In the small room, the light was dim, and a wisp of Zen incense rose into the air.


A bindable host was detected. Do you want to bind?

"What is this! Am I hallucinating?"

Lin Yi, who had just finished practicing, suddenly opened his eyes wide with an incredible expression on his face.

Looking around, there was no other living thing in the small room except him.

"A bindable host is detected. Do you want to bind?"


Lin Yi heard it clearly this time, and he couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

It's the system!

System, you are finally here!

It's been three years!

Do you know how I have been spending these three years?

Three years ago, Lin Yi was watching videos at home, and happened to watch the video of Uncle Jiu catching zombies.

Who would have thought that he would travel through time in the next second!

He became a fifteen-year-old boy, and was pressed into the woods by a graceful female ghost in red.

The moon was in the sky, and the forest was foggy, not to mention how scary it was.

Fortunately, Uncle Jiu suddenly appeared and saved him, otherwise he would probably become the first traveler to be sucked dry by a female ghost as soon as he traveled through time!

After seeing Uncle Jiu, Lin Yi also realized that he had traveled to the world of Mr. Zombie!

This world of ghosts Weird monsters are rampant, and there are also evil cultivators causing chaos!

The world's warlords are in chaos, and there are foreign demons eyeing them covetously!

The only thing he can do is to cling to Uncle Jiu's thigh.

He became Uncle Jiu's registered disciple and lived with Uncle Jiu in Yizhuang.

For three whole years!

Lin Yi did not dare to slack off at all. When he had nothing to do, he would bury his head in cultivation and ask Uncle Jiu for advice on Taoism.

During these three years, Lin Yi finally sensed the Qi and had some self-protection ability.

Unexpectedly, the system appeared at this time!

But Lin Yi was not in a hurry to choose. Who knows what this system is for? What if it is the kind of main god?

If you follow Uncle Jiu well, at least you can have a good end. If you follow the main god, not to mention being beaten three times a day, you will not be able to close your eyes when you die.

"What system are you on?"

【The full name of this system is the All-heaven Exchange System. After binding, the host can exchange all the heavens on the system platform once a day.】

【The exchange object and items are random】

【The host can sell items in the system platform, obtain exchange points, and redeem items in the weekly item store】

"Hiss! The All-heaven Exchange System, this name doesn't sound bad!"

Lin Yi's eyes lit up immediately.

This system doesn't look dangerous, so we can charge!

"I want to bind the system!"


Congratulations to the host for successfully binding the Zhutian Exchange System and receiving a new member gift pack.

"Haha, it’s just like those system novels I read. There’s a newbie gift pack for binding the system. Open it!"


Congratulations to the host for getting the newbie gift pack. Start the cleansing of the meridians and marrow!

"Cleansing the meridians and marrow? What's going on? Woohoo!……"

Lin Yi fell to the ground, twitching as if he had been electrocuted.

At the same time, a strange energy spread in Lin Yi's body!

After more than ten minutes, Lin Yi gradually recovered, slowly supported himself on the ground and climbed up, with crisp clicking sounds coming from his body.

At this time, Lin Yi felt that his ears and eyes were sharp, his brain was more comfortable than ever, and his whole body was full of strength!

It was just that the smell on his body was too pungent, as if he hadn't taken a shower for several months in the summer.

Lin Yi suppressed his nausea, rushed out of the room, found a bucket and washed quickly.

Under the moonlight, the eighteen-year-old beautiful boy washed his body. He was one meter eighty tall, with delicate features, especially a pair of eyes, which were bright and energetic.

Lin Yi clenched his fists and felt his muscles suddenly tense, full of strength.

"It feels so good!"

After taking a shower, Lin Yi returned to the room and began to check his body.

"I didn't expect that menstrual and marrow washing could promote secondary development. I have grown taller again!"

"Tsk tsk, is this considered premature success?"

"Hehehehe, now I finally look like a protagonist!"

After some research, Lin Yi sighed happily, becoming more and more satisfied. Suddenly he remembered that his system had not been used yet.

"System, I want to exchange the heavens!"

System:"Please select an item to exchange."

Lin Yi looked around his little room and finally saw a rebirth talisman, a talisman used to help the dead to be reborn.

Uncle Jiu asked Lin Yi to use this to practice drawing talismans.

~The command transcends your lonely soul~

"It's him, system, exchange the rebirth talisman!"

Lin Yi took the talisman and said to the system excitedly.


A light flashed in Lin Yi's hand, and the rebirth talisman disappeared.

An audio screen appeared in Lin Yi's mind.


In the dark night, several people fell to the ground exhausted. In mid-air, a translucent man floated towards the people on the ground.

"The soul returns to the body!"

"Oh, I can’t go back!"

"Zhiqiu! Hurry up and capture his soul!"

"Know the autumn!"

"He doesn't have enough concentration, I will help him summon his soul, Boya Paramita, Boya Paramita……"

"Know the autumn!"

"Moon Pond——"

Zhiqiu Yiye's soul flew farther and farther away, and when it reached a place where no one could see it, Zhiqiu Yiye's soul flashed and disappeared. A talisman of rebirth appeared out of thin air!

【The host uses the Rebirth Talisman to exchange for Zhiqiu Yiye's cultivation memory·Kunlun Immortal Art.

The exchange is over, and a flood of memories pours in.

The swordsmanship, boxing and Kunlun Immortal Art that Zhiqiu Yiye of the Kunlun School has learned are all engraved in Lin Yi's mind.

Immobilization Technique!

Earth Escape Technique!

Moving Mountains and Seas!

Wind·Exorcism Order!

Fire·Tian Gang Wu Li Fire!

Thunder·Wind and Thunder Earthquake Order!

It seemed like a long time had passed before Lin Yi finally digested all of this, as if it was all Lin Yi's personal experience.


After a long time, Lin Yi opened his eyes and showed a look of shock.

"It turned out to be the Kunlun magic from the world of A Chinese Ghost Story! This rebirth talisman is worth it!"

…… ps: Xiao Mengxin has published a new book. It is Xiao Hei's favorite Jiu Shu. I hope you will like it too. Please support me! Please give me flowers, votes, and comments. Please make sure to send comments so that Xiao Hei can see everyone. One thousand flowers will add one chapter, and one thousand collections will add one chapter!

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