"Ouch! It hurts so much!"

The thin-necked big-headed ghost groaned and sat up from the corner. His body ached as if it was about to fall apart.

He never expected that he would be knocked away suddenly while he was having fun on the stage.

If he had not been an old ghost for hundreds of years and his soul had not been condensed, the blow just now would have scared him to death. There were one good show after another on the stage. After the Lion Tower, another one was changed.

This is the characteristic of a small opera troupe. They don't sing in a big set. They only perform excerpts. They choose the most famous and classic parts, and they are all solid. I won't say whether it is good or not, but they work hard!

This is the only way to attract everyone to buy tickets willingly.

"Who hit me just now?"

The thin-necked big-headed ghost looked carefully under the stage and finally saw a very different person.

Although this person was dressed simply, his temperament could not be concealed. He was very out of tune with the people around him.

"Could it be him?"

The big-headed ghost scratched his head in confusion. At this moment, Lin Yi also looked at him.

The man and the ghost looked at each other.

The bright eyes were full of a hint of teasing, and the big-headed ghost screamed and turned into a ball of ghost mist and went underground. tui~

Lin Yi spit out the melon seed shell

"I'm still a coward in love. I'm nothing but a mischievous kid!"

"Wait a minute!"

Lin Yi, who was eating melon seeds, suddenly thought of something and was slightly stunned.

Why did the scene that just happened look so familiar?

"Damn, this thin-necked big-headed ghost! I remembered it!"

Fang Shuan, ah, it's"People Scare Ghosts"!

Lin Yi has watched this movie several times, but the Uncle Nine in this movie is not very powerful, so Lin Yi's impression is not that deep.

The theater, Wu Song and Ximen Qing, the naughty big-headed ghost!

They are against each other!

No wonder the yin energy in this theater is so heavy, the big-headed ghost is so timid that he went underground after being looked at by himself.

There are two ghosts under the stage of the theater, one is extremely ferocious, and the other is the guy just now, timid as a mouse. He is so timid that he doesn't even hurt people, but only dares to play tricks on others.

When he went to scare people, he was almost scared to death, so the movie was named, People Scare Ghosts!

"Oh, right! I haven't asked this question yet, system, do you accept ghosts?"

Lin Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked the system in his mind.

Why didn't he think of this before?

Ghosts and zombies, these evil spirits, can also be traded.

System:"Yes, the price depends on your strength.""

"" Okay!"

Lin Yi sipped his tea happily, and his eyes brightened as he looked at the stage below.

There are two ghosts here. The unlucky ghost can be sent to reincarnate, and as for the evil ghost, reincarnate as a fart and become a ghost slave.

That's it!


A few hours later, all the plays for tonight came to an end.

Although there were some minor problems during the show, today's first day was a good start!

The owner of the troupe was also relieved.

Jiayuan Troupe has gained a reputation in the town, so tickets for the next few days will naturally sell well.

The reason why everyone in the troupe gets together is to have three meals a day and a place to stay, and to make some money to live a good life in the future.

If you don't make money, who will follow you?

As the owner of the troupe, he has to consider the entire troupe. If he messes up today, not only will he have worked in vain, but the troupe's reputation will also be gone.

How will he survive in the future!

Therefore, every time a show opens, the troupe owner is under a lot of pressure.

"Uncle Sheng, what do you think we should do about this tonight? Should we prepare offerings and perform a sacrifice?"

The troupe owner found Uncle Sheng, an old man in the troupe. Uncle

Sheng was also a leading actor when he was young. He had traveled a lot and had seen a lot of weird things. He was very experienced in dealing with this kind of things.

So the troupe owner found him.

Uncle Sheng had white hair. He was a martial artist when he was young. He was well maintained and did not look old now.

After hearing the troupe owner's question, he pondered for a while.

"I think we should not act rashly. Let's see if there is a master in the town tomorrow and ask him to come over to take a look at the situation."

The boss nodded, thinking that Uncle Sheng's suggestion was good and very safe.

Professional matters should be done by professionals.

If they worship casually, what if they make a mistake? It would be bad if they cause other troubles.

"Well, I'll listen to you then!"

Just then, a man came in from outside.

"The owner, Uncle Sheng!"

""Hmm! Xiao Liuzi, what's wrong?" the troupe owner asked in confusion.

After the show was over, the troupe members had removed their makeup, packed up their things, and almost everyone in the troupe had left. Some went to eat, some went to have fun, so why did someone come to them?

""Boss, there's a young man outside who said our stage is not clean and asked if we need to clean it up."

Xiao Liuzi is not very old and is still an apprentice.

So after the show, when other people go out to play, they naturally won't bring a little kid with them.


Uncle Sheng and the troupe boss looked at each other and immediately understood. Uncle Sheng didn't mean unclean at first glance. He meant that the stage was haunted.

The troupe boss smiled.

"Speak of the devil, he will appear. I was just talking about him and he showed up. Uncle Sheng, let's go out and take a look."

Uncle Sheng nodded and followed the troupe owner out of the backstage.

At this time, all the benches in the theater had been taken away, but because Lin Yi did not leave, only his table and chair were left.

The food on the table had been eaten almost, leaving only a table of dried fruit peels.

When the troupe owner and Uncle Sheng came over, they saw Lin Yi drinking tea with a calm face, and their eyebrows were raised.

Because Lin Yi was too young!

Because Lin Yi had a baby face, although he was eighteen, he looked like a teenager.

Such a young child, can exorcise ghosts and demons?

""Young Master, I am the owner of Jiayuan Troupe. Are you looking for me?"

The owner came to Lin Yi's table and said politely with a smile.

In this day and age, actors belong to the lowest class of the nine classes. They have low status and naturally greet people with a smile.

Lin Yi smiled and saw Uncle Feng behind the owner.

Although they are played by the same person, they seem to be affected by the assimilation of the world. The appearance of Uncle Sheng and Uncle Jiu is only a little similar.

That's right, I'm looking for you. This theater is not clean. Just now in the Lion Tower, there was a big head making trouble. Although I drove him down, the theater is very yin. If you don't clean up your feelings, you may get into trouble.

The owner and Uncle Sheng felt nervous when they heard this.

Their troupe came here to make money. A lot of money has been spent on travel expenses, food and accommodation along the way. If they don't make enough money to go to the next place, the troupe will probably be disbanded.

But if the theater is haunted, how can they open the gong and sing?

The owner bowed to Lin Yi with a respectful face.

"Sir, I hope you can help us! Just ask for any conditions! As long as we can do it, we will do our best!"

Lin Yi smiled and waved his hand.

"You don't need to call me Young Master. I'm just an ordinary person. Just call me Lin Yi. As for asking me to take action, no problem. I need to prepare some things. You can open the gong as usual tomorrow. After the show, I will open the altar here to perform a ritual."

When the owner and Uncle Sheng heard the words"open the altar", they knew that they had found the right person.

The owner and Uncle Sheng looked at each other, then smiled and asked,

"I wonder how Mr. Lin will be paid?"

The truth cannot be spread lightly, and catching ghosts cannot be free!

There is a cause and effect relationship here.

You pay me and I catch ghosts. It is a fair transaction and there is no cause and effect.

If I fail to catch ghosts and die, it has nothing to do with you. If

I succeed in catching ghosts, I will get money to eat and live, and you can continue to live your life.

…… ps: Please give me flowers, votes, and comments! I wish you good health! I love you all!

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