"Open the door! Uncle Nine!"

"Uncle Jiu, help me!"

Lin Yi's ears moved slightly and he heard the shouting outside the charity cemetery.

"It's so late, is it a ghost?"

Lin Yi walked out of the house and quickly opened the door of the charity cemetery.

A middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties had a sad face, full of anxiety and panic.

Lin Yi knew this man. He was a night watchman in a nearby village. Because he spoke incoherently and had a straightforward mind, others called him stupid. The stupid man knew Lin Yi. When he saw Lin Yi coming out, he hurriedly asked

"Ayi, is Uncle Jiu here?"

Lin Yi shook his head,"We have moved, my master is not here, I am the only one here, stupid, what happened?"

The stupid stomped his feet anxiously.

"What should I do? My brother has been taken away by a ghost."

"Got taken away by a ghost? Where is it? I'll go with you."


Shao Genjin looked at Lin Yi in surprise. This little kid with delicate features could also catch ghosts?

No wonder Shao Genjin doubted Lin Yi. Lin Yi's baby face looked too deceptive. Besides, as everyone knows, Lin Yi had only been a disciple for three years.

What could he learn in three years?

"What, do you think I'm not capable? Then I'll give you my master's position, and you go find him."

Lin Yi didn't care. It wasn't that he didn't want to save him, it was that the other party didn't trust him.

"No, no, no, okay, okay, you are Uncle Jiu's apprentice, you will definitely be able to do it, come with me."

Shao Genjin seemed to be comforting himself.

It has to work now, let's try it.

Shao Genjin led Lin Yi all the way and finally came to a banana grove.

The banana grove was very quiet and looked very strange under the moonlight.

On the way here, Lin Yi asked Shao Genjin about the situation.

Shao Genjin's younger brother is not very old, and he has been helping Huang Baiwan to look after the garden recently.

Shao Genjin would keep part of the dinner provided by the night watchman every day and send it to his younger brother.

In this way, he can save some money, although not much, but a little bit adds up to a lot, and he can find a wife for his younger brother in the future.

Today Shao Genjin went to send as usual meal, but he saw his brother being dragged by a red ghost and flew into the banana forest.

Shao Genjin was so scared that he almost peed himself, but after he came to his senses, Shao Genjin immediately ran to Yizhuang.

In this area of dozens of miles, everyone knows how powerful Uncle Jiu of Yizhuang is. He is an absolute master at slaying demons and curing evil!

But Shao Genjin didn't expect that Uncle Jiu didn't show up, and there was only one of Uncle Jiu's apprentices.

Even now, Shao Genjin is still worried. Can this little boy who looks like a baby really catch ghosts!

If he can't catch the ghost and can't save his brother, he will be killed too!

After watching outside the yard for a while, Lin Yi said to Shao Genjin

"Come on, follow me in."

Although Shao Genjin was very scared, he couldn't let go of his brother, and followed Lin Yi into the garden with trepidation. The banana forest was swaying under the moonlight, and there were no insects or birds singing in the hot summer, which was strange everywhere.

Shao Genjin followed Lin Yi closely, trembling.

Suddenly, Lin Yi stopped, and Shao Genjin bumped into him in a daze.

"Ouch, why did it stop?"

The young man said in confusion

"We're here!"

Lin Yi looked at the small fenced yard in front of him. There was a shabby thatched house inside. Strangely, there were two red ropes extending from it. There were two dragon and phoenix candles in the yard. The red ropes were tied to the dragon and phoenix candles and extended into the banana forest.

"Oh my god! This is the plot of One-Eyebrow Taoist!"

Lin Yi remembered it instantly when he saw this scene.

One-Eyebrow Taoist is a very classic movie starring Uncle Jiu.

Lin Yi walked in the direction of the red rope, and finally found a weak and unconscious man in the banana forest.

The man was not very old, wearing red and green clothes in disarray, his face looked very pale, his eyes were dark and he was foaming at the mouth, and he looked like he was about to die.

Another person who was played by a ghost!

Why play with ghosts when you can't play with anyone else!

Lin Yi shook his head and pulled the man out of the forest.

"Ah! Brother!"

When Shaogenjin saw this man, he immediately exclaimed and was so anxious that he almost cried.

"Ayi, is there any hope for my brother?" (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Lin Yi took out an exorcism talisman from his storage bracelet and stuck it on his stupid brother's body.

"It's OK, he saved his life. You take him to the funeral home and wait for me."


Shaogenjin nodded stupidly, pulled off the red string and green leaves on his brother's body, put him on his back and ran out.

After running two steps, Shaogenjin stopped again and looked at Lin Yi nervously.[]

"Ayi, aren't you leaving?"

"You go back first, I have to deal with things here."

Lin Yi said, looking around, the forest was filled with gloomy air, this ghost has already transformed to harm people, if it is not dealt with, others will be killed in the future.

Shao Genjin gritted his teeth and carried his brother away.

After Shao Genjin left, Lin Yi glanced at the red rope on the ground.

"If I had known this would happen, I would have asked Wencai to join me in guarding the Yizhuang. Now that there is no bait, I can only do it myself."

Lin Yi shrugged and picked up the red rope and green leaves on the ground.

This is used for ghost marriages. The banana ghost is a very special ghost.

It was not a ghost at the beginning, but it was a special plant ghost that gradually formed because of its heavy yin energy, which attracted the souls of the dead to live in it.

After the banana tree becomes a spirit, it will transform into a beautiful ghost, either male or female, to attract men and women passing by, and absorb each other's spirit through marriage.

This will not only not cause cause and effect, but also will not cause heavenly punishment. Just be careful not to suck people to death, and you won't attract powerful Taoist priests to enforce justice on behalf of heaven.

To lure out the banana ghost, you need Virgin boy!

Lin Yi lit the dragon and phoenix candles and entered the house.

He tied a noose on one end of the red rope and put it on his toes.

Finally, he lay on the wooden bed in the house.

There was no sound in the silent banana forest, only Lin Yi's own faint breathing.

Not long after, the door of the thatched house was pushed open.

The creaking sound was very harsh in the silent night.

Lin Yi pretended to be asleep, and under the heart net skill, he observed everything around him very carefully.

There were gusts of cold wind, and the red rope connected to the outside seemed to be pressed by something invisible.

It was originally a straight line, but now it has become a V shape.

The V gradually moved and finally came to the top of Lin Yi.

A gorgeous woman in a red silk dress and heavy makeup suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Ugh! (De De Zhao)

So beautiful!

I have to say that the appearance of this female ghost is indeed worthy of the word beautiful.

Although it can't be said to be a national beauty, it is also a charming fairy level.

If it were an ordinary man, I'm afraid he would have been thinking about the romantic things of dying under the peony flowers and becoming a ghost.


The ghost girl looked at Lin Yi's handsome face and hummed softly.

He was full of blood and strong yang energy, which was simply the most delicious delicacy in the world!

The ghost girl sucked her saliva with satisfaction, her eyes flashing with excitement.

The ghost girl waved her hand, and the red skirt on her body suddenly spread out and turned into strips of red silk, which tied up Lin Yi's limbs, as if she was afraid that Lin Yi would wake up and run away.

Baby, here I come!

At this moment, Lin Yi, who was pretending to be asleep, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the ghost girl with a strange expression.

"I didn't realize you liked this tune!"

The Banana Ghost:((⊙﹏⊙))o


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