""Order General Bai Yi to come here!"

Lin Yi spread his hands, and two corpse-suppressing talismans flew out instantly, directly tying the zombie mother and son together.

Under the effect of the corpse-suppressing talismans, the zombie mother and son were motionless and fell into a deep sleep.


Lin Yi snapped his fingers, and his telekinesis lifted them up and rushed into the sky.


Ding ding ding!

There was a knock on the door.

Soon, Wencai's voice came from the yard.

""Come on, come on! Who is it?"

Wencai ran out

"It's me, Ayi!"

Wencai quickened his pace again when he heard Lin Yi's voice.

With a creak, the door was opened.

The smile on Wencai's face froze,"Ayi, who's behind you?"

Behind Lin Yi stood a mother and son, one big and one small.

After sleeping beside the corpse for so many years, Wencai knew at a glance that this was not a living person.

How could Junior Brother bring two zombies here at this late hour!

""Where is the master?" Lin Yi asked

""I just finished soaking my feet. You can stay a little longer. We all need to go to bed."

Wencai said, making way.

Lin Yi stepped into the yard, shaking the Sanqing Bell in his hand. Two zombies, one big and one small, followed the sound of the Sanqing Bell, jumping behind him.

Wencai glanced at the zombie mother, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but sigh,"What a beautiful woman! What a pity.""

Lin Yi's mouth twitched. Wencai has been a single dog for so long that he even thinks dead people are good-looking?

Although this 490 zombie is indeed very beautiful, it seems that it is the best age for a woman, mature and charming, but it always feels weird to be praised by Wencai like this!

Lin Yi thought of another movie.

In the Ghost School, Wencai and the zombie senior were in the archives, working hard until dawn.

Could it be that Wencai has a special liking for zombies?

Uncle Jiu, oh Uncle Jiu, tell me what kind of disciples you have, one is chasing female ghosts, the other is chasing zombies!

There is not a normal one!

Fortunately, I am here!

But the next second, Lin Yi thought of his spiritual servant Wanru.

Tsk tsk!

""What's going on?"

Uncle Jiu came out of the house in a single layer of clothes with his hands behind his back.

When he saw Lin Yi and the zombies behind him, his expression was stunned.

"Ah Yi, what are you doing?"

Uncle Jiu was also confused by Lin Yi. Why did he bring zombies here at this hour of the night?

"Master, this is the zombie I encountered today. This little zombie is very strange. This zombie is his mother, who is also very spiritual. I was worried that they would be captured and refined by the evil cultivators, so I brought them here."Uncle

Jiu's expression changed slightly when he heard this.

Evil cultivators like spiritual things very much. Whether it is a ghost, a demon or a corpse, they will control this kind of spirit.

""You untie the talisman." Uncle Jiu said.

Lin Yi nodded and took off the talisman on the little zombie's head.

The moment the talisman was taken off, the little zombie's eyes gradually regained focus. He looked around blankly, then looked at Lin Yi, Wencai and Uncle Jiu.

Especially when he saw Uncle Jiu, the little guy jumped back several times in fright, stretched out his arms, and jumped back, looking very cute. After jumping a few steps, the little zombie saw that his mother was also here, and immediately hid behind his mother, hugged his mother's legs with his arms, and looked at Uncle Jiu with his little face nervously.

Lin Yi keenly discovered that Uncle Jiu's eyes suddenly changed.

Unexpectedly gentle!

The whole person's temperament also became soft.

"This little zombie, uh, kid, where did you get him from?"

Uncle Jiu raised his eyebrows and asked in a gentle voice.

Wencai's expression suddenly became interesting.

"I'm not hallucinating! When has Master ever been so gentle?"

"I have followed my master for so long, but he has never spoken to me like this!"

"I was practicing near the charity cemetery today, and I happened to meet this little kid, and then I met this guy who was looking for him."

Lin Yiyi removed the corpse-suppressing talisman on the zombie mother's head. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Although the zombie mother is a spirit, she can't see with her eyes, and can only rely on smell and hearing.

She senses that there are people around her, and they are very dangerous!


"Jijiguagua, er er er!"

Uncle Jiu suddenly spoke and made a strange sound.[]

The zombie mother's nervous expression eased a little. Although she was still very alert, she was not as irritable as before.

Lin Yi knew that Uncle Jiu was talking about the language of corpses.

People have their own language, ghosts have their own language, and corpses have their own language.

Lin Yi had not been with Uncle Jiu for a long time. He was only a nominal disciple before. Lin Yi had not had the opportunity to learn the secret of ghost language and corpse language.

"Don't be nervous, we won't hurt you."

"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

"We are Taoist priests from Mount Mao. My apprentice found you and your son outside. You are different from other zombies. You already have spirituality. If you are discovered by evil cultivators, you will be in danger."

Uncle Jiu was talking to the zombie mother, and Lin Yi and Wencai were both confused.

They couldn't understand at all.

The little zombie stood behind his mother, looking at Uncle Jiu curiously. He listened to the conversation between Uncle Jiu and his mother and gradually relaxed his vigilance.

It seemed that this bearded grandpa was not so scary.

Suddenly, the little zombie hopped to Lin Yi and grabbed Lin Yi with his little hand.

Lin Yi looked down in confusion and saw the little zombie stretched out his hand to him, as if asking him for something.

Lin Yi immediately understood what he meant.

He took out a gold pocket watch from his pocket.

As soon as the gold pocket watch came out, Wencai's eyes began to shine, and he stared at the gold pocket watch without moving.

""Wow! Gold!"

The little guy took the pocket watch, pressed the mechanism with his little hand, and the pocket watch cover popped open immediately, and clear and pleasant music sounded.

The little guy put the pocket watch to his ear and listened to it intoxicatedly. When

Uncle Jiu saw this scene, his expression was a little dull.

He has been in the business for so many years, slaying demons and curing evil, and he has seen all kinds of things.

But today's situation is the first time he has seen it!

This little zombie is not only spiritual, but also can bend its body, see people, and listen to music!

Uncle Jiu had a flash of inspiration in his mind, guessed something, and looked at the zombie mother in surprise.

"You turned into a zombie and gave birth to him, right?"

The zombie mother also heard the music and looked a little melancholy.

It was really weird, zombies actually have expressions!

"That’s right, I died before I gave birth to him. I was unwilling to let my baby die with me without seeing this world, so I became what I am now."

""Master, the little guy should still have grandparents. When I saw them, they had been burned to death by a Taoist priest."

Lin Yi said to Uncle Jiu, lying without blushing.

Uncle Jiu frowned and told the zombie mother about it.

The sadness on the zombie mother's face became even more intense.

"We were afraid of this happening, so we kept hiding in the mountains and forests to practice, but we didn't expect something to happen."

Uncle Jiu glanced at the little zombie who was still listening to music.

"Live with me from now on. I will teach the little guy some things so that he can live better in the future."

The zombie mother hesitated for a moment and looked in the direction of the little zombie. Although she couldn't see it, she could sense the existence of the little zombie.

This was the flesh that fell from her body, and it had a special sense of existence with her.

For the little zombie, the zombie mother nodded.

"I promise you!"


ps: Let me tell you a little-known fact: the Three Pure Ones is a concept proposed by Tao Hongjing , the founder of Maoshan, and is compiled in the True Spiritual Career Map!.

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