The Taoist robe Lin Yi was wearing came from the East Wild World, and was the one worn by the Tiandan Patriarch.

Whether it was the array pattern or the inlaid gems, they were better than those of the Tianchen Patriarch, and of a higher level, so Lin Yi changed it without hesitation.

The shape of this dress was that of a Taoist robe, exquisite and gorgeous, with a good temperament, and wearing it made him look like an immortal.

Originally, Lin Yi was wearing ordinary clothes before, but he had to come and ask these people about Longyun Town, so he naturally had to dress up so that these people would not be wary of him.

Sure enough, when they saw Lin Yi wearing a Taoist robe and looking like an immortal, several people lost their guard in their eyes and told Lin Yi everything they knew about Longyun Town.

Longyun Town is less than a hundred miles away from Tanjia Town, and it takes a day to get there by boat.

These businessmen were all passing by Longyun Town. After hearing these things, they felt that Longyun Town was not peaceful, so they took a boat and left together.

Qinglong Town and Longyun Town are both on the edge of Taishan. Because they are close to the sea and have developed waterways, their economic development is much better than that of towns such as Renjia Town and Tanjia Town.

These businessmen came out of Longyun Town and were going to Qinglong Town. They passed by Tanjia Town and planned to rest here for a few days.

After hearing the news from Longyun Town, Lin Yi returned to his private room with an increasingly weird expression.

This is a real world of zombies and ghosts, where there are extraordinary beings. So what is happening in Longyun Town now, is it the sorcerer who is doing something wrong?

The sorcerer in the Longyun Town Ghost Talk is talking about the Jianghu sorcerer, who is playing tricks.

But the sorcerers in Uncle Jiu's world eat the five poisons, drink dew, sleep in the open air, eat raw meat and drink blood, burn, kill, rob, and do all kinds of evil. They are all a group of evil and unlearned people.

Therefore, the sorcerers who appeared in Uncle Jiu's world should be counted as the latter!

A cold light flashed in Lin Yi's eyes.

Longyun Town is not close to Renjia Town. Lin Yi is going to go back and tell Uncle Jiu, and then go to Longyun Town.

After lunch, Lin Yi took Qin Wanru back to Renjia Town.

Nothing happened in the charity cemetery. After burning incense and offering sacrifices, Lin Yi was about to go to Uncle Jiu's new house when there was a knock on the door.

Knock, knock, knock!

""Here they come!"

Lin Yi opened the door of the charity cemetery, and there were several familiar faces standing outside.

Taoist Master Simu, Taoist Master Qianhe, and their apprentices, Jiale and Dongnanxibei.

Seeing them, Lin Yi's face immediately showed a pleasant smile.

Great, with Uncle Qianhe coming, he was freed and didn't have to guard the charity cemetery anymore.

"Uncle Simu, Uncle Qianhe, Jiale, Dongnan, Xibei, you are all here, come in quickly!" Taoist

Simu and Taoist Qianhe laughed and walked into the yard.

"Hey, why don't you see me, brother? Ah Yi, where is your master?"

Taoist Simu asked Lin Yi.

"Master has moved to another place, and I will be going to Master's place soon."

Taoist Qianhe showed a look of realization.

"I was wondering why Senior Brother suddenly sent me a message and asked me to come to the charity cemetery. It turns out that he wanted me to take over the shift, haha."

Master Qianhe and Master Simu laughed and seemed to be in a good mood.

Everyone put down their things and followed Lin Yi to Uncle Jiu's new house.

When leaving, Lin Yi took a special look. The notice on the door had been wet by the dew and there was nothing to read.

Feelings were posted for nothing.


The door opened with a creak. Wencai saw so many people standing outside. He was startled at first, then said in surprise:

"Uncle Simu, it's you, come in quickly."Master

Simu led everyone into the yard. Seeing such a large yard with mountains, water, and pavilions, his eyes were immediately wide open.

""Wow, what a big deal! Senior Brother, this courtyard must have cost a lot of money!"

Taoist Qianhe nodded behind him. Although this courtyard is remote, it has been built in very small quantities, so it must have cost a lot of money.

Uncle Jiu came out of the house and saw the junior brothers coming with a smile on his face.

"It's OK. Actually, I don't know how much it cost. This is a courtyard given to me by someone else."

The smiles on the faces of Taoist Simu and Taoist Qianhe froze.

Lin Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

Listen, is this human talk!

Versailles! Uncle Jiu!

"Brother, you are really going too far. You are provoking us!"

"I won't leave. I'll live here from now on!"

Taoist Qianhe waved his hand and sat down in the teahouse. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Uncle Jiu held back his laughter and straightened his body proudly.

"I welcome you to stay as long as you want. Wencai, go prepare lunch to welcome your two uncles and fellow apprentices."

Wencai said,"Oh," and trotted off to prepare.

"Jiale, go and help!"

Taoist Simu ordered.[]

Taoist Qianhe looked around, and the four disciples followed him without any instructions. With so many people at home, it would be too much for one person to cook.

Fortunately, the daily work of these disciples is to help the master with laundry and cooking. They are all good at cooking.

""Brother, why don't you see Qiu Sheng?"

Taoist Simu suddenly asked Uncle Jiu.

He still remembers the last time Qiu Sheng played tricks on his clients.

Uncle Jiu smiled, a little proud.

"Qiu Sheng, this bad boy, has become successful and now works in the security team of Renjia Town"


Taoist Simu and Taoist Qianhe became interested.

"Became a security guard?"

Uncle Jiu nodded,"Yes, he became a useless security chief."

Taoist Simu and Taoist Qianhe suddenly realized.

"It turned out to be the captain of the security team."

The next second, the two looked at each other and rolled their eyes at Uncle Jiu.

You will die if you don't show off!

Lin Yi, who was standing on the side, couldn't help it, and said to Uncle Jiu with a suppressed smile,"Master, I'm going on a long journey."

Uncle Jiu, Simu and Qianhe all looked over.

Uncle Jiu asked in confusion,"Where are you going on a long journey?"

"I'm going to Longyun Town."

Uncle Jiu was even more puzzled. He had an impression of Longyun Town, but it was not close to here.

"Ayi, where are you going and what are you doing?"

Taoist Simu asked.

He had been to Longyun Town to bring goods and knew the place well.

"Yesterday, Tan Baiwan from Tanjia Town came to Yizhuang to ask Master to exorcise evil spirits. Seeing that Master was not there, he dragged me over. When I came back, I heard passers-by talking about Longyun Town, saying that a thief who raped and killed a girl appeared there. He didn't seem to be an ordinary (good) person, so I wanted to go and take a look."

Uncle Jiu nodded and looked at Lin Yi with emotion.

"Go ahead, the young eagle has grown up and will have to fly on its own. Although Longyun Town is not far away, you will be in the martial arts world once you go out. Ayi, you must be careful when you go out alone."

Master Simu and Master Qianhe have seen Lin Yi's methods. Even the royal zombies were blasted by Lin Yi, so what's a murderer like him?

However, it is often this kind of villain who has the most sinister and cunning methods.

Master Simu warned,"Ayi, you must remember to read the magic of exorcism that I gave you more often, so as to prevent villains from plotting against you."

"Don't worry, uncle, I have been studying it. Thanks to you, uncle, for teaching me the art of yin-sheng, I was able to save the lives of Master Ren and his daughter in Renjia Town. This house is the reward from Master Ren."

The eyes of Taoist Simu suddenly lit up, and he looked at Uncle Jiu happily.

"Brother, it turns out that I own a share of this house!"


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