
"Ah Yi, you're back. How's Mr. Ren doing?"

Uncle Jiu put down the book in his hand, stood up and asked Lin Yi.

"Everything is fine. Fortunately, I made two stand-ins out of paper last night. There were three big holes on the two paper stand-ins."

Lin Yi said with fear.

If it weren't for this preparation, Ren Fa and Ren Tingting would be dead now.

Uncle Jiu also breathed a sigh of relief, but he was also afraid.

Human life is too fragile in the face of evil magic.

Sometimes, as long as you know the other party's name and birth date, you can control the other party's three souls and seven spirits after opening the altar to control the other party, or you can curse the other party to be unlucky, or even curse the other party to death! The legendary seven arrows on the nail head are the most vicious, and even the gods can't stand it!

Take the method used by Taoist Simu to trick Master Yixiu before. As long as Taoist Simu is a little bit bad, he can cut off the head of the straw man with a knife, and Master Yixiu will definitely die.

This is also why Uncle Jiu never tells his real name outside.

"By the way, Master, Ren Fa wants to invite you to dinner tonight at Fuguilou"


Uncle Jiu's eyes flickered for a moment.

Fuguilou is the most upscale restaurant in Renjia Town, and the price is not cheap!

Of course, it means that it is not cheap to have a big meal. The first floor lobby is still open to the townspeople, but the dishes cooked by the chef are not affordable for ordinary people. They are all cooked by the apprentices.

The private room on the third floor is the battlefield of the chef.

I don't know which floor Ren Fa invited me to dinner.

"Okay, I understand."

Uncle Jiu was in a good mood. Not only did he solve such a big problem last night, but he also witnessed the extraordinary talent of his own apprentice. He was so young and had not practiced Taoism for a long time, but he was able to solve such a terrifying demon!

Of course, Uncle Jiu was also happy about another thing, that is, he helped the Ren family solve such a big problem, and the Ren family had to show their appreciation!

Give him thirty or fifty dollars, not much!

""Master, when I came back from Uncle Simu, I unexpectedly got three talismans, which are very powerful. Can you help me see what they are?"

Lin Yi said to Uncle Jiu with a smile.

Uncle Jiu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Lin Yi to suddenly mention the talisman.

In fact, Uncle Jiu also wanted to ask, after all, the talisman Lin Yi used last night was too dazzling and powerful!

It's just that he was embarrassed to ask about his apprentice's opportunity, otherwise it would seem that he, as a master, was greedy for his apprentice's opportunity.

Uncle Jiu is a person who cares about face except for money.

"Ayi, this is your luck and opportunity, I can't see"

""Master, what's the difference between you and me? If you hadn't saved me, I would have been sucked dry by the female ghost three years ago."

Lin Yi said seriously.

"Ahem, Ayi, since you said so, I won't refuse. Draw it for me to see."

Uncle Jiu felt warm in his heart and was very touched.

"That's right. By the way, Master, can you draw some more talismans for me? I broke a lot of the ones you drew for me before."

Lin Yi said to Uncle Jiu casually while taking things.

The smile on Uncle Jiu's mouth froze, and he looked at Lin Yi with a strange expression.

"Ayi, you are drawing talismans again. How much do you want this time?"

"The more the better."


Lin Yi poured the contents of the treasure bag onto the table.

Thousands of blank yellow talisman papers were spread out on the table, along with a few new wolf-hair brushes and a few pieces of cinnabar wrapped in oil paper.

Uncle Jiu's mouth twitched.

His expression became even weirder.

He was now very suspicious of what Lin Yi had in mind when he gave him the three talismans.

Of course it was a sugar-coated bullet!

If you want the horse to run, you have to let it eat grass!

Give these three Kunlun talismans to Uncle Jiu, and let Uncle Jiu draw a few hundred talismans for you, in exchange for a few thousand exchange points, wouldn't it be great!

And this is a long-term business, a few hundred at a time, draw more times, getting rich is not a dream!

""Master, look, this is the order to exorcise demons!"

Lin Yi pushed the yellow talisman paper aside, then picked up the brush, dipped it in cinnabar ink, and began to draw on the yellow talisman paper.

The Kunlun talisman is different from the Shangqing talisman, but the way of drawing talismans is similar, both have talisman heads and talisman feet.

