A blood bodhi opened up Lin Yi's Ren and Du meridians, and also increased Lin Yi's cultivation by ten years.

It can be said that this exchange of the heavens was very successful!

After getting dressed, Lin Yi walked happily towards the charity cemetery. He followed behind with the telekinesis carrying water.

It took only a few minutes to return from the three-mile journey, just in time to see Wencai panting and struggling to carry water to the charity cemetery.

Wencai was about to open the door when he heard a heavy object fall behind him. He turned around in confusion and saw Lin Yi looking at him with a smile.


"Yi, didn't you want to take a shower? Why don't you take a shower?"

"You came back right after taking a shower, Wencai, you're a little slow, haha."

Lin Yi teased with a smile, and it was obvious that he was in a good mood.

Wencai looked at Lin Yi strangely, and he seemed to be a lot whiter than before.

Could taking a bath have such a big effect? It can also make people whiter!

How come I took a bath for so many years, but I'm still so dark!

Ignoring Wencai's confusion, Lin Yi smiled and pushed open the door of the charity cemetery, then walked in with a bucket. There was still some time before evening, and Lin Yi was going to practice for a while.

Although he had increased his cultivation by ten years, he still couldn't let go of his hands and feet to perform Taoist magic when he encountered a powerful ghost.

So he's still not strong enough!


At about five o'clock in the afternoon, Uncle Jiu changed into a clean and elegant suit, holding a pipe in his hand, and urged

"Wencai, Ayi, have you changed your clothes?"

""Here I come, Master!"

Wencai trotted out of the house. He was also wearing new clothes, but with his watermelon-shaped head and bitter face, he didn't look very impressive.

On the contrary, Lin Yi, although he was wearing a linen suit and ordinary short coat and trousers, looked particularly handsome.

Uncle Jiu glanced at Lin Yi and nodded with satisfaction.

Among the apprentices, Ayi is still the best to lead them out. Wencai's appearance is too low.

Taking him out would only lower the average appearance of their Yizhuang group!

But it would be inappropriate not to take Wencai out. As a master, he still has to treat everyone equally.

"Well, let's go!"

Uncle Jiu nodded and walked outside with his hands behind his back.

Lin Yi and Wencai followed behind. After leaving the charity cemetery, the three masters and apprentices walked towards Renjia Town.

The charity cemetery is not far from Renjia Town, but the path in the forest is more difficult to walk.

Wencai is an ordinary person, so he walked very slowly.

Half an hour later, Uncle Jiu and his apprentices arrived at Fugui Building in Renjia Town.

As soon as they entered Fugui Building, the waiter came up to them, smiling and said enthusiastically,"Uncle Jiu, Master Ren has opened a private room on the third floor and is waiting for you."

Uncle Jiu nodded with the demeanor of a master.

Wencai behind him winked at Lin Yi.

"Ayi, it's the private room on the third floor. We're in for a treat tonight!"

The dishes in the private room on the third floor of Fugui Building are all prepared by the chef of Fugui Building. The same dishes taste different.

Of course, the price is also higher.

The three of them went upstairs and were led by the waiter to the Yalan Pavilion on the third floor.

He knocked gently on the door of the private room,"Master Ren, Uncle Jiu is here."

""Please come in!"

The waiter pushed open the door of the private room and let Uncle Jiu in.

The private room was very elegantly decorated, with famous calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall, and the tables and chairs in the room were antique and looked very high-end.

There were a few side dishes, cakes and a pot of tea on the table.

Ren Fa sat in the main seat, and Ren Tingting accompanied him.

Seeing Uncle Jiu and his apprentice coming, Ren Fa and Ren Tingting stood up to greet them, with bright smiles on their faces.

"Haha, Uncle Jiu, please sit down quickly."

""Master Ren!"

Uncle Jiu bowed to Ren Fa.

When they talked about the relocation of the burial, Ren Fa invited him to have a cup of coffee. Now he helped the Ren family solve such a big problem, which was considered to have saved the lives of the father and daughter of the Ren family.

Look, it's different immediately, Fuguilou! The most expensive restaurant in Renjia Town.

Ren Fa waved to the waiter, signaling the waiter to serve the dishes.

"Uncle Jiu, this time it's all thanks to you and Ayi, otherwise our Ren family would be in trouble."

Uncle Jiu smiled modestly,"No, it's also the blessing of the ancestors of the Ren family that this matter can be auspicious in the midst of danger!"

Ren Tingting smiled and poured a cup of tea for Uncle Jiu. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Uncle Jiu, have some tea."

"Thank you very much!"

Uncle Jiu took it with both hands, quite surprised that the daughter of the Ren family personally poured tea for him. This treatment was quite high!

""Haha, Uncle Jiu is too modest."

Ren Fa smiled, took out an envelope from his arms and placed it on Uncle Jiu's desk.[]

"Uncle Jiu, you helped my Ren family solve such a big problem this time. Please accept this small token of your gratitude.

Uncle Jiu raised his eyebrows and opened the envelope.

He thought it was a banknote or something, but it turned out to be a house deed.

"This is!"

"Haha, the Yizhuang is too shabby for a great talent like Uncle Jiu. I happen to have a house to the east of Renjia Town that has been vacant. I thought I would give it to Uncle Jiu........."

"Wow! A yard! Then we don't have to squeeze together with corpses anymore!"

Wencai's eyes lit up immediately.

Uncle Jiu, who wanted to refuse, hesitated when he heard Wencai's words.

The charity cemetery was indeed too small, and it was not convenient for three people to live there.

"In that case, I won't refuse. Thank you, Mr. Ren."

Uncle Jiu put down the house deed and bowed to Ren Fa to thank him.

"Hey, it's just a house. Compared to Uncle Jiu saving my Ren family's lives, this yard is nothing."

Ren Fa waved his hand and continued with a smile.

"By the way, Uncle Jiu, when I came here, I met a business friend. There was something strange about his family recently, so they wanted to find a gentleman with real talent to take a look. I recommended Uncle Jiu."


Uncle Jiu raised his eyebrows slightly and asked

"What exactly happened?"

"Oh, this friend of mine is Mr. Zheng from Zhengjia Town. I don’t know what happened to his second daughter-in-law a while ago. She suddenly became listless and her temper became weirder and weirder. She was originally a very virtuous woman, but she became more and more sarcastic! She beat and scolded the servants at home, as if she had become a different person. She often locked herself in the room, sometimes for a whole day, and would not come out no matter who called her."

Listening to Ren Fa's introduction, Uncle Jiu's expression gradually became solemn.

""Uncle Jiu, do you think she is possessed by an evil spirit?"

Ren Fa asked speculatively.

Ren Tingting blinked her curious eyes and looked at Uncle Jiu, waiting for the answer.

Wencai, who liked to show off, interrupted,"No need to think about it, it must be the case. Her temperament has changed drastically. It must be a ghost!"

Ren Fa and Ren Tingting looked confused.

What do you mean it must be a ghost?

Uncle Jiu glared at Wencai helplessly.

The master is talking about something, why are you, a junior, butting in!

Wencai immediately shrank his head back.

Oops, I was too excited and forgot not to steal the limelight from the master.

"It is very likely, but I have to go and see for myself what the specific reason is."

Ren Fa smiled,"Then I will ask someone to pick up Uncle Jiu tomorrow. The Zheng family has a big business. If this matter can be solved, the reward will be quite a lot."

Uncle Jiu nodded slightly and did not continue to talk about the reward.

Learning Taoism to exorcise evil spirits is not for making money. Money is only used to maintain a livelihood and practice Taoism. It is also something to understand cause and effect.

…… ps: guess which movie it is..

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