""Hey, hey, hey, it's time to set off. Why are you still talking so much?"

The dead eunuch at the back of the team waved a white handkerchief and shouted like a funeral.

Taoist Qianhe looked back at him and smiled bitterly.

Being under someone else is like this, you have no choice.

""Brother, take care!"

Taoist Qianhe put away the glutinous rice and bowed sincerely to Taoist Simu.

"Junior brother, see you later"

"See you later, take care, Master!"

After paying respects to a few people, Taoist Qianhe turned around and led the team to continue their journey.

The team passed by the door of Taoist Simu's house, but Taoist Qianhe, as his junior brother, did not even have time to go into the house to have a cup of tea.

Watching his junior brother gradually go away, Taoist Simu felt uneasy and uneasy.

He always felt that something was wrong, as if something was going to go wrong.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of drums rumbled and resounded through the mountains and forests, and the wolves and beasts in the forest were scared and fled everywhere.

Looking at the coffin, Jiale suddenly sighed.

"Ah, this coffin is so beautiful, it must be very valuable"

"Of course, it's made of gold."

Taoist Simu agreed.

That's gold, who doesn't like gold!

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion,"Uncle Master, if it's made of gold, why is it called the Copper Horn Gold Coffin?"

Taoist Simu continued to explain,"Because it's not pure gold, it's mixed with copper."

Jiale also showed a look of sudden realization,"So that's the case, Master, in the future I will definitely work hard to make money and build a pure gold coffin to honor you."

Taoist Simu's face suddenly turned black.

Brat, I hope your master dies!

Master Yixiu laughed and looked at Taoist Simu jokingly,"Jiale, you are quite filial, haha."

Boom boom - a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, rumbling and deafening, instantly covering the sound of the drum.

Taoist Simu and Master Yixiu's expressions changed.

Master Yixiu looked up at the sky in confusion, touched his forehead, and then looked at Lin Yi in confusion.

"Master Xiaolin, how do you know it will rain today?"

He has lived in the mountains for quite some time. He should know the signs of weather changes.

It is very common to be hot and humid in the mountains, and it does not necessarily mean it will rain.

Lin Yi smiled slightly.

"Master, just call me Ayi. As for the rain, it is because the weather is hot and humid, and the air is stuffy. This is because the clouds in the sky accumulate rain. Once the clouds can no longer hold it, it will rain."

Master Ikkyu looked up at the sky again.

The clouds were white like cotton. Then he thought of the fog in the mountains in the early morning. When people walked through the forest fog, their bodies would be wet.

"Yes, clouds and fog are similar, both contain water. I didn't expect that you, Yi, are so young, but you can observe the laws of the world so carefully. It's amazing, really amazing!"

Lin Yi smiled indifferently. If you have studied geography in junior high school, you will know that this thing is nothing amazing.

"I hope they are okay!"

Master Simu suddenly sighed and said with emotion.

Lin Yi looked at Master Simu and said

"Uncle, if you are really worried, we can go and take a look. To be honest, when I saw the coffin, I had a bad feeling in my heart, and Uncle Qianhe's forehead was black. I am worried that they will be in trouble tonight."

Now that it has come to this, it depends on Taoist Simu whether to go or not.

Taoist Simu frowned immediately.

Looking in the direction of Taoist Qianhe, it is better to be safe than sorry. Before hearing Lin Yi's words, he was just vaguely uneasy in his heart, with a bit of luck in his heart, thinking that he was worrying too much.

But now that Lin Yi said that Taoist Qianhe's forehead was black, although he didn't see it, what if!

This can't be gambled, that's his own junior brother!

There is nothing to be happy about if he wins, but if he loses, his junior brother will be gone.

"Yi, go prepare something!"

Master Yixiu saw that Taoist Simu was going to go, and immediately said,"Simu, I'll go with you! The corpse in the coffin is very heavy. If it really breaks free, I'm afraid it will be difficult for one or two people to stop it."

Simu nodded. Now is not the time to fight.

"Thank you, monk."

Master Yixiu laughed,"Amitabha, saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda, it's my duty, it's my duty!" Taoist Simu curled his lips, he was most annoyed by Yixiu's face, but now that Yixiu wanted to help, he couldn't say anything, so he had to turn his head to look at Lin Yi and change the subject.

"The copper-horned golden coffin weighs a thousand gold coins. They don't have livestock to pull it, and human power can't pull it fast. There is still a long time before the sun sets. Let's set off after lunch and catch up with them before dark."

Lin Yi nodded, he thought so too.



After lunch, the weather became increasingly hot and humid.

Taoist Simu and Master Ikkyu went to prepare things. Lin Yi didn't have much to prepare. He only needed to carry a peach wood sword, a seven-star bronze sword, and a treasure bag.

While Taoist Simu was packing, Lin Yi took out a light body talisman from his storage bracelet.

This talisman can make a person feel light when attached to the body, or it can be attached to heavy objects for easy carrying.

"System, start the exchange of the heavens."

Shua! The light body talisman in Lin Yi's hand flashed and disappeared.

An audio screen also appeared in Lin Yi's mind


A small room was filled with jars of sorghum wine.

An old man with a familiar face approached the jar and tapped it gently.


A voice suddenly came out of the jar.

"Bigger than you!"

Lin Yi:"???"

Isn't this Mao Shan Ming! Mr. Ghost from the movie!

No way! Is he going to do this again? Are you going to give me the talisman on the wine jar?

"Are you Xiaobao?"

"I am not Xiaobao, I am Gaoliang, please let me out."

Uncle Ming changed a jar and knocked on it.

"Dabao, Xiaobao!"

No sound came from the jar.

""Could he have fainted?"

Just as he was about to open the jar, Uncle Ming hesitated again. What if he put it in the wrong place?

However, the next second, the wine jar he touched disappeared instantly, and Uncle Ming had a light body talisman in his hand.

Uncle Ming was stunned on the spot.

What's going on! Where's the jar?

What is this?

A talisman!

Swish, the door curtain behind him was lifted, and Uncle Jiu and Four-eyed Aqiang walked in.

"Brother Dao, how can you play this kind of thing?"

Uncle Ming was embarrassed and speechless.


A wine jar appeared in Lin Yi's hand.

Lin Yi looked at the wine jar with a strange expression, and he didn't know what he was feeling at the moment.

Could it be that if you exchange it with the same kind of extraordinary items from the same world many times, it will become like this?

Lin Yi guessed that it was so, because Lin Yi also knew how to draw talismans. In the future, he could draw talismans himself, so wouldn't he be able to get it for free every day?

But what about this ghost!

In the movie, this jar contains a very beautiful female ghost, who is super elegant.


【The host uses the Light Body Talisman to exchange for a Spirit Servant! 】

Lin Yi:"Spirit Servant? What does it do?"

【The system exchange platform stipulates that the exchanged items must not be harmful to the host. Ghosts are life-threatening to the host, so the female ghost in the altar was transformed into a spirit servant by the system platform. It is a beneficial spirit and will not have any negative impact on the host.】

"Damn, system, I love you so much!"

Lin Yi's eyes sparkled, and he happily put the wine jar back into the storage bracelet.

The storage bracelet couldn't hold living things, but since it was a spirit, it had nothing to do with living things, so it was no problem to put it in the storage bracelet.

…… ps: Please give me flowers, votes, and comments! Please let Xiaohei know that you are reading, please!

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