Soon, the order to exorcise demons was drawn by Lin Yi.

Then came the second Tiangang Wuli Fire, and finally the Wind, Thunder and Earthquake Order!

The third talisman was the most difficult to draw, because it involved wind and thunder. It was much more difficult to communicate wind and thunder with talismans than with simple fire.

Ordinary talismans are more troublesome to draw, and Tongtian Talisman is better. You don't have to worry about anything, just use magic power to condense the talisman. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But Tongtian Talisman is one of the Eight Wonders. If it is handed over so easily, it is too incredible!

Uncle Jiu will probably find it difficult to accept it!

"Ah Yi, I have only taught you to draw talismans for a few days, how did you manage to draw talismans out of thin air?"

What should I say?

"It's too difficult to use a pen, so you just draw it?"[]

I'm afraid that Uncle Jiu will be shocked and even doubt his life!

Uncle Jiu looked solemn and dignified, holding the three talismans and observing them carefully.

A talisman is a kind of magic in Taoism, also known as"talisman"."、"Ink scroll"、"Danshu".

Fulu is the collective name of talismans and talismans. The art of talismans originated from witches and was first seen in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

As the saying goes,"If you don't know the secret of drawing talismans, you will make ghosts and gods laugh; if you know the secret of drawing talismans, you will make ghosts and gods scream!" With Uncle Jiu's many years of skill in drawing talismans, he naturally saw the secrets of these three talismans at a glance.

Especially the talismans drawn by Lin Yi next to him, which left a deep impression on him.

"Ah Yi, you come and explain the functions and power of these three talismans."

Lin Yi nodded, picked up the Ghost-Exorcism Order and began to talk.

The Ghost-Exorcism Order can track ghosts and monsters, and explode automatically after being attached to the ghosts and monsters, with unparalleled power.

The Heavenly Gang Five Fires, holding the talisman in the palm of your hand, can trigger a flame, and the flame is extremely powerful!

The Wind and Thunder Earth-Moving Order can summon thunder from the sky, and even if the demons and monsters are hiding underground, they can still attack!

After listening to Lin Yi's introduction, Uncle Jiu couldn't wait to pull Lin Yi out of the charity cemetery.

"Ah Yi, show me how to do it.

Uncle Jiu looked at Lin Yi expectantly and said.

Lin Yi nodded and activated the Exorcist Order.

After a flash of golden light, the Exorcist Order flew towards a tree as thick as a man's waist in the distance.

The tree exploded and broke and collapsed.

"This power is really impressive!"

Uncle Jiu was amazed.

This is just the beginning!

Lin Yi smiled in his heart and held the Tiangang Wuli Fire Talisman in his palm.

The next moment, the talisman burned and turned into a ball of extremely fierce flames.

With a clap of his palms, the flames erupted, and the fierce Tiangang Wuli Fire instantly devoured the fallen tree trunk and soon burned it to ashes.

Uncle Jiu widened his eyes. Although he had seen the power of this talisman last night, he still felt incredible when he saw it again today. This power is much greater than the power of the Maoshan talisman!

Think about the small flame that my own fire talisman (Li Nuo's) created, and compare it with this.

It's simply like ordinary fire meeting heavenly fire!

"Master, the next one is the Wind, Thunder and Earthquake Order.

Lin Yi reminded the stunned Uncle Jiu.

"Well, you start."

After Uncle Jiu came to his senses, he nodded and said

""Wind, thunder and earth-shaking order!"

Lin Yi slapped out with his palm, and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck the ground.

Soon, there was a loud bang from the ground.

Then a big pit appeared in front of Lin Yi and Uncle Jiu.

"Hiss! This power is really good!"

After testing the power of the three talismans, Uncle Jiu couldn't wait to pull Lin Yi back to the charity cemetery and draw talismans in the house. The

Five Fires of the Heavenly Gang, the Wind and Thunder, the Earth-moving Order! The Ghost-Exorcist Order!

Three talismans in a row, all successful at once, Lin Yi exclaimed in his heart that Uncle Jiu is worthy of being Uncle Jiu, the well-deserved Lord of Destiny in the world of Mr. Zombie. He can learn the Kunlun talisman after reading it once. With this talent, if he were in the world of cultivation, I'm afraid he would have ascended to the Mahayana long ago!


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