Seeing the skeleton of Tiandan Patriarch, Duan Hei was very excited and ran over quickly.

The skeleton was wearing a precious robe and a ring on his hand, nothing else.

There were also some bottles and jars around the skeleton, which seemed to be used to store medicinal materials.

Duan Hei's eyes lit up. This was definitely a storage ring, which was more advanced than a storage bracelet. It was extremely difficult to refine and only the top-level refiners could refine it.

Because it is much simpler to engrave a space formation on a bracelet, it would be considered micro-carving on a ring, which ordinary refiners really cannot do.

Duan Hei took off the ring, checked it, and laughed excitedly.

"Hahaha, the top-grade storage ring, the space is so large, it is beyond imagination, there must be the inheritance of Tiandan Patriarch in it, I am rich!"

After being excited for a moment, Duan Hei looked at the Taoist robe on Tiandan Patriarch.

At this time, Duan Hei thought about the strange incident that happened to Jinchen Patriarch last time.

The storage bracelet and the Taoist robe disappeared in an instant.

He searched the whole mountain, but found nothing. Even if he used the heaven-defying physiognomy, he could not figure out a single word.

"Tiandan Patriarch is still rich. This is the top-grade treasured robe produced by Tianyi Pavilion. It is more than ten times stronger than the treasured robe of Jinchen Patriarch! I am afraid it can withstand the bombardment of Yuanying strongmen."

Duan Hei sighed and took off the clothes swiftly.

""Senior, you are already dead. These treasures cannot be covered in dust. I will help you take them out and let them continue to shine!"

Duan Hei finished speaking. The clothes were already in his hand. The skeleton fell to the ground. Although he was dead, he was a Yuanying master in his lifetime. His bones were like diamonds and would not wither or decay after death.

The empty eye sockets of the skeleton seemed to be staring at Duan Hei.

It was a bit creepy!

Duan Hei kicked the skeleton open and put the treasure clothes into the storage ring.

He took another look at the huge alchemy furnace and put it in.

The alchemy furnace of the Tiandan Patriarch was a magic weapon, and it was an inestimable treasure for the alchemist. It would definitely sell for a good price if it was taken out.

However, the moment the alchemy furnace disappeared, the storage ring in Duan Hei's hand disappeared instantly.

Instead, it was replaced by a handful of peanuts.

The smile on Duan Hei's face froze instantly. He looked at the handful of peanuts in confusion, and then slapped himself.


It hurts!

But peanuts are still peanuts!

"It’s not an illusion, could it?"

""Who! Who is it! Come out here! This is the second time, you bastard!"

Duan Hei yelled madly at the people around him, and after a roar, the peanuts in his hand were crushed into powder.


"It's you again! Shameless tomb robber, digging graves, can't you be a little more ambitious!"

Lin Yi showed contempt on his face, looked down on Duan Hei for a few words, and then couldn't wait to study the storage ring in his hand.

What a treasure! Storage ring! This is much more convenient than a storage bracelet.

Lin Yi's spiritual sense probed into the storage ring, and he immediately felt that he had entered a vast space.

There were many things in it, clothes, weapons, alchemy furnaces, medicine racks, and a bookshelf with several jade slips.

Lin Yi has read many fairy tales and is very familiar with jade slips.

Could it be a jade slip for passing on skills!

Lin Yi's eyes lit up. He looked at the face and immediately took out several jade slips.

After a while, Lin Yi showed a look of disappointment after using his spiritual sense.

It was a pill recipe!

Dragon Bone Pill, made with the bones of a demon dragon and various spiritual herbs. After the pill is made and taken, it can strengthen the bones and muscles and make one as strong as a dragon.

Life Creation Pill, made with three-life flower, ganoderma lucidum and other spiritual herbs, is a holy medicine for healing wounds, and can revive the dead and turn bones into flesh.

Huiyuan Pill, made with heavenly spiritual grass and various spiritual herbs, can quickly restore vitality.

After reading these pill recipes, Lin Yi was overwhelmed. To him, this thing was completely useless. It's useless.

Lin Yi threw the jade slips into the storage ring and looked at other things.

The weapon was a fiery red long sword, which looked extraordinary and was definitely not an ordinary object.

There were two small words on the blade.

Demon Flame!

It looked like a weapon with fire attribute.

After all, it was the collection of the Tiandan Patriarch, and he played with fire.

Lin Yi looked at the clothes again, and his eyes lit up again. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) They were all precious clothes produced by Tianyi Pavilion, but they only had dustproof, water-proof and spirit-gathering functions.

Although It’s not as good as the one worn by Patriarch Jinchen, but all of them together are definitely worth a lot of money.

This Patriarch Tiandan is indeed an alchemist, he is just damn rich.

Patriarch Jinchen is also an ancestor, he only has a storage bracelet, which is still empty, and a piece of precious clothing on his body.

This Patriarch Tiandan’s wardrobe can’t hold all of them. Looking at these Taoist robes, they are very gorgeous. This guy is definitely a fashionista!

But now it’s good, all of them are cheap to me!

Lin Yi smiled happily, and when Uncle Jiu’s birthday comes, he will find a piece of precious clothing to give to Uncle Jiu...........

It's just a white silver sword, I can't show it off!

Lin Yi searched in the storage ring for a while, and piled up all kinds of miscellaneous items together. In the future, he will use these rags to exchange with the gods. Oh no, it's a treasure.

"Hey! This is a storage bag!"[]

Lin Yi found a storage bag in the corner.


The storage bag was taken out by Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's spiritual sense probed into the storage bag and immediately found another jade slip.


Life is really unpredictable, the big intestines are wrapped in the small intestines!

Do you know that nesting dolls are prohibited!

Lin Yi's spiritual sense probed into the jade slip and immediately found that this was a fire control technique called the Fire Control Technique!

After practicing it to perfection, you can control the flame.

It is hard to say how powerful this thing is. After all, Lin Yi has never been exposed to the world of cultivation. He now has the Ice and Fire Magic, which is equivalent to being able to control fire.

However, this Fire Control Technique can burst out with terrifying power, which is definitely much stronger than the fire of the Ice and Fire Magic Technique.

An Shigeng's Ice and Fire Magic Technique looks powerful, but it can't crush the Four Famous Constables. But if it is the Tiandan Patriarch who takes action, a snap of his fingers may burn the entire capital to ashes.

Lin Yi's eyes flashed slightly, and then he began to practice.

Fire Control Technique, starting with controlling ordinary fire, can control earth fire after a small success, and control heavenly fire after a great success!

The heavenly fire is so strong that it can burn the three realms!

【I found the active skill, Fire Control Technique. Should it be fixed in the skill column?

Although it is not a skill that becomes stronger by hanging up 0.2, the more active skills are used, the higher the level and power will be.


Active Skill 14 Fire Control Technique 1v1 (1/10000)

Lin Yi:"???"

Ten thousand points!

Damn, are you kidding me?

One thousand points is enough. Only six experience points in an hour! How long will it take me to get ten thousand points?

However, the skill panel is not part of the system. Lin Yi exchanged it from another world.

The skill panel ignored Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was speechless for a long time, and finally shrugged helplessly.

I guess the level of this technique is too high and does not belong to the ordinary world, so it is like this.

Lin Yi sighed, comforted himself, and went to tinker with the alchemy furnace.


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