Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 976: Cannibalism

Qin An did not kill him, nor did he use his soul power to communicate with him, so this person had no idea that Qin An had ever appeared.

So now that he has been traversed once, Qin An wants to traverse into his body next time, and he can control it.

About half a month ago, Qin An went out and crossed a circle. When he arrived in the body of this believer, this person turned out to be the president of the British branch of the Disciples.

Through him, Qin An learned about the structure of some disciples, and confirmed the fact that disciples were allied with Tianyin Sect, Moling Sect, and Tianming Sect.

For another example, Qin An once traversed a man in the seventh year of the last days. At that time, that man and his two life-and-death brothers were trapped in a cave by a group of mutant furnace snakes.

Mutant Furnace Snakes are third-level mutant beasts, their bodies are slender and long, and they live in groups of carnivorous species.

At that time, three men in the cave blocked the circular opening with a diameter of only forty centimeters with huge boulders, preventing thousands of furnace snakes from chasing into the cave and temporarily saving their lives.

One day, two days, three days, until the sixth day, finally a brother starved to death.

The two living men ate the meat of the dead brother and lived to the seventeenth day.

There is a characteristic of mutant stove snakes. Their memory is very good. All stove snakes remember that their food ran into that hole. Since they can't enter, they stubbornly think that the food inside will always come out, so Keep waiting.

Furnace snakes have a very special appetite. Once they have a target they want to eat, no other food can attract them. In fact, ordinary furnace snakes will not die even if they don't eat for a few years. This is due to the variation of their hibernation ability.

Therefore, the furnace snake outside the cave has been waiting, and has been unwilling.

On the nineteenth day of being trapped, even the bones of the corpse were chewed up. There was nothing to eat in the cave except mud. It is a pity that people cannot live by eating soil.

The remaining two brothers are getting weaker and weaker.

On the twentieth day, one of them went into a coma, and it is likely that he will never wake up.

The other person was on the verge of coma at this time, and he didn't even have the strength to move.

He told himself in his heart that as long as he persisted in crawling over, groping for his good brother's body in the dark, and then tearing his skin, biting off his flesh, and drinking his blood, he could live by himself.

The will to survive told him to do this.

However, he felt that even if he survived, his life would be boring.

When they first met, the three brothers made it clear that they would die in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but now they eat each other to survive.

He was in pain, and almost didn't want to continue living in pain.

At this moment, Qin An's soul came through, and quickly possessed all the memories of this person.

His name is Wang Sixi, and he is an aboriginal in a cottage in Jiulong Mountain. After the end of the world, he took the nearby mountain people to form a small force and took in many asylums. Now he is the leader of the organization named Pingmen County. The population in the area is more than 300,000.

The reason why Wang Sixi was trapped was actually the ghost of the second master in the force, who led them to the furnace snake group.

Wang Sixi originally had two second-level mutant bodyguards, but they were eventually eaten by the furnace snake in order to protect Wang Sixi.

Then the two people who were trapped with Wang Sixi were Wang Sixi’s worship brothers. The two had no great skills, but they were very sincere to Wang Sixi, and Wang Sixi cared very much.

Qin An was a little embarrassed at the time. He could actually leave Wang Sixi alone. But after seeing Wang Sixi’s life, Qin An was surprised to find that this man, who was only thirty-nine years old, had no taint in his entire life. He is a good person who is very kind from the heart, and he is also a very capable person.

If he has any shortcomings, it is that he believes in his brother too much, otherwise he will not be introduced into the group of snakes by his second master.

Perhaps such a person should not die. He is a qualified leader. If he is allowed to survive, he may be able to save more people.

With this idea, Qin An didn't leave. He replaced Wang Sixi's soul and took control of his body, and then started to eat the flesh and blood of another person.

That was the only time Qin An ate human flesh and used Wang Sixi's body.

If it were in the end times, Qin An would definitely not be able to do such a thing.

But after a long journey in the last days, Qin An has matured and has seen many things through.

Isn’t it human flesh? If it can realize its value, why can’t it be food?

In this way, Qin An filled Wang Sixi's stomach at the most critical moment and pulled him back from the brink of death.

After that, Qin An's soul left and went to another body once occupied by him.

That person lived in a small village not too far away from the power of Pingming County, which belonged to the extension area of ​​Tang Dynasty at that time.

After Qin An took control of his body, he ran to Pingping County and found several Wang Sixi's loyal men.

This was not difficult for Qin An at that time, because his soul had already walked in Wang Sixi's body, and he had copied all his memories and knew all about him, so he could speak more credible words.

In this way, Wang Sixi was finally saved. When he was escorted back to Pingming County by a group of supporters, the second head of Pingping County was forcing Wang Sixi's wife to sleep with him.

Wang Sixi didn't know where his strength was at the time, so he drew a waist knife from his subordinates, and then chopped the second master into meat sauce.

At that time, Qin An’s soul was in Wang Sixi’s body. He clearly felt the man’s anger, and he clearly remembered that he cut two hundred and seven knives until he chopped the second child’s body into mud. It's over.

After that, things were simple. Wang Sixi regained his rights. Qin An used mental power to communicate with Wang Sixi. Only then did Wang Sixi understand why he had fainted in the cave, and he could even eat his brother’s meat to save his life. He also understood. This is why the cronies can find themselves trapped.

Therefore, Qin An became his savior.

This was not what moved Wang Sixi the most. He felt fortunate that he rushed back to the station in Pingming County in time. Even if it was ten seconds late, he was completely green.

At that time, the second boss had **** Wang Sixi's wife's hands and feet, and stripped off their clothes.

When Wang Sixi went back and slashed at the second boss, the murder weapon under the second boss was less than three centimeters away from the place between Wang Sixi’s wife’s legs.


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