

Ren Fa and Ren Tingting fell to their knees and cried.

Lin Yi, who was standing behind them, couldn't help but complain.

"The person lying inside looks younger than you, it would be fine if you two were to exchange your names."

Ren Fa cried out in pain.

"I'm so unfilial for disturbing you, old man. Woo woo."

After crying for a few sentences, Ren Fa stood up and looked at Uncle Jiu with a complicated expression.

"Uncle Jiu, can this land still be used?"

Looking at the condition of the body in the tomb, Ren Fa knew something was wrong.

How could a body not decay after twenty years?

His family had not taken any special anti-corrosion measures. Logically, after twenty years, only bones should be left.

Uncle Jiu shook his head.

"A dragonfly touches the water, one spot after another, and it will definitely not touch the same place. This piece of land is useless."

"What should we do now?"

Uncle Jiu said seriously,"I suggest cremating him on the spot!"" There must be something wrong when things are abnormal!

Old Master Ren's body has not decayed for 20 years. There must be something wrong with this body!

He is doing this, how could he not know!

This body���The resentment is so strong that I’m afraid he will turn into a zombie!

"Ah! Cremation! No, my father was most afraid of fire when he was alive, I can't do this!"

Ren Fa acted like a filial son.

Uncle Jiu frowned. Although it was the hour of You, the sun was still shining overhead. He could not feel the heat standing next to the coffin. The Yin energy was so heavy. Once the corpse turned into a corpse, Renjia Town would be in trouble!

"Master Ren, if you don't cremate him, there will be trouble!"

Ren Fa shook his head like a rattle.

"No, anything is fine, but you can't cremate it! Think of another way."

Seeing Ren Fa's insistence, Uncle Jiu had no other choice. After all, the person lying in the coffin was his biological father.

"Well, in that case, let's store the coffin in our charity cemetery first. Tomorrow I will find another place for the old man to be buried so that he can rest in peace sooner."

Ren Fa nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. This was more like it.

His family was a wealthy family in Renjia Town, and there were so many people watching them. If he dug the old man out today and burned him, who knows what the people in the clan would say.

Family reputation is very precious these days!

In some families, the daughter just got married, and the husband died. In order to have a chastity arch, many people would not let the daughter remarry and forced her to remain a widow!

Fortunately, these feudal tea poisons were all eliminated.

Seeing Ren Fa nodded, Captain Awei, who had been standing behind Ren Fa, pushed the round-frame glasses on his nose and said loudly,"Okay, close the coffin lid and carry it to the charity cemetery!"

"Mr. Ren, please go back first"


Ren Fa's face showed some relief, and he walked towards the bamboo sedan with Tingting.

As a wealthy family, they would definitely not walk up the mountain by themselves, but were carried by someone.

The coolies tied the coffin, put it on the wooden pole, and then lifted it up with great effort.

The dead of the Ren family lay in the coffin, and the living sat in the sedan. The servants of the Ren Mansion helped to pack up and moved away everything that could be moved.

Uncle Jiu put his hands behind his back, his expression was a little heavy, and turned around to say to his disciples

"You guys set up a plum blossom incense array here, and tell me what it looks like when you go back."

As he said this, Uncle Jiu looked around.

There were many small graves around.

"Burn incense on every grave."


Lin Yi and the other two nodded in response, watching Uncle Jiu with his hands behind his back, following the team down the mountain.

"Don't just stand there, get to work. Wencai, go burn the plum blossom incense. Ayi, let's go burn incense at other graves."

Qiu Sheng began to assign tasks, took out a bunch of incense from his treasure bag, divided it up, and the three of them began to act separately.


After four incense sticks at each grave, Qiu Sheng soon arrived at the last grave.

He saw the inscription on the tombstone, which said that it was a girl who lived only twenty years from birth to burial.

He immediately felt sorry for her.

"She died at the age of 20, what a waste."

The young girl was gone just like that. When she saw that she still had a bunch of incense in her hand, she thought that this was the last grave, so she simply stuck all the incense in front of this grave.

"Here, I'll give it all to you."

Lin Yi was not far from Qiu Sheng. He had just finished lighting the incense in his hand. He was stunned when he heard Qiu Sheng's words.

Then he quickened his pace and came to Qiu Sheng's side. When he saw the incense in front of the grave, Lin Yi's mouth twitched.

There are rules for the number of incense sticks. There are three for gods and four for ghosts. How can you burn a bunch of incense directly to the dead!

You are Uncle Jiu's apprentice. Do you understand the rules?

"Thank you~"

Qiu Sheng and Lin Yi's expressions changed and they looked at each other.

"Did you hear that?"

"You heard it too!"

"Thank you!"

The voice sounded again, faint and ethereal.

""Oh my god! Let's go!"

Qiu Sheng was so scared that he grabbed Lin Yi's arm and turned to leave. However, as soon as he turned around, he bumped into Wen Cai who was running over.

"Hey, what are you doing?……"

"Ouch, look, how come this incense is burning like this?"

Wencai covered his waist and nervously held a bunch of incense.

The plum blossom incense array has a total of nine incense sticks.

Three incense sticks are also called three pure incense sticks. The middle one is the leader incense, the left one is the Azure Dragon, and the right one is the White Tiger!

At this time, this bunch of incense has one long and two short ones, and the lengths are uneven! According to the record in the plum blossom incense spectrum, this is called life-threatening incense!

Qiu Sheng's legs were a little weak, thinking of the strange sound just now, and the abnormal sound of the incense burning trembled.

"Let’s go and tell Master!"

…… ps: Xiao Mengxin has published a new book. It is Xiao Hei's favorite Jiu Shu. I hope you will like it too. Please support me! Please give me flowers, votes, and comments. Please make sure to send comments so that Xiao Hei can see everyone. One thousand flowers will add one chapter, and one thousand collections will add one chapter!

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