After a night of practice, the sun slowly rose in the sky.

After Lin Yi exited the practice state, he left the house, jumped onto the roof of Ren's house, and took a deep breath of the sun. It seemed as if a purple air came from the east and poured into Lin Yi's body.

This ray of purple air was the power of the sun in the essence of the sun and the moon.

The rising sun is not so irritable and is the gentlest. It can only be used for practice at this time.

In the Dadong Sutra, it is said to take in the air and concentrate the mind, and to concentrate on the air of the five directions, the sun, the moon, and the twenty-four stars!

Therefore, this ray of purple air from the morning sun is very important!

Because it can only be taken at this time every day, and it will be gone after this point.

After breathing in and out towards the sun, Lin Yi let out a long breath of turbid air, and his whole body was relaxed and refreshed.

At this moment, a scream suddenly sounded in the room, and it sounded like Ren Tingting's voice.

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows and his figure instantly disappeared from the spot."One seven zero"

"What happened?"

Lin Yi appeared at the door and asked Ren Tingting, who was squatting on the stairs, holding her head and screaming.

Ren Fa also heard the noise and ran out.

"Tingting, don't be afraid, Dad is here, what's wrong?"

Ren Fa came over and supported Ren Tingting.

""Dad, look, there are dead bodies!"

Ren Tingting pointed at the two dead bodies lying on the ground, her body trembling.

She had only seen her grandfather in the coffin since she was a child, when had she ever seen a dead person?

Ren Fa's face was very ugly, but he was very lucky in his heart. Fortunately, Ayi stayed at home, otherwise it would have been bad last night.

There was something wrong with the two bodies on the ground, it was very likely that they were zombies again!

"Nephew Ayi, what's going on?"

Ren Fa asked

"Last night someone was performing a ritual to exorcise ghosts and control corpses. He wanted to kill you, and he also used evil magic to curse you. I solved the problem. The other party was performing a ritual at Xiaoqing Mountain. My master and I rushed over and had a fight with him."


So many things happened tonight!

Ren Fa said with a serious expression,"What is the result!"

"The enemy was destroyed by us, but Xiaoqingshan Cemetery suffered heavy losses."

Thinking of the great battle at Xiaoqingshan last night, Lin Yi was still quite scared.

If he hadn't relaxed his cultivation during this period, and even cheated many times, it would be unknown who would live and who would die last night.

As for the ghosts in the two corpses on the ground, they had been sold by Lin Yi.

One ghost could be sold for one thousand exchange points, which was something Lin Yi didn't expect.

Sure enough, this business is worth doing, and it makes much more money than drawing talismans!

Ren Fa held Ren Tingting's head in his arms, looking at the body broken into two pieces on the ground, and the other ghost, which was relatively complete.

Although it was motionless, the maggots crawling on its body still looked very scary and disgusting.

Hearing that the matter was resolved, he was relieved.

As for the heavy losses at Xiaoqingshan Cemetery, these are not important. What losses can a cemetery have?

"Tingting, go back to the house.

Uncle Jiu patted Ren Tingting and asked her to go back to the house.

""Dad, I'm fine!"

Ren Tingting shook her head, her face turned pale, she was really scared just now.

Mainly because there were two paper figures downstairs, two scary corpses lying on the ground, and Lin Yi was not there.

Now that Ren Fa and Lin Yi were here, she was not so scared.

Ren Fa nodded,"If you can't do it, go back to the room for a while, don't be stubborn."

After speaking, Ren Fa went downstairs, looked at the corpses on the ground up close, and his stomach churned.

But when he saw the two paper figures, Ren Fa's expression changed again.

"Ayi, this paper man!"

"This is your substitute I made yesterday to prevent the other party from using evil spells to harm you. I didn't expect it to be used. The other party has your birth date and time, and cursed you to death. This paper man helped you to ward off disaster."The paper man has a big hole on the forehead, throat and heart, and his clothes are pierced.

"Who on earth wants to harm our Ren family like this?"

Ren Fa asked angrily, what kind of hatred or grudge is this! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Do we really have to kill them all?

Lin Yi shook his head

"We don't know who it is. The other party did not reveal his own life, but he had been preparing in Xiaoqingshan Cemetery for many years. All the corpses in Xiaoqingshan Cemetery were refined into corpse puppets by him."

"So I guess it could be the Feng Shui master or his descendants."

Ren Fa nodded. This was the only possibility.[]

It is hard to find a good and auspicious cave, especially for thousands of years. There are so many ancestors, and most of the good caves in the world have been occupied. It is very difficult to find a good cave.

The Feng Shui master may have been looking for most of his life, and finally found one, but it was taken away by his father under coercion and bribery. It is inevitable that he will feel resentful..........

This may be an opportunity to change the prosperity of someone's family and change their fate, and the hatred caused is huge.

Destroying someone's wealth is like killing their parents, the hatred of stealing their wife, and the hatred of killing their father. It is irreconcilable!

"Fortunately, you, Ayi, have cracked it."

Ren Fa was terrified, but also very grateful. Thanks to Lin Yi and Uncle Jiu, otherwise the Ren family would have been in trouble.

Lin Yi smiled and said,"I didn't do much. It's all thanks to my master."

Ren Fa laughed, and all the fear in his heart disappeared, and he felt particularly relaxed.

"Yes, thanks to Uncle Jiu. Ayi, please go back and invite Uncle Jiu to town. I will hold a banquet at Fuguilou tonight to thank Uncle Jiu!"

""Dad, let's eat first and then let Ayi go back." Ren Tingting said to Ren Fa from the side.

Ren Fa reacted, nodded with a smile, and said,"Yes, yes, eat breakfast first, I'll take you out for morning tea!"

There is a free breakfast, why not eat it!

It would be a waste if you don't eat it!

Lin Yi nodded immediately and followed Ren Fa and Ren Tingting to have morning tea


The morning market in Renjia Town is very lively.

Ren Fa, Ren Tingting and Lin Yi appeared in the teahouse, which immediately attracted many people's attention.

Everyone knows Ren Fa, a famous wealthy family in Renjia Town. In the past, the Ren family was the richest in Renjia Town.

Ren Tingting is a beauty picked out of a hundred, and the Ren family who came to find a matchmaker to propose marriage formed a line.

The father and daughter brought Uncle Jiu's third apprentice out for morning tea, just like a family, and the father and daughter of the Ren 5.1 family were so enthusiastic about Lin Yi.

For a time, rumors that the Ren family wanted to recruit Uncle Jiu's third apprentice as a son-in-law spread in Renjia Town.

The main subject of the rumor, Lin Yi, sipped the fragrant tea, ate barbecued pork buns and steamed buns, and was in a good mood.

Free breakfast tastes delicious.


Lin Yi spit the tea leaves he drank into his mouth into the palm of his hand.

Just as he was about to throw it away, suddenly a blessing came to his mind.


"Laojun, disciple Lin Yi prays sincerely and asks the master to allow him to exchange for something good!"

"System, I want to exchange this piece of tea for the heavens!"


The tea in Lin Yi's palm flashed and disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, such an audio picture appeared in Lin Yi's mind


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