeeper sent you. Please enjoy this pot of wine first."

Lin Yi nodded, and Qin Wanru had already started to pour wine for Lin Yi.

At this moment, several uniformed policemen came in from outside, led by a young man who looked young, but was indeed the leader of these people.

These people had sad faces, and after coming in, they sat not far from Lin Yi and Qin Wanru.

When the shop assistant saw them, he hurried over to meet them.

"Uncle Xiaolin, what would you like to eat?"

"Just call me Lin Xing. Four bowls of chicken noodle soup and two more dishes."

"Okay, you're not going to drink today either?"

"On duty, don't drink!"

Lin Xing doesn't look like a person who is good at speaking, and his words are simple and straightforward.

The waiter in the store nodded and went to the kitchen to serve the dishes.

"Captain, what do you think we should do? Song Sanjiang has sent another letter, and this time it’s to the eldest daughter of Tianbao Silver House!"

"Yes, I heard that the eldest daughter of Tianbao Silver House is very beautiful, gentle and virtuous. The most important thing is that I heard……"

"What did you hear?"

"That's it. Come on, don't keep me in suspense."

"I heard that the eldest daughter of Tianbao Silver House likes our captain!"

Lin Xing's face turned red,"Don't talk nonsense, this concerns the girl's reputation!"

"Hi, now we need to think of a way to catch Song Sanjiang!"

"This Song Sanjiang is like a ghost, how can we catch him?"

"Should we invite a Taoist priest?"

As they talked, their faces became more depressed. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) After several deployments, the scene was strictly guarded, but Song Sanjiang was like a ghost, appearing and disappearing at will. No matter where the girl hid, he would find her and kill her when they were not paying attention!

Every time they saw the girl lying on the ground with a hideous body, motionless, and her desperate and lifeless eyes staring at them.

It was as if they were silently asking, what are you protecting?

There were dead people on the ground, and the helpless cries of the dead people's families were all around.

Who could feel good about this? []

Just At this time, Lin Xing suddenly saw a man and a woman sitting in the corner. The woman was beautiful, dressed gorgeously, and obediently brought wine to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was dressed ordinary, but Lin Xing could see that he was not an ordinary person.

After working as an officer for so long, Lin Xing realized that something was wrong in an instant! In today's Longyun Town, you can't see a young and beautiful girl on the street!

Whoever has a daughter, they can't hide in the ground.

How could someone take such a beautiful woman out?

And so ostentatious, dressed so beautifully!

In addition, Lin Yi's appearance is so outstanding and he is so young, which naturally attracts more attention...........

When the followers saw Lin Xing looking at Lin Yi and Qin Wanru, they all realized something was wrong.

"Captain, is there anything wrong?"

Lin Xing nodded, frowned and said,"They may be outsiders, it's okay, I'll go over and remind them."

The three followers were stunned.

"What are you reminding me of?"

Lin Xing said nothing more, and walked towards Lin Yi and Qin Wanru.

""You two, I am the captain of the Longyun Town Police Station, Lin Xing."

Lin Xing stood not far from Lin Yi and introduced himself.

Lin Yi glanced at Lin Xing and smiled.

"What a coincidence, we are from the same family. My name is Lin Yi, Captain Lin, what can I do for you?"

Lin Xing bowed to Lin Yi and reminded him seriously,"Brother Lin, Longyun Town is not peaceful now. There is a thief who specializes in killing girls and is wreaking havoc in Longyun Town.

The girl next to you is likely to be targeted by the thief, so Brother Lin should take your family home quickly."

Lin Yi smiled,"���Sanjiang, I heard that this time I came to Longyun Town, it was also for him."

Lin Xing was slightly stunned.

Came for Song Sanjiang!

What does this person want to do?

Is he trying to use this girl as bait to lure Song Sanjiang to take action, and then capture Song Sanjiang?

"Brother Lin, Song Sanjiang is not an ordinary thief. He knows strange magic. It is not easy to catch him, and it is very dangerous."

Qin Wanru glanced at Lin Xing and said lightly,"My husband is a disciple of Maoshan. He is proficient in slaying demons and exorcising evil spirits. It is easy for him to deal with a strange sorcerer and a left-handed evil cultivator."

These 2.8 sentences instantly exploded in Lin Xing's heart!

But he was still skeptical.

This young man is too young, only about sixteen or seventeen years old. Can he really catch Song Sanjiang?

Lin Xing wanted to say something but his face suddenly changed, because Qin Wanru, who was still talking just now, disappeared!

The seat was empty, there was nothing, and it had not moved, as if there had never been anyone on the chair.


Lin Xing was dumbfounded.

However, the next second, something even weirder happened. Qin Wanru appeared again, sitting on the chair, pouring wine for Lin Yi.

Lin Xing rubbed his eyes. It was not dazzled, nor was it an illusion!

This, could it be that he really met a master!


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