In the charity cemetery, Lin Yi pushed open the lid of Old Master Ren's coffin.

In the coffin, Old Master Ren lay obediently, not moving a muscle.

Are you kidding? His arms and legs were all removed, and there was a corpse-suppressing talisman on his chest. How could he move?

His teeth had grown out, and his nails had grown three inches longer, as black as ink, which looked quite creepy.

It seemed that even if his limbs were broken, it couldn't stop this guy from turning into a corpse!

Lin Yi chuckled and took out a pair of pliers. The smile on his face became more friendly.

"Mr. Ren, I would like to borrow your zombie tooth for a while. If you don't say anything to object, that means you agree!"

Mr. Ren:"……"

Lin Yi chuckled and clamped the zombie's tooth with pliers.


"It's pretty strong!"

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows, changed his posture, clamped the zombie tooth with pliers and continued to work hard.


After a long time of effort, Lin Yi finally broke off the two zombie teeth.

There were two zombie teeth in total, both about five or six centimeters long, and they looked like wolf teeth.

After dealing with the zombie teeth, Lin Yi closed the coffin lid with satisfaction.

"System, identify this zombie tooth."


【New zombie teeth come from Mr. Zombie's world, and can be recycled in exchange for 200 points.

Zombie teeth can cure corpse poison.

In the new version of Mr. Zombie movie, Marshal Long was poisoned by corpse poison, so Uncle Jiu made him eat zombie tooth powder to cure poison with poison.

Lin Yi put the zombie teeth on the table.

Last night, when exchanging coffin nails, the mustache guy was stabbed to death by the coffin nails and his head was cut off.

This time it's zombie teeth. If the exchange method is still the same, who knows if the zombie teeth will turn that person into a zombie!

So to be on the safe side, it's better to sell it to the system and then buy weekly extraordinary items.

"200 points, doesn’t seem like a lot, system, open this week’s item store?"


This week's items are as follows:

【Superman Bloodline]

10 million points!

【[Thunder Fruit]

1 million points!

【God's Heart·Thunder】

1 million points!

【Dragon Elephant Pan Ruo Gong]

50,000 points!

【Dragon Roar Iron Shirt]

200 points!

Lin Yi:"???"

Are you kidding me?

The cheapest one is 200! The most expensive one is 10 million!

You might as well not refresh it. Tell me, you can't afford it!

A zombie tooth is only 200 points, which is just enough for the cheapest item in the item store this week!

Dragon Roar Iron Shirt.

The name sounds very high-end, but isn't this just an additional horizontal training kung fu?

"System, how much is this corpse-suppressing talisman?"

Lin Yi took out the corpse-suppressing talisman from his arms and asked the system

【A low-level corpse-suppressing talisman, made by Mr. Zombie Jiushu, a casual work with average effect. Recycling can be exchanged for 10 exchange points】

"Are you kidding me! System, did you run a pawnshop before? You said the best fox fur coat is a torn fur coat!"

Bai Laoqi shouted,"What a guy!

Believe it or not, I will shit for you and say it is my heirloom!

Although he complained, Lin Yi was not really angry.

After all, this corpse-suppressing talisman was indeed drawn by Uncle Jiu.

According to the Shangqing Talisman Book that Uncle Jiu gave to Lin Yi, the Shangqing School needs to bathe and burn incense to make talismans, and prepare them carefully. The quality of the materials and the strength of the person who draws the talisman are very important.

The better the materials, the stronger the person, the higher the grade of the talisman, and the stronger the effect.

The talismans drawn casually by Uncle Jiu can only deal with ordinary zombies.

In the movie, Ren Fa turned into a corpse, and Uncle Jiu fixed it with a talisman.

Why didn't Uncle Jiu use the talisman for the old man Ren who sucked Ren Fa's blood?

After fighting for a long time, he was invulnerable to swords and guns, and he was injured.

Is it because he didn't want to use it?

It's probably because the one drawn in a short time can't be used!

In the movie Uncle Zombie, the talisman of the four-eyed Taoist priest couldn't suppress the royal zombies!

"Humph, one is worth ten points, right? Wait till I improve my talisman drawing ability, I can make you bankrupt!"

Lin Yi curled his lips and opened the item introduction of Dragon Roar Iron Shirt. It was created by Zhou Tong, the best master in the Song Dynasty. After practicing it, the whole body is like wearing a piece of iron clothes and is not afraid of external violent blows.

Tiger Roar Golden Bell Cover and Dragon Roar Iron Shirt are two equally famous external martial arts.

Invulnerable to swords and guns, not afraid of heavy blows, isn't this the human version of a tank!

Lin Yi smiled and made a decision.

He couldn't afford the expensive ones, so he just bought some cheap ones.

If he could level it up to the maximum level, it might as well be a trump card!

"System, I want to sell a zombie tooth."


The zombie tooth on the table disappeared, and instead, Lin Yi received 200 exchange points.

"System, buy Dragon Roar Iron Shirt."

The exchange points just received were instantly cleared, and the Dragon Roar Iron Shirt in the item store of this week suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, Lin Yi seemed to enter a state of enlightenment, which was a mysterious feeling.

All the information about Dragon Roar Iron Shirt poured into Lin Yi's mind.

【I found the passive skill, Dragon Roar Iron Shirt. Should it be fixed in the skill column?】

【Detecting that the host is in a state of enlightenment, the skill is automatically fixed.

An hour later, Lin Yi slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, Lin Yi was surprised to find that he was squatting in a horse stance, and his muscles were emitting a light golden glow. These golden lights condensed into small pieces of phantoms on his body, like dragon scales.

"Is this the Dragon Roar Iron Shirt? I called it the wrong name, it should be called the Dragon Scale Iron Shirt!"

Lin Yi sighed, and circulated his strength, swinging his fists in the house. A few punches were fluent and smooth, the fist wind whistled, and the strong wind was strong, with a unique violent beauty!

Ten minutes later.

Boxing experience +2

"Hey, Dragon Roar Iron Shirt has become a passive skill! Another skill that can be practiced automatically, so nice!"

Lin Yi smiled proudly, finished his skill and sat down, and took a look at the corpse-suppressing talisman on the table.

Laojun, disciple Lin Yi sincerely worships, please bless me to exchange for a good thing.

Lin Yi put his hands together, prayed again and again, and then said to the system

"System, Corpse Suppression Talisman, I want to exchange with the heavens."

Swish! A flash of light flashed.

The Corpse Suppression Talisman on the table disappeared.

Even if it was a low-level Corpse Suppression Talisman, it was an extraordinary item.

The next second, a new audio picture appeared in Lin Yi's mind.

…… ps: Xiaohei begs for support, flowers, votes, comments!

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