Ring ring ring - ring ring ring -

Lin Yi sat on the arm of a zombie, holding a long branch in his hand, with a Sanqing Bell tied to one end of the branch.

As the zombie jumped, the branch would shake, and then the Sanqing Bell on the other end of the branch would make a ringing sound.

The zombies would jump forward when they heard the bell.

Lin Yi didn't have to spend any effort on the way. He just had to recognize the road. If there were obstacles on the road, he just had to use his telekinesis to move them away. He drove the zombie team back easily.

Taoist Simu sat on the arm of a zombie customer at the back like a big shot.

The zombies all rested their arms on the shoulders of those in front of them, and their arms were like seats. Taoist Simu looked very comfortable on it, with a meat pancake in one hand and a gourd of shochu in the other.

"Hey, why didn't I think of this method? You are indeed a young man with a smart brain."

Taoist Simu once again sighed at Lin Yi's intelligence and drank a mouthful of soju happily.

If every time he drove corpses, he wanted to be like this, it would be so wonderful.


Simu felt a strong wind coming from behind.

The situation is a bit strange!

Taoist Simu looked back and saw that the last customer in the team was dragged out by a white figure with white silk.

In the blink of an eye, he got into a tree canopy.

The mountain road is difficult to walk, and they are now traveling through the mountains and forests.

The big trees on both sides are century-old trees with very large canopies and dense branches and leaves. You can't see what is hidden in the canopy at all.

"Wow! How dare you steal my body!"

Si Mu Daoist Master, whose nose was a little red from drinking, shouted, put the meat-wrapped pancake into his arms, and pulled out the bronze sword on his back.

"Ayi, stop, someone is stealing the corpse!"

Simu shouted, got off the zombie, and quickly chased after the customer who was dragged away.

""The zombies have spirits, forget the bells, stand still!"

Lin Yi chanted a spell and asked all the customers to stand still.


The zombies stood still, motionless. Now if the bells were rang, they would not follow the bells.

Taoist Simu led the team to drive the zombies all year round, hiding during the day and going out at night, often staying in the mountains and wastelands at night. If he hadn't been capable, he would have been eaten by mountain spirits and wild ghosts.

In a few steps, Taoist Simu had caught up with the corpse thief, slashed with a sword, and cut off the white silk that was dragging the zombie.

On the tree was a beautiful woman in a white dress, with a ruddy face, red lips and white teeth, and a pair of big eyes that seemed to emit electricity.

However, Taoist Simu was not moved at all.

He picked up the zombie and stared at the woman on the tree and said unhappily

"If you dare to steal my body, I will make you an idiot!"


The woman yelled angrily and flew down from the tree. The white silk in her hand whirred and flew towards Taoist Simu.

Lin Yi stood not far away and saw clearly that the woman was agile and could fly. When fighting with Taoist Simu, both of them were jumping around.

Sometimes she climbed up the tree, sometimes she climbed down the tree, and then she changed the tree and continued to jump. Lin Yi was bored. Is it necessary to jump around in a fight?

"Uncle Master, let me do it!"

Lin Yi touched the ground with his toes, activated the Light Kung Fu Triple Cloud, and flew over like a big roc. In almost two breaths, Lin Yi came to the front of Taoist Simu.

""The wooden sword is sharpened!"

Lin Yi drew out the peach wood sword behind him.

Taoist Simu saw a flash of golden light, and before he saw Lin Yi's figure, the woman who had just fought with him screamed and fell to the ground.

With a dull thud, the woman fell to the ground, covering her stomach with her hands, and the bright red blood stained her white dress red.

The woman's face showed a sad look, and the sleeves and hem of her clothes suddenly tore apart with a swish. Her slender arms and long legs were flawless in the moonlight.

"Wow! Beauty trap! Ah Yi, the water here is very deep, you can't control it, don't look!"

Master Simu stretched out his hand to cover Lin Yi's eyes, but he didn't even blink.

Lin Yi dodged Simu's big hand and saw his uncle staring at the white legs of others. He was speechless.

