There were footsteps outside the door.

Not long after, Uncle Jiu and Wencai ran in from outside.

Uncle Jiu was wearing a Taoist robe and looked like a great master.

""Master, Senior Brother, you are here."

Lin Yi looked at the two and smiled.

Uncle Jiu nodded, walked quickly to Lin Yi's side, looked at the corpse on the ground, and frowned.

""Master, what is this? Is it a zombie?"

Wencai asked in confusion.

"No, this is not a zombie, but soul refining!"

"Soul Refining Technique!"

Wencai still looked confused.

"There is no time to explain, I will tell you later."

After Uncle Jiu finished speaking, he said to Qiu Sheng,"Wencai, lie down!"


Before Wencai could react, he was pulled and tripped by Lin Yi and fell to the ground.

"Hey, Ayi, what are you doing?"

"Lie still."

Uncle Jiu shouted, and quickly formed seals with both hands.

A golden light flashed from Uncle Jiu's fingertips, and he instantly touched the forehead of the corpse. His other hand pointed directly at Wencai's forehead.

"The Supreme Command, the power of the Dao, the demons opened their mouths to report their identities, quick!"

Wen Cai's body trembled instantly, and the posture he lay on the ground turned out to be exactly the same as that of a corpse.

"Where is the altar? Speak!"

Wencai closed his eyes and spoke. The sound he made was dark and empty, as if he was in hell.

"Xiaoqingshan Cemetery"

"The other party is in Xiaoqingshan Cemetery, Ayi, let's go!"

After Uncle Jiu finished speaking, he dispersed his magic power, and Wencai, who was lying on the ground, woke up immediately and sat up from the ground in a daze.

Seeing Uncle Jiu and Lin Yi quickly ran out of the room, Wencai said anxiously

"Where are you going!"

"Let's go find someone. Wencai, close the doors and windows, put up the talismans, and don't come out!"

Uncle Jiu's voice came faintly. When I looked again, Uncle Jiu and Lin Yi had already run out of Ren's house.

"I, I, I'm scared!"

Wencai stood at the door and said weakly, with a bitter face.

But Uncle Jiu and Lin Yi had disappeared long ago.

In fact, this afternoon, Uncle Jiu and Wencai went back to get something and returned to Renjia Town, just outside the Ren Mansion. They didn't come in before because they were worried about alerting the other party and scaring them away.

After seeing the other party take action, Uncle Jiu and Wencai rushed in.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yi was so fast that he solved the two ghosts easily.

Along the way, Uncle Jiu did not stop, his steps were peculiar, but his speed was not slow.

Lin Yi followed Uncle Jiu slowly, using the Tiangang step.

Old Master Ren's cemetery is in Xiaoqingshan.

The reason why it is called Xiaoqingshan is because... Because this is the cemetery of Renjia Town.

As the saying goes, green mountains are lucky to bury loyal bones.

This cemetery is not far from where Old Master Ren was buried before.

After rushing all the way, half an hour later, Uncle Jiu and Lin Yi arrived at the cemetery.

At this time, the cemetery was full of green ghost lights, which looked gloomy and scary.

Lin Yi's eyes lit up instantly.

There are ghosts! Wouldn't that be rich!

Lin Yi sold the three hundred-year-old little ghost king for 30,000 exchange points. Even if the ghosts here are not worth so much money, it is still a huge income if sold.

This is faster than drawing talismans and selling them with your own hard work!

However, when Uncle Jiu saw the scene in the cemetery, his expression suddenly became ugly

"Oops, I'm still late!"

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment and looked around.

"Master, did the other party run away?"

"Hahaha, why are you running?"

"There is a road to heaven but you don't take it. There is no door to hell but you just break in!"

A sinister voice suddenly came from the darkness.

Behind a ball of ghost fire, a man with a purple face and a strange and sinister aura walked out slowly.

Uncle Jiu frowned and drew out his peach wood sword.

"Fellow Daoist, something is not right with you!"

"No? Why not? Haha, I'm doing great now! Thanks to you guys for ruining my plan, I had to go all out and become like this. I have to thank you guys. The feeling of power is wonderful!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The sound was sharp and piercing, like metal pieces rubbing against each other, and Lin Yi got goose bumps when he heard it.

""Master, what's wrong with him? He doesn't look like a human anymore!"

Lin Yi asked Uncle Jiu in confusion.

Uncle Jiu nodded.

"He is indeed no longer a human being. He has trained his body"[]


Lin Yi thought he had heard it wrong.

What does it mean to train your own body?

"He is now a corpse demon! Refining and devouring ghosts, forcibly taking away the power of ghosts, this is the horror of soul refining! Using ghosts as the source of power"

"You can still play like this!"

Lin Yi looked at the other party in surprise. No wonder he didn't want to be alive. He didn't know how many ghosts he had refined into his body.

However, is this still a Mr. Zombie movie?

Why is it more and more like a fairy tale novel!

Lin Yi was halfway through complaining in his heart, and suddenly he felt a gust of cold wind behind him.

""Be careful!"

Uncle Jiu shouted, and swung the peach wood sword in his hand backwards.

With a swish, the peach wood sword tore open a shadow.

A shrill scream sounded, and the shadow in the air was cut in half, turned into flames, and then burned to ashes.

Lin Yi looked at Uncle Jiu's peach wood sword in surprise. There was a talisman with golden light on it.

It was a ghost-killing curse!

"Taoist priest, this is a matter between me and the Ren family, you shouldn't interfere, go to hell!"

The corpse demon roared, waved his hands, and his hands seemed to bloom with hundreds of silk threads.

These silk threads flew into the ground around, and soon, arms stretched out from the graves.

The ground was arched open, and the mummies and skeletons seemed to come alive, crawling out of the ground, with green flames burning in their eye sockets.

"Is this the magic of the dead?"

No wonder Lin Yi complained. This scene was too much like the magic of the dead in Western fantasy novels. A dead summon summoned all the skeletons underground from the dead world.

"Ah Yi, be careful, these corpses have been refined, their speed and strength should not be underestimated. 847

As soon as Uncle Jiu finished his reminder, several skeletons rushed towards Lin Yi and Uncle Jiu.

"Such a fast speed!"

Lin Yi was confused.

He was confused by the shaking of the skeletons at first. He thought that these things were like the zombies in Plants vs. Zombies, which could only sway slowly. He did not expect such a sudden acceleration.

But it was not a big deal!

""Exorcist Order!"

Lin Yi slapped the treasure bag he carried with him, and dozens of talismans flew out of the treasure bag.

The Exorcist Order flashed with a faint red light, and as Lin Yi waved his arms, it flew out.

At the same time, there was a whistling sound of breaking through the air, and Uncle Jiu's peach wood sword chopped repeatedly, blocking the flying pottery jar.


" Boom!"

The exorcist order exploded instantly, blowing away the skeleton.

However, the rumbling sound of the explosion continued, and became more and more violent.

The terrifying air wave swept towards Lin Yi and Uncle Jiu.

What the hell!

How could the exorcist order have such great power?

Telekinetic barrier!

Lin Yi used his telekinesis to solidify the air around him to form a dome barrier.

The terrifying air wave swept over and shocked Lin Yi's face pale.

Uncle Jiu stood beside Lin Yi, looking at the oncoming flame air wave in surprise, and then looked at Lin Yi.

"It seems that Ayi has another adventure!"


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