"Take us to see the victim first!"

Uncle Jiu said to everyone with the manner of a master.

"Okay, Guoquan, take Uncle Jiu and his disciples to see Shuzhen.

The old lady nodded and said to Mr. Zheng

"I understand, mother. Uncle Jiu, please come with me."

Zheng Guoquan's expression was slightly solemn.

To be honest, this kind of thing happening at home is not a good thing.

As the saying goes, good news doesn't go out, but bad news travels a thousand miles. Now the reputation of the Zheng family has begun to be affected.

A good person, after marrying into the Zheng family, inexplicably went crazy.

Now people in the town are saying that it was the Zheng family who abused their daughter-in-law, causing such a good-natured woman to go crazy.

The third son of the Zheng family has not married yet, and now his reputation is bad. Who knows, it may be difficult to find a wife in the future.

Zheng Guoquan brought Uncle Jiu and Lin Yi to the backyard and stopped in a remote courtyard.

"Uncle Jiu, it's inside."

The room's doors and windows were closed. Zheng Guoquan pointed at the door with a doubtful expression.

Uncle Jiu and Lin Yi walked towards the door.

When they opened the door, a woman's violent roar suddenly came from inside.

""Get out, get out!"

Through the crack in the door, 200 could see the woman inside with her shawl hanging down and her clothes half naked. She looked very thin, with a pale and sallow face and dark eye sockets. What surprised Lin Yi the most was that the woman's belly was bulging high.

Uncle Jiu's face changed in shock and he closed the door instantly.

Zheng Guoquan stood in the yard, watching Uncle Jiu's expression change. He instantly remembered that the previous gentlemen who came to the house had the same expression, and then they immediately ran away.

Could it be that this Uncle Jiu was the same!

This won't do. They have found everyone they can. The Ren family said that Uncle Jiu is very capable and can definitely solve this problem. If he can't do it, who else can they find?

"Uncle Jiu, what's going on?"

Zheng Guoquan walked to Uncle Jiu and asked solemnly.

Uncle Jiu looked very solemn and said in a low voice,"This is not the place to talk, let's go somewhere else to talk."


Zheng Guoquan nodded quickly and took Uncle Jiu and Lin Yi to another courtyard.

Not to mention, the Zheng family is really rich. The courtyard at home is much larger than that of the Ren family.

""Uncle Jiu, sit down!"

The three of them sat down, and Zheng Guoquan poured tea for Uncle Jiu.

"Uncle Jiu, what's going on? What happened to my sister-in-law?"

Zheng Guoquan asked anxiously.

Uncle Jiu pondered for a moment and asked Zheng Guoquan,

"Mr. Zheng, your sister-in-law is indeed possessed by evil spirits. May I ask, when did the problem start?"

Zheng Guoquan thought for a moment, then said uncertainly,"It seems that the town held a ghost market some time ago. My family had never seen it before, so they went to watch the fun. Unexpectedly, Shuzhen fell in love with an antique jade bottle and bought it back. After that, her temper started to become strange."

Uncle Jiu nodded,"It seems that the problem lies here."

""What, Master, are you saying that there is something wrong with the jade bottle?"

Lin Yi asked in surprise

"Uncle Jiu, this! It's impossible, it's just an antique jade bottle."

Zheng Guoquan said with some disbelief

"Although I only took a quick look just now, the room was filled with a strong gloomy and demonic aura, especially from Madam Shuzhen!"

"What should I do? Uncle Jiu, you have to think of a way to save Shuzhen!"

Zheng Guoquan said nervously.

"We have to save her, but it's difficult. The other party has set their sights on Madam Shuzhen. So, Mr. Zheng, go prepare some things. Tonight, I will perform a ritual to capture that evildoer."

"Okay, I'll go prepare it now. Uncle Jiu, please wait a moment. I've asked someone to prepare the meal and will deliver it to you later."

Zheng Guoquan said as he walked out.

Finally, a gentleman was willing to stay and say he was here to save people. The previous few took one look and ran away. Zheng Guoquan was really afraid that Uncle Jiu would turn around and leave.

After Zheng Guoquan left, Lin Yi whispered to Uncle Jiu,

"Master, I think something is wrong, what happened to that woman?"

Uncle Jiu had a strange expression on his face and whispered,"There is an evil demon sealed in that antique jade bottle, and it has been having sex with the second wife of the Zheng family every night. Now, the woman is pregnant with a demon fetus."

"Damn! Giving birth to a demon!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Lin Yi was stunned and whispered

"It's not giving birth to a child, but giving birth to a demon. When the time comes, the demon will be born in the demon fetus. At that time, he can be resurrected, but the death of the second wife of the Zheng family will also come."

"Hiss! You can still play like this, giving birth to yourself!"

Lin Yi felt a chill, and at the same time he became curious, wondering if this demon was worth money.


Not long after, the Zheng family brought lunch. It was very rich, with four dishes and one soup, a combination of meat and vegetables, and a pot of Huadiao wine.

After lunch, Uncle Jiu went to ask the Zheng family to prepare some things.

Lin Yi was meditating in the house.

Time passed quickly and it was evening, with the bright moon hanging high in the sky. The Zheng family sat nervously in the living room, waiting for the result. In the backyard of the Zheng family, the lights were dim, and it looked gloomy under the moonlight. In the room, there were strange hums and roars that did not sound like those made by humans. In the yard, the servants who set up the altar had terrified expressions and were in a panic.

"Uncle Jiu, what on earth is in there?"

Zheng Guoquan was trembling with fear when he heard the noise inside.

Although he had never done anything wrong in his life and was not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night, who wouldn't be scared if they really ran into a ghost?

"Mr. Zheng, I tell you the truth. Your sister-in-law is possessed by a demon. The demon has planted a demon fetus in her body. The demon wants to be resurrected through the demon fetus. By then, it will become a human demon. The demonic energy is overwhelming and no one can stop it. It will be a catastrophe for the world."


Zheng Guoquan gasped in fear.

The matter was so serious!

""Then is there any hope for Shuzhen?"

Zheng Guoquan asked in a low voice.

Uncle Jiu did not answer, but said lightly,"Leave it to fate!"


Lin Yi asked the servants of the Zheng family to step back and lit the candles himself.

Seeing that the altar was ready, Uncle Jiu came to the altar in a Taoist robe and holding a peach wood sword. He pinched the spell seal with his hands and chanted the magic spell to purify heaven and earth.

The heaven and earth are natural, the foul air is dispersed, the mysterious void in the cave, and the Taiyuan is shining.

The mighty gods of the eight directions make me natural. The Lingbao talisman is announced to the nine heavens.

Qian Luodana, Dong Gang Taixuan; slay demons and bind evil, and kill thousands of ghosts.

Press the Five Mountains, and the Eight Seas will know; the devil will surrender, and the evil will dissipate.

Taoism will last forever!

With a shout, Uncle Jiu slashed the empty space in the room with a peach wood sword in his hand.

Suddenly, a scream was heard in the room, and then the doors and windows of the room slammed open. Waves of dark demonic energy and yin energy poured into the yard like obstacles.

In an instant, the yard was misty, and a gloomy and terrifying voice rang out.

"You stinky Taoist priest, how dare you meddle in other people’s business? I’m going to kill you!"

…… ps: Ask for flowers, votes, rewards, and comments!.

Tagged: Manhcuong94

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