I can't control it, so I let you do it!

"You smell like body odor, and you still want to use the beauty trap."

Lin Yi sneered, and threw the peach wood sword in his hand.

A golden light flashed, and with a dull sound, the peach wood sword pierced through the heart and came out of the body.

The woman grabbed the peach wood sword on her chest, with an unwilling look on her face, and slowly fell backwards.

I just want to steal a corpse!

Snap, fell to the ground and died

"Oh, Ayi, you were too harsh. Just teach her a lesson. She didn't hurt anyone."

Simu saw that the woman was dead, with a look of pity on his face.

""Uncle, what do you want to do?"

Lin Yi looked at Simu with an expression that said something was wrong with you.

Taoist Simu put the sword back into the scabbard and said regretfully,"Hey, it's so boring on the road. I finally have some fun. Let's play."

As soon as the voice fell, the woman's body shrank and finally turned into a gray fox.

Taoist Simu's expression changed, and he said in fear

"Wow, a vixen! You can’t play with this, you can’t play with this!"

Lin Yi pouted, walked over, drew out the peach wood sword, and picked up the fox’s corpse.

"Uncle, is this fox corpse useful?"

Master Simu shook his head."Fox meat is smelly and not tasty."

"Well, this vixen is a fairy after all, her blood, skin and so on, aren't they treasures?"

Lin Yi was puzzled, this is not what is written in the fairy tales!

It is said that the corpse of a fairy is a treasure, eating it can increase blood and qi or something.

Taoist Simu laughed after hearing what Lin Yi said,"Ayi, who told you that? Fairies are the same as human cultivators, they all absorb the essence of the sun and moon to practice. This vixen doesn't even have a demon pill, her body is just a stinky skin bag, once she dies, her body will be of no use."


"System, identify this fox corpse."

Lin Yi was a little unconvinced and prepared to test it.


【Fox corpse, from Mr. Zombie's world, dead fox spirit, worth 0.1 exchange points. 】


Lin Yi threw the fox corpse out with a flick of his hand.

Waste of feelings

"Ayi, it's getting late, hurry up, we're only a dozen miles away from home."

Taoist Simu urged.

Lin Yi nodded, took the stragglers back, and continued on his way.


The sun gradually rose and it was daybreak.

The zombie team hopped forward and finally stopped in front of a courtyard.

These were two small wooden houses side by side. Chickens, ducks, geese, pigs and lambs were raised in the courtyard. There was no fence, so these little creatures ran around freely.

The outside of the courtyard wall was full of animal feces, which should have been shoveled out from the courtyard.

Taoist Simu rolled down from the zombie's arm and stretched.

He had never been so relaxed in driving corpses, but he was still a little sleepy after not sleeping all night.

"Ah Yi, we are home. I will introduce you to your senior brother."

Taoist Simu said, asking Lin Yi to take the client into the yard, while he went to open the door.

Bang bang bang, there was no response from the room.

"Jiale? Jiale, open the door!"

""Open the door, Jiale!"

After knocking a few times and seeing no response from inside, Taoist Simu impatiently pierced through the paper seal on the door and opened the bolt behind it.

He opened the door and saw his apprentice Jiale was lazily sleeping in the room.

"No, no, Qingqing"

"Oops! I told you to guard the door, but you are dreaming here!"

Taoist Simu turned his eyes and looked at a bundle of bamboo sticks in the corner.

Lin Yi stood in the yard, holding back his smile as he watched Taoist Simu bring back a large bundle of bamboo sticks and distribute them to the customers.

""Master, what are you doing?"

Lin Yi asked with a silly smile.

"Don't worry about it. This Jiale really makes me mad. I have to teach him a lesson today."

"May the heavens and the earth have spirits, may the zombies have spirits, may the zombies have sex, forget the ringtones, hit them when you hear"ah", beat them when they shout,"ah" is my command, listen to my command!"

…… ps: Please give me flowers, votes, and comments! Even if it's just to urge me to update, brothers!

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