""Husband, let me pour you some wine!"

After Manager Wang left, Qin Wanru showed up, sat next to Lin Yi with a smile, and poured Lin Yi a glass of wine.

In fact, Qin Wanru has always been by Lin Yi's side. She is a spirit, and whether others can see her depends on her own wishes.

Lin Yi buried his head in eating, took the wine from Qin Wanru and drank it in one gulp, and then continued to wolf it down. He didn't eat enough in the evening, but he didn't expect that Kunlun's magic of moving mountains and seas would consume so much energy, not only the mana consumed, but also the physical strength consumed.

For the first time, Lin Yi knew that being hungry was such a painful thing.

After wolfing down all the dishes on the table, Lin Yi patted his stomach and burped with satisfaction.

"Not bad, 70% full, can't eat too much at night, that's it."

Qin Wanru has gotten used to it. When she said this, she could eat a week of food on the table, but for Lin Yi, it was just a meal!

"Husband, let me pour you some water for soaking your feet!"

"Well, I'll wash my face and brush my teeth first!"

After a simple wash, Lin Yi sat on the bed, and Qin Wanru brought hot water to soak Lin Yi's feet. The hot water covered his ankles, and Qin Wanru squatted beside him, massaging the acupuncture points on Lin Yi's feet with her slender hands.

When soaking feet, the water temperature should not be too hot, and the time should not be too long. Half an hour later, Lin Yi was already lying on the bed, and Qin Wanru helped Lin Yi start massaging the acupuncture points on his body.


A night passed just like that.

After Lin Yi woke up, he hummed comfortably twice, then stretched and sat up from the bed.

Qin Wanru was sleeping beside him. Although she was a spirit, she was actually no different from a human, except that she didn't need to eat.

He glanced at the sky outside the window. It was just getting light, and it was a good time to do some exercise in the morning.

A few seconds later, Lin Yi appeared on the roof of the Tan family's house, breathing in and out towards the rising sun, absorbing the purple air that drifted in every morning.

At dawn, there were already many people active on the streets of the Tan family.

Especially the vegetable vendors, some setting up stalls, and some carrying shoulder poles through the streets.

They were all freshly picked vegetables, and they were the freshest.


Lin Yi exhaled a breath of foul air, and then took out a wooden box from his storage ring.

Lin Yi didn't know what this wooden box was made of, but the wood looked pretty good, and he should be able to make a lot of money if he sold it.

"Laojun, the conditions are not good today, so I can't burn incense for you. When I go back, I will double the compensation. Please bless me to exchange for something good!"

Lin Yi prayed silently in his heart, and then said to the system

"System, this is the treasure of the Tiandan Patriarch of the East Wilderness World. It is made of top-quality wood and made by the master himself. Please exchange it for something good. Do you hear me?"

I believe your ghost! If it is really a treasure, would you exchange it?

The system was silent for a moment, and the wooden box in Lin Yi's hand flashed and disappeared.

At the same time, the following audio picture appeared in Lin Yi's mind.


In a huge underwater arena, two strong men holding tridents and wearing Western-style armor stood facing each other.

One looked like a noble, and the other looked like a rag picker.

Surrounding them were countless strange"humans" cheering and shouting.

"You wield your mother's weapons, powerful, but imperfect like her!"

"I use my father's, and he has never lost a game!"

"I will kill you and prove that I am the king Atlantis needs!"

The next moment, the two rushed towards each other at the same time, at an extremely fast speed.


The trident collided, shaking the water waves and spreading.

Although the two were wearing heavy steel armor, they were as flexible as fish in the water!

With a kick of their legs, they moved quickly in the water!

Every time they collided, the fight could cause the water to vibrate.

Suddenly, the guy with gorgeous armor like a noble knight suddenly paused, and his body trembled in panic. The opponent's trident slammed into him and knocked him out like a cannonball.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the guy in gorgeous armor stared at the water for a few times, and finally there was no movement at all.

The body slowly sank into the magma under the water.

The people who were cheering and shouting around were silent, as if they had seen a ghost collectively, and their faces were full of disbelief. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The illegitimate son of Queen Atlan actually killed King Orm!

How is this possible!

At this moment, a wooden box quietly appeared beside King Orm, floating away


"Isn't this Aquaman? How did Om die immediately? System, look at what I got."[]

Lin Yi noticed something was wrong. The death of King Om was too strange.

【The host uses the wooden box to exchange for the underwater breathing ability of the ocean lord King Orm! 】

Lin Yi:"???"

System, are you a fool? You took away his ability to breathe underwater. Isn't that a clear sign of wanting him to die? He

's just a villain, and a ghost. That's fine.........

The people of Atlantis live in the deep sea and can breathe freely while sleeping.

Tsk tsk.

Isn't this awesome!

In the future, I can also be like a fish in your pond, just waiting, ahem, I'm off track!

This underwater breathing ability is really good. In the future, when I eliminate water monsters and ghosts in the water, I don't have to worry about the problem of being out of breath.

Now I am a warrior who can fly in the sky, run on the ground, and swim in the water. I can be a meat shield in close combat, or a magician in a long-range combat. I am really versatile!

"Little Master, are you up?"

"I've brought you some hot water."

At this moment, the voice of Steward Wang rang out from outside the door.

"I'm here!"

Lin Yi replied, and then jumped down from the roof.

Seeing Lin Yi falling from the sky, Manager Wang looked at the roof in surprise, but didn't ask any more questions, and said with a smile

"Little Master, breakfast is ready for you. Our master is waiting for you. Do you want to wash up?"

Manager Wang was more respectful to Lin Yi today, because they stayed at home last night and were not moved out of bed by ghosts. They slept soundly until dawn.

"Well, come in."

The moment Lin Yi turned around, the door was opened, and Lin Yi walked in at 3.6 steps, followed by Manager Wang carrying a kettle.

"Little Master, we slept through the night last night, and we were not moved out of bed again."

Manager Wang said with a smile as he poured water for Lin Yi.

Lin Yi rolled up his sleeves, tested the water temperature, and then washed his hands.

"Remember to build the ancestral hall, just leave the tablets empty, they will carve their own names"

"Hey, I remember this, and I have just asked someone to prepare it."

Lin Yi hummed, holding the water and rubbing his face.

After washing, a wave of heat emerged from Lin Yi's body, and the water stains were dried immediately.

Manager Wang watched from the side, and his attitude towards Lin Yi became more and more respectful.

Such a god-like person must not be offended in the slightest.


ps: Please give me flowers, votes, subscriptions, and rewards!.

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