"It's getting late, Uncle Jiu, please stay at our house tonight. I'll ask the steward to take you back tomorrow morning."

Zheng Guoquan tried to persuade him to stay.

Uncle Jiu nodded,"Okay, sorry to bother you then."

"How could it be, I have someone prepare a dinner, Uncle Jiu, please!"

Although Lin Yi was just a bystander from the beginning to the end, Lin Yi didn't think so.

People in their line of work have always been taught online.

What they learn is the skills of talking to the host after arriving at the position.

Catching ghosts and exorcising evil spirits are taught privately, and the rest is just practice, but talking to the host requires skills.

Ordinary people don't have much money, so they naturally say whatever they want, and they earn their money through hard work.

And this kind of wealthy family, although they also speak truthfully and cannot deliberately cheat money, but you make your expression a little embarrassed, It looked like it was very difficult to deal with. I tried my best and finally got it done.

If you don't say much, this wealthy family will give you more money.

If you meet a stingy host, there is nothing you can do! After all, Maoshan prohibits greed.

The dinner prepared by the Zheng family is much richer than lunch, with eight cold and eight hot dishes, four meat and four vegetarian dishes, and two soups.

It is not worse than what I ate at Fuguilou last night.

I didn't expect that the chefs of the Zheng family are all at the level of the chefs of Fuguilou. No wonder

Ren Fa is so enthusiastic to help the Zheng family, it turns out that he wants to curry favor with them!


After Lin Yi entered the room, the Zheng family had already prepared toiletries for him.

After a simple wash, Lin Yi sat cross-legged on the bed and began to meditate.

It was already midnight.

Lin Yi pushed open the window, activated the shaving and disappeared instantly. One second later, Lin Yi appeared on the roof of the Zheng family.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Not long after, 18 shadow clones appeared beside Lin Yi. These shadow clones looked stunned and had different looks.

The moment they saw Lin Yi again, they suddenly made a puffing sound and turned into a group of air currents, flying towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi sat cross-legged on the roof and quickly digested the memories of these shadow clones.

18 shadow clones, practicing one skill at the same time, can generate 108 experience points in one hour.

24 hours of endless practice, one day is 2592 points!

In three days, Lin Yi let these shadow clones practice three skills at the same time.

Body skills, sword skills and ice and fire magic.

While moving quickly, swing the sword, and let ice cover the sword when swinging the sword.

In this way, the body skills, sword skills and ice and fire magic all generated 7776 experience points.

"System, open my skill panel."

Swish, a skill panel that only Lin Yi can see appeared in front of Lin Yi.

This skill panel was exchanged by Lin Yi from a Japanese slave. It was just a simple skill panel that could only gather skills, brush experience and level up, and could not even add points.

Fortunately, Lin Yi now has the Shadow Clone Technique, which can brush experience.

Active Skill 1: Boxing Hong Quan 1v4 (324/400)

Active Skill 2: Drawing Talisman Kunlun Talisman Shangqing Talisman 1v5 (380/500)

Active Skill 3: Kunlun Immortal Art Moving Mountains and Seas (100/1000)

Active Skill 4 Calligraphy 1v3 (222/300)

Active Skill 5: Body Movement Triple Cloud Tiangang Step 1v14 (176/1400)

Active Skill 6: Swordsmanship Dugu Nine Swords Seven Star Sword 1v13 (778/1300)

Active Skill 7: Swordsmanship Kuangfeng Swordsmanship 1v6 (223/600)

Active Skill 8: Magical Techniques Earth Escape Techniques Corpse Control Techniques 1v1 (10/1000)

Active Skill 9: Talismans Tongtian Scrolls 1v2 (109/2000)

Active Skill 10: Heart Net Observation Color 1v1 (200/1000)

Active Skill 11: Ninja Skill 1v1 (100/1000)

Active Skill 11: Palm Technique: Eighteen Dragon Palms 1v1 (1/100)

Active Skill 12: Ice and Fire Technique 1v5 (3976/5000)

Passive Skill 1: Induction 1v17 (56/1700)

Passive Skill 2: Physical Technique: Dragon Roar Iron Shirt 1v15 (1008/1500)

Passive Skill 3: Telekinesis 1v5 (2208/5000)

Passive Skill 4: Reverse Life Triple 1v4 (2209/4000)

Ice and Fire Magic has been upgraded to 1v5!

The body movement and swordsmanship have made a big jump, one is 14, the other is 13! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At the same time, the passive skills are all upgraded.

Every shadow clone refreshes the active skills while refreshing the passive skills!

Swordsmanship, body movement, ice and fire magic! Triple-level, physical skills, telekinesis and reverse rebirth.

These contents were digested by Lin Yi in an instant.

In the meantime, Lin Yi raised his hand, and a ball of fire appeared in his hand, the flames burned fiercely, and the next moment, the flames began to change shape, swords, spears, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks........

As the flames disappeared, Lin Yi started to play with ice and frost again.

1v5 ice and fire magic, the temperature of the flames and ice was even more outrageous.

Lin Yi dispersed the ice and fire magic, clenched his hands, and the dragon sound in the box appeared in Lin Yi's hand.

He casually swung a sword, and a sword light flew out instantly.

This is the 14th level swordsmanship, which can already cut the air and produce sword energy.[]

""Good, good, good!"

Lin Yi's eyes flashed with excitement. As soon as he let go, the dragon's roar in the box turned into starlight and dispersed.

Lin Yi made seals with both hands.

"Shadow clone technique!"

Puff puff puff!

The twelve acupoints contain a large amount of spiritual energy.

This time, Lin Yi directly condensed 36 shadow clones.

As before, the clothes and body shapes were very similar, looking stiff like puppets, and the faces were also different.

"Go and practice in seclusion!"

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Thirty-six shadow clones flew in all directions in an instant.

Lin Yi also returned to the room, closed the doors and windows, and lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Level 17 Qi Induction, even if Lin Yi was sleeping, his practice speed was faster than that of everyone else who was practicing meditation now. He could really get stronger even when he was sleeping!


A night passed in a flash, Lin Yi opened his eyes, looked at the sky outside the window, and then stretched.

Then Lin Yi checked the spiritual energy in his body.

After a good sleep, all the spiritual energy consumed last night was replenished, and he began to store energy in the thirteenth acupoint 5.4.

One sleep is equivalent to a month of hard training for others. This feeling is simply too good.

A new day, and the exchange of heavens can begin again.

Lin Yi got out of bed and took out the statue of Laojun and the incense burner from the storage bracelet.

Taking out three incense sticks, flames came out of Lin Yi's fingertips, and he quickly lit the incense.

Lin Yi held the incense and bowed respectfully to the statue of Laojun three times.

"Laojun, disciple Lin Yi sincerely burns incense and worships!"

The sense of ceremony must be sufficient!

After burning incense, Lin Yi smiled proudly,"System, I want the heavens to exchange"

"Oh, right, use this teacup!"

Lin Yi picked up a teacup on the table.

It belonged to the Zheng family anyway.


A flash of inspiration came to him. The teacup in Lin Yi's hand disappeared.

…… ps: I finally got a new book recommended on an APP, but it got it wrong. I am so sad!.